Preserved Sheet Cecilia Ferin

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Honest Citizen
Mar 8, 2021
Reaction score
Deep Down
Roleplay Guilds
Aelrrigan Knight Order

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"There are a million ways we should've died before today,
and a million ways we can die before tomorrow."

[Do I Wanna Know? | Artic Monkeys] [Smells Like Teen Spirit | Nirvana] [All I Wanted | Paramore] [Teenagers | My Chemical Romance]
[Teeth | 5 Seconds of Summer] [Through The Valley | Shawn James] [Little Dark Age | MGMT] [Ain't It Fun | Paramore]

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    • Full Name | Cecilia Ailadh Ferin.
      • Nicknames | Celia, Cece.
    • Age | Nineteen.
      • Birthdate | January First.
    • Gender | Female.
    • Race | Half-Altalar / Halfling.
      • Solvaan Mother, Ailor Father.
    • A golden chain, either hung around Cecilia's neck or in the pocket of her jackets/pants. Two thick, similarly golden wedding bangs threaded through the thin cuffs. Inside, inscriptions of D'Ithaine, alongside initials, different on either ring. Obviously treasured by the sight of no rust and cleanliness.
    • A concealed dagger in the sheath placed under her back, hooked onto the belt of pants. When revealed, shining in well care, dangerous to its point and regularly sharpened through and through. Adorned with a single, clear, and tinted blue gem in the hilt, barely scarred.
    • A pair of either gold or silver earrings, usually studded, others not. Accompanied by short ear cuffs to fit around the small pull of her tipped ears. Swirling in melted minerals of design that contrast with her pale skin - made personally by who knows who, both tight and dangly.
    • Wrinkled notes squeezed into tight balls of trash - usually out of random books or newspapers. Ranging around but not limited to, crossword puzzles, fraud news, funny drawings, depressing character moments, Regalian laws, annoying notes and more. Sometimes accidentally fallen.
    • Not so much an item to be stolen - A prosthetic arm. Cecilia's right arm carries hunky metal - dyed and tweaked - means of Clockwork. Usually lightly clicking or yelling in mashing wheels, looking as though the holder is not yet used to the weight and space of so.
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"You know, as bad as those things are, at least they're predictable.
It's the normal people that scare me."

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    • Fifty Core Points, Ten Hobby Points, Five Racial Points.
      • Point-Buy Proficiencies
        • +9 Sorcery [+9 Core Points]
        • +3 Volacorum [+3 Core Points]
        • +12 Rougery [+12 Core Points]
        • +3 Linguistics [+3 Core Points]
          • ↬ [Kathar-Altalar]
      • Core Proficiencies
        • +10 Fist Combat [+10 Core Points]
        • +3 Sword Combat [+3 Core Points]
      • Talent Proficiencies
        • +10 Perception Training [+5 Core Points, +5 Racial]
        • +5 Strength Training [+5 Core Points]
      • Hobby Proficiencies
        • +5 Writing Arts [+5 Hobby Points]
        • +5 Body Arts [+5 Hobby Points]
    • PHYSICAL STAT 》23.
      • ↬ [Body Shape | Ripped.]
      • ↬ [Body Fat | Low.]
      • ↬ [Common | Free]
      • ↬ [Modern Altalar | Mothers Tongue]
      • ↬ [D'Ithanie | Fathers Tongue]
      • ↬ [Kathar Altalar | Linguistics]
      • « Half-Altalar Racials »
        • ↬ [Arcane Mastery I]
        • ↬ [Sorcery Skill I]
        • ↬ [Skin Purge I]
        • ↬ [Age Control I]
        • ↬ [Home Enchant IV]
      • « Sorcery »
        • ↬ [True Path I]
        • ↬ [Elemental Control IV]
        • ↬ [Magic Bolt I]
      • « Roguery »
        • ↬ [Rouge Gift IV]
        • ↬ [Rouge Gift I]
        • ↬ [Burglary Pack]
        • ↬ [Sleight of Hand Pack]
      • « Volacorum »
        • ↬ [Exist Lavvanya Mutations]
        • ↬ [Exist Carry, Exist Bite, and Exist Tears all applied.]
      • « Training »
        • ↬ [Great Force I]
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"The problem is not the problem.
The problem is your attitude about the problem. Do you understand?"

