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Cc’s Crookback: Law And Order


The 5.5 hour shitpost.
Jun 25, 2021
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It has come to my recent attention that as a result of the slew of changes brought by Mayor CC-Delle's acquisition of Crookback, the current laws of the Borough are scattered between various fliers, posters, underhanded notes and word of mouth. Evidently, such is detrimental to the citizenry's knowledge of the current rules.

As such, I plan to remedy this lack of clarity. Ignorance is detrimental to all, and a poor excuse for not knowing the operations of your governing body.

This poster will outline current Crookback Borough laws for the citizenry, as well as any temporary or emergency ordinances.

New fliers may be posted with time, but the most recent lawful updates will be posted in the Crookback Militia Tower. ((OOC: I will update this post and ping when laws are changed, until a better workflow for this is achieved))


Posting as of 1/17/311

Occult Law: Law pertaining to Magic and Afflictions.
  1. Affliction Legality
    1. Legal Afflictions: Vampirism, Cahalism, Undeadism, Geistdom, Markenism
    2. Illegal Afflictions: Archonism [SUSPENDED]
  2. Infection Legality
    1. It is illegal to afflict individuals with Archonism.
    2. It is illegal to afflict individuals with Markenism without explicit consent.
  3. Mage Legality
    1. It is legal to be a Mage.
    2. It is legal to be a Theurgist.

Enforcement Law: Law pertaining to law enforcement, knights, and the operation of governing bodies.
  1. Weapon Laws
    1. It is illegal to be without a functional weapon.
      1. Knights are exempt from this- in which the opposite is enforced. It is illegal for Knights to be present in Crookback with a functional weapon unless under Militia escort. [SUSPENDED]
    2. Guns must be licensed and acquired from The Bazaarmory, a CC-Delle Corporation.
    3. It is illegal to sell guns not manufactured by The Bazaarmory.
  2. State and Constabulary Laws
    1. The State Metropolitan can enter when out of uniform.
    2. Enforcing State Law is illegal.
      1. This does not protect you from being arrested for breaking State Law when venturing outside of the borough.
    3. Bounties and Warrants from the city are invalid.
      1. Attempting to collect on Bounties and Warrants from the city is illegal.
    4. Knights must pay a 100 regal fee to enter Crookback. [REMOVED]
    5. Kidnapping Nobles or State Officials is illegal.
  3. Borough Official Laws
    1. It is illegal to impersonate a Crookback Borough Official.
      1. Crookback Borough Officials include, but are not limited to: The Mayor, Deputies, Crookback Militia members, any of the Chiefs (Security, Faiths, Construction, Events, Magic), or any other holding a government appointed title.
    2. It is illegal to assault government workers.
  4. Dissent Laws
    1. It is illegal to foment democracy or rebellious thought.
    2. It is illegal to disparage the Crookback Government in any form.
  5. It is illegal to violate Permit Ordinances and Emergency Ordinances.

Criminal Activity Law: Law pertaining to Criminal Activity.
  1. Kidnapping is illegal.
  2. Murder is illegal.
  3. Arson is illegal.
  4. Drugging drinks and food is illegal.

Commerce Law: Law pertaining to debts, commerce, and business transactions.
  1. Labor Laws - For specifics, see Crookback Labor Ministry Postings.
    1. It is illegal to not charge for Doctoring services.
    2. It is illegal to refuse to pay workers.
    3. It is illegal to expect services free of charge.
  2. Debt Laws
    1. It is illegal to be in debt to the Crookback Government for over a week.
      1. Refusal to pay debt will incur a fine.
      2. Debt may be paid through community work services or other projects, to be discussed with the Crookback Labor and Commerce Ministry.
    2. Refusing to pay debt is illegal.
    3. Debts over 500 regals will result in an arrest.

Miscellaneous Law: Uncategorized laws.
  1. Religious Laws
    1. Building public statues to gods is illegal.
    2. Building new public religious iconography is illegal.
    3. Vandalizing or desecrating pre-existing religious sites is illegal.
  2. Vandalizing graves is illegal.
  3. Ruining greenery is illegal.
  4. Destroying the balance of biodiversity is illegal.

  5. Kicking or harming the pets, animals, familiars or otherwise non-sentient sentimentally attached animals of an individual is illegal. This also applies to emotional support constructs.
    1. Mech suits and sentient automatons are not emotional support constructs.
    2. Sentient automatons are not considered people.
    3. Bralona are, however, considered people.
    4. Undead are not considered automatons.


Transportation License Mandate:
A permit is required for those who own Aerial, Mechanical or Equestrian means of transportation. It is illegal to operate these vehicles within Crookback walls without this permit.

Knight Exception Mandate:
A permit to waive the entry fee of Knights who are found to be beneficial to the Crookback Borough. Any Knight may apply, but only Knights that peacefully cooperate with the Crookback Government, its Militia, and its Laws will be given this permit. This also permits Knights to legally wield a functional weapon without Militia escort while within Crookback walls.

These ordinances are effectively temporary law as per emergency Borough events, such as a magestorm, Arken-incited violence, or greater threats. Violation of these ordinances may result in harsher punishment than usual, though typically these ordinances will expire once the perceived threat is over.

Magestorm Threat:
  1. It is illegal to feed, perpetuate, or provoke the current Exist-Corrupted Magestorm in Crookback.
  2. It is illegal to venture into the Magestorm without prior consultation with the Crookback Militia Lead, even for the purpose of attempting to close it.


As of this posting, these items are effectively bound to Law. Any questions should be brought to the desk of the Chief of Security of the Crookback Borough, or any other high-level Crookback Borough Official.

Norr'aladryl Raazzz'el-ranvanokh Vaskiirn Dar-Kiir Raz-Parthanaar,
Crookback Chief of Security

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