Archived Changes To The Traits

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


A person
May 12, 2014
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I'm sure this has come up in some way shape or form before but it came to me recently and thought it might benefit the server to change the way the trait system works. It may even also being back some of the older players. If we were to add the races back in but have specific traits that each race could have we could have more specialized PvP trait classes. Like for instance the elf race would be the archer and would also have traits that would involve mobility. The dwarf race could be rather slow moving but also heavy hitters with some tank-y-ness to them. The humans could possibly have the same traits we have now just with a weaker boost to the traits instead of the more specialized traits. So a human could be a heavy hitting and fast moving close quarters combat type of guy. Like a mix between the two, however he would sacrifice that extra buff to either speed or damage to gain them both. This would obviously require a big change to the server as well as a lot of tweaking around with the traits themselves.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I recognize there is a section about traits itself but I feel like this doesn't really fall under the categories listed in that post.
Now i wasn't around for the Races plugin... but this sounds like that. and if the decision was made for traits to replace the races plugin... then i would assume it had to go through a LOT of deliberation before it was enacted. I dont know what it is, but there must have been an important reason why switching the plugins was important.
Well something gonna have to change. I've been playing a lot on a 1.9 kit server and if Massive decides to upgrade traits will not work well with the new update. Tank classes will literaly be impossible to kill with how slow the attack speed is and the regen in the most recent snapshot would make it so if you were using Feedalways you'd have constant regen 2 as well. Traits are gonna need a vast overhaul for the new update.

LOL can you imagine Maxed archerys 400% damage + archeryexpert + Harmstrike + Armorpenstrike + Harm potion arrows and the same (or close to) attack speed as a sword? Soooo OP!
Now i wasn't around for the Races plugin... but this sounds like that. and if the decision was made for traits to replace the races plugin... then i would assume it had to go through a LOT of deliberation before it was enacted. I dont know what it is, but there must have been an important reason why switching the plugins was important.
My intention with writing this post wasn't to say to get rid of the trait plugin in. But to perhaps merge the two as a way to make pvp more unique as well as attract some older members who were around for the race plugin and left when traits rolled around
Well something gonna have to change. I've been playing a lot on a 1.9 kit server and if Massive decides to upgrade traits will not work well with the new update. Tank classes will literaly be impossible to kill with how slow the attack speed is and the regen in the most recent snapshot would make it so if you were using Feedalways you'd have constant regen 2 as well. Traits are gonna need a vast overhaul for the new update.

LOL can you imagine Maxed archerys 400% damage + archeryexpert + Harmstrike + Armorpenstrike + Harm potion arrows and the same (or close to) attack speed as a sword? Soooo OP!
-cough- or turn off the stupid-ass attack cooldowns so that most of the pvp community doesn't quit :p -cough-
YES!!! This is something that will ruin any PVP experience... this should just be removed and kept off forever
yeah we dont want like the 8 pvpers that are left to quit

There's actually a good 20 active pvpers if not more. One problem I noticed today is that as soon as the two main forces have enough people to make their raids fun for them they start excluding everyone else. There was a big raid at Valyria today I'm guessing it was at least 6v6 at one point or close to it. I see talk in ally chat of this raid so I ask what's up and where it is at... no answer. I finally figure out where it is by a post Darshauwn made in general chat so I head over there. I'm almost immediately told to leave. After complaining I'm told I can stay but then I see in ally chat other people asking where the raid is and they are told that the raid is "somewhere" and then basically ignored when further inquiries are made.

What happened to 2 weeks ago when everyone was desperate to have anyone and everyone get involved in the fights? Right now we should be doing our best to get these people involved there's a lot of decent pvpers out there bored to tears just waiting for some action so let's give it to them you know.