Preserved Sheet Celaireth Amarallis

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ancient gay
May 26, 2015
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House Croy
Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Celaireth Amarallis; "Cela"
  • Age: 54
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Half-Cielothar Nelfin - Forgiveness Silvert
  • Main Ambition: Reform Criminals & Improve her Craft
  • Special Permission: N/A - Possible Expert Light Mage in future
Basic Information (Expansion)
  • Celaireth, or sometimes known as "Cela" as a nickname, is an experienced, genuine, yet incredibly gullible Cielothar Silvert. A middle class traveling crafter, Cela makes her way by creating knick knacks and specially crafted ales that taste like day old milk. (But don't tell her that). A recent migrant, the Nelfin finds herself using a lot of her saved up gold on a dainty loft on Lilac Road, right beside some decorative market stalls; the mentioned house planned to be used as a storefront for her wares one day. Regalia is the epicenter of the powerful and dominant Regalian Empire, and also a focus of Aloria's trade and opportunities, being a good place she could learn about trading more. Woefully uninformed and in for a wild ride, Cela made her way to the Crown City to make a good life away from home, help redeem the infamous sewer's criminals, and hopefully find out about herself along the way.
  • Born to Forgiveness herself, and a mortal Altalar by the name of Ornthalas Amarallis, Cela would have been in for a life of poverty and neglect. Ornthalas was a simple man of simple birth, being a mere farmer, and poor as possible. Stealing supplies multiple times earned him the ire of the town's guards, and the benevolence of the embodiment of Forgiveness. The man knew after the mother disappeared, that his daughter would have no good life with him, and regretfully gave the blessed child to a local orphanage in a nearby Cielothar village, famed for their kindness and opportunity for the underprivileged. No siblings, and no trueborn parents, and a Leaf bastard, the Nelfin's only real parental figure was Filarion Orithanna, her mentor and caretaker at the orphanage. After all, he owned it. The man was the closest thing she had to family, but nevertheless, Cela prevailed through a tough childhood, getting to where she is today.
  • The first goal Cela is pursuing is trying to figure out more about her mother. She understands Forgiveness is her true mother, yet is lost on who she is as a person, and as her mother. Through the help of her fellow Silverts, and the Attribates she knows, hoping in such a famous city, she can figure it out. Another goal of the Cielothar is to become a productive member of Regalia's society. Through a number of things, she will pursue this goal. Some of this includes tasks such as: Making her mark as a crafter more impressive, helping the poor and neglected of the city, and other things. A third goal, much more concise than the last, is for herself to progress her skills of crafting. Since her meeting of the Regalian Crafter, Gunthar, the Leaf wants to further pursue such a talent, perhaps even opening a shop one day, after she learns more about how currency works. It will take a lot of studying, which can't even begin till she learns to read, so with that, Celaireth has a long road ahead. Lastly, Cela wants to help the criminals of Regalia. The downtrodden and meek minded folk of the City's cistern and Poor District, in particular. They're all good people down there, truly, in her mind, and they should be forgiven for breaking the law, helped in making themselves better, and not punished. She wishes to help them, in any way she can, mostly in the form of reforming them to become better people.
Visual Information (Required)
Chibi by @Rhuyne
Cela Art.png
Art by @MantaRey
  • Eye Color: Gold
  • Hair Color: Dusty Blonde
  • Hair Style: Wavy, long, unkempt
  • Skin Color: Pale tan colour
  • Clothing: Versatile Traveller's Outfit. Occasionally hiking goggles.
  • Height: 5 feet, 5 inches
  • Weight: 123 lbs
  • Body Build: Slight hourglass, skinny arms and legs, petite.
  • Weapon of Choice: Mage Level Barrier Light Magic/Blinding Light Magic. Pure defense.
