Preserved Sheet Cati Narana

This sheet was missing a prefix or has not been edited for a long period of time. Please create a ticket including a linkif your sheet was moved in error.


Sleepee (PeaceHope was my old username)
Oct 27, 2019
Reaction score

"Ain't exactly a good idea, runnin a business down 'ere without any protection. Gimme all th'money ya got, less ya wanna get y'shite kicked in..."

(Yes, Cati is going to be 99.9% villain. As such, maim perms on her are always open! Kill perms are also open for discussion, but I'd like her to at least be alive for a few months.)


Character Information

  • Full Name: Cati "Dhelmi" Narana
  • Age: 45
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Exeiya Cielothar (Formerly Joeial)
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Eye Color: Dark green
Core Concept
  • Faith of the Dark Ancients [4/10]
    • Cati believes in the void and its deities as an endless source of power, and the beings that reside within are immensely powerful, far more than she is. Cati recognizes this and though she envies them, she recognizes her place as a subordinate in comparison, worshipping them in exchange for what she believes is a share of said power
  • Cati is a vile, yet skilled, up-in-your-face and very blunt woman who fights with her fists and uses void sorcery to give herself an edge against armed foes, rather than what would normally be the other way around. She is a wildcard, coming across her could mean getting robbed, challenged, taunted, or helped greatly. She is an extremely loyal friend and ally, but a terribly petty enemy.
Proficiency Information

Total Points: 46/50 Proficiency 10/10 Hobby
Combat Skills:
  • Fist Combat +15
  • Strength Training +10
  • Physical Stat: 15 (racial cap)
Hobby Skills (All hobby points)
  • Painting Art +2
  • Writing Art +2
  • Brewing Art +2
  • Dancing Art +2
  • Cooking Art +2
Point buy:
  • 18-> Sorcery
  • 3-> Linguistics
Ability Information

  • Great Force 1
  • Gate Smash 1
Sorcery (Void-based)
  • Flux Shift 6
  • Elemental Control 4
  • Element Control 5
  • Light Mend 1
  • Darkness 2
  • Power Curse 1
Racial Abilities
  • Age Control 1
  • Spirit Familiar 2
    • Small Wolverine
  • Element Control 2
  • Empath Sense 6
  • Spirit Curse 1
  • Vile Vine 1
  • Home Enchant 6
  • Common <3/10> (Free, can speak but has a heavy accent)
  • Saal <10/10> (Parent language)
  • Skodje <10/10> (+3 proficiency, learned when she settled in a Fridurfolk village)
Appearance Information
  • She is six feet tall with a ripped body shape and an extremely low amount of fat. Dark green eyes, messy void-tainted black hair, brown skin color.
    • As an Exeiya, Cati also welts and kills all non-sentient flora that she crosses paths with, turning them into a lifeless, burnt-black look, so long as they aren't protected from an enchantment of some kind. [Disclaimer: This is not an ability, nor part of her Vampiric form. This has no function and is merely an aesthetic Racial trait]
Progression Information
  • Warrior (2 levels)
  • Sorcerer (1 level)
Life Story
  • Born to a normal family in a coastal Cielothar village
  • Spent her teen years living normally until failing the Trial of Estel; She left with her childhood friend Helrid at the age of 18
  • Moved to Fridurfolk village, got married at 21, later had a daughter at the age of 27
  • Forced to kill her husband Helrid and join a void-worshipping cult at the age of 33, along with many other villagers.
  • Sent her daughter away very soon after. Three years later, she decided to move to Regalia; Got cured, got into many fights especially with her daughter's adoptive family, and she is struggling to find her place in life but has gotten lots of help along the way. For now, at least.

Born in a coastal Cielothar village, Cati lived a relatively boring life. The young girl seemed completely normal and innocent and even believed it herself. She saw herself as one of Estel's most loyal servants, at least until she hit the age of fifteen. Traveling deeper into the great forest to complete the Trial of Estel, Cati meditated inside the Great Tree for the full 24 hours, though she grew impatient the first time. Baffled, but not discouraged, she tried again on her sixteenth birthday. Still nothing after failing to wait a full 24 hours. Then the seventeenth. She was beginning to question herself, and so were the elders of her village. By the time Cati reached her eighteenth birthday, she questioned if Estel even existed, despite the failures being her fault. Still, she went through the trial one final time, and when there was once again no result, Cati lost her faith completely and left the village. The only person who went with her was her childhood friend Helrid, who had passed the Trial on his fifteenth birthday.

