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Cc's Crookback: Welcome To Bralonatown


catgirl enthusiast
Nov 11, 2017
Reaction score
The following was dispensed by Klokktech drones, dozens of them dispersing fliers across the whole of Crookback.


You might all be very surprised at what has transpired, but not myself!
This is all according to plan.

First thing's first, obviously.

All volunteers/employees/hanger-ons of the previous Crookback 'government' are hereby fired.
Thank you for your cooperation.​

I now institute the following roles, appointed by me.
Generalissimo-in-Perpetua of the Crookback Gendarmerie [Crookback Militia Lead]:

Chief Financial Officer of the United Commerce of Crookback [Money, Event Stuff]:

Custodian Superior of Inferior Belief Systems [Religious Lead]:

Secretary of Secretarial Titles [Makes up Title Names]:

Senior Ambassador Delegate of Honesty, Integrity, Honor, Patience, Justice, Charity, Courage, Prudence, Fortitude, Amiability and Truth [Truth Ministry Communicator]:

Medical Major Administrator of Making Locals Feel Better [Clinic, Medicine]:

Principal Justiciar of Regime Stabilization and Paralegal Activities [Law Lead]:

Executive Complaint Manager, Accounts Milquetoast and Grating [Complainer]:

All roles are given the implicit approval of the Mayor in all of their actions when operating in the Crookback Borough. Their word is law and absolute within Crookback, until I say otherwise.

More roles incoming! If we need them. We're not electing, we're appointing.

I would like to address any would-be dissenters. To those who would like to work against myself under some misconstrued belief that I will negatively impact your quality of life, I say to you:
  1. I am going to live forever.
  2. You are not going to live forever.
  3. I could make it so much worse.
Some items of Intent:
We will provide a Terrible Citizen 'award'. This will be given to some individuals per week, elaborating on why they are Terrible Citizens. Terrible Citizens will have a standing 300r bounty on them for their capture for that week.

You all keep complaining about paying taxes without actually paying taxes. I'm going to give you something to complain about. Standing ordinance, anyone complaining about taxes will be charged 50r per comment.​

Here is the Updated List of Laws, Effective Immediately:

You can be Cahal (for now).
You can be Undead (for now).
You can be Vampires (for now).
You can be Mages (for now).
Pay your debts. Especially to Crookback.
Arson and setting fire to structures is illegal.
Building new religious iconography (temples, statues, etc.) is illegal.

To be without lethal weaponry is illegal.
High Risk Notables are subject to wearing an identification hat and payment of an entry fee. These currently include:
  • Archon
  • Knights
  • 'Ailred'
Crookback will provide identification hats at an affordable price to HRNs.

To insult a Bralona (physically, verbally, psychologically) is punishable.

Welcome to Bralonatown. We hope you enjoy your stay.

Cpt. CC-Delle
Mayor of Crookback

October 9, 310 AC, Local Standard​
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A witch snags a flyer from a lowered drone, thanking the mechanical messenger under her breath. Scanning through, a few things stood out- or maybe she was just more illiterate than she thought.

"...Well this isn' so bad. 't Least Delle knows how t' run a slum."
Llewyn snatches one of the parchments that fluttered about in the air, and scans it. They grumble upon examining its scription, though a brief snort of withering amusement passes through the Silven at reading the name of a certain Avantl.

They tuck the notice into a pocket, and set off. Work had to be done.
Vaeril took a hold of the flier, squinting their eyes as they read through it carefully. Slowly, a grin grew on their lips, followed by laughter from the half-Fin'ullen as they handed the paper out to an Isldar they were walking with.

"Pffahaha-... Looks like y'cant wear purple there now, hun. This is priceless."

The Voidspite Fae cannot remember the last time it held a piece of paper with such intensity. Its grip crinkles the page, and a little vein pops onto its head.

Think. Breathe. From its rooftop perch, it stares downwards, towards newly-christened BRALONATOWN.
Aldon Adeliason reads over one of the fliers with a sigh, looking up skyward. Placing his index and middle finger together, his thumb upright, he mimicked shooting down one of the drones dispersing the fliers.

"Guess I should've been a lot more literal when I said 'Crookback needs people with guts.'"
Vaeril took a hold of the flier, squinting their eyes as they read through it carefully. Slowly, a grin grew on their lips, followed by laughter from the half-Fin'ullen as they handed the paper out to an Isldar they were walking with.

"Pffahaha-... Looks like y'cant wear purple there now, hun. This is priceless."


Valenia took ahold of the flier, her lavender eyes flickering back and forth as she read it over. A distraught gasp left her lips as she reached the bottom paragraph, turning back to the brood in disbelief. A Bralona dictatorship in Crookback? That was tolerable. The banning of the color purple? Were those slime people out of their MINDS?
A poor Urlan wakes up to the buzzing of drones outside of his window.. He manages to snag a whole drone and yanks the paper out before letting the machine free. As he reads his breaths become slower and full of exhasperation. He sets the notice atop his desk before going to pour himself a glass of whiskey.

