Ceardia/silver Edge Screenshots

Ah, SilverEdge... I personally liked it better when every faction could build it's own embassy rather then being forced to use prebuilt houses.
Ah, SilverEdge... I personally liked it better when every faction could build it's own embassy rather then being forced to use prebuilt houses.
The establishment is trying to take away our individuality... make us one. All the same, no one can succeed more than the other, no one is different... no one is better. One big collective thought... move as machines....
Ah, SilverEdge... I personally liked it better when every faction could build it's own embassy rather then being forced to use prebuilt houses.

The establishment is trying to take away our individuality... make us one. All the same, no one can succeed more than the other, no one is different... no one is better. One big collective thought... move as machines....

We did discuss making one giant district for this! :-)
But then we thought about it, and we do Not want to clean up after noobs making stuff not following guidelines, plus it's strange.

Rich area in Silveredge had sand temples, oak tree fortresses and japanese like "wonderplaces"?
Besides that, some noobs made shit in cobble, glass structures, and all kinds of strange ugly stuff, which we didnt really fancy keeping together.

So we decided to Personally make Every house in Regalia the same"style" in the districts, but each house is not like the other. It's all individually designed for it's specific place!

You can even change the interior of the house as you wish :-)

No Redsunfight, this is not a collective machinery, think more like Adam smith's wealth of nations, you know the father of liberalism ;-)

Besides that, Regalia does look good as far as Ive heard.
The simpelest reason why we avoided chunk based housing is that the streets would have become 2 blocks wide and every district would have become a roster.
My only dislike about Regalia is that none of the houses have roof overhang. It really takes away from their external appearance IMHO.

Perhaps you could figure out a way to make it possible to build faction-owned Embassies outside the city, but they need to be approved by admins or they're taken down? Would give a reason to leave the city at all, and it makes sense since Factions are richer then Members (usually).