The closest thing to home the young duo had was the stories they had heard of the Fridurfolk of the north, which were arguably even more peaceful than the Cielothar. It was a long, grueling journey to get there, taking several months with many obstacles and near-death experiences, but they made it and felt right at home. The people didn't share the same race, religion, or long pointy ears, but they were certainly peaceful and very welcoming. Three years after moving here, Cati and Helrid were married, both at the age of twenty-one. Ten years after that, they give birth to their first child, who they named after the mother, usually referred to as Junior to avoid confusion. Although Cati was not at all faithful anymore, she had no problem with Hilred teaching Cati Jr. about their home. She learned their language, beliefs and customs, including faith in Mother Estel.

Another six years pass by, and rumors began to spread... It was becoming increasingly clear that there was some kind of void-worship going on within the village. People were going missing and bodies were being laid out with messages at night. Still, being a gatherer as her job, Cati had to traverse into the forest, as she always did, to collect materials, berries, fruits and other goods for the village. This is when she had her first encounter with the void. A group of masked cultists armed with daggers surrounded the woman, followed by their leader, a Sihai, who was also a Von Kerle sanguine. Rather than kill Cati, she was given a dagger of her own. She had 24 hours to not only kill her husband but do far worse, to please the sanguine who commanded this. Or else she, Helrid, and their daughter would ALL die. Seeing as she had no either choice, Cati asked Helrid to come with her into the forest while their daughter was out playing with her friends. He did so without any hesitation or suspicion, and Cati took him to the cultists, who provided her with a dirt hole. The rest is history... When the job was done, Cati was deemed worthy and made into a member of the cult. That night, after being cleaned and given new clothes, Cati was sent home, now knowing that most of the cultists were her fellow villagers. Every night, they were all ordered to return to the forest and report to their master, studying and practicing void worship. Along the way, Cati had come to enjoy this worship, and felt at home, especially since Estel had done nothing but disappoint her all her life. Here, she found true power and true fulfillment. Eventually, Cati was even deemed worthy enough to become a Von Kerle herself, along with a select few other cultists. The rest became blood cattle and were not allowed back into the village.

Cati ordered some of her fellow cultists that same night, demanding Junior to be taken on a ship straight to Regalia, and as soon as they were at sea, the cult finally laid its claim on the village, without much retaliation.

Three more years passed by and Cati had grown weary, her former self almost completely lost to vampirism and the rest corrupted by the void. Part of her wanted to check on Junior's progress, but mostly she just grew tired of terrorizing peaceful villagers, yearning for some real battles. So, with the permission of her Sihai superior, she went on her way, forcing one of the village sailors to take her to Regalia.


Aesthetic Traits
  • Vampiric Form: Cati's form is unrecognizable, her skin becoming rough and chipped, like long-since dead, light gray wood. This gives no combat advantage or protection against cuts and blunt force. A faint glow also illuminates from the inside of Cati's mouth, along with a deep, dark red aura that surrounds her. The Exeiya salivates blood rather than spit, and oddly enough, the longer she goes without feeding, the more frequent and uncontrollable this salivation becomes. Her hair also turns to a very dark red, with the whites of her eyes becoming a voidened-black and the red irises glowing, though not enough to illuminate a dark room.


The Question List

[*]How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
  • Answer. Your answers can be as short or as long as you deem necessary, usually 1-5 sentences.
[*]How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
  • Answer
[*]How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
  • Answer
[*]How does your character view Law and Authorities?
  • Answer
[*]How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
  • Answer
[*]How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
  • Answer
[*]How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
  • Answer
[*]How does your character feel towards their family?
  • Answer
[*]What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
  • Answer. You may write more than one.
[*]What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
  • Answer. You may write more than one.
[*]What is your character's biggest insecurity?
  • Answer. You may write more than one.
[*]What is your character's biggest fear?
  • Answer. You may write more than one.

