Celeste Ishar

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by ThatBurningFox, Jan 28, 2018.

  1. ThatBurningFox

    ThatBurningFox Professional cynic

    Sep 7, 2016
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    "A peaceful life... a simple goal."

    Basic Information
    Full Name: Celeste Ishar of Rustwood.
    Nickname: 'Emeral'.
    Race: Kathar (Cult of Excess)
    Age: 40 years old.
    Gender: Female.

    Eye Colour: Emerald Green.
    Sexuality: Asexual; panromantic.
    Preferred Weapon: None.

    Inventory Information

    | SATCHEL |
    A simple satchel, made for carrying things! It's always on Celeste's person. Contents below.

    Alchemy Vials: Three alchemy vials, of various colour. Most commonly, Celeste will carry a single healing pain relieving alchemy, an airway cleansing anti-toxin, and a normal sedative. This can be mixed and matched, but it is extremely unlikely.
    Journal: A simple book with various notes in it, from alchemy information, to personal thoughts. It's fairly important to Celeste.
    Quill-pen: Fairly high quality writing utensil, with an inkpot for refilling.
    Book of Alchemy: A simple book on alchemical ingredients and their purposes, littered with various notes.
    Regal Pouch: A shoddy pouch used for holding currency. It's not all too full, containing roughly thirty regals at any given time.
    Waterskin: A somewhat small, simple, yet vital item, used for storing water. Celeste has one for emergencies, usually filled to the brim.
    Spare Gloves: As specified, a pair of spare gloves! They're brown and leathery like her normal pair.

    A belt, capable of being used to secure three vials of ready-made alchemy, additionally having a pouch for storing ingredients. Celeste wears this at all times, however the alchemy itself is most commonly stored in her satchel before being put onto this belt.
    Alchemy Ingredients: The ingredients within her special alchemy pouch! They are as follows; a miniature bottle of vocadine, a small tube of vocalitic dust, a bag of seeds (rubyflower, lady's shine, poppy), a little mortar and pestle for grinding things, some tallow, and a tiny tube of pyrignis powder.
    Vial Pouches: Used for any cases where Celeste may need quick, ready access to alchemy; these pouches are capable of storing her alchemical creations at hip-level, ready to swiftly detach and use. Unless otherwise specified in a starting emote, these are not pre-actively used in roleplay. The exception is the small silver slot for a tube of pyrignis powder, ready to access at all times.




    "Alchemy is my passion."

    Skill Information

    0 Strength
    -No Packs

    1 Constitution
    -Debuff Endurance Pack

    7 Arcane
    -Chem Talent (Free)
    -Gadget Combat (Free)
    -Chem Cleanse Pack
    -Chem Experiment Pack
    -Technique Parry Pack
    -Chem Slip Pack
    -Chem Revive Pack
    -Chem Bang Pack
    -Chem Feeding pack

    4 Wisdom
    -Exorcism Pack (Racial)
    -Medicinal Talent (Free)
    -Medicinal Stance (Free)
    -Medicinal Buff Pack
    -Medicinal Revive Pack
    -Medicinal Bolster Pack
    -Medicinal Resist Pack

    2 Dexterity
    -Close Save Pack
    -Escape Artist Pack

    0 Faith

    -No Packs

    Common (Fluent)
    High Elven (Fluent)
    Pannarokh (Mostly fluent)
    Pidato (Mostly fluent)

    Basic Information (Expansion)
    Status in Regalia: Celeste is a Kathar holding a somewhat stable foundation in Regalia after years of dedication to living there. She's a barely tolerated peasant to some even still, but is a friendly face to many.

    Upbringing/Birthplace: Not the Shadow Isles, she was mostly brought up in a Cielothar settlement. Expansion in life story.

    Ambition(s): To be known as a welcoming person, to travel the world, and to uphold her beliefs. She wants to avoid turning to a traditional bloody life-style her kin would, but at the same time desires for Kathar to live in peace if they so choose.


    "A curse of grey skin makes life rather difficult; alas, accepting it is part of the struggle."

