Preserved Sheet Celianna Louisa Howlester

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Sep 9, 2015
Reaction score



< . . . Theme Song . . . >
  • Full Name: Celianna 'Celia' Louisa Howlester
  • Age: Nineteen
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Ailor (Caerdian)
  • Main Ambition: To make herself relevant, prominent and a celebrated member in the Regalian society.


  • Eye Color: Sapphire Blue
  • Hair Color: Umber Brown
  • Hair Style: Long curls that are styled accordingly
  • Skin Color: Fair
  • Clothing: Gowns of expensive value, typically donned in a purple, black and golden color palette.
  • Height: 5'5 ft.
  • Body Build: Curvaceous
  • Weapon of Choice: Her sharp wit.
Facial Features: Celia is by no means an exception of the common Howlester, bearing a similar facial structure to anyone in the family. Her umber colored hair is naturally curly, yet she much more prefers to amplify them with a colossal amount of accessories supporting her thick locks. Her stark blue eyes radiate a consistently dull look, which heavily influences the unintentionally expressed countenance of continuous apathy. Her face is shaped like an oval, molded with a very sharp jaw and gaunt cheekbones. Her lips are narrow and plumped, often accentuated with subtle paint that amplifies the woman's most favored feature.

Build Description: Curvaceous is what describes Celia best, having curves accentuate her frame most prominently on her hips, legs and underarms. They elegantly highlight her panache and flair. Her body is entirely clean from any discernible features or tattoos and looks like immaculately smooth porcelain. There's only a very faint scar on Celia's left hand however, being the remnant of a simple accident from her childhood.

Clothing Choices: It's highly uncommon to see Celia in dull garments within the public eye. Her dresses are always remarkably extravagant and especially exorbitant of price. Coming from a family of wealth and absolute splendor, she is certainly not shy to splurge and amplify her appearance with more than what's necessary. Her dresses are regularly modest, though Celia prefers shorter sleeves and a slightly more revealing neckline during the warmer days of Summer. She never strays far from her usually strict color palette, which is a combination of regal black, purple and golden accents. Celia religiously wears them to shamelessly show her familial pride.


First Paragraph: Celia appears as a proud and free-spirited individual who rarely sheds any hints of insecurity or shame. The young Howlester is certainly iconoclastic in a way that she's not shy to publicly share (controversial) opinions with a sharp tongue, but she does know when to swallow her words in order to cherish her reputation and prevent a bad image to the public. She acts with a pompous and slightly melodramatic comportment that essentially portrays her as somewhat selfish at times, regardless of whether it was intentionally meant or not. Despite that however, Celia looks adamantly curious and seems to show genuine interest for the matter at hand whenever it's scarcely piqued. She can be gregarious to anyone of interest and typically manipulates her demeanor simply to gain the favor of somebody else, which makes her almost deceiving in many public occasions. She seems to continuously crave for attention and wants to be adored.

Second Paragraph: Celia is a very temperamental person with an inflated view of her own talent and importance. She typically projects her significance in a greater scale that it almost overshadows the importance of the world by convincing herself that her desire is larger than anything else. In her eyes, she does no wrong - It are the others who are difficult and the causes of various problems. With a vain and almost narcissistic attitude, Celia rarely realizes her own problems and will always assign the blame of a cause to someone else, even if she's at fault in reality. Even though she lives such a pompous lifestyle, underneath the big ego is a girl who is genuinely struggling with herself. Although she isn't particularly aware of her horrible attitude towards others, it doesn't necessarily mean that she's blind to the judgement of others. It's a common mistake for Celia to resort to alcohol and even opium on some occasions to numb her mind from her concerns and make herself more compulsive towards her peerage -- So she thinks, at least. It's the feeble start of an unconsciously addictive personality that gradually develops into something more dire.

Third Paragraph: This young Howlester has a soft spot for those who she holds dear. Regardless of the rather selfish image, Celia is caring and loving to those who favors her. She is prone to completely open herself towards trusted individuals and talk with an unfiltered mouth. Celia becomes vulnerable in a way that she exposes herself to those who have garnered her interest and trust -- Even when the relationship isn't mutual. Her stoic glances and feigned expressions get replaced by the genuine display of her feelings, making her more emotional in a sense compared to strangers. In spite of that, Celia often grows more humorous towards friends and family and often entertains by being a mere tease with puny jests that do cross the line sometimes. She's a horrible listener and would much rather being the one at word the entire time instead. After all, she still stays that despicable primadonna. Her attitude towards her family has slightly changed after their descend down the ladder of political relevancy. She remains unprotected now that her father no longer holds such major power in Regalia. It makes the young Howlester blame all her relatives for their humiliating downfall, treating many of them with a sharp tongue and unnecessarily snide comments.

Fourth Paragraph: Celia balances on chaotic good. Her heart is in the right place, though her free-spirited demeanor often makes her do questionable things out of the norm as long as they don't trespass the law. She holds personal freedom and welfare above anything else. Celia distrusts authority merely in fear of losing her liberty, only trusting a very few amount of people who's command she'd mindlessly follow. Life is valuable, but without sufficient personal freedom it is demeaned.