The Core List

  • [*]Choose your Character Alignment
    • Chaotic Evil
    [*]Choose your Character Personality Type
    • ENFP - The Commander
    [*]Choose your Character's Religion
    • Faith of the Dark Ancients [4/10]
      • Cati believes in the void and its deities as an endless source of power, and the beings that reside within are immensely powerful, far more than she is. Cati recognizes this and though she envies them, she recognizes her place as a subordinate in comparison, worshipping them in exchange for what she believes is a share of said power, including freedom from empathy.
Basic Information (Expansion)
  • Describe your character's position in Regalia. Why are they there? How long have they been there? What is their occupation and living situation?
    • Cati is in Regalia for a few reasons. She wishes to get away from the cult she has been forced to become a part of, though, with how controlling her leader is, Cati knows this won't last... She also yearns for a real fight, and knows Regalia is a much better place to find this than the Fridurfolk village she had settled down in for so many years. But, she also has an ulterior motive. In a way, Cati genuinely cares about her daughter, and wishes for Junior's wellbeing.
  • Describe your character's upbringing. Where were they born, to whom? How many siblings do they have? What about their extended family/noble family?
    • Cati is an only child, raised by just her father, who was a good man. She was raised in a coastal Cielothar village.
  • Describe any secondary ambitions your character may have. Short term ambitions, or ambitions that may not be related to your character's main goal in life.
    • Cati wishes to climb up the ladder of any and all hierarchies she find herself in, even being cured and free from her Von Kerle mentality. Being in a violent, power-focused, cannibalistic cult where the weak are brutalized does that to a person.
    • Cati also wishes to create a name for herself, and immortalize her name, whether it's through fame, or infamy...

Inventory Information

  • A large pouch of 130 regals
  • A dull, old dagger. Not for combat, it was the one she used to kill Hilred
  • A very small, framed painting of Cati Jr. when she was five years old

Visual Information (Expansion)
The following is not required when filling out your character application. You may use bullet points or paragraphs, and are welcome to add more or less information as you see fit. The information in this section will not be reviewed. Want to be extra helpful to your reviewer? Use the Spoiler feature to make the content hidden so readers can read it when they want to, or skip it!
  • Describe the Character's facial features, like the shapes of their eyes, mouth, ears, the size of their forehead, what kind of expression they usually carry, any freckles, scars etc, hair color, hair style and more. This description is purely for the head (and by extension neck) alone.
  • Describe the Character's body. Go into detail about height, body shape, the color of their skin, the size of their bones and muscles, their amount of fat, any physical disabilities they may have, their amount of body hair if applicable and more. This description is purely for the body.
  • Describe the Character's fashion appearance and accessories. Talk about what kind of clothes they usually wear, preferred colors, what jewelry they have, weapons they carry on them or any item of note that they may always have on them.
  • Describe the character's voice. How do they speak? What is their typical tone and speed? Do they have an accent or a tendency to stutter? Any quirks about their voice listed here. Maybe also add a list of the languages they can speak.

Weaknesses (OPTIONAL)

  • Bullet out the character's Weaknesses with at least three sentences expanding on each.
  • A Weakness should inherently be a weakness in roleplay of sorts, or some sort of trait that flaws your character.
  • You don't need to have any Weaknesses, it's entirely optional. You also don't get any additional points for Weaknesses, they are purely aesthetic.

Personality (Expansion)

  • Describe any number of Character Quirks your character has, strange behavior that they exhibit in certain situations. For example, a character rubbing a beard when nervous is a quirk, or a character biting their lips when doing math is a quirk, or a character shuffling their feet when talking to someone is a quirk. Quirks are not mandatory and may be left out if the writer doesn't want to include them or can't think of any.
  • Describe your character's skills; abilities they've developed, but not necessarily put at the forefront of their lives. For example, if your character is a good cook, but not a chef, or if they are a good horse rider but not necessarily a competition racer, you would mention them here. Feel free to mention multiple skills but try to keep your character from becoming over skilled.
Describe three different activities, things or items that your character loves to see, do, taste or smell. Generally speaking these are things that make your character happy and in a good mood when they are near them/doing them. Go into detail why they love these things and then also explain how it makes them feel.

Describe three different activities, things or items that your character hates to see, do, taste or smell. Generally speaking these are things that make your character annoyed or angry and in a general bad mood when they are near them/doing them. Go into detail why they hate these things and explain also how it makes them feel.

