Archived Censoring Suggestions

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Flywater Fanatic
Nov 12, 2015
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
The Jade Sun
So, I'm sure we're all aware that the "s bomb" is replaced with "oops". But why stop there? Here is my list of suggested censored words and their replacements. I've taken the liberty of renaming some of the words in question to easy to understand code phrases to limit the profanity in this post.

"F-bomb" = Smurf (It's hard to take someone serious when they're going "Smurf you, you smurfing smurf face".)

"A-bomb and varients" = Bubbles (No matter how hard you try, you can't say bubbles in a mean way.)

"The Richard" = Nice person (Ex. "You're being such a nice person". Wouldn't that be frusturating if you're raging and calling someone names, only to find out you're complementing them? I'd probably just log off.)

Swag = I'M TRYING SO HARD TO BE COOL. (This is just a pet peeve of mine. I'd really enjoy this censor.)

"B-bomb" = Beach (Similar to bubbles, it's hard to associate beaches with anything bad. Unless you're like me and live next to ocean but doesn't trust it. "Don't be a beach". Who wouldn't want to be a beach?)

In all seriousness, there's a lot of disrespect on this server from a lot of different places. Chat filters won't erase that, but they could help slightly. Plus it keeps the whole family friendly theme. A little comedy thrown in won't hurt either.

Another potential solution is a brief auto mute when these words are detected that will shut someone up for a few minutes who is causing disruptions in chat. Just my two cents.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Dick is never censored though not even on public access TV and as you have pointed out it's also a very common abbreviated form of Richard so why would it be censored here?
No my suggestion is you say something illicit (Harsh swears, Non-massive links, Memes), it just turns it into utter gibberish.

"U bitch ass nigga I will fuck u up in ur cunt u motherfucker" -> "u hjke vrt hjkow I will ghne u up in ur qryb u hfghertyxcsz"

It'll be random everytime so its just tagging certain words rather than adding and editing each individual phrase. Plut it looks bloody hilarious! One could probably scramble the entire sentence for added incoherrence, unfortunately I'm so prone to dropping "shit" in casual speak lol.
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/chat leave general works too :)

I don't ever see swearing except in RP, because I just plain old leave general since it's useless to me. If I really don't like someone's language, I just /ignore them. I don't see the point in a filter when it can hinder someone's speech.

Muting is just as effective as a filter. If you don't like swearing, don't do it. when people say things you don't like, /ignore em. No need for a filter. It just makes those who rarely swear feel more inhibited to say things. (basically, if they really want to use **** for getting an emotion across, but can't.)

I know this is more directed to factions, PvP, and general chat; but don't forget that swearing is an integral part in the other half of the server, (the RP). Filtering words to please one side is going to piss off the others a lot.

Ex: calling someone a poo head (filtered) isn't going to convey the same power as calling someone a f***ing idiot (normal). This can really be made obvious in a high profile argument. Two tough guys calling each other poo heads and bubbles is not going to portray a tense atmosphere (it's going to be comedic, which kills the actual moment)
So, I personally like this, but I think that for the people who are comfortable with it, there could be a toggle of some sort. For example /swear hide and /swear show (or something like that) would work well. It would be off by default, but if you really wanted it on, you could just do /swear show and then you can insult each other all you want. It just has an optional filter for people like me who don't want to constantly hear that crap.
"The Richard" = Nice person (Ex. "You're being such a nice person". Wouldn't that be frusturating if you're raging and calling someone names, only to find out you're complementing them? I'd probably just log off.)

Swag = I'M TRYING SO HARD TO BE COOL. (This is just a pet peeve of mine. I'd really enjoy this censor.)
Ok, these two are the only ones I disagree with. For the first one, I would just change it to something different (possibly just 'Richard' or anything else you can think of. My brain is off right now), but swag doesn't really need censoring. I mean, honestly. All you're doing is embarrassing people with that.
"B-bomb" = Beach (Similar to bubbles, it's hard to associate beaches with anything bad. Unless you're like me and live next to ocean but doesn't trust it. "Don't be a beach". Who wouldn't want to be a beach?)
Turn it into Cookies
We once had a chat filter installed beyond the "oops" but due to a bug it had to be removed.

Staff will keep this thread open for discussion. A chat filter would be a nice addition but it isn't at the top of our priority list at the moment.
why are we all so up tight it's ok to cuss every once and a while