Visual Information (Expansion)
  • Celaireth, for starts, has a smaller, round shaped face, like the rest of her body. Her jawline is slightly squared, and has a normal sized chin adorning it nicely. The Cielothar's lips are somewhat-filled out, though has a mouth on the smaller side. For the nose, the bridge curves inwards, causing the end to be rather tiny, the nostrils thinner, and standing out straight. The nose itself has some light bruising and scarring at the top of the bridge, where it has been broken a few times. Her eyes are classified as "deep set", giving a somewhat alluring look, though are also a bit wide-set. The Nelfin's eyebrows are simple and arched femininely, though nothing quite special. Cela's hair is incredibly wild, looking as if it hardly gets brushed. In its natural state, it is wavy, and nearly curly, the coloring of such being a dusty blonde. In her hair, she wears a small, wooden, Cielothar bead given to her by Reval'quess.
  • Small is a recurring characteristic for the Cielothar, much to her disadvantage. Celaireth stands at an unimpressive five foot five inches, small even for a person of her Nelfin category. She retains little fat, simply from not ever having the luxury of excess food. Mixed in her with exercise routine of mostly hiking, and her magic training, Cela keeps a petite and slim body. Any amount of muscle the woman has managed to built is in her calves and thighs, though still not very prominent. On the plus side, the Nelfin lacks any sort of outstanding disability in her limbs, however, she suffers from a bad respiratory tract, which can result in hyperventilating, coughing, wheezing, etc. when set off.
  • Fashion is woefully lost on this Silvert. Generally, she wears what she can afford. Brown is always cheap, so that is typically a safe bet for pants. Her style hangs around a sort of wonky traveler's garb, consisting of larger coats, long and light tunics, tight-fitting trousers, and boots. The only sort of splurging clothing-wise Cela does are on the boots. An avid hiker, she likes to keep her feet protected, often saving up for months on end to buy expensive sets of hiker's boots. She has jewelery, yet it is a dull, inexpensive kind of gold, chipping away and slightly worn. Said accessories are in the form of ear piercings, which are numerous. Carrying no weapons, the passive Elf is usually only known to consistently carry a metal flask on her, and an over-sized satchel.
  • Voice-wise, Celaireth has a passive, warm, and incredibly friendly tone of voice. Intimation as well as pity is lost on the woman, as her way of speaking often gets trampled by those with more gusto and louder voices. Nevertheless, she speaks in a normal pace, though one could describe it as "beating around the bush", as if she is trying to be careful as what she says. This is partially due to her incessant need to please others, and speaks in ways as to not upset someone. She is fluent in Elvish, Common, and is learning Alt-Regalisch, though has only just begun with the latter.
Personality and Abilities (Required)
Personality Traits

  • Eager: Cela, in life, is a very excited and anxious person, in a good way. Mostly, in the form of socialness, this is more occurring. She is one to burst into conversations and such, sitting down at random tavern tables, and just chatting people up. She's always to first one to raise her hand and volunteer herself for something she wants to do, and is never hesitant to hop into something. Celaireth sees the world as quite an adventure that is to be taken, and isn't quite shy at the prospect of new things.
  • Benevolent: For all intents and purposes, Cela is a good person with a kind and warm heart. Compassionate and caring, the Cielothar strives to exhume her good-natured ways onto all people. Even with the folk who are crude, malicious, and evil, she sees good, and shows them extreme levels of kindness. Generally, she means well to the people she meets, doing her best to open up her arms to the aforementioned bad-doers of misdeed, and takes even more pride in her own benevolence when the notion is returned to her.
  • Forgiving: In Cela's eyes, everyone is good in their own way, and their misdeeds do not define them. Merciful, and softhearted, the Elven woman is not one to scorn people for what they do wrong, rather, she prefers to search for their best qualities and absolve them of evils. This also plays into being a trusting person, expecting said trusted folk to do good in life, and furthermore, readily forgive them again if they screw up. She sees a lot of it as a repenting process, whereas if they show remorse, even in the slightest amount, the Silvert is ready to shower them in forgiveness and kindness. To sum it up, this woman is one to give multiple "second chances" when others would not.
