Preserved Sheet Ceijjaelo Dah’iellacent

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Jan 31, 2016
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sucking lestat de lioncourt’s toes
Ceijjaelo Dah'Iellacent

Basic Information

Name: Ceijjaelo Dah'Iellacent

Age: 66

Gender: Male

Race: Saivalthar

Main Ambition: Survival in Regalia, and to become one with nature.

Special Permission: Expert Beast Magic


Skill Information

School: Beast Magic- Beastial Possession and Beast Speech

Level: Expert Bestial Possession, Caster Beast Speech

Source: Cielothar slave forced to mentor him


Visual Information

Eye Colour: Icy blue and glowing.

Hair Colour: Light blonde.

Hair Style: Medium length and messy; falling just below his chin.

Skin Colour: Sickly pale.

Clothing: Often animal pelts and teal coloured robes.

Height: 6'7"

Weight: 170 lbs

Weapon of Choice: Beast Magic; Caster level Beast Speech and Expert Bestial Possession. He commonly uses this to control his pet Honey Badger, named Jaeciel.

Visual Information (Expansion)

Possessing angled and alien features, one could say that Ceijjaelo has a face typical of a Saivalthar; with a down-turned nose, prominent cheekbones, thin lips often forming a wry smirk, and a pointed chin. His eyes are upturned, and slim; glowing a cold, icy shade of blue, with angled, high eyebrows. His face is covered with green tattoos and scars forming intricate designs, with a silver ring on his nose and left eyebrow, and five piercings along the cartilage of his pointed ears. The Saivalthar often displays an amused or cocky expression upon his face.

Ceijjaelo is very tall and thin, at a remarkable height of 6'7" and only 170 pounds. The Saivalthar has basically no muscle or fat on his body, with a decent posture, long limbs, and an overall lanky-seeming build. Scarring and green tattoos forming intricate designs cover his arms, legs, and chest.

Typical of Saivalthar fashion, Ceijjaelo prefers to wear robes and coats lined with fur, exposing tattoos and scars. He often carries a Wrath possessed dagger purchased on the black market that amplifies his already wrathful personality. He is usually accompanied by a honey badger named Jaeciel, and/or a small candle mouse named Ignis, both of which he has created a bond with via Beast Magic.

Ceijjaelo speaks with a thick Saivalthar accent, rarely stuttering or mumbling at all. He is fluent in Modern Elvish, Saivallen, and Common.


Personality and Abilities

Personality Traits

Arrogant [-] A trait typical of Saivalthar, Ceijjaelo is extremely arrogant and prideful. He truly thinks that he's one of the greatest people to have ever lived, and acts upon this notion frequently. Ceijj overestimates his abilities and intelligence, proving a weakness in combat at times. He is the first person to call another out for their flaws, but he'd never admit to his own flaws.

Wrathful [-] Partially due to the exposure he has to a possessed dagger, but mainly a simple flaw in his mindset, the Beast Mage is extremely wrathful. Ceijjaelo is extremely irritable, and takes pleasure in getting this anger out via harming others. He has a tendency to be extremely vengeful and cruel; an often unlikeable trait. This often drives away possible friends, as he doesn't exactly give the best first impression to others.

Close-minded [-] Due to his sheltered childhood, the Saivalthar is extremely biased and prejudiced towards most people. It would take years for him to form a decent relationship with any nelfin that aren't his race, and he refuses to accept any other religious belief system. Additionally, playing into his arrogance, Ceijjaelo refuses to admit that his ideas or ideals are wrong. This often causes him to seem prejudiced, xenophobic, and ignorant.

Dependable [+] Towards his allies, Ceijjaelo is pretty dependable. The Saivalthar's friends know that they can count on him to support them, and he has no problem with helping his friends. Ask Ceijj to do something, and it will be done quickly and to the best of his abilities. He's unlikely to backstab allies, though it isn't impossible, and he has no issue with following through with a promise.

Adaptable [+] Ceijjaelo is highly adaptable and flexible with his schedule, and has no issue with acting on impulse. The Beast Mage is quick-thinking and intelligent, and typically lives by the moment. Planning is not Ceijj's thing whatsoever, and he rarely has a structured plan to go by. Due to this, he has learned to find a way to live through tough situations whenever possible.

Patient [+] Despite his many flaws, Ceijjaelo is extremely patient with others, though mainly with friends. He has absolutely no issue with waiting for a while, and takes his time. He'll often sit back and wait for others, not exactly minding their sometimes awful time-management. The Saivalthar has no issue with waiting for others, however, as a result, he also tends to take his time when doing things.


Beast Magic: With ability lying in both subforms of Beast Magic, the Saivalthar is easily classified as a competent magic user. He commonly uses this to control a honey badger in battle, and commands it to attack people for him. Also, while this magic is wonderful in combat, he typically relies upon his pets for emotional support, causing him distress when they're hurt.