Cati Junior--Mother and daughter relationship
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Please make the following edits and tag me when complete.
Please include your sorcery and linguistics points cost here as well. Anything that costs proficiency points should be listed in this section.
+27 Proficiency spent!
This is too many abilities. Please remove at least 3 combative sorcery spells from this section.
Please list/describe what animal acts as a familiar here as well.
(Can this be the same as the vampiric familiar or will she have two different familiars?)
Both abilities can be active at the same time. For future reference, I would recommend making a ticket with the discord bot for these questions.
As an Exeiya, Cati also welts and kills all non-sentient flora that she crosses paths with, turning them into a lifeless, burnt-black look, so long as they aren't protected from an enchantment of some kind.
This is considered too close to an ability. Please remove this from the vampiric form description.
Altalar <10/10> (Parent language)
Growing up in a Cielothar village, their parental language would be Saan.
Cati meditated inside the Great Tree for the full 24 hours, with no results...
This is not possible. All Cielothar receive an Animal Companion in this way, as they already have a familiar from birth. Its permanent shape is solidified during the ritual, it is not created there. Even then, the ritual only requires at most two attempts to succeed. Please remove this section, or edit it heavily.
Another six years pass by... but disappoint her all her life.
The details provided in this section are unnecessary. Please either remove them and make them any mentions of violence far vaguer.
Please make the following edits and tag me when complete.

Please include your sorcery and linguistics points cost here as well. Anything that costs proficiency points should be listed in this section.

This is too many abilities. Please remove at least 3 combative sorcery spells from this section.

Please list/describe what animal acts as a familiar here as well.

Both abilities can be active at the same time. For future reference, I would recommend making a ticket with the discord bot for these questions.

This is considered too close to an ability. Please remove this from the vampiric form description.

Growing up in a Cielothar village, their parental language would be Saan.

This is not possible. All Cielothar receive an Animal Companion in this way, as they already have a familiar from birth. Its permanent shape is solidified during the ritual, it is not created there. Even then, the ritual only requires at most two attempts to succeed. Please remove this section, or edit it heavily.

The details provided in this section are unnecessary. Please either remove them and make them any mentions of violence far vaguer.

Okay, I'll get to making the changes right away! Thank you for your time and the swift response!
Please make the following edits and tag me when complete.

Please include your sorcery and linguistics points cost here as well. Anything that costs proficiency points should be listed in this section.

This is too many abilities. Please remove at least 3 combative sorcery spells from this section.

Please list/describe what animal acts as a familiar here as well.

Both abilities can be active at the same time. For future reference, I would recommend making a ticket with the discord bot for these questions.

This is considered too close to an ability. Please remove this from the vampiric form description.

Growing up in a Cielothar village, their parental language would be Saan.

This is not possible. All Cielothar receive an Animal Companion in this way, as they already have a familiar from birth. Its permanent shape is solidified during the ritual, it is not created there. Even then, the ritual only requires at most two attempts to succeed. Please remove this section, or edit it heavily.

The details provided in this section are unnecessary. Please either remove them and make them any mentions of violence far vaguer.

Okay, the changes are made and colored in red. Please let me know if I missed anything, and I'm sorry for all the errors.

But, I do have two things I'm a little confused about:

When you said "This is not possible. All Cielothar receive an Animal Companion in this way, as they already have a familiar from birth. Its permanent shape is solidified during the ritual, it is not created there. Even then, the ritual only requires at most two attempts to succeed. Please remove this section, or edit it heavily.", I read otherwise in the wikipedia, which states: "Usually failure is dictated by something as simple as breaking the state of meditation due to unexpected hunger or something similar, leaving the Cielothar forced to wait until the next upcoming year and arrival of their birthday until they can actually try again. Most of the time this only requires at most two attempts to succeed, and whilst their village is usually immensely forgiving should failure occur initially, concerns will arise of possible issues with the trial-goer should they fail more than once."

I'm not actually sure what "Concerns will arise" entails, I initially assumed it could lead to potential banishment, but just to be safe I updated the backstory and added that, rather than simply nothing happening, Cati grew impatient with each trial before giving up altogether, unable to wait the full 24 hours each time. And instead of being banished, she chose to leave, Alred coming with her.

Thing number two is, "This is considered too close to an ability. Please remove this from the vampiric form description.", it isn't an ability per se, but rather a trait of being an Exeiya Cielothar: "In show of their turn against traditional Cielothar values, they soon find how the once peaceful nature they knew is warped into something far more cruel, plants wilting beneath their steps and their skin now equipped with brambles to ward off threats". I can put a spoiler on it though since the info being there isn't mandatory, but I feel it's in the right place underneath aesthetic traits as part of being Cielothar.

If I misinterpreted anything in the wiki, please call me out on it! I