  • Weak-Willed: A rather spineless woman, Celaireth lacks much of the ability to resist other people's influences, scoldings, and other things. However, she's not quite irresolute, as she's quick to make whichever decision she pleases. Rather, this mostly just applies to outside influences and her ability to resist hers or others' impulses. People commonly use this against her, quickly seeking to beat her into submission, with either words or fists, as her views are rather unorthodox or annoying. This is an incredibly negative trait of hers, as it just opens up the floodgates to more people taking advantage of her.
  • Nosy: A recurring and obvious problem in Cela's rather interesting personality is just how annoying she can be, in how she constantly bugs others about their affairs. The Nelfin wants to know what's going on with others, and excessively pushes her nose in where it doesn't belong. Her curiousity gets the better of her, resulting in a pestering attitude as she presses others about what's going on with them. The more introverted or closed off folks tend to distaste her for this, while on occassion people enjoy the interest. Though overwhelmingly, Cela finds negative connotations for her constant prodding about the life of other people.
  • Impulsive: While being a spineless woman, she is also a quick to act one. However, she does so without forethought; disregarding the consequences and such, Celaireth does exactly what her first thought is to do. Over time, this has gotten her into hot water every so often, on multiple occasions making the obviously wrong choice, to which she thought at first was perfectly right. On a rare occurance, this does her some good, as it allows her to be quick on her feet and act fast. Though, mostly this has swung in the direction of being non-beneficial, as such little thinking is put into a choice made by her, many times.
  • Mage Level Light Magic: Cela casts two certain sub-schools of Light Magic, being Barrier and Blinding. Typically, these are used to passively defend herself, and others, from harm. Though on occasion, when and if Cela "snaps", she may use her blinding light to stun and force people into repenting for a wrongdoing.
    • Barrier Light: Casted by waving a hand and holding a palm out, then saying "Tinechor". Can cast a large, yellow-hot shield of light, a bit over seven feet high and wide. Can mold it into a dome to increase individuals, and can hold it for about thirty minutes. Stops inanimate objects.
    • Blinding Light: Casted by making a fist with one hand, and holding a palm out, then saying "Amin hiraetha". A blindling flash of light emits from her palm for about five seconds, hurting the target's eyes incredibly and stun them. Palms are incredibly hot after. Has a passive form, cast the same way but with the phrase "Tula, hama neva i'naur", and creates a ball of dimmer light, used for illumination purposes. Can be held up for about 40 or so minutes, and floats as well as can be pushed about, defying gravity.
  • People-Pleaser: Throughout Celaireth's life, she has strived to shower strangers, peers, and friends alike in kindness and respect. This has grown to be a good advantage of hers, as many-a-times the Nelfin has gained the trust and friendship of what others would deem "a lost cause". Other people being happy is an enjoyment of hers, so striving to do create that environment has been an excellent tool in easing the process of building relationships with people, and has been a big boost in her life.
    • Sharp Tongue (Sub-Part of People-Pleaser): Physical strength has always been lost for the small Nelfin, but what she lacks in force, she makes up for in speech. In no way is Cela a manipulative person. Rather, her way of speaking has been something that has benefited her immensely. Her "sharp tongue" has gotten her out of trouble, resolved conflicts, and helped persuade to more positive situations. This speech has been a tool in the Cielothar's array for a long time now, and she intends to use it here in Regalia, to bring her "family" together.
  • Toned Legs: While Cela might as well be worth a muddy stick in a fist fight, she has one small thing going for, her legs. A life of travelling and a passion for hiking has left her skinny in all places, except her legs, in which she has the only source of "strength" on her. Typically a useless thing, her lower body strength has helped sometimes, such as being able to outrun muggers, kick people off of her, or just simply be a benefit on her usual runs and long hikes.
