Archived Censorship Plugin

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Not moving, definitely not a corpse
Jan 8, 2013
Reaction score
Somewhere outside Boston
On another server that I played on, there was a filter where if you said a bad word, a message that appears to have been said by you, "___ was naughty and said a bad word and is sorry for it"
it would also say "___ was naughty and tried to spam" when random letters in phrases over 20 words are said.

I hope you appreciate my suggestion, thanks!
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I think this would be a nice edition if it only censored Trade, General, Recruitment, and Help chat. It would also help cut down on the amount of mutings from wrong chatting a swear word in General chat.
But if this affected Faction chat, Alliance chat, and Local chat we'd have an issue. Me and my faction members often use incredibly vulgar language in Faction chat seeing as 80% of us are over the age of 20 and have immense anger issues and/or are idiotic perverts. The same seems to happen with us in Alliance chat as well, and we honestly enjoy being stupid perverts in Alliance and Faction chat so if that was censored it would take most of the fun out of speaking in our chats. Not to mention the fact that most of our serious faction wide communication is handled in skype chats already.
As for censoring Local chat... Well @patrickdxs already nailed that one on the head. Swearing is common place in Roleplay, and even though my character doesn't swear much and this wouldn't affect me directly, I still don't think it'd be much fun to censor all the drunk pirates who are cursing like mad men.

Over all I really like the idea if it follows the guidelines I mentioned above. If it dose maybe you should elaborate more on what chats it should censor and why and all of that seeing as what you have written now is quite vague ^^
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People can always put symbols and attempt to type stuff differently like this(warning: heavy swearing below):

Ultimately it is impossible to maintain. Note that I also did not include plural forms of the words, nor did I include all the inappropriate slang and swears that exist.
When substitutes for bad words are discovered, they would be entered into the word filter for extra protection
Effectively taking away all forms of tasteful profanity, if you will.

The idea behind this is good if going off of the fact that is has been stated multiple times that this is a family-friendly server, with younger players. Hearing the F bomb being dropped in general chat multiple times isn't the best for them, and while the offender usually receives a mute, what is seen cannot be unseen. Maybe remove the part about "____ said a naughty word and is sorry." It seems like unneeded general humiliation. Maybe allow them to send the message, but add **** in place of the profanity? Also, configure the filter to block only the most vulgar of terms, while keeping ones such as damn, hell, ect. (The acceptable ones.)
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People can always put symbols and attempt to type stuff differently like this(warning: heavy swearing below):

Ultimately it is impossible to maintain. Note that I also did not include plural forms of the words, nor did I include all the inappropriate slang and swears that exist.

I used to play on this crappy server. They actually had a working plugin that did this, and actually filtered all alternative spelling s of the bad swears. The "eh" ones they ignored, but it changed the f-bomb, so to speak, to fudge, along with all alternative spellings. Maybe this plugin could be used here. It also issued a warning about using this language.
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Then don't mention the server. Simply say "I used to play on a server that.." and be done with it. I advise you edit your comment.
I meant in case you wanted to talked to there staff about taking it, I can remove it now though for you, sorry
I'd only like it if it was a turn on or off censorship thing, if it was then you could cuss in general but the people who don't want to see it will just see ***
I'd only like it if it was a turn on or off censorship thing, if it was then you could cuss in general but the people who don't want to see it will just see ***
People should never cuss in general, it is a basic rule, but maybe just stars in Trade,General,Help, and Recruitment and make it optional for people to choose whether or not they see it in local, factions, alliance, etc.
I just don't get it. When can we grow out of the day in age where swear words that are used for expressing certain emotions that are indescribable by other means can be accepted. I feel upright insulted as a human when someone gets offended by a simple word. How would you like it if every time you said words like: "What" "um" "like" "lol" I got bloody offended.
I just don't get it. When can we grow out of the day in age where swear words that are used for expressing certain emotions that are indescribable by other means can be accepted. I feel upright insulted as a human when someone gets offended by a simple word. How would you like it if every time you said words like: "What" "um" "like" "lol" I got bloody offended.
The fact remains that there are always words that can take their place. Instead of someone spurting the f-bomb they can so "oh no", that's the only use of the word that I would deem of an appropriate expressing emotions moment.

I would like to say to all reading this, it is highly possible everything that is said here. It can be limited to specific channels, it can change specific words to "****" or the likes, it can send a warning message to a player and even establish a 3 strike system that informs staff of repeat offenders and it can even go through each word and check if the spelling of the word is inside so something like (I apologize if I offend anyone) "fucka" (again, sorry) won't get past the filters.
The fact remains that there are always words that can take their place. Instead of someone spurting the f-bomb they can so "oh no", that's the only use of the word that I would deem of an appropriate expressing emotions moment.

This is doubtful, I find swear words go above a certain level of emotion. I just disapprove people using them as names against others
This is doubtful, I find swear words go above a certain level of emotion. I just disapprove people using them as names against others
I understand what you mean, but as a "Pro Essay Writer" (and I don't intend to mock you, I'm assuming you're a good literacy student) I'm sure that you could come up with a dozen words in any situation to replace a swear word. But yes, I understand, the problem is that the most common situation where swear words are used rarely appear to involve any emotion apart from anger at another person or arrogance.
People can always put symbols and attempt to type stuff differently like this(warning: heavy swearing below):

Ultimately it is impossible to maintain. Note that I also did not include plural forms of the words, nor did I include all the inappropriate slang and swears that exist.
On a server I used to run there was a chat plugin that detected all variants of swear words automatically. I tested it very thoroughly, it was well designed.
I think this is the best solution:
1. Only censor general, trade, help, and recruitment.
2. Warn only the player for attempting to curse, don't post it in the active channel.
I just don't get it. When can we grow out of the day in age where swear words that are used for expressing certain emotions that are indescribable by other means can be accepted. I feel upright insulted as a human when someone gets offended by a simple word. How would you like it if every time you said words like: "What" "um" "like" "lol" I got bloody offended.
What about people who don't want to hear swear words? While I get that your opinion is pro-swearing, I think that you should first think of the religions/philosophies/preferences of the people around you before swearing before you say something that you regret or offends someone.
I only disagree with this because I want to be able to curse someone out in global.
What about people who don't want to hear swear words? While I get that your opinion is pro-swearing, I think that you should first think of the religions/philosophies/preferences of the people around you before swearing before you say something that you regret or offends someone.

so you are saying I should let other peoples beliefs surpass my own because they think I shouldn't swear. Then they're infringing on my beliefs and offending me.
so you are saying I should let other peoples beliefs surpass my own because they think I shouldn't swear. Then they're infringing on my beliefs and offending me.
But you're offending them too. We should be unselfish and put others before ourselves, especially on a controversial issue such as swearing. I've never heard of anyone who thinks swearing is morally good, but people generally know being unselfish is morally good.
I'm not sure what to say about this. I guess it's somewhat neat. But I don't think many people will like this.
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