    Visual Information
    Eye Colour: Green.
    Hair Colour: White.
    Hair Style: Long, unkempt.
    Skin Colour: Ashen grey.
    Clothing: Green commoner garb; bushy texture. Gloves. Leather belt, satchel, and boots.
    Height: 5’5”.

    Visual Information (Expansion)
    Face: Celeste’s eyes are soft, and somewhat rounded, a deep emerald green in colour. Her mouth is almost always in a neutral or aloof expression and is relatively small compared to average. Her ears are pointy, alike the majority of her knife-ear kin. She is usually seen with a deep, thoughtful expression - in which can be compared to outright curiosity. Her hair is snowy-white, completely bleached of any hints of colour, kept in a somewhat messy style, three “bangs” swooping over her face, down just past her eyebrows.
    Her body is fairly small and slim, being quite short for Kathar standards - she is visibly incapable of lifting much, and fighting is likely not a strong-suit as a result. Her skin is a smooth, ashen grey. Her bones are slightly below average size, adhering to a petite frame. Musculature is almost completely non-existent due to lack of any training, whereas the fat distribution around her body is average. She is lacking in body hair in most areas. She has slight curvature, but isn't very round.
    Fashion/Items: Celeste is commonly seen wearing a bushy, green outfit, mainly composed of a ragged cloth. It’s seen quite a bit of wear over the years, though she does get it stitched together every now and then. She always carries a satchel, secured over her shoulder by a flimsy strap. She has a few books (such as her own diary, books on alchemy, religion, history in general… etc, it depends on what she’s brought from home), a quill/pen and inkpot. She also has a belt with a few pouches fixed upon it, which almost always contains three vials of alchemy for ease of access, their uses mostly peaceful.
    Voice: Raspy, scratchy and painful sounding - her voice gives off the impression of quite the bit of strain, and is usually rather quiet due to the vocal damage she suffered during torture at the hands of sanguine.



    "I am not chained by my kin's ways. I am my own person."

    Personality & Abilities
    Alignment: Lawful Good/Chaotic Good. Celeste is the type to follow rules and law where it's needed. She won't actively try to get on the bad side of someone else, though she will act outside of the regime if it's needed for those she direly cares for, or for something she is truly passionate about.
    Personality Type: Mediator.
    Religion: Faith of Estel; 3/10. Celeste follows the Faith of Estel in the Cielothar subsect due to her upbringing. She holds a love for nature and peace, and aligns with a majority of Estel's teachings. Despite this, she's never been particularly devout, mostly keeping the teachings close to heart and making the most of what she has.

    Question List
    How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
    Celeste expresses happiness and contentedness in a rather insignificant way, unless it's very extreme. She simply acts fairly similar to when she's in a normal mood, except of course, a bit more active and positive, waving a bit more excitedly and generally looking more relaxed over all. If it's an excessive amount, she's probably going to be unable to contain herself.

    How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    In response to fear, Celeste tends to freeze up and sweat. A feeling of immense dread overtakes her senses and she finds it hard to think rationally and will usually try to take a flight response over a fight one; in the case of vampires or traumatic events, this is even further exaggerated to the point where she will choose outright inefficient ways to try and get away from the source of the fear. The only time she ever chooses a fight response is if she has absolutely no choice and her mind is clouded with the terror - it's simply a last resort to attack someone, at all times, for her.

    How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?

    Pinching the bridge of her nose, acting slightly irritable, visibly tensing... Celeste has various ways to show stress, and tends to try to calm herself down as much as possible by isolating herself from the cause or tackling it differently. She doesn't like feeling stress or anger, frustration leads to improper judgement. Unlike fear, she usually has better control over herself when it comes to stressing out, but if she gets pushed too far, she can certainly have a stress induced freak-out.

    How does your character view Law and Authorities?

    The law and authorities are something Celeste mostly respects. She sees the majority of them as necessary, things that help keep the city safe and secure and their townsfolk feeling protected. She has a disdain towards elitist guards that flex their power over races beneath them, though dares not argue. All in all, she has both respect... and considerable fear. Plus a touch of bitterness, watching her tongue and trying not to provoke any ill-will or negative attention. She likes to avoid conflict, sooner surrendering herself to the guards than running and making things worse for herself.

    How does your character feel about Races other than their own?