  • Lack of Strength: Cela has many good things going for her in the personality department, but when it comes down to it, this woman isn't winning any bodybuilding contests. Due to her traits as a Cielothar, and more broadly, a Nelfin, she has been destined to be on the weaker side of the physical scale. That being said, her study of magic and crafting hasn't done her any favours in mending this consequence of genealogy either. People can find it quite easy to overpower her, threaten her, and beat her down, due to this severe disadvantage.
  • Over-Trusting: Sometimes, Cela's people-pleasing and forgiving nature goes too far. Many times, she has set herself up for being hurt, betrayed, and flat out lose in each way possible, due to simply trusting another person too much. She puts an extreme amount of faith in people she doesn't truly know, blindly assuming there will be good in them anyhow. This has backfired more times than not, resulting in poor Celaireth earning herself the dunce hat, and the short end of the stick, multiple times over.
  • Walking Doormat: While a bit stubborn on certain subjects, it is a rather common occurrence for the rest of the world to simply walk over this Cielothar. It isn't that she is spineless, but rather that in her quest of seeking the good in people, and being passive and neutral while she's at it, Cela has opened herself up to being quickly strong-armed into submission, compliance, and being for all intents and purposes, walked all over by those who'd take advantage of her good-hearted nature.
  • Unstable: Like all Silverts, Celaireth is a bit "fried in the mind". She has a sense of unstableness in her, though it is incredibly dormant, and almost never seen on a normal basis. Essentially, Cela has to be triggered into this, and is typically set off by others laying into her with crudeness and malice too much, or by the refusal of a person to apologize and repent for a hefty offense. She's known, upon this triggering, to lash out at the generally-bad person. Her magic is the main thing to be used, Blinding Light, and attempts to force others into repenting, in a very violent and unnatural way. This is a deep-set weakness in her, and can only really be negated by being surrounded by positive people who wouldn't dare to hurt her in that way.
Personality and Abilities (Expansion)
  • Innate Forgiving/Trust: Cela seems to be incredibly quick to forgive people for mal-doings, big or small. It isn't clear if she outright seeks to undermine justice entirely, or if she purely does just see good in everyone. Not only this, but it is also insanely common for the Cielothar to put a large amount of trust in someone, whether it be someone she just met, or someone she's known for years.
  • Anxious Twitches: Cela can be a rather nervous and anxious person, especially when confronted with stressful or uncomfortable situations. In these moments, one who knows her can spot the signs on her, due to the woman doing things such as: biting her lip, biting her cheek or chewing on her tongue, twiddling her thumbs, wringing her hands together idly, shuffling, etc.
  • Respiratory Problems: Much to her disfortune, Celaireth was born with some issues in her respiratory system. While normal activity, and even some workouts, can be just fine for her, anything too overexerting or stressful, tends to trigger her symptoms. These reactions hang around: hyperventilation, wheezing, trouble breathing, chest pains, etc.
  • Competition Archery: Growing up in a Cielothar society, archery was a bit of a passive pastime amongst the people. She partook in shooting hay targets mostly, as a slight bit of sport in her younger days., though wasn't comfortable hunting or the like. She retains a skill with a bow, just preferring to not use it all too often.
  • Dancing: The act of dance has always been a fondness to the Cielothar, and a common occurrence. Having no real training on it, she seems rather unorthodox, yet exemplifies a skill at it despite such. Cela mostly picked up her moves and techniques from experiencing others, and practicing herself.
  • Expert Craftswoman: Through most of her life, Celaireth has partaken in the crafting of her own goods. While her products she sells is a mix of this, and things she's bought from others, Cela takes more pride and enjoyment in what she makes. Things such as whittling, doll making, weaving, and sewing are among her best talents.
  • Mage-Level Light Mage: An obvious one, Cela is proficient with her use of Light Magic, specifically in the realms of Barrier and Blinding Light. Learning this from a young age, the Silvert has progressed to a near-mastery of the talent, seeming to have an inherent pull to it.