  • Persuasive: With an eloquent speech and a sufficient amount of cordial behavior, Celia is confident that her words can easily convince someone. Ever since of a young age, she was always capable of talking herself out of situations and secure her safety with simply a careful pick of words. Nowadays she uses this skill to her great advantage, whether it's for good or bad.
  • Fashion Extraordinaire: Celia is commonly described as modish, seemingly endowed with a remarkable knack for clothing design and taste in fashion. Her first impressions are commonly based off of merely looks and garbs - an opinion that heavily influences the woman's behavior towards the other individual as well. Although she buys all her silks and clothes elsewhere, Celia often adds accentuating details herself to make her attire more special and unique in the end.
  • Captivating: Celia can capture someone's attention for hours without letting the other drift into reverie. Her charm and silver tongue are profitable assets for this aristocrat. She's self-aware of this talent, hence why she consciously makes use of it to be a brilliant distraction sometimes.
  • Weak Stomach: Ever since a young age, Celia suffers from extreme nausea and sickness whenever bearing the witness of an unpleasant sight or smell. She typically tries to avoid scenes of extreme gore and terror, though unfortunately not everything can be so easily prevented. Depending on the severity of the situation, Celia could be potentially burdened by looking the nearest appropriate place to vomit.
  • Short-Sighted: Unfortunately, Celia doesn't share the remarkable insight that most Howlesters possess. She often acts irrationally and without much forethought in advance, which often places her in difficult situations should others not stop her first. Celia repeatedly fails to think strategically and struggles to learn so.
  • Kleptomania: Celia seems to hold an unquenchable thirst for various things that aren't rightfully hers, regardless of the initial value that the item has. With her narcissistic view on life, the Howlester is thoroughly convinced that she deserves anything in the world and that it should be no question for her to borrow or keep whatever she craves for. She's oblivious to the wrong of her stealing and will likely fail to comprehend it when someone shines light on the matter.
  • Intoxication: Celia is prone to the usage of heavy alcohol and drugs due to the horrible mentality that it makes her a more socially appealing individual amidst her peerage. She's often capable of controlling the amounts, but gradually in due time she finds herself drinking and smoking larger quantities to swallow her sorrows down. The Howlester refuses to acknowledge this as a problem and makes herself blissfully ignorant of the matter, refusing to recognize it as an issue when it's addressed to her as well merely out of shame for her excessive use of what's supposed to be done with smaller amounts.


  • Celianna Louisa Coen was born on the 24th of March 287 AC. to William and Jehenna Coen. She was delivered only moments after her twin sister, Vivienne.
  • Little Celia was a dreadfully difficult child to handle. Her cries that obnoxiously echoed through the Coen estate were perpetual and seemingly everlasting.
  • The young Coen was expected to learn formal etiquette and a basic education was provided to her just like any child of aristocratic descent. Despite the private tutoring she received, her results were less than satisfactory. At the age of ten her reading was faulty, her writing deficient and conversations in a foreign language was stilted.
  • Under the heedful eye of Celeste Hoff, Celia developed into a sublime musician. She learned to play the harp, the violin and the piano. Both her tutor and parents often praised the young child for her talent.
  • Celia was spoiled, coddled and adored by Jehenna and William. She was nothing short and lived with luxury and wealth in her lap.
  • Being somewhat of a brat, the young Coen always provoked and pestered her siblings whenever she could. Her teasing was often out of resentful jealousy when she thought to be mistreated by her parents, which was definitely not the case in reality.
  • Celia was a frequent visitor of the Imperial court and attended as a lady-of-waiting. She learned the cunning truth that hid behind the deceiving face of court and got familiarized with it's workings.
  • With Freya Lo's dreadful occupation over Regalia, Celia was ushered back home for her own safety. After the crisis simmered down, she decided to stay in her family's estate rather than return to court.
  • William marries Ania Santorski, a Northerne Duchess. She abhorred the union for many reasons.
  • Life back home grew tedious and Celia felt like she was wasting her youth. Pitying the time she was left sulking back home, the young Coen decided to join her family back in the capital.
  • Celia advances in the social scene and becomes a familiar face around the capital. Some perceive the Coen as a conceited wench when others see her more positvely than that.
  • Celia was granted the position as Grand Effleur in the Curia Alius together with Vivienne d'Eluise.
  • The Coens were tried for treason and fell down the ladder of relevancy. Their titles and lands were stripped and all they were left with was Howlester palace, the family estate on the archipelago. Celia's surname changed to Howlester and was now viewed as a traitor to the state by many. It prompted her to scorn her family, for they have plastered the shame to her own name.
Last edited:
Claimed (Aspirant Review)
Made a few changes to the application:
  • Changed main ambition.
  • Added more accurate information to the second and third paragraph.
  • Added an extra weakness.

In your third paragraph for Personality and Abilities I want to see how she views her family, having them fallen from their previous power. You address it briefly in the Life Story, but I want to see it there as well.

Make that singular edit and tag myself once completed @Halsi