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    • Eye Color | Greying Green.
    • Hair Color | Auburn Brown.
    • Hair Style | Long and Curly - usually found in up-do's.
    • Skin Color | Creamy Pale.
    • Clothing | Slummer style. Sometimes fancier.
    • Height | Five foot six.
        • Cecilia sports gentle features - plump lips, doe shaped eyes, and a small petite nose. Her skin stays untouched, likely to be a covered lie, cheekbones and nose-bridge dusted with freckles the color of children's coffee. Green eyes, an unusual shade with the decaying of the color and remainder of grey, both palettes appearing in those little iris'. Her ears are small, though unable to hide the small pinch of a tip, elven ears untouched. Cecilia is generally expressive, smiling when happy, brooding when angry, giddy when excited, and so on and so forth. Though, stationed, there is a wide, cocky grin on her face. Moving up, her hair lies a forest of wood, auburn stained and most likely knotted at the end of the day. Personally enjoying the intricate things, Cecilia puts her hair up through jewelry and ties - finding hairstyles such as braids, buns, ponytails, pigtails, and bubble-braids. Sometimes as simple as being down.
        • Cecilia stands at a whopping five-foot-six, similar to a stump in a big oak forest. Even worse, her legs are stubby, making for a long torso. Her pale skin roads the entirety of her body, scarring forming in colors of a somehow lighter color - sometimes pinks. Small paintbrush flicks of brown moles and natural marks blemish her arms, legs, back, chest, in singular groups. To make up for height, Cecilia has buffed muscles, arms bulging in idle lax, stomach worked in abs, shoulders cracking a model in stretch, and so-on. Anything but lanky. The amount of fat not going slim, but enough for such musculature to pop. She principally keeps herself groomed - eyebrows, legs, underarms, all tortured. A few notable scars include rigid lines down the length of her back - several, burnt scars from the left flesh on her right shoulder, petty circular scars of grass and road burn on her knees and elbows, the rest hidden - or not there. She carries the soft scent of vanilla, never to get obscured by sweat, blood, or anything nasty odors. There is a designed, lined sleeve of ink following down her last born limb of her left arm.
        • Cecilia's style varies, in most situations posing in a shirt and pants - sometimes often taken from mere Ailor slummer clothing. Though, there are times where she pulls off a good robed, Altalar influenced look. Deeper in her wardrobe are dresses, skirts, and so on. There are no true preferred tones she has - anything that will get the job done. Her ears hold many piercings, going from small studs to dangly gold, and ear cuffs. Furthermore, Cecilia has rings, anklets, necklaces, nose rings, and bracelets. The piece of jewelry that never comes off is a small chain of two weddings rings - having inscriptions of D'Ithaine and initials.
        • Voice Claim | Ellie Williams.
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"When a man is denied the right to live the life he believes in,
has no choice but to become an outlaw."