Pain Tolerance: As a Saivalthar, Ceijjaelo is very masochistic, seeking pain rather than disliking it. This is not to say he's immune to pain and injury, but he can enter a trance while casting and use it to amplify his casting. This tolerance to pain often aids him in fights, at the cost of suffering more injury due to his self-harm.

Extroverted: Ceijjaelo is by all means far from shy. He has no problem with striking up conversation or expressing his opinions, to the point of seeming loud and rude at times. This trait causes him to make friends (or occasionally enemies) a bit easier.


Self-Harm: Unfortunately, to upkeep his pain-casting abilities, the Saivalthar must harm himself extremely frequently. While he definitely does not dislike it, Ceijjaelo constantly has some sort of exploitable injury in combat. Whether this is a few cuts down his arms or a bruised leg, there will always be some way to exploit it. Due to this, he is sometimes sluggish due to blood loss when he takes his self-injury too far.

Mangled Hand: During an incident when the Saivalthar attempted to tame a large wildcat with his magic at student level, Ceijjaelo's hand was badly mangled. He is missing two fingers on his right hand, and there are quite a lot of scars, all providing sensitive spots. He additionally tends to drop items held in his once-dominant hand due to this, making him unable to use it for much.

Irritable: Despite his patience, Ceijjaelo is an extremely irritable person. He gets frustrated over the smallest of things, and lashes out fairly unpredictably when he's angry, with the sole purpose of harming the person that annoyed him. Combined with his impulsiveness and overconfidence in his abilities, this often gets him into fights that he simply cannot win.

Impulsive: Stemming from his ability to adapt and survive, the Beast Mage is extremely impulsive. He never thinks things out really, and thinks of plans as worthless- what if the plan doesn't work? Ceijjaelo charges into fights without a care, and never plans out his actions, leading to the man becoming quite unpredictable. And not in a good way, either.

Personality and Abilities (Expansion)


Person: tba

Location: Saivale

Activity: Caring for animals

Animal: Giant Spider or Candle Mouse

Flower: Lilium

Least Favorites

Person: tba

Location: Sewers/Poorer areas

Activity: Housework

Animal: Dogs

Flower: Tulip

Optimist or pessimist?: Pessimist

Introvert or extrovert?: Extrovert

Daredevil or cautious?: Daredevil

Logical or emotional?: Emotional

Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: Disorderly and messy

Prefers working or relaxing?: Relaxing

Confident or unsure of himself/herself?: (Over)Confident

Animal lover?: Yes

Life Story

  • Born to a fairly wealthy of Saivalthar on November 20th, 239 AC.
  • Raised with many slaves, and generally privileged.
  • Most notably; his family had enslaved a stray Cielothar woman found wandering near the borders of their homeland in Saivale.
  • This Cielothar, named Syl'raecin, seemed to have the odd ability of communicating with animals, which turned out to be Beast Magic.
  • Ceijjaelo immediately showed interest in this rare magic, his parents telling the slave that they'd be killed or reconditioned if she did not obey and eventually mentor Ceijj.
  • The Cielothar obviously agreed, fearing for her life and sanity.
  • Was gifted with an excellent education, attending a decent school as a child.
  • Eventually began to learn both forms of Beast Magic from the Cielothar slave by age 14.
  • In an incident when Ceijjaelo attempted to control a giant wildcat while at Student level, his hand was badly mangled, an injury that'd affect him for the rest of his life.
  • Took on the prefix "Dah" to his surname by age 18, deciding that he would worship Wrath.
  • Began forcing his slaves to fight for personal amusement, however, he spared Syl'raecin, out of self-interest-- he did not want his mentor being killed or seriously maimed before he reached Expert level.
  • The Cielothar served him out of fear of brainwashing or death, and obeyed without question, which is why she was never reconditioned.
  • Lived an extremely uneventful life until age 61, when he had nearly reached Expert level.
  • Somehow, he had remained unmarried this whole time, save for the occasional girlfriend.
  • At age 64, Ceijjaelo reached Expert level. While his parents had wanted the Cielothar to be killed now that she was of no use, Ceijj had developed affection towards the nelfin woman.
  • The two had a small and brief affair, but Ceijjaelo's powerful friends in the Magistratum found out about it nevertheless.
  • Ceijjaelo was told to either kill the Cielothar or be banished from Saivale.
  • After pondering on it, he decided to flee, seeking a fresh start in Regalia, and leaving Syl to her fate in Saivale, pretty much blaming her for his ruined reputation.
  • While in Regalia, he forged a strong bond with two animals; a Honey Badger and a Candle Mouse.
  • Eventually bought a dagger rumoured to be Wrath possessed on the black market.
  • He wanders the sewers to this day, currently homeless.
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Also u totally stole my spider thing fo Belar :P