Preserved Sheet Cespenar Syldan

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Let there be Noot
May 13, 2018
Reaction score
Anamosa, Iowa
"Knowledge is only shared from those who understand it."

Basic Information

  • Full Name: Cespenar Syldan
  • Nickname: The Magician
  • Age: 110
  • Date of Birth: December 27th, 196 AC
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Altalar
  • Culture: ¾ Central - ¼ Sundial
  • Sexuality: Hetrosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Magician Magic or Knowledge

Skill Information
(70 points)
  • Combat
  • +20 Staves Combat (+20 From Points)
  • Knowledge
  • +40 Magical Knowledge (+30 Points, +10 Race)
  • Arkenism Info
  • Sanguinology Info
  • Demonology Info
  • Soullism Info
  • Dimenthism Info
  • Racialism Info
  • Eventism Info
  • Artifactism Info
  • +20 Dragon Knowledge (+20 Points)
  • +10 Historical Knowledge (+10 Race)
  • Special Abilities/Spells/Mutations
  • Zikiel Bloodline
  • Haunting Lich - Allows the Vampire to turn into a Lich w/ Mage-like robes and be able to float one foot off the ground
  • Haunting Dragon - Becomes immune to Witchblood Abilities
  • Haunting Seeking - Allows the Vampire to bend Hallowed Lantern's light away from them as long as they have one free hand
  • Haunting Deflecting - Has the ability to deflect Magic when casted towards them by "slapping" their magic away in a half-circle

Body Shape:
  • 20 Combat = 20 Body Stat
  • Type: Athletic
  • Fat: Extremely Low Body Fat
  • Common (Learnt from private tutors)
  • Modern Altalar (Mother's Tongue)
  • Middle Altalar (Father's Tongue)
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Forest Green
  • Hair Color: Raven Black
  • Hair Style: Long, a bit untamed
  • Skin Color: Dirty White
  • Clothing: Black & Blue Colored Robes
  • Height: 6'9
  • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
    • Cespenar likes to give a friendly grin or smile whenever he is happy, wanting to let the world know that he is happy and mostly doesn't care what people think. He is the one who is quite open to things that he knows and what he wants to do.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • The Altalar will tend to go into a bit of a shocked state, not sure how to react to whatever he fears. His mind takes time to process whatever is making him experience fear.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • Cespenar will tend to just sigh and shake their, thinking of whatever makes him happy within his life. Stress comes easily with deadends with his magic research, studying the arcane to find truths of the unknown.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • Cespenar is not sure how to think of the law, as he has not interacted with them a lot compared to other kinds of people. He has heard that some guards are good and some are corrupt. However, he will have to remain neutral on this.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • The Altalar is completely fine with almost all races of the world, having to interacted with the races plenty of times during his travels to become the man he is today. The only race that is not fond of is the Kathar, like all Altalar.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • Given with his recent history, he hasn't felt enough protection from Ulley or Estel as a whole to have given him the faith he has given back. He decided to work without his Faith, letting himself work as his own being. He is unsure of how feeling for other faiths, seeing flaws in them like he has in others.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • The Magician is completely accepting to the Arcane of the world, believing that it is only natural that they exist within the world. He has studied the Arcane Arts for all of his life, learning the ideas that scholars have produced for the Arcane.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • Saelethil is a bit overprotective of his family, not wanting them to ever suffer a single ounce of pain during their lives. He has hardly had a family besides his mother and to only recently find out that he had half-siblings.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • His Knowledge. Cespenar is very prideful of his knowledge within the Arcane, believing that he has a lot more knowledge then one can understand in their life times. He wishes to increase his knowledge to understand the world better.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • Cespenar looks forward to the wonders of life, wanting to go explore Regalia and the Arcane world as much as possible before he dies. He knows he won't live a full life, given that most Altalar die rather young from something.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • The Altalar's biggest insecurity is the fact of not being able to hold enough knowledge to help those who do not understand it. The world holds many secrets within the hidden areas, things that normal people cannot understand.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • The lost of his new family. Cespenar has always been alone, only himself and his mother living in one single house. He never understood anything when he heard that he has extended family that aren't just him and his mother. He doesn't want to lose this family ever.

Life Story

Cespenar was born too Devdan and Inilla Syldan on December 27th, 196 AC. The young Altalar's life seemed to be served on a silver plater, allowing him to choose whatever path he desired. What others did not understand, was that this child had always dreamed big and went for it. Even if it's becoming a Noble, he has always dreamed and went for it. The young Altalar truly started his journey at the age of 18 when he decided to leave home for a time to study the different shrines of Estel the different Gods.

The First Chapter of Cespenar's life had began, starting with his adventures to the shrines of Estel. His mind opened up to the wonders of magic, wanting to learn so much about the unknown of the Arcane Arts. After spending a good five years with the studies of the racial magics of the world, believing that it was time to start studying one last thing before his pilgrimage. He went forward to study the Silven that existed within the Altalar lands, wondering what was so strange about them and went to learn of all of their secrets. Before he could finish however, his time had come to begin his pilgrimage. He went forward with it, being sure to keep his notes to not forget as he'd finish his pilgrimage. His heart to protect those he loved made him choosen by the Lord of Protection, Ulley, himself.

His life continued from there, his mind expanded beyond those of his brothers and sisters to the knowledge of the Arcane Arts. It was as if another force within him just kept him on the path he was on. However, it did not matter much until only recently had the knowledge of Witchbloods been discovered. He began to search the knowledge of the Witchbloods, studying them greatly as to know how they have come to existence and what powers they hold. Over time, Cespenar was able to understand most of the Witchbloods and what they can do. However, he has become unsure of how to describe the strange creatures. He is no expert on that field, given that they are only a recent descovery. He sat alone in his home one day, only to recieve a letter from the oldest brother, Ivaran Syldan, that their father had passed and he wanted Cespenar to join him to Regalia. Cespenar thought long and hard about this, not wanting to leave his research behind from his travels. However, his mind was set to study the Witchbloods within the Holy City while protecting his family, if there were any Witchbloods around that is. It can only be told when he arrives, one can only guess what is in stored for Cespenar and his family. Cepsenar recently joined the Crimson Inquisition, However, he hasn't felt much of a potential within the Inquisition in which has stayed quiet within the order. His own believe in Ulley has faded, given that he hasn't felt the protection from Ulley for himself as he has given to others. After quite some time, Cespenar decided to expand his knowledge as they'd become a Zikiel Sanguine. Now, he wishes to find more with himself.

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@Jonificus I have updated Cespenar's life story, removed his Ring of Ulley, and tweaked his believe for his faith and others.
@RoleplayStaff It has been 20 Days (from June 24th - July 14th) since Jonificus has checked my app. I am sure that he has just been busy, but I was wondering if I could get a Re-Review.
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