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    • Happiness & Contentedness.
      • Shoulder punches, big smiles, and loud words all contribute to Cecilia's happy side. Jumping up and down, ready for the worst, anything remotely dangerous, touching, or violent can get the Halfling amped up. Furthermore - contentedness comes in different variety's such as light humming, closed eyes, scratching limbs, and lost staring.
    • Fear & Stress.
      • Complete manic desolation, with either fighting or running, willing to swim through sewer water and climb trees - even jump off cliffs. Break a nose, stab an eye out, pull loose limbs, the list goes on and on. Meanwhile, stress follows the status of hair ripping panic. Pacing, yelling, quiet thinking, and quick-witted decisions. Cecilia completely despises stress.
    • Law & Authorities.
      • Dirty dogs who get power. Somewhat. In simplicity, Cecilia has a certain distaste for the guard and laws and authority. The Halfling and rules don't seem to ever correlate with each other, well alone come to an understanding. Having been through a lifetime of running and stealing, the conditioned style has no intent of pressing on the break, no matter the place and time. But, everyone's a little dirty.
    • Races & Religion.
      • Blind to the base of such after being thrown in the pit of untainting bias. Being knocked around so many times, there's a neutral among most races. Although, Cecilia typically goes with stereotypes with strangers, true to her opinions and bites. Akin to most, she doesn't follow Religion, merely never finding time to truly delve in. Though, this could be changed with persuading.
    • Arcane & Magic.
      • The limitless and complete unknown - heart-thrilling to think about for the Halfling. Similar to addicting crime, there's a certain enjoyment to the void of unknowledgeable. So many possibilities to wrap her head around - causing daydreaming at times.
    • Family & Self.
      • Cecilia has had multiple families in the time of her life. Biologically, she feels defeated and betrayed by their choices, while the group in Hallonq holds a special place in her heart. More so in Nordskag, where the true feeling of family bond was present. Cecilia takes pride in knowing she went from a scrappy nobody street-rat, to being more than just that. A fit nobody street-rat.
    • Moving Forward.
      • Cecilia moves forwards knowing there's always a higher road. For the better, there's going to be brighter days. Although she doesn't preach this, there's a stickily feeling in the bottom of her stomach of nervousness. That everyday could very well be her last - might live as though there's no tomorrow. Be someone you'd love to see running down that street.
    • Insecurity & Fear.
      • The biggest insecurity of Cecilia's is her lost arm. It was to her doing and the ones around her - not to say she regrets any of it, but its a sign of her loyalty and worst moment. Her biggest fear is absolute shutdown. Death would be nicer than the cut-off of everything good and dirty, in nothingness. In a cell, prison, of any kind, would cause disfunction for the Halfling.
    • Character Alignment.
      • Chaotic Neutral | An individualist who follows their own heart and generally shirks rules and traditions. Although chaotic neutral characters promote the ideals of freedom, it is their own freedom that comes first; good and evil come second to their need to be free.
    • Character Personality Type.
      • Entertainer (ESFP) | If anyone is to be found spontaneously breaking into song and dance, it is the Entertainer personality type. Entertainers get caught up in the excitement of the moment, and want everyone else to feel that way, too. No other personality type is as generous with their time and energy as Entertainers when it comes to encouraging others, and no other personality type does it with such irresistible style.
    • Character Religion.
      • Agnostic | Cecilia has thrown most thing typing her down, out the window. While never getting a true grasp for really anything related to Religion, there's never been that connection. Therefore - she turns to simplicity. Not knowing, and not assuming. The internal rage for each another with go on until the end of time, in her eyes, why join the war?
    • Weaknesses.
      • Unaccustomed Arm | Cecilia is yet to become used to the arm of hers, dealing with freezing spasms, phantom moments, hesitation, and lost fight.
      • Oblivious | Cecilia does not know when to stop. Warned, struck, tattled, disciplined, only her own will can get her to come to a halt.
      • Stubborn | It's not hard to notice the inability Cecilia has to listen, or take any type of discipline followed by advice. She frustrates herself.
    • Strengths.
      • Fists | Cecilia loves being able to have a good old fashioned fist fight. Sometimes to the point of outright starting them in the middle of nothing.
      • Emotions | While hating them, Cecilia has learned to harbor her emotions better than ever. At least, in most situations - while still being humane.
    • Quirks.
      • Snapping fingers | While focused or attentive, perhaps even to be annoying, Cecilia snaps her metal fingers to create a loud, echoing noise.
      • Roaming | Cecilia loves adventure, meaning thereof needs exploring. She tends to zone out and inspect her surroundings, leading to running down hallways.
      • Grinning | Cecilia is almost always amused, tending to give bystanders big, mischievous grins and smiles. Its a weird, but important habit.
    • Skills.
      • Writing | A skill learned in her years of running, Cecilia found a particular love for writing, so dramatically and special, she hopes to write for people.
      • Body Art | Cecilia had many jobs growing in Nordskag, and one of those for awhile was a body shop. Including piercings, tattooing, among the likes. It's why she sports a sleeve.
    • Likes.
      • Fighting.
      • Violence.
      • Sneaking.
      • Stealing.
      • Adrenaline.
      • Running.
      • Drugs.
      • Adventure.
    • Dislikes.
      • Authority.
      • Alcohol.
      • Feelings.
      • Crying.
      • Complicating things.
      • The color yellow.
      • Cliché romance.
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"I don't want to say I'd wipe everybody out, because that's cocky.
But they wouldn't beat me."

