Archived Centaur Race Idea

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I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.
Oct 20, 2013
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a crappy hole in the ground, Pennsylvania.
I had the idea of adding centaurs into Massivecraft while I was reading about the faun race.
The centaur is a being from Greek mythology. They are human from the waist up, but from the waist down, the have a horses body. They would run in herds and kill enemies, easily catching up with their great speed.
I think this race could sprint very fast, but at the extent of food. Their food bar would drain more quickly when, thus allowing them only to sprint in short bursts,
They would be native to Aloria, much like the torhee, however, they will often attack and kill the torhee for trespassing on their land.
This would work well with more player models, since you can add a horses bode to your legs.
Just a suggestion.

Lore idea:

In the deep forests of Aloria, there is the proud and Nobel race of the centaur.They are a race of half human, half horse beings. The centaurs often hunt in large herds with bows and long swords. Centaurs are renounced for the great speed, but fall short to their low stamina, and very fast metabolism. The need to eat a lot before and after running, and after running for a while, they tire, and begin to slow down. Centaurs love to play music, often having large, but primitive feasts in the middle of the forests. The centaurs have a poor grasp at the Common tounge, and have dull wits, but their sheer force help them stand up against their mortal nemesises, the thoree. Their dislike for the three stems from how they often consider themselves better.

Centaurs have three breeds, the Centaur Callabus, Centaur Asinus, and the Centaur Caballus.

In the forests and Meadows of Alloria, there is the Centaur Callabus. They are the pride and joy of the centaurs. They are much more lean, and have the most intellegence of the centaurs, as far as they go. They resemble mustangs, and run faster then the other centaurs. They have the richest culture, and have the most complex language. They are the only centaurs to have entire civilizations.

The Centaur Asinus resemble donkeys and mules. They are very stubborn and lazy. They are looked down upon by the centaurs for their small size and dull wits. However, they are master farmers, craftsmans, and brewers. Some people debate that they invented wine before the elves.

Finally, there is the large, Centaur Caballus. The Centaur Caballuis resemble Clydesdale horses, and as such, are the strongest centaurs. They have large amounts of fur all around their bodies, as the live in the cold mountain tops of Alloria. They can carry large amounts of weight on their backs, and are great fighters. They run much slower than the other centaurs, but they still run faster then your average man. They are the only centaurs to hunt alone.
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Just adding on to characteristics of a centaur, they usually wield ranged weapons or large, deadly swords as they either run in packs and fire arrows before continuing on or they charge into battle swinging a double handed sword, using their excellent upper-body strength. Furthermore there is Chiron, from Greek Mythology, that you can include somewhere and in regards to Fauns there is Pan, God of the Wild, that I think would be cool to work in somewhere.

But yeah, I think it's a cool idea
I don't want centaur's as a race. There are already four new races coming out, which makes with them in count, a total of seventeen races to choose from, and the staff are already working on four. Also i just don't like the idea of horse people walking in Regalia, too Percy Jackson-ish for me
I don't want centaur's as a race. There are already four new races coming out, which makes with them in count, a total of seventeen races to choose from, and the staff are already working on four. Also i just don't like the idea of horse people walking in Regalia, too Percy Jackson-ish for me

Why would you reference Percy Jackson in regards to MassiveCraft? It is Greek Mythology yes but duuuuuddde, to Modern
I would love centaurs! That would be epic. From my knowledge they would have extra speed and would be fairly good with a bow.
The problems with this is it just encourages the rampant abuse of MPM. What's more is the fact that we have plenty of races that fill roles in the server. What role will these centaur fill? Why do we need them? More importantly, what will they add to Massivecraft as a whole?
lol the idea is a bit iffy, you should try redesigning the page like my Toree(faun) thread. Could make it clearer.
WOOO! Horsies! Can we add a pony race too?

On a more serious note, if such a race was created it should be a musical race. That's right, they sing, dance, and play various wind and string instruments. But they do it better than anyone else and craft the most beautiful of all musical instruments. Did I mention that their harp strings can gut you? Or that their flutes can double as blowguns? Yes, music is beautiful. I'm dead serious though, if they're added they should totally be a music-loving race.
WOOO! Horsies! Can we add a pony race too?

On a more serious note, if such a race was created it should be a musical race. That's right, they sing, dance, and play various wind and string instruments. But they do it better than anyone else and craft the most beautiful of all musical instruments. Did I mention that their harp strings can gut you? Or that their flutes can double as blowguns? Yes, music is beautiful. I'm dead serious though, if they're added they should totally be a music-loving race.

Sounds like the Titanides of John Varley's Gaea trilogy.
WOOO! Horsies! Can we add a pony race too?

On a more serious note, if such a race was created it should be a musical race. That's right, they sing, dance, and play various wind and string instruments. But they do it better than anyone else and craft the most beautiful of all musical instruments. Did I mention that their harp strings can gut you? Or that their flutes can double as blowguns? Yes, music is beautiful. I'm dead serious though, if they're added they should totally be a music-loving race.

THIS. ^^^^^
Two in a month.......:|
WOOO! Horsies! Can we add a pony race too?

On a more serious note, if such a race was created it should be a musical race. That's right, they sing, dance, and play various wind and string instruments. But they do it better than anyone else and craft the most beautiful of all musical instruments. Did I mention that their harp strings can gut you? Or that their flutes can double as blowguns? Yes, music is beautiful. I'm dead serious though, if they're added they should totally be a music-loving race.

From what I know of Greek Mythology, the more music loving race is the Faun, using natural woodland instruments. But centaurs are as mentioned, fast and accurate as well as great forgers and craftsmen.
While we more or less accepted the 'faun' race Toree, and altered it so that it was less fantasy and slightly more realistically feasible... centaurs make no realistic sense. So... no from me.

The thing about Aloria is that while it is very fantastical, the lore is very structured and works in theory on a scientific standpoint.
While we more or less accepted the 'faun' race Toree, and altered it so that it was less fantasy and slightly more realistically feasible... centaurs make no realistic sense. So... no from me.

The thing about Aloria is that while it is very fantastical, the lore is very structured and works in theory on a scientific standpoint.
Yay scientific theory!
Hehe, what a coinky-dink... I don't really have any interest in this one way or the other, but the Titanides I mentioned are a sci-fi take on the centaur.
While we more or less accepted the 'faun' race Toree, and altered it so that it was less fantasy and slightly more realistically feasible... centaurs make no realistic sense. So... no from me.

The thing about Aloria is that while it is very fantastical, the lore is very structured and works in theory on a scientific standpoint.
Okay. I understand. I'll see if I can make it realistically feasible. It'll take a while.
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