  • Dancing: To be frank, Celaireth has happy feet. She's prone to roam near taverns, seeking out the bards there in order to have some good dancing with her townsfolk. The Nelfin is particularly good at it, but mostly rather just enjoys the music, the dancing, and the people. It's a very fun and exhilarating experience for her, and she actively seeks out to do this in her free time, coupled with attending festivals and fairs on a moment's notice, just for the opportunity for good, old-fashioned dancing.
  • Kindness: If there is one thing that appeals to dear Cela the most, it is the kindness of other people. While she expects nothing in return for her own benevolence being put onto others, the woman still very much enjoys when people show her genuine kindness. She's lived a life of people constantly putting her down, so whenever someone genuinely takes a liking to her and returns her good-will, it creates a large amount of appreciation in her.
  • Crafting: Her skills at crafting have led her to greatly enjoy her own talent. While it gets her some money, which is nice, she gets a good amount of enjoyment from it all. Whittling, doll making, bead-crafting, and many other things bring her comfort and calmness, typically doing it when she is incredibly stressed or saddened, as to alleviate the feelings.
  • Red Hair:
  • Condemnation:
  • Violence:
  • Potatoes:
  • Smell of Alcohol:
Relationships (Optional)
  • Filarion Orithanna (NPC) - Mentor, Foster Parent, Father-Figure
    • Fila, or Papa Fil, was Cela's mentor, foster guardian, and father-figure. The Cielothar still lives now, and was incredibly helpful to the woman in her childhood and early adult years. He taught her important values like generosity and charity, as well as watching over her and ensuring her and the other children were productive members of the township. He also was the one to sit her down, and explain to her the concept of Silverialls. For this knowledge as well, she is thankful.
  • Belanor Yinroris (Deceased NPC) - Teacher, Enlightener, Dearly Missed
    • An elderly Cielothar Cela essentially saved from hypothermia, Belanor taught her everything she knows of Light Magic today. She's spent so much time with him, she nearly worshipped the man as much as she does Estale. After some time, her old friend passed, but his lessons and help in her magics stayed forever. Either way, she owes so much to Belanor's memory, as he taught her how to defend others, and herself in a way.
  • Reval'quess Draltar (@Shayin) - Protector, Mentor
    • Cela hasn't known Reval a long time, but in the short time of their friendship, she feels safer around him than anyone else. The man took her under his protective wing shortly after meeting her, sensing the good in her from her mother, but unfortunately her innocence and naive nature was obvious. After a few more long talks, the Avanthar has made it clear his intentions to keep her from harm's way, and also teach her to fight for herself and stand up for herself.
Friends - Regardless of if Mutual
Works in Progress
  • Gwaedhiel Umerel (@_Vegemite)
    • Upon hearing all the rotten and foul things the Silvert had done, Cela knew someone had to do something other than just beat her. With all good intent, she confronted the woman with a friendly fashion, and after some time, developed a very very shaky bond. She seeks to reform Gwae into a better person, but it's a rather tedious process with many bumps along the way, and a lot of forgiving coming from Cela.
  • Aedhlynn Leannáin (@Rhuyne)
    • A similar relationship to Gwaedhiel, Celaireth befriended the traitorous Silvert under the pretense of hearing about how bad she was, and frankly tossing that to the side to be her friend. She seeks to mend Addie's bad ways, more specifically being, to shower her in genuine kindness, even when she has her bouts of betraying. Hopefully, through showing all of this, and making it clear she is her true friend, Aedhlynn will remedy herself over time. Oh and, Addie probably has a crush on Cela too.
  • Vehirion Vandiir (@Malavis)
    • Vei isn't as much dislike by Celaireth, but rather he frightens her. At first, she did as always, seeking to create a friendship with the fellow Silvert. Though his demeanor, attitude to her, and words quickly whittled away her confidence. Typically, he greets her with an insult, then proceeds to further chip away at her, causing a slight fear in the man whenever he enters the room. A rather unusual relationship for the Nelfin to have.
