Preserved Sheet Celianna Howlester

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Oct 3, 2013
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Victoria Valiant Medical Regime

Celianna Howlester


  • Full Name: Celianna Ilaria Howlester
  • Age: Twenty seven years old
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Ailor
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: "I'm going to tell my father about this!"
  • Celianna is currently residing in Regalia to try integrate herself into the Court scene and spend more time with her family while living in the Howlester Estate.
  • Born into nobility, Celianna was a privileged and spoiled child to say the least, though found herself often fighting for affection among her six other siblings. Though close to her kin, she is far closer with her immediate family than her extended family.
  • Celianna would like to try her hand in the Regalian noble scene and do her best to improve her etiquette and to offer a hand at the local clinic under the guidance of her Aunt.



Total Proficiency Points: 32 Points (+10 Hobby points)
  • +20 Medical (+20 from Points)
  • +4 Alchemy (+4 from Points)
  • +4 Shatterology (+4 from Points)
  • +4 Sanguinology (+4 from Points)
  • +5 Musical arts (Piano and harp, +5 from Hobby Points)
  • +5 Dancing Arts (+ 5 from Hobby Points)

  • Body Shape: 0-stat, Low body fat.
  • Languages: Common (Learned from childhood) and Dressolini (Learned from childhood).



  • Eye Colour: Blue
  • Hair Colour: Brown
  • Hair Style: Long curls often tied up with decorative hair accessories.
  • Skin Colour: Lighter shade of olive.
  • Clothing: Garments made from finely tailored fabrics and always sporting the Howlester colours.
  • Height: 5'4
  • Celianna's facial features are similar to the rest of her family, though her face is wider than the typical Howlester. Her eyes are an almond shape with big doe-like eyes, her thick lashes accentuating their size; Anna's forehead is somewhat larger than normal though she masks this with a fringe, hoping for the illusion of a smaller forehead.
  • Anna's frame is rather thin, maintaining a low body fat ratio, though this is reflected all round. The Howlester finds herself lacking in such womanly assets due to her thin frame, particularly in comparison to her kin. The woman does not sport any noticeable scars or any tattoos on her body.
  • Celianna's clothing and fashion is ever-changing with the changes in current fashion trends; though she does her best to ensure she stays on top of them. The Howlester only wears her family's colours, accompanied by a few subtle pieces of jewelry.
  • Anna's voice is a rather melodic tone with her pitch on the higher side of average, her accent however does not shine through. The Howlester has always been a rather fast talker though tends to stutter in uncomfortable situations.


  • Character Alignment: Chaotic good.
  • Personality Type: The Campaigner.
  • Religion: Unionism - Celianna has received the Sacraments of Birth Blessing and Entry. Belief rating: 9
  • Quirks: In any number of uncomfortable or confronting situations, Celianna tends to stutter or jumble her speech as a nervous habit; often finding her words meshed or leaving her somewhat tongue-tied. The Howlester also paces when in times of stress or anxiety, finding her temper to be awfully short and bringing out the worst of her bratty behaviour.

    Character skills:
  • Over the years, Celianna has picked up a few hobbies and talents. She often boasts about her ability to ice-skate in the winter months as her mother would often take her as a bonding activity.
  • Ever since her youth, Celianna has been able to play the piano and harp much like the rest of her siblings, though her parents often praise her musical talents.
  • Coming from a wealthy upbringing, Celianna finds herself quite skilled in horse riding, often accompanying her father or mother on rides whilst in Gallovia.



  • In 208AC, Celianna and her twin sister Genevieve were born to Wilvahelm and Jehenna Howlester.
  • Celianna had always been an incredibly difficult infant, her colic cries often filling the estate for hours on end.
  • The Howlester was taught formal etiquette though had a noticeable struggle in such areas, excelling in her studies. Though always social, she found her formalities lacking.
  • Anna was pampered by Wilvahelm and Jehenna as a child, the coddling however led to a rather bratty behaviour.
  • Both her and Genevieve have always been partners in crime, often antagonizing and teasing their siblings.
  • Celianna fell in love with the piano after listening to her siblings play, begging her parents for a tutor until they finally caved. The Howlester played and practice all hours of the day and even into the night, often finding her parents knocking on her door in the hours of two in the morning to tell her to quieten down. Her family praised her musical abilities to family and friends.
  • Her love of the piano didn't quite carry across to the Harp, however she continued to practice for the sake of pleasing her parents.
  • William marries Ania Santorski, Celianna loathed the union and found herself retreating to the Gallovian estate with her mother Jehenna.
  • During her adolescent years with her mother, she found herself wanting to follow in the academic steps of Jehenna. She decides to continue her studies.
  • Her time in Gallovia was mostly spent studying with her tutors and mother in regards to her Medical and Alchemical science studies, practicing her practical applications where she could in the near by clinics. With this, the Howlester's plans to move to Regalia flourished, hoping to join the Victoria Valiant Medical Regime after her Aunt Dianne.
  • As Celianna matured, she grew to accept and cherish all family unions and allowed herself to grow closer to the rest of her kin.
  • Her focus shifted to joining her father and siblings in Regalia. Anna traveled back and forth between Regalia and Gallovia though now situates herself predominantly in the Howlester Estate with her family.
  • At the age of twenty seven, Celianna up and moved to Regalia with the rest of her kin, applying and later accepted into the Victoria Valiant Medical Regime as she hoped. Currently, the Howlester is a registered medic and even more excited to learn and further herself.
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The only thing I see that needs editing is perhaps fleshing out the backstory a bit! For how old she is there isn't really much detail in the life story.
Perhaps add some things she did, any important moments that affect who she is today, what brought her into playing music and the like.

Once you make the edits in purple please tag me! @baellaa
@Nesstro changes made in purple! If anything needs changing let me know.
@Nesstro changes to proficiency made to suit a clinic job better! Is it all okay?

Updated proficiency points to include hobby points and update the body stats to the new requirements.