
He'd been trapped there only three days, though it felt like an eternity. He thought he'd be stuck there in the cell forever, but that night someone opened the door to his cell.
"Come with me, it's time," the man said. "Who knows, you might get lucky and walk away with all your limbs still working. Our magic is some nasty stuff."
He thought why someone would do this to a living being, though he obeyed anyway.

He was escorted to a room with nothing but a wooden table, ropes and chains. He layed down on the table obediently- wanting to leave with his life -as he was chained to the table so tightly it hurt. It could be much worse.
A few minutes late a group of mutated men stepped into the room. One of them spoke, he was much older than the others, "Be obedient and we won't torture you more than needed. We just need test subjects for honing our magic." The others stepped forward. Young adults, none any older than twenty-five. To think, they'd waste their lives to practice such a cruel magic. They stepped forward and cast a spell. Purple light and the pain was all he knew for the next few hours. Please, he thought. You're the only one that can get me out of here... out of this torture. Out of these chains that may stay with me. The chains of mutation that will never go away... Emma. I need you.

March third, 292 AD. The day Cyril went through the cruel torture of Blood Magic. The day he was trapped in chains.