  • You're kidding.
    • Really I'm not lying.
Life Story (Required)
Early Childhood

  • Born to Ornthalas Amarallis and the embodiment of Forgiveness, Cela was destined for a life of poverty and negligence.
  • Seeing this, Ornthalas gave up his daughter to a Cielothar orphanage, as for the girl to live a somewhat better life.
  • Inducted into an Orphanage run by a Filarion Orithanna. Given immediate special treatment and accommodations due to her Golden-Eyes.
  • Began life in a tough way, though due to a young age, had some grace years.
  • Around six years old, Cela was expected to start carrying her own weight in the house. Filarion gave her chores and tasks to do, which were of course suitable for a young girl.
  • Worked hard to earn her keep, was treated rather kind by the tenants of the Orphanage and the staff themselves.
  • Soon realized she was "Blessed by Estale", and did her best to study her religion more, though faced constraints like her lack of literacy, money, and family.
  • Was allowed to work in the soup kitchen Filarion owned, though wasn't paid yet as the work was simple and built for just a child helping him, as the man was against working the children too hard or being abusive.
Teenage Years
  • Began to question more about her parents, constantly bugging Filarion about who they were, why they gave her up, and such. Funnily enough to the aging Cielothar, Cela didn't show hatred or disappointment in her parents abandoning her, but rather understanding and forgiveness.
  • Earned some small amounts of coin working with her caretaker and friend, Filarion, due to her now employment by him at the kitchen.
  • Met a traveling crafter by the name of Gunthar, from Regalia, who intrigued her and taught her his ways of speech and creating items, like stringing, some woodworking, sculpting, which inspired her to begin working up to having such an occupation.
  • Encountered an elderly man by the name of Belanor Yinroris, who was lying sick and dying on the side of the road.
  • After nursing the man back to health, he proposed to teach her his ways of magic, offering her instruction on both Barrier and Blinding Light magic, which she accepted immediately.
  • Spent years and years learning her magic with Belanor, who she quickly befriended. She herself collected multiple tomes and instructions on how to delve deeper and deeper into the art, becoming invested in this Celestial thing.
  • Continued her work under Filarion, eventually moving to managing the entire kitchen herself, the now-elderly Elf telling her about her father, though seemed to have little to no information about her mother.
  • After a time, Belanor died, along with leaving instructions on how she could one day reach his expertise of Light Magic. Celaireth was heartbroken, but determined to follow in the kind Elf's footsteps to achieve this goal.
  • Left the small Elven town, after saying her goodbyes to her friends being left behind, and made out for beyond, taking with her the wares she made, ready to become a crafter like the man she met all those years ago.
  • Stopped just at the outskirts of Daenshore, learning a trick or two about whittling and carving wood from an Ur there. Decided to incorporate the skill into her selling, making wooden carvings and trading them to people, as well as developing a nice hobby of it.
  • Not much money was made by trading her crafted goods, mostly due to her not understanding the concept of price and how much to sell them for, often just taking the first suggestion people gave her. The Nelfin luckily made friends with a local sailor, who mentioned his crew's plans to travel to a few nearby countries, which perked her interest. Happily agreeing, she stowed away on his ship, ready for the next adventure.
  • Continued traveling to Ceardia, where she holed up with a family of brewers who taught the Silvert a thing or two about brewing ale. It inspired her to give a shot whenever she got the chance, but the skill never took off.
  • Kept up her travelling for multiple years, the ship making stops at interesting places, studying her magic to a Mage Level, and meeting new people. However, the closer she got to Regalia, the more hate she received about her eyes.
Recent Years
  • Arrived in Regalia to work her craft, and learn about herself finally, taking the opportunities such a famous city had to offer.