"One of these days, will be a normal day Viggo. One of these feckin days I'll nap in peace."
A grey haired man sat at his bar, mumbling to himself.
"The audacity of some of these slimers, I swear to Hagen."
The following was dispensed by Klokktech drones, dozens of them dispersing fliers across the whole of Crookback.


You might all be very surprised at what has transpired, but not myself!
This is all according to plan.

First thing's first, obviously.

All volunteers/employees/hanger-ons of the previous Crookback 'government' are hereby fired.
Thank you for your cooperation.​

I now institute the following roles, appointed by me.
Generalissimo-in-Perpetua of the Crookback Gendarmerie [Crookback Militia Lead]:

Chief Financial Officer of the United Commerce of Crookback [Money, Event Stuff]:

Custodian Superior of Inferior Belief Systems [Religious Lead]:

Secretary of Secretarial Titles [Makes up Title Names]:

Senior Ambassador Delegate to the Ministry of Truth [nya]:
Hackey Sack

Medical Major Administrator of Making Locals Feel Better [Clinic, Medicine}:

All roles are given the implicit approval of the Mayor in all of their actions when operating in the Crookback Borough. Their word is law and absolute within Crookback, until I say otherwise.

More roles incoming! If we need them. We're not electing, we're appointing.

I would like to address any would-be dissenters. To those who would like to work against myself under some misconstrued belief that I will negatively impact your quality of life, I say to you:
  1. I am going to live forever.
  2. You are not going to live forever.
  3. I could make it so much worse.
Some items of Intent:
We will provide a Terrible Citizen 'award'. This will be given to some individuals per week, elaborating on why they are Terrible Citizens. Terrible Citizens will have a standing 300r bounty on them for their capture for that week.

You all keep complaining about paying taxes without actually paying taxes. I'm going to give you something to complain about. Standing ordinance, anyone complaining about taxes will be charged 50r per comment.​

Here is the Updated List of Laws, Effective Immediately:

You can be Cahal (for now).
You can be Undead (for now).
You can be Vampires (for now).
You can be Mages (for now).
Pay your debts. Especially to Crookback.
Arson and setting fire to structures is illegal.
Building new religious iconography (temples, statues, etc.) is illegal.

To be without lethal weaponry is illegal.
High Risk Notables are subject to wearing an identification hat and payment of an entry fee. These currently include:
  • Archon
  • Knights
  • 'Ailred'
Crookback will provide identification hats at an affordable price to HRNs.

To insult a Bralona (physically, verbally, psychologically) is punishable.

Welcome to Bralonatown. We hope you enjoy your stay.

Cpt. CC-Delle
Mayor of Crookback

October 9, 310 AC, Local Standard​
A Yanar picks up a flier from the cobble, reading it with shaky hands. They look over it a few times, adding creases to the edges of the paper, before looking around and running back to their apartment to gather their things.
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One of Nnoctor's Demons casually snatchea a flyer and brings it to him.

"This should be fun."
"This will be trouble."
Wisteria sat on a bench in the small garden in Old Square.
She peaceful plucked her thumb along a Baryton , a light melody filled the garden until a buzz followed by papers flutter around her.

She caught a flier between her index and middle finger and began scanning her eyes along the paper.
The words


Stood out to her, as she looked up at the purple mix of flowers surrounding her head and the lilac linen dress she wore.

"It feels like a curse that my name be Wisteria and I cannot enjoy the beauty of such colour…nor adorn the flower. Shall I consider residing some place else…."
"... What did the color purple ever do to you?" Gwenfrewi mournfully commented. She peered down to Cot (the Cat) and the violet collar around their neck.

A snap of her fingers, and it bled green instead. Better to follow the "rules" then end up with a dead familiar, unfortunately.
The Forsaken would catch one of the fliers from the drone nearby. After reading it, he chuckles to himself. "We'll this should be interesting. I shouldn't need to worry too much for the time being. my few Bralona friends might like this. Having a home for once." With that, he folded up the flier and walked out of Bralonatown back to his forge in the Arena Court
Upon reading one of the many new fliers, the creature's eyes opened wide. Her remaining ear stood on end, as she let out a pained shriek. "NO WEARING PURPLE?! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS BULLSHIT?!" Her spaded tail whipped around behind her, furiously flicking while she stomped around in a circle. "RENNYN!" She cried out to the larger Abyssal down the road. "I'm gonna kill them!"

"You can't kill them, they're actually immortal. But you can ignore them, and I think that's way funnier." He was beaming with a grin as he stepped up to read the flier. "And hey look! I can earn a reward now, that's awesome. Always thought I deserved an award." The Abyssal seemed to go with the flow for this news, and he was by far more amused than displeased.

"We'll see just 'ow long y'can last, Bralona."

[!] An Anti-Bralonatown rebel tags a violet ribbon to the notice, and leaves dozens more for Crookback citizens to take.



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