    Positive, for the most part. Ironically, her own race is the one she dislikes the most and holds the strongest stigma towards. However, her outlook on all races is still fairly naive; she believes that every person can better themselves, no matter what they are, and aims to be a welcoming friendly face even in times of difficulty. She also has a distaste towards humans due to their supremacy attitude and overall behaviour, but does her best to look past it. For the most part, she handles race on a more individual basis, rather than a prejudice influenced one, and sees her own race a curse, but also a test.

    How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?

    When it comes to religion in general, Celeste is mostly impartial; she follows the Faith of Estel fairly loosely and lives by mostly her own principles. However, Celeste does not hold disdain towards other faiths save for Void Worship; accepting their existence and even going along with some of their practices if asked by friends.

    How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?

    Magic and arcane individuals somewhat intrigue Celeste. She sees magic as a useful tool, something that is very helpful and good for the world in moderation; familiar with lightness and nature magics the most due to her time in Cielothar territory. Darker forms of magic are something she isn't all that familiar with, and she dislikes magic that can be used as a pure detriment, but she has done her research. She prefers peaceful magic above all else, though sticks to her 'guns' with alchemy, not dabbling into aberrancy herself.

    How does your character feel towards their family?

    To her adoptive family in the Cielothar village, Celeste feels a deep love and happiness... a sense of nostalgia of what was so perfect, being long forgotten and lost to time. Everything she is, everything she strives for - and every opportunity she has - comes as a direct result of the kindness of those people. She has nothing but gratitude for it, and shapes her very life around their teachings. To her biological family, Celeste harbours no real feelings. She never truly knew them, and only really recalls vague negative memories, however she does occasionally envision her real mother's face, and wonders if the Shadow Isles truly makes someone evil... To her 'family' in Regalia, Celeste feels like a slight outsider, but cares for them immensely... hoping to better herself and help them.

    What is your character the most proud of about themselves?

    The fact that she is a learned alchemist with values that were shaped by the Cielothar. Being able to live outside of the Shadow Isles and be raised in a non-barbaric way is a blessing to Celeste, and she is extremely proud of the fact that she has been able to accomplish a more peaceful lifestyle, even if people commonly shunned her for what she is.

    What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?

    A feeling of owing it to the world, a feeling to try and make the most of her gift of free choice... Celeste believes that moving forward and bettering herself is important to not only surviving in the world, but to being as best as she can be, for the sake of herself and others. She dislikes even thinking about stopping.

    What is your character's biggest insecurity?

    The strongest weight on Celeste's mind is arguably being unable to change how she is perceived; to be hated for what she is and nothing else. She is insecure about how people will jump to conclusions upon seeing her. She tries to not let it influence her, but she can't shake a feeling of pressure in day to day life if she lets her mind drift too far, especially when reminded of events she has experienced in Regalia itself.

    What is your character's biggest fear?

    Celeste without a doubt fears becoming a slave to any vampire again more than anything else in Aloria. Death itself, she fears, but the torture she went through scars her deeply to this day; she will do anything to avoid it, and perhaps, even kill to prevent being used in that way once again.

    Fragile: Celeste is not strongly built; this means she is rather susceptible to physical damage, and will likely go down in a few blows. The lack of muscle mass also means she can't really lift things that are remotely heavy.
    Extremely quiet/passive: For the longest time, Celeste was mute. She's not much better off, either; she can only speak at barely normal volume at best before her voice just completely breaks and becomes strained silence. As a result, she can't even scream for help, or hope to influence heated arguments.
    Naive: Due to upbringing and a stubborn drive to remain committed to it, Celeste is horrendously naive, even with her trauma. Influenced by both her religion and her village's kindhearted nature and ability to look past flaws in people, she doesn't regard potential danger of getting close to most individuals (save for sanguine). She's a bit too trusting to those that are kind to her or others, and would be quite easy to back stab or get the jump on as she's usually quite inattentive and comfortable around those she considers 'friends'.
    Non-swimmer: Celeste sinks like a rock in water. She never learned how to swim, for some peculiar reason.
    PTSD: Large quantities of pain in her chest region or wrists inflicted by someone else, OR the sight of a vampire up close, will enact a rapid PTSD reaction - causing her to freeze up as if winded. The symptoms gradually shift to desperate, panicked breathing and backing away; becoming totally distant from the world around her. If it continues, she will finally curl up into a ball and try to grasp back onto reality.

    Personality & Abilities (Expansion)
    Quirks: Celeste often shuffles her feet around while talking to people, keeping herself somewhat active. If she’s not focused on something extensively, she’ll most likely pull out a book and just read that! She often communicates with hand gestures alone, a quirk from when she was mute.
    Combat: She is hopeless in a physical fight, preferring to choose a negotiation or defensive approach; sooner fleeing than actually standing her ground. She's never really laid a finger on anyone and as such, simply has no true experience in weapon or fist based combat. Despite this, she knows how to use her alchemy very well, even for detrimental effects if absolutely necessary - and can of course act as a strong support for allies should the need arise.

    Reading: Celeste absolutely loves adopting more knowledge, and reading in general, She is fairly often seen with her nose in a book, checking facts and history, brushing up on alchemy or magic, or taking notes. It’s just a pass time of hers.
    Beverages: Celeste has a particular taste for mead and lavender tea, to the point of near obsession; she will almost always stock up on one or the other - or both. Whatever floats her boat.
    Flowers: The scent of flowers, especially the colourful ones, remind her of her time with the Cielothar... and her old home village in Daendroc. It’s always a nice reminder of where she was - and more yet - where she could’ve been if not for her adoptive mother.
    Quiet: Celeste enjoys peace and quiet. While dead silence is rather unsettling, a peaceful atmosphere or ambience is something she absolutely adores; natural sound is wonderful. She would choose that over obnoxious noise any day.

    Sanguines: If vampires tortured you for months and kept you alive with the express purpose of drinking your blood, you’d probably hate them too.
    Blood: The smell of the crimson liquid vaguely reminds her of the torture, causing an immense unsettling feeling in her stomach. While not necessarily a trigger for her trauma, she's very disturbed and sickened by the smell - not to the point of debilitating her, but it is something she cannot hide. The sight of blood is a less intense reaction, but she'll likely immediately be filled with concern and alarm for whoever is bleeding.
    Loud, disruptive noise: Chaotic, unpredictable and outright loud noise is awful to Celeste. She hates it, and it’s a great way to get her to try and leave the area - fast.



    "A peculiar tale; a Kathar raised in a wind elf village... yet it's exactly what happened."

    Life Story
    Born and raised outside of the Shadow Isles, Celeste is a rather strange Kathar woman...

    Birth & Childhood [ 0 ― 12 ]

    280 AC - Celeste is born to a family of Kathar, outside of the Shadow Isles during a group migration period across Daen's plains.
    283 AC - Despite being cared for by her real parents, she is soon abandoned by accident in a large field in said plains of Daendroc due to her waddling off alone during drunken celebrations. She is much later discovered near-starved to death by a female Circle of Aiel Cielothar alchemist, who takes her to their home town, out of pity. Met with some scepticism at first, the village elders reluctantly agree when met with insistence from the passionate Aiel.
    284 AC - Celeste grows up that very village settlement, raised by the Cielothar, and adopts their way of life, culture and beliefs, even their religion! In the centre, a large windmill turns, the young Kathar not fully understanding things but being struck in awe at the world she finds herself in now... often getting funny looks due to being the only Kathar in the village, she grows up with a small feeling of prejudice and concern at first...
    281 AC - Following in her adoptive mother's footsteps, Celeste commences her first experiment with alchemy! It blows her mind seeing the concoctions twist and turn through the devices; she seems to grow a liking for it which later turns into a strong passion. She additionally picks up her adoptive mother's native tongue through constantly hearing it from her - she decided more linguistic skills was better for a growing child. She learned plains elven through simply being in the village settlement. By this point, she had become a known face in the village, and accepted as one of their own - she had proven to be completely harmless long ago.
    282 AC - Celeste's mother by this point had decided it was a good time to teach Celeste how to read properly, and the introduction to books begun.

    Adolescence [ 13 ― 19 ]
    283 AC - Celeste, curious to the world, subjects herself to reading up on historical events and even dabbles in general literature! This helps her learn reading even faster, and in no time, she's able to read fluently, heavily impressing her adoptive mother.
    285 AC - An incident occurs during a practice session of alchemy that results in her severely burning her hands, leaving life-long scarring. Her adoptive mother soothes her, and helps ease the pain with alchemy and medicine, but the damage is too severe to fully remove the scars. She decides to wear gloves after this point, to hide the burns - and also protect against future incidents. Notably, she takes in interest in medicinal practices, too, and strives to become a member of the Circle of Aiel, like her adoptive mother. She helps with wounds and nursing her non-blood kin to health, alongside of others that practice healing...
    286 AC - She begins to learn how to write! It's something she picks up almost naturally, and refines everyday from that point on. And soon, the time comes for her to take part in the Trial of Estel. At least, it would have happened... but she was unable to take part in the official Trial of Estel due to her race, which devastated the young Kathar. Her mother, sympathetic, decided to arrange it with an Aiel priest instead, who agreed. She is unable to pass, however... and becomes immensely disheartened, losing her own connection with Estel and the religion she had been placed on the path of.
    289 AC - Celeste, over the next years, continues to dedicate herself to alchemy and helping around the village, observing healers, and those versed in magic - taking some notes of her own.

    ❃ Adulthood [ 20 ― Present ] ❃
    290 AC - The village is attacked by a fierce raid, large flames consuming a large portion of it due to the surprise nature of the attack. The attack is led Sanguine infested individuals. Many villagers are wounded, Celeste is captured and taken as a blood slave. She has no idea what happened to her adoptive mother.
    290 AC - Celeste goes through an agonising chain of months being a blood slave, receiving nasty torture in the process, leading to many scars. She develops a building PTSD, and it is set in stone when her ability to speak is rendered completely null - having her vocal chords damaged to the point of muteness.
    291 AC - Celeste is left unable to speak. The Sanguine attempt a raid on another village, but fail in their preparations, and get caught off-guard when met with Avanthar protectors that had already been prepared to strike. Celeste is found bleeding out in chains, and thankfully, spared.
    292 AC - She undergoes a year of recovery after the torture, having a strong fear of vampires and a massively shattered faith in Estel. She believes herself to be cursed, having brought the end of her village by being there... during her darkest moments, she contemplates ending her life, but the warm memories of her mother spur her to keep going. She convinces herself she's far better off than she ever would have been... and after a while, decides it best to move to a more secure city region to prevent ever having the same disastrous event happen to her again.
    293 AC - She sets out of the Avanthar village, with a newfound determination to keep her values the same. For the first time - she leaves Daendroc - taking on a voyage to Regalia; beginning to act on her desire to travel the world.
    294 AC - Celeste arrives in Regalia and begins to adjust to life there, she manages to get a shabby home for nearly double the regular rates due to race, but she doesn't care. She becomes accustomed to treatment of Kathar quite quickly, and learns just how bad her kind actually are from reading and word of mouth. She is subject to a lot of abuse from the populace, but she takes it on the chin... frequenting libraries and reading; learning. She studies Zasta now... soon thereafter, she dedicates herself to the School of Alchemy once she finds out about it, surprisingly actually accepted due to her already impressive talent, though certainly not without some harsh scrutiny. She learns she is able to speak, albeit with immense difficulty, by this time.
    304 AC - Graduates from the School of Alchemy! By this point, Celeste is an expert in alchemy, and is fluent in a few languages in their written and reading forms. She is capable of using and creating essentially any concoction she desires, too. When met with a knife in an alleyway from an alchemist Ailor, she takes to laying low in the sewers for a little while and concealing her identity to avoid further incidents - soon deciding against it after realising how dangerous it can be, however...
    305 AC - Celeste eventually settles back into regular life in the city... joining the Alchemia Order and making a fair amount of friends. She moves into Petal Court around this time, and becomes a fairly known friendly face despite race. She meets someone she finds enamouring, a lover, perhaps...? ...Though, dreams aren't meant to be.
    306 AC - Certain events cause Celeste to go into hiding. She attempts to come back to Regalia to move on, but, following the death of a certain Kathar that she found herself falling for and the disappearance of an adoptive daughter that she swore to protect, Celeste spirals into grief and a feeling of deep rooted incompetence. She stays gone for years, trying so hard to come to terms with her failures.
    311AC - Present - She returns to the city properly and strives to make herself better known - to be a face one can rely on. ...Scarred still by a family that she could have had, but lost.