  • Was immediately met with animosity by the people living in the city, driving her to a rough confusion upon other Silverts trying to warn her of things she didn't understand.
  • Ran into Dune Fautz, a fellow Gold-Eye, who told her about the Vices and Virtues and how she was a child of one like him. Introduced her to many other Silverialls.
  • Made it a point to begin trying to reform the so called "bag eggs" like Gwaedhiel and Aedhlynn, who she only saw good and potential in. Was met with a brick wall of stubbornness at first, but slowly began to worm herself into their lives and saw some progress.
  • Was told by Rhovanion she possibly is the offspring of Avetyaben, Forgiveness, and was encouraged by others to seek out Gaelthar or Cyrannon. Being the Virtue of Justice and the Virtue of Salvation, they could most likely tell her who she is and help her learn of her supposed mother, Avetyaben, if Rhovanion was right.
  • Met Reval'quess, then later on Cyrannon, who both confirmed her curiousity, that Avetyaben is truly her mother.
  • Thrust into some sort of guild of Reval's, mostly against her will, though is sticking with it at the man's request.
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@iMcMuffins Hey there! Your application will be easy to review, however there are some edits I will request you to make based on information currently not available on the wiki, in order to help you be prepared when the Elven Lore rewrites all change.
Amass Mercantile Respect
Right, so the first little nuance is right here. It isn't in the current Lore, but Cielothar living in Daendroc maintain no use of currency, nor do they do trade or business. Below is a quote from the Economy and Technology section of the new page as it stands now. Understand that this is not guaranteed to be the final concept.
Cielothar Page said:
Cielothar economy is largely based on the triangle barter trade with the Yanar and the Avanthar. The Cielothar themselves produce copper jewelry and agricultural products while they acquire Avanthar pelts, hides and leather, and Yanar herbs and fruits. While this is officially seen as a barter trade however, it is actually closer to a mutual donation agreement. The value of items is not set;, sometimes a drought means the Cielothar offer nothing to the Yanar and Avanthar, yet they still continue to give whatever they can spare. Among the Cielothar themselves, there is barely any currency. It is often just the act of providing for the needy that causes the Cielothar to share food with their neighbors. This makes it difficult for Cielothar to adapt to [[Regalian Empire|Regalia]] sometimes, as they expect their friends to just always do everything for free for them. While they also would do that in return, it's quite obvious that a Cielothar may not possess great financial riches to achieve much at all in a capital so built on commerce. Technologically speaking the Cielothar are very backwards, relying mostly on local produce. One thing that the Cielothar excel at however is harnessing the power of the wind. No other race or people has the level of expertise at building windmills as the Cielothar do, and their windmills in particular have a very high productivity rate when it comes to turning wheat into very fine flour.
As you can see, it might be difficult for Celaireth to adapt to Regalian trade that you seem to want her to do. To be very honest, I would have never guessed that Celaireth was a merchant of sorts based on our interactions in RP, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Just keep in mind that if you want your character to be a merchant and still be a Cielothar, you need to include some sort of transition period in the life story and explain how she got good at being a merchant, if at all.
In the new Lore, Cielother have lighter shades of brown, while the Altalar have golden blonde hair. You can easily get around this by saying her father was an Altalar, and that she was a, "Leaf," which is vaguely mentioned as an Altalar bastard that is dumped into the woods and later adopted by the Cielothar.
  • Weak-Willed: A rather spineless woman, Celaireth lacks much of the ability to resist other people's influences, scoldings, and other things. However, she's not quite irresolute, as she's quick to make whichever decision she pleases. Rather, this mostly just applies to outside influences and her ability to resist hers or others' impulses. People commonly use this against her, quickly seeking to beat her into submission, with either words or fists, as her views are rather unorthodox or annoying. This is an incredibly negative trait of hers, as it just opens up the floodgates to more people taking advantage of her.
