Preserved Sheet Celengor

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Partnered Streamer Pog
Nov 2, 2016
Reaction score


music for your entertainment
Midlands Url (Altalar)



General Proficiencies - 45+5 Points
  • Magical Knowledge (+8 )
    {Eventism, Artifactism}
    • "We're brutal creatures viewed in a light most crude... There is more wit to us than brawn oft realized."
  • Historical Knowledge (+12 )
    {Nelfin History, Pre-Allorn History, Ancient History, Dragon History}
    • "I may have changed physically, but my interests still remain safe."
  • Sailing Knowledge (+15 )
    • "As a youth I made my best effort to adapt to the marine life. Had to be useful somehow, now I just can't seem to keep myself away."
  • Perception Training (+10 )
    • "Trained eyes spot both treasure and safety."
  • Axe Combat Training (+5 )
    • "This axe has been apart of my family for generations, it's a personal relic."
  • Hobby Points
    • Architecture Arts (+10 )
Body Shape
Athletic, Average Body Fat
Physical Stat 40 {Axes +5, Combined Knowledge +15, Url +20}

Fluent, Literate
Modern Altlalar
Fluent, Literate


Skin & Pelt Color
Fair skinned, Dark Reddish Blonde.
Travel, pocketed, essential. Often a satchel or some form of bag to carry equipment with.​



Url Transformations
Character Alignment
Neutral Good
Character Personality Type
The Virtuoso
Character's Religion

"The darker the night, the brighter the stars."


Born to a family of displaced Altalar, they resided along the Gallovian border on an isle along the southwest sea, he was part of a long-standing lineage of tomekeepers who maintained a vast wealth of knowledge throughout the ages withstood.

His childhood was uneventful in the earlier half, however devastation found him in his youth. The ancestral home of his family was taken unaware by an Url Throng of exceptionally zealous Old Gods worshipers which sought sacrifices. They took fire and steel to the defenders and burned the library of his family, along with the rest of the city, "Return to the Wilds." one Url had shouted. Celengor was taken away to be forced turned, making him Tegh-Url, and the sole survivor of his family. After turning he among a couple of survivors chose to escape the Throng by sea after suffering. He spent much of his adolescence on the waves as a refugee and outcast, conflicted with himself and what to do about it.

He learned much at sea, practically shadowing the captain of the ship as he worked to earn his keep. And that he did, as the captain after so many years grew fond of the Url and entrusted him with it if he ever desired the company or help. Eventually, they found permanent port in Regalia as the sea grew evermore dangerous during the tail-end of the Kathar-Elven War. Celengor was taken in by the (Ironically enough) Old Gods temple, studying from the top of the shrine peacefully, whatever piece of knowledge flitted over in his way. He was quiet of his origins, and never spoke a word of where he came from. His thoughts weren't set on grief or anger, he simply wanted to understand himself and his new form. Revenge would become merely a petty thought which crept in from time to time.

To this day, he continues in this pursuit of knowledge. He may not look the part, but behind the animalistic visage is a sharp mind, and an eager learner. Plying his trade as an adventure seeker and student to history.

"Today we fight each other. Tomorrow, we may learn together."
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Another well written application! I've scoured long and hard but I can't find anything wrong with it. My only suggestion might be to remove and redistribute the four points from his linguistic proficiency, since you only need 6 to be fluent.

Self denying, never took off as a character, want to reuse aspects of the character in something new.
Looking for a reviewer, updated sheet for new formatting.
Okay, so.

- Include his Physical Stat and the calculations which lead to it.

Do this and I can approve the app.