Preserved Sheet Cesmina Fellmirr

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Flower Goblin
May 22, 2016
Reaction score
Cesmina "Mina" Holl Fellmirr
"The Yanar with the love for puzzles, flowers, and heresy."
Basic Information

  • Full Name: Cesmina "Mina" Holl Fellmirr

  • Age: 42

  • Gender: Identifies as Female

  • Race: Isldar Yanar

  • Main Ambition: To become more knowledgeable with medicine and herbs

Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Very light Blue

  • Hair Color: Green vines, holly berries

  • Hair Style: Very wavy

  • Skin Color: Very pale green

  • Clothing: A flowing dress that's mainly green and white.

  • Height: 5'6

  • Weight: 150lbs

  • Body Build: Quite thin and lengthy with a very feminine appearance.

  • Weapon of Choice: Evergrowth Magic; Solur's 1 , 2 , 10 , and 7.

Personality and Abilities

Personality Traits

  • Clumsy "There I go, tripping over myself once again."; Mina is known for her clumsiness meaning that she is always either tripping over her own feet, her dress, or even over thin air at times. Because of her clumsy nature it has gotten her into many things from accidentally hurting herself to getting into trouble. She is also known to not be very well hand eye coordination meaning she has trouble catching things and has a tendency to accidentally drop things. She is also known for accidentally stumbling into things and breaking everything.

  • Observant "There are many things blinded to those who do not look close enough."; She has a tendency to be quite observant because of her love of puzzles, needing to notice some things that are hard to see. With her being so observant half the time she is quite attentive to things that interest her. She also has a tendency to listen in on others when she has nothing better to do, feeling as if the information would be useful at another given time. However because of her observant nature and tendency to listen in on others she gets in trouble for knowing things she probably shouldn't.

  • Cowardly "I fear lots of things however I am mainly scared for myself."; From recent events in her past it has lead her to be quite cowardly when things are hectic or in events of fights and such. Whenever she usually has the fight or flight moment she tends to run away more times than most unless she is forced to fight. She also tends to cry when she is to scared in any situation and sometimes even is known for having panic attacks.

  • Cheerful "There is never a dull day, enjoy the always moving winds and make your day great."; Despite her negative flaws that she has she is rather cheerful towards life and others that she meets, always having a friendly smile on her face. She always tries to be quite positive whenever she can or whenever meeting someone. She is known for just randomly starting conversations with strangers from just saying a friendly 'Hello' or trying to cheer someone up if they are sad even if she doesn't know them. She is always quite passive with others as well and tries to be as nice as possible and if she is rude or mean to someone, something is wrong with her.

  • Artful "A piece of art, one that is different from the rest."; Cesmina has been known for over time with her strong artful ability that she has, be it just drawing to dancing she has a strong enjoyment for anything that has to do with art. Even though she enjoys art she still has her moments where her clumsiness sometimes clashes with her dancing and artsy nature. Despite that fact she continues to try and be as artistic as she can be whenever around others or if she is in the mood to be artsy.

  • Naive "Why would you do something so harmful to others? I don't understand..."; With Cesmina she can come off as quite friendly and polite to others however she is quite naive and doesn't understand the point of hurting others. Because of this she comes off as quite innocent and naive to others. Because of this most people think of her as childish and treat her as such, not letting her know important things because they think she won't understand it at all which frustrates her greatly.

  • Knowledge on Evergrowth Magic "Magic is like a puzzle, one of the greatest ones to be solved."; She has a lot of knowledge when it comes to evergrowth magic having studied it when she was a young seedling with other yanar. She has grown rather intrigued by magic and its many uses as well as the ability to feel what plants are feeling. She has grown to love the feeling of concentration when using magic, seeing magic as a type of puzzle for her in a way.
  • Quick on Her Feet "I always enjoy a good walk."; From the years of constantly moving she has grown quite quick and limber on her feet. Whenever you find her you might just see her constantly moving may it be a good or a bad thing at the time. She enjoys constantly moving even if she is quite clumsy over half the time, but when she is actually having a good day she could be seen just always moving or doing something athletic.

  • Friendly To Most People "It is good to always have a friend everywhere."; Her being so friendly to people and warm and inviting leads her to befriend quite a lot of people, may it be by accident or not. Because of her friendly nature and her gaining a lot of friends she is known to have the saying "It's better to have strength in numbers". She feels stronger and more connected when she knows a lot of people, it also helps her mood over half the time.

  • Insecure "Oh please, I'm not that good at it..."; Cesmina is very insecure may it be from compliments of her appearance to how well she is with her magic abilities. She doesn't believe that she is that good at it so she tends to shut down any compliments she is given. She also tends to get sad from time to time because of it.

  • Doesn't understand Ailor Culture "Well that isn't normal."; Because of her time spent being closed off from the rest of the world and with her own yanar customs, she doesn't understand a lot of Ailor culture. Since she doesn't understand a lot of the customs and such she gets confused on things such as proper etiqutte to even unionism itself. { Yes she is a heretic }

  • Physically Weak "I am weak, I will admit it."; Because of her knowledge of magic and not knowing how to use a weapon she has a very big weakness to physically fighting. She is also quite weak from being attack when she was younger as well. She also has a small hatred for using swords or any other type of weapon, being a pacifist by heart.

  • Gardening "A thing that I love the most, where I feel the most with myself."; It would be typical that a plant would enjoy gardening, however she sometimes believes that she enjoys it more than others. She is always known for being quite skilled with her knowledge on medicine, herbs, and most flowers she works with. She enjoys doing it whenever she can and if possible she would spend all of her time in her garden working with her flowers and medical herbs.

  • Any type of Art "A relaxing thing that I enjoy."; She enjoys any type of art, finding it as some sort of comfort to her whenever she needs to relax. She enjoys dancing when she can even if she is quite clumsy, she also enjoys drawing and anything of that sort. Because of her artistic nature she always carries around a small drawing journal and even writes sometimes. Almost like a diary.

  • Puzzles "A good puzzle is a great way to strengthen one's knowledge."; She enjoys puzzles quite a lot, having a love for anything that makes her work her brain. She enjoys simple puzzles to even the most complex ones, this also brings in her love for magic. She enjoys magic just as much as she enjoys puzzles, she finds magic like a giant puzzle waiting to be conquered.

  • Fire "It may be a tool, yet it causes great destruction."; Because of her bad experiences with fire she has grown to have quite the fear of it. Many try to convince her its useful as a tool however she thinks of it as a weapon of destruction. She tends to try and hide from it the best she can whenever she encouters it however she freezes up when seeing large quantities of it.

  • Hex Magic "A fools magic, one that I have been hurt by to many times."; She has grown a clear hatred for hex magic and hex mages of any kind because of her imprisonment. She finds hex magic a cheatful magic that nothing good comes from it causing her to always leave and fear hex magic. She hates any harmful type magics as well, or at least those who use them to harm others.

  • Ur's "The thing I fear that will haunt me again"; Once again, because of her experience with hex magic as well as her encouter with an ur before. She quickly has grown more of a fear over Ur's as well because of how tall they are compared to her short stature. She tends to try and avoid them as best she can and if encoutered with one, she begins to stutter and gets visibly nervous.

Positive Relations;
  • Asterion Fellmirr "The one that I respect the most, a strong teacher." { @sssomeone } ; Aster is one yanar that she will forever cherish and work with, seeing as he is her father. She hasn't seen him in a long time yet she hopes to see him once again soon, wanting to share with him the things she has scene as well as gone through. She want's to show him how much she has changed and how she has strengthed with her magic.

Neutral Relations;

Negative Relations;

Life Story (Required)

Young Seedling

  • Grew up in the western Sun Isles, in a small yanar community where she soon grew a love for the evergrowth magic at age 15

  • Before her knowledge of evergrowth magic came in she was intrigued by her father's ways and decided to try and assist her father with it.

  • She followed her father's footsteps in learning evergrowth magic and want to preserve the yanar as a whole.

  • Cesmina has slowly grown to have a love for magic, growing more obsessed by it, thinking of it as a giant puzzle. She also grew a love for puzzles and becoming more artistic in nature.
Left at age 24

  • Once she left at age 24 she explored the main sun isle islands, meeting new people for the first time as well as other yanars.

  • After traveling around the sun isles for a couple of years she soon moved to find more adventure, leaving to daendroc and speaking with other Yanars.

  • As she explored she soon became obsessed with learning more and more about yanars history as well as Nenya.
Went to go traveling never came back

  • As she explored she soon made her way to teled methen where she was soon captured by a hex mage, who was in need of someone to test on.

  • Throughout her time captured she soon grew to fear Urs from the hex magic messing with her mind and a bad experience from a raging Ur.

  • Throughout her time captured she soon found an interest in drawing and anything artistic to take her mind off of the horrors that were created around her.

  • However she was soon freed from her imprisonment when she found an opening in the place she was held at, soon moving to flee teled methen.
Coming to Regalia

  • Because of the bone horrors that arrived she soon quickly moved to leave to Regalia the first chance she got.

  • She ended up getting enough money after working with flowers and other things like herbs, and apothecary items. After that she soon quickly paid for a voyage to try and get to Regalia.

  • As she arrived in Regalia she began to search for having a more interesting purpose in life, soon growing to want to find her family as well. She also grew to want to help out with herbs and other medical items to assist others with.
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Peer Review!
  • First off, I just want to say how creative this sheet is! Good job!
  • I personally only see one issue with this sheet, I see that you have 4 positive traits and 2 negative traits. Try balancing them out!
  • Besides that, this sheet is very well done and I wish you good luck with it! <3
Peer Review!
  • First off, I just want to say how creative this sheet is! Good job!
  • I personally only see one issue with this sheet, I see that you have 4 positive traits and 2 negative traits. Try balancing them out!
  • Besides that, this sheet is very well done and I wish you good luck with it! <3

Thank you for doing the peer review! And thank you for pointing out the traits, I didn't even realize that I will get to fixing that right away!
I'll be reviewing this sheet.
  1. Firstly, remove the weaknesses "Very Cowardly" and "Scared of Fire", replace these with more independent weaknesses.
Make those changes in BLUE then tag me once you have.
Remove and replace Absent Minded as that works better as a trait than a weakness, tag me once you've done that.
Heyo I was just going to bump this to see if this has been accepted or not.
  • Fire "It may be a tool, yet it causes great destruction."; Because of her bad experiences with fire she has grown to have quite the fear of it. Many try to convince her its useful as a tool however she thinks of it as a weapon of destruction. She tends to try and hide from it the best she can whenever she encouters it however she freezes up when seeing large quantities of it.