  • Guilty: Being quite the negative and taxing trait, Cela is one easily guilted into things, by either herself or others. While mentioned before how simply manipulated she can be, here, it is shown how the Cielothar constantly blames herself for the faults of others, and readily accepts fault for the mistakes of others when pressed onto her by outside forces. There isn't a large reason for this happening, but rather just a natural reaction in her quest to bring out the good in people. Perhaps she thinks that if she is to take the blame, that could be respected by the wrong-doer and lead them to work for a better way of acting in the future.
The personality section is excellently written, however I feel like the way you described the trait, "Guilty," it easily falls under the category of, "Weak Willed." Try to find something else that doesn't touch on the points already covered. Is she introverted or extroverted? Is she prideful or humble? Ask these questions as you look into a trait to replace Guilty.
  • People-Pleaser: Throughout Celaireth's life, she has strived to shower strangers, peers, and friends alike in kindness and respect. This has grown to be a good advantage of hers, as many-a-times the Nelfin has gained the trust and friendship of what others would deem "a lost cause". Other people being happy is an enjoyment of hers, so striving to do create that environment has been an excellent tool in easing the process of building relationships with people, and has been a big boost in her mercantile excursions.
  • Sharp Tongue: Physical strength has always been lost for the small Nelfin, but what she lacks in force, she makes up for in speech. In no way is Cela a manipulative person. Rather, her way of speaking has been something that has benefited her immensely. Her "sharp tongue" has gotten her out of trouble, resolved conflicts, and helped persuade consumers into buying her products. This speech has been a tool in the Cielothar's array for a long time now, and she intends to use it here in Regalia, to bring her "family" together.
While these two traits are fundamentally different, you describe them in a way that intertwines each other, that being that they both have to do with how Celaireth speaks to and treats other people for her own benefit. I would move Sharp Tongue underneath People-Pleaser section, and find something else that Celaireth excels in. This might be a hard one to do, and if you can't find a replacement, don't feel that you have to for this one.
  • Over-Trusting: Sometimes, Cela's people-pleasing and forgiving nature goes too far. Many times, she has set herself up for being hurt, betrayed, and flat out lose in each way possible, due to simply trusting another person too much. She puts an extreme amount of faith in people she doesn't truly know, blindly assuming there will be good in them anyhow. This has backfired more times than not, resulting in poor Celaireth earning herself the dunce hat, and the short end of the stick, multiple times over.
I would not recommend having this trait as it is often used as a cop-out trait, however I have seen you portray this trait time after time again IC. I think you are competent enough to make use of this.
  • Continued traveling to Ceardia, where she holed up with a family of brewers who taught the Silvert a thing or two about brewing ale. It inspired her to give a shot whenever she got the chance, but the skill never took off.
  • Kept up her peddling for multiple years, making stops at interesting places, studying her magic to a Mage Level, and meeting new people. However, the closer she got to Regalia, the more hate she received about her eyes.
How did Celaireth manage to travel to Ceardia, then Regalia? Ship travel costs money, which is one thing Celaireth did not have prior to coming to Regalia. Maybe she learned how to trade efficiently, and this started her merchant career.

As I said, your application has very few issues. Be sure to mark all of your edits in dark blue, and tag me when they are complete!
Oh wow, right then. With that new info, I'll get back to the drawing board on what you brought up. Standby for the edits. @Shayin
That should cover it all, @Shayin.

All the edits are in blue.

  • Changed up her "occupation" to crafting, not necessarily selling the goods. She is instead learning about the possibility of that.
  • Shifted her to a Half-Cielothar Leaf bastard. Explained how.
  • Fixed the mentioned issues in her Strengths.
  • Fixed the mentioned issues in her Personality.
  • Explained how she made way to different countries.
Hey there, Muffins! While it is unnecessary to mention that Celaireth is a, "Leaf," anywhere but in the Life Story, you have fixed what I asked you to. Approved! C: