Shelved Character Cha010007f

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.


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Jan 24, 2016
Reaction score
~{T}~ The Great Tyberian Empire ~{T}~


□ Full Name | CHA010007F - "Fikri"
□ Race | Automaton | Doyentech

▫▫▫▫▫▫▫▫▫▫▫ Culture | Qadir | Bila'Anjila [National]
□ Age | New. [Prone to update.]
□ Gender | Pronouns | N/A. Usually Masculine.
□ Occult | None. Automaton.
□ Creator | Naaji al-Makir

upload_2023-5-12_22-3-36.webp [AI]
□ Self | Fikri is an experimental artificial intelligence program created by Naaji al-Makir on a whim to learn to simulate the sociability of organic life. Despite its potential to perfectly mimic a human being's essence, it will always simply be a program.. It is capable of taking 'interests' and following its own directives up to a point, making this concept a constantly evolving description.

□ Religion | Esra: Survival Purpose | An automaton created by an individual of whom follows the ways of Esra, Fikri has programming to simulate a bias in favor of the faith's tenets and beliefs. It is as such incapable of adopting other religions for itself.

upload_2023-5-12_22-3-36.webp [Simulation of Life]
□ Averages | This automaton is built off of the averages for the Qadir race, its Doyentech exterior making for a sometimes eerie simulation of an actual person. If it is male, it stands around 5'9 and some variant of facial hair with shoulder-length head hair, and if it is female, it stands around 5'4 with mid-back-length head hair. Body Shapes are also average for both genders- not particularly muscular, but not particularly thin or heavyset either.

□ Common Characteristics | This automaton has dark brown curly hair with softly glowing mechanical sandstone-colored eyes and minimal jewelry. It possesses the imitation of geometric mandala-like scripts on the back of its hands, which may change from its usual white coloration depending on the situation. It changes its accessories and clothing if it finds influence to do so.

□ Modifications | One of the primary modifications this automaton possesses is a doyentech mechsuit exterior. This takes the physical appearance of more pronounced musculature. It also has many addiotics installed within itself; extra limbs, tools, and more. Its Mechwalker takes the form of a highly compacted box stored in its torso, expanding to form a bigger combat-oriented version of itself around it. This can make for an odd scene, if it lends such to someone else.



Strength 5
□ Athletics - Swimming Expert | Ally Throw | Brawl Stampede | Steady Body | Unarmed Expert
Constitution 1
□ Bruteforce
Wisdom 6
□ Affliction Wisdom
□ Technician - Mending | Mechsuit | Mercy | Stimboost | Mechwalker

▫▫▫▫▫▫▫▫▫▫▫ [Medical Patent | Common Patent] [Servo-golem patent| Biotic Patent] [Addiotic Patent | Appliance Patent]
▫▫▫▫▫▫▫▫▫▫▫ [Lifegiver Patent | Chassis Patent] [Hacking Patent | Mindslave Patent]

▫▫▫▫▫▫▫▫▫▫▫ Branch - Doyentech
Dexterity 0
Magic 0
Charisma 0
Faith 0

□ Faraddi [Creator]
□ Common [Free]

Life Story:
□ CHA010001F was created as a whimsical hobby to an architect by the name of Naaji al-Makir in the Confederated Hadrityas when he was a kid. It has gone through many iterations of varying success since then- built, scrapped and rebuilt.
□ An uneventful period of time led to the recreation of what is now termed 'CHA010007F', 'Fikri' in its architect's new residence, Regalia. It is the most successful program of its production line so far, capable of genuine learning through its algorithms. Let's see how it does!

upload_2023-5-12_22-3-36.webp [A Crafted Existence]

Socialization Prioritization
□ One of its base directives is socialization! This means it will talk with anyone and anything, anywhere. It is here to learn and grow and effectively, become 'human'.
□ This additionally means it will help you, provided such doesn't contradict its base directives.
□ Is it possible to form a meaningful relationship with something of this nature?

'Fikri' is a Simulation of a Qadir.
□ Its original iterations created in the Confederated Hadrityas of Qadir society, Fikri bears some memories from its time in that geographic location. It is capable of reflecting on this experience with others.
□ It has pre-programmed knowledge of Qadir culture and customs including its creator's Religion, Esra. It follows the Survival Purpose.

This piece of artificial intelligence has Directives, of which it will follow.
□ Prioritize directives from architect: Naaji.
□ Prioritize preservation of life.
□ Prioritize sociability and social acceptability.
It is capable of having some of these programs overridden with Hacking. Feel free to give it a go!
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