    • Educated Educated x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
    • Creative Creative x 1
    #1 ThatBurningFox, Jan 28, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2023
  2. ThatBurningFox

    ThatBurningFox Professional cynic

    Sep 7, 2016
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    Apologies for the early bump, but I need to emphasize that I quickly edited and restructured the backstory to make it easier to read for staff.

    EDIT: Also cleaned up a few inconsistencies. Whoops...?
    #2 ThatBurningFox, Jan 31, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2018
  3. fuithlug

    fuithlug slaps pie+

    Jul 24, 2016
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    'ello, I'll be putting this through a Staff Review!
  4. fuithlug

    fuithlug slaps pie+

    Jul 24, 2016
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    Staff Review!

    - The gold plated dagger doesn't seem to fit in lieu with the rest of the character, I also can't imagine it would be very practical. Please remove and/or replace this.
    - Add skill information to fit with her strength 'Strong Alchemist'
    - Could you expand on Emeral's frame of mind when she visits altars, and how it's possible for her to go straight back to normal afterwards? If not, please edit her 'Inner Thoughts' to be less polarising.
    - Expand on why she's terrified of her family in the 'Relationship Handling' paragraph.
    - Add two more sentences to her 'Morality' paragraph.
    - The 'Fast Learner' talent seems redundant, I'd advise you to remove it.
    - If her muteness is not a strength, don't write as if it were one. Remove any mentions of it being a strength in the weakness 'Mute'
    - Please add a sentence to both the 'Fragile' and 'Naive' weaknesses, they're looking a bit bare.

    All edits in my favourite shade of pink please!
  5. ThatBurningFox

    ThatBurningFox Professional cynic

    Sep 7, 2016
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    Did my best to fix things up as asked.
    • Changed the dagger to be a regular old worn one and specified the reason for having it (it was gold plated originally as gold plated weapons used to be effective against vampires, I believe that's not the case anymore)
    • TRIED to make the Inner Thoughts a bit less... polarized, as you say.
    • I decided to keep the Fast Learner talent since it's still a talent in some way to be able to pick up information fast, at least, I'd think so.
    • Did everything else.
    Also, not sure if I did the uh... Skill Information thing correctly. I recall it being an optional thing and since I'm not exactly going for a special permission (...at least, I don't think being decent at alchemy requires one) I'm confused why it's needed at all. I'm not sure what to list for the alchemy other than what's there, so, please give me pointers if if it's insufficient.

  6. fuithlug

    fuithlug slaps pie+

    Jul 24, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Different alchemic concoctions can be crafted at different levels as a result of the difficulties. Adding a skill information section would clarify what level skill Emeral is at and it would be clearer for any future reviewers to review.
  7. ThatBurningFox

    ThatBurningFox Professional cynic

    Sep 7, 2016
    Likes Received:
    I've added a Skill Information section, as I said. If you could take a look and give me feedback on what's there, that would be great. I'm not sure if it's sufficient, is all, I'm just improvising.
  8. fuithlug

    fuithlug slaps pie+

    Jul 24, 2016
    Likes Received:
    The 'School' in Skill Information should say 'School of Alchemy' it refers to a School of training rather than an actual physical school. Change 'adept' to one of the School Abilities listed here: https://wiki.massivecraft.com/School_of_Alchemy#School_Abilities producing alchemic concoctions up to 6/7 difficulty should be 'Learned'. All your other edits are sufficient.
    #8 fuithlug, Feb 1, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2018
  9. ThatBurningFox

    ThatBurningFox Professional cynic

    Sep 7, 2016
    Likes Received:
    All done.
  10. fuithlug

    fuithlug slaps pie+

    Jul 24, 2016
    Likes Received:
    My bad, could you mention in the Skill Information, under 'Source' that the various people were her tutors. After that, I believe all is set for Emeral to be approved.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. ThatBurningFox

    ThatBurningFox Professional cynic

    Sep 7, 2016
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    Aaaaaand once again, done. XD
  12. ThatBurningFox

    ThatBurningFox Professional cynic

    Sep 7, 2016
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    Apologies for the additional bump, but I've edited the backstory heavily and added the Proficiency section to the bio to reflect upon the new system. I already attempted to tag staff but it seems I failed to do so, and to prevent confusion I deleted the post. ._.;

    I have no idea how to tag Lore Staff.

    For the record, the bio has been rejected for a while now (since the change from Shendar to Kathar I believe) but I've made changes recently to make it lore compliant, or what I hope is compliant!
  13. GenericNerd

    GenericNerd Regalian Pioneer

    Jul 2, 2016
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    @Staff Roleplay
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  14. LumosJared

    LumosJared Around

    Jul 17, 2012
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    Relationship handling doesn't say too much; she opens up to people in time and is warm to her family. Consider some archtypes of people she may or has met, and consider how she feels about them. Do Guards get her riled up? What about a particular race? Why? Expand!

    I think the variety of reactions for her PTSD is poor. Stick with one. Otherwise you can be accused of simply choosing the option that benefits her most (ie lashing out/running to avoid the consequences). I suggest, if not vampires, give her a certain foe she may meet that causes her to break down. Maybe not sitting and crying, but perhaps she starts shaking uncontrollably and can't muster more than a brisk walk, hobbling away as she tries to keep ahold of herself.

    Tag me when you're done. @ThatBurningFox
  15. ThatBurningFox

    ThatBurningFox Professional cynic

    Sep 7, 2016
    Likes Received:
    @LumosJared All done, changes have been marked in THIS COLOR~!

    Basic changes are making it so the reaction is a lot more streamlined and consistent for PTSD - and relationship handling has been updated.

    EDIT: Not sure if I accidentally removed the tag "Review In Progress" but if I did, sorry! I didn't mean to do it. @_@
    #15 ThatBurningFox, Jun 25, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2018
  16. LumosJared

    LumosJared Around

    Jul 17, 2012
    Likes Received:
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  17. ThatBurningFox

    ThatBurningFox Professional cynic

    Sep 7, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Minor update, not worthy of any re-review. Just added some relationship information and also removed the color code of the updated information from the previous review to prevent any confusion. Had some trouble with the spoiler hierarchy for some dumb reason (hence the MULTIPLE EDITS, it seems to bug out on this site...) so apologies for that.

    Tagging just to make sure you're at least aware of the changes I HAVE made, even though they're really quite trivial. @LumosJared

    • Like Like x 1
  18. ThatBurningFox

    ThatBurningFox Professional cynic

    Sep 7, 2016
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    Oho, a major update has been done. Tagged as Needs Reviewer again, unsure if I should ping Lore Staff/LumosJared in response?

    Still; Celeste's bio is now updated to (hopefully) fit with the current sheet properly, and has been reworked in various ways to help make a bit more sense. I cleared up a few things that confused even me re-reading it, and gave the page itself a bit more of an attempted pretty look! Hopefully it's less of a pain to navigate also.

    For the most part in terms of actual content, it's simply adding the right Proficiency information stuff, restructuring the layout to match the new one, and removing unnecessary clutter; the character itself and story remains mostly the exact same, there's just considerably more clarity on most things.

    Let me know if anything is amiss this time around! I'm waiting for a ticket to be answered before I use the rest of my proficiency points, if that's okay? I'm eager to get the character approved, apologies. If this isn't allowed, let me know please, but I didn't see a rule on it, is all!
    #18 ThatBurningFox, May 12, 2020
    Last edited: May 12, 2020
  19. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main Supremium

    Nov 20, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Claimed for review.
  20. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main Supremium

    Nov 20, 2013
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    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  21. ThatBurningFox

    ThatBurningFox Professional cynic

    Sep 7, 2016
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    @Caelamus I've made some changes to Celeste's sheet; the main ones being the updated proficiency points. She now has Lightgiver Ritualism, and two extra spells; one of which uses points.

    I also changed up some sections in her sheet to make more sense in regard to how I feel the character should have changed over the times based on events they have gone through (and how I've actually been playing her). Personality touch-ups (reaction to guards, for example), some slight extra details in backstory, more clarification on her views on religion and a subsequent errata of things that would be "unloyal", and a few more minor rewordings are all the things I've done.

    Tagged for a re-review (since it's not a massive fundamental character change and just point assignment at the end of the day).
    Notable changes are marked in this shade of orange.
  22. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main Supremium

    Nov 20, 2013
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  23. ThatBurningFox

    ThatBurningFox Professional cynic

    Sep 7, 2016
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    @Caelamus Updated proficiency information and finally used all points available (+1, since she should be 38, not 37). Spells have been adjusted slightly and one was dropped since it had never been used in RP or even really adequately learned in the first place; in its wake is Faces of Life. Hopefully that's okay to go forward with.

    Ritualism is now maxed. Mutations section added. Linguistic Knowledge has been used (reluctantly) to make sense of a gaping hole I realised in Celeste's growth. Additional flavour proficiency added.

    Tagging for Re-Review as usual. Thanks!
  24. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main Supremium

    Nov 20, 2013
    Likes Received:
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  25. ThatBurningFox

    ThatBurningFox Professional cynic

    Sep 7, 2016
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    Did somebody say... rework for proficiency update?!


    ...W-well, it's done anyway. @Caelamus

    A few notable things to get put out there: I opted to remove Faces of Life because I simply did not enjoy its arguably cheap, easy way out nature (it basically broke the entire struggle aspect of Celeste's life in a flash, and it was also extremely fake pay-off). I'd also rather put points in other things that actually contribute to Celeste's general story and growth as a person instead. Since I basically used it for like, four days maximum before poofing for a while due to demotivation, I figure it'd be okay to revert this change - it didn't really lead to as much as it possibly could have, and I prefer it this way, for the time being.

    Additionally, ritualism was decided against this time due to being unneeded, and because Celeste's faith wouldn't be all-empoweringly strong enough anymore in its current state. Finally, I added a bit of clarity to backstory elements and hopefully made it so Celeste is a bit more fleshed out backstory-and-motivation-wise.

    A few things may or may not change in due time (depending), but I wanted to get this revision done first and foremost and hopefully get approval in its current state!! ✦
  26. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main Supremium

    Nov 20, 2013
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    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  27. ThatBurningFox

    ThatBurningFox Professional cynic

    Sep 7, 2016
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    @Caelamus Big update drop; Celeste is now an Altalar.
    This change was done ICly through a glass spire purification ritual. As a result of such, her sorcery spells are also removed.
    Additionally, some small proficiency alteration was done.
  28. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main Supremium

    Nov 20, 2013
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  29. ThatBurningFox

    ThatBurningFox Professional cynic

    Sep 7, 2016
    Likes Received:
    @Caelamus Updated proficiencies, re-added sorcery. Pretty much the only real changes to the bio, other than changing "Shenath" to "Shenathar" in the life story section.
  30. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main Supremium

    Nov 20, 2013
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  31. ThatBurningFox

    ThatBurningFox Professional cynic

    Sep 7, 2016
    Likes Received:
    @Caelamus Pretty hefty update, made to confine with the newest proficiency overhaul... it's showtime.
  32. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main Supremium

    Nov 20, 2013
    Likes Received:
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  33. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main Supremium

    Nov 20, 2013
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    @ThatBurningFox Do you need this reviewed? I've noticed the tag being changed for awhile but you've not pinged me about it.
  34. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main Supremium

    Nov 20, 2013
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    Rejecting this for inactivity but feel free to respond or repost whenever you're back.
  35. ThatBurningFox

    ThatBurningFox Professional cynic

    Sep 7, 2016
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    @Caelamus From the dead, I rise, for whatever reason. Oh, I see. I did the funny gamer move and updated(?) with new proficiency system and the likes.

    First thing is first: there's a looooooot of rollback/modification in general. Given the fact that bulks of stuff got rewritten in general in Massive lore and the likes, it hopefully shouldn't hurt... too much.


    If it does hurt too much, well, F
  36. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main Supremium

    Nov 20, 2013
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