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    • Childhood.
      • Cecilia Ailadh Ferin was born from Merina and Damian Ferin, two on-the-run criminals in Catalon. She wailed and wailed through the nights, having to move at every second in the arms of her parents. They grew there - in the alleyways, making a good thief out of the girl. And boy, would she do anything to make them impressed. She made no name for herself, only cloaked and running at there mere ages she was.
      • Years passed, reaching the ages of seven and eight, it was a slaughter house in vain - having sat to rest in shelter, only to be stabbed in the back. This incident, to put short, had cost the life of her father. For being so young and naïve, a chain reaction started for the girl, a sworn promise of all the times and laughs to not be for nothing. Soon revenge.
      • Time doesn't stop for the wicked. Cecilia and her mother were moving all across the nation, surprisingly alright for once. Finding home in a local tavern, not far from the street-chains, blissfully. That was, until Merina was no-where to be found. The halfling searched high and low, but with no avail, found nothing. Soon - she had to move. Where was that? Hallonq.
      • The trek was hard and long, for such short and feeble legs. It seemed near impossible. But, within its own stubbornness, Cecilia found the edges of the City. And was soon to find trouble. The new cattle didn't have it easy, finding stealing and thieving much much harder. Due to the gangs and groups, she was a lone wolf. There were a few mercy people - of whom taught her sorcery in the dirty streets. Although irritable and unworthy, Cecilia learned.
      • Chases, beatings, falling, swimming, all of it - on the run. Either from mercenary, guard, gangs, or others. Perhaps stall members. Anyone who'd she could piss off - which was easy in her case. There were a few bad moments, and it wasn't pretty. A few jarring stories for another time, perhaps.
    • Adolesence.
      • Cecilia grew here for some time. Found a good group to run and eat with, to heal up. They became like family for awhile. Although, they were on the move. To where, that was the question. But Cecilia was more than happy to follow them out of the dump of Hallonq.
      • A plan was decided. At dusk, they would sneak onto a boat, and where that took them, that's where they would stay. It was odd, and terrifying, but the scrappy group of teens were able to pull it off. They ducked and hid, held their breath until the thundering footsteps of armor passed. And then, it was time for a very long ship ride. Many got sick in barrels, or fell asleep, while Cecilia outright refused. Dagger in hand, the poor child stayed up all night, watching the entryway.
      • Eventually, dawn was broken, and in time, Cecilia and her group washed onto Nordskag. They were quick to jump overboard and swim to short among the sands, and take in the cold. The huddle of young teens roamed for awhile, before a similar group of Velheim found them and offered protection.
      • For awhile - Cecilia was indifferent. Always on edge. The people thus far were cold, and were known for just that. Trust was going to take awhile, but eventually, it was there, with trial and error. The cost for protection was their own, meaning that the pipsqueaks had to be trained. That birthed the era of true fight, working, and always finding something good to do. This wasn't to say the group of rouges never snuck around again, they did just that, but in Nordskag, it was risky.
      • No place like home. Cecilia took her time here for many many years, until she was grown and mature. Somewhat. The family she had came with was still there, their caretaker having got married with kids, in which they took care of with the request - followed with a smack on their heads at their groans. Risk was a huge factor still. So much, that when one of hers were put up for punishment, she carried the entire blame. Costing her arm. It took awhile to get used to the fact - and she never will be over it. She was grateful, but she couldn't stay there. The crisis and newfound want to travel was too needed.
      • Which is what has brought Cecilia in for Regalia. For better or worse.
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HUGE thanks to @Qoll and their aesthetic walkthrough! It helped a lot and inspired the majority of this
applications aesthetic.

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