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Celerial Proclamation | Come High Water


Weathergirl Extraordinaire
Apr 15, 2018
Reaction score
United States



Celerial Proclamation
Addressed to The Peoples of The Empire

Section I - Benedictions
Section II - Opening Preamble
Section III - On The Soren Conflict
Section IV - On Broods
Section V - On Good and Craven Deeds
Section VI - Closing Remarks

Section I

Ω, άγιος Everwatcher. Ευλόγησε το παιδί, τον άντρα, τη γυναίκα, που σε υπηρετεί καλόπιστα. Γιατί το μεταφράζεις αυτό. Βοηθήστε τους να σταθεροποιήσουν την καρδιά τους για τις δοκιμασίες που θα αντιμετωπίσουν στο μέλλον, για τις προκλήσεις, τα εμπόδια που πρέπει να ξεπεράσουν. Μακάριοι να είναι αυτοί που το κάνουν αυτό, δεδομένης της τελικής ανταμοιβής στην ικανοποίηση και την ικανοποίηση που προέρχεται από την υπηρεσία της αιώνιας δόξας σας.

Section II
It is with a sullen hand that I write this document, conflicted and partially torn over what to do. There is often much that goes through my mind, but with the recent failings of the Articles of Protection, the steady decline of inflow to the temples, and more and more actions of performative faith, with the decline of actions done in truly good will, it has been flooded with concern. I find the silence of the people who would normally seek the Celacy for guidance, even more disturbing than if they would seek us out en masse. This is an issue I hope to address within the next several months, as I suspect this may be the fault of my own actions. We shall see.

Section III
In the South, the Athosian Celacy has taken note of a war in which we, morally, cannot accept. Many may be confused as to why we have taken such a harsh stance against this all, as it would seem apparent that the Celacy may gain from the elimination of pagans, and the spread of a Unionist Ruttgher Theocracy. However, on the contrary, we find such acts to be detrimental to the cause of Unionism. We as a faith, should not, and will not condone acts of barbarism that result in oppressed, fearful non-Believers be put under to duress to confess their belief to the Everwatcher. Not only does this often result in a lie to save their own hides, resulting in someone who does not truly believe in Unionism, it results in someone marred by bad experience, and unlikely to ever convert because of the trauma they have been placed through by misguided Zealots.

Rather, the Athosian Celacy has taken a stance that the faith should be spread through benevolence and good will, converting people through the kindness and grace the Empire and, by transient property, the Everwatcher and Emperor bestow upon their subjects. It is by this mean, that we come to the Kingdom of Soren's Aid, to show this compassion and protection, to offer them the choice to willingly convert rather than be brutalized and slaughtered by those Misguided. In the same vein, we do not wish to put the Unionists in the Ruttgher Theocracy on the proverbial pike, and simply wish to show them the true path of the Great Way.

For this reason, we offer the following groups options to stand in solidarity with the Athosian Celacy, and aid in the conflict, so that it may end as quickly as possible:

  • Nobles
    • Nobles may offer their armies to the Athosian Celacy so that they may fight under the Holy Banners of Athos.
  • Diplomats
    • Diplomats may offer their aid to the Athosian Celacy to act as Envoys to both the Ruttgher Theocracy and Soren Kingdom in ways to best defuse the conflict and advance the position of the Regalian Empire in the region.
  • Knights
    • Knights may offer their aid in groups of 3 to 5 to eliminate and capture high priority targets within the War.
  • Rogues
    • Rogues may act as Espionage and Counter Espionage within the war.
  • Generals and Admirals
    • Generals and Admirals may command forces in individual battles to push for specific targets. Volunteers should expect strict vetting processes from the Duke-Celate to ensure they are up to snuff.
  • Mercenaries and Bands of Fortune
    • Mercenaries may act in the same way as knights, but will not be placed in as prestigious of positions. However, they will be compensated in cash if they so feel inclined to join. [Finance Tokens].
Volunteers and those willing should schedule meetings with the Duke Celate.

Furthermore, should any General or Admiral on the Marshalry Cabinet, take the side of the Ruttgher Kingdom, House Petrou will ban the Regalian State from utilizing the Specialized Weaponry created in the Athosian Citadel of Proagogi, and utilizing it for research until further notice.

Section IV
As per the Lord Chancellor's Decree, all Broods have had papers created for them. However, with this, all Broods have been given Classifications based on their behavior. With the turn of the bureaucracy, all Broods have been upgraded to Class A status. With each arrest for genuinely malicious conduct, they shall be demoted one 'Letter,' and upon arrest as a Class D Brood, their legal status shall be revoked. The Classifications are as followed:
  • Class A - Legalized with no further stipulations.
  • Class B - Legalized with frequent Celate Counselling.
  • Class C - Legalized with Monthly Curings.
  • Class D - Legalized with frequent Celate Counselling And Curing.
All Broods Approved in the last system should schedule an appointment to collect their papers. Unlegalized broods should schedule appointments to get their papers made.

Furthermore, people who harass Legalized Broods for being Broods, will receive the full Wrath of the Athosian Celacy, both legal and social.

Section V
There Are no Good or Craven Deeds to report at this moment.

Section VI
This Decree is already a behemoth of a work, so I shall keep this Section as short as possible. Despite these trying times, the Regalian Peoples should hold faith that the Athosian Celacy is working its due of the labor to upkeep the Empire. Furthermore, all peoples are reminded the Athosian Celacy has an open door policy on seeking Counsel, religious or not.

Signed, Abelhard Petrou,
Duke of Athos,
Celate of Athos,
Protector of The Monastaries of Hellatia.
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Viviwynne Guentyr glances over the Celerial proclamation. "It is unfortunate the Duke decided to fight a state with which we have some kind of arrangement and a Unionist one at that, but I do see his point. I wonder if the low proportion of Unionists in the Rutgher Theocracy could be the reason they are taking such aggressive action. Perhaps I ought to sponsor some missionaries over there..." she wonders out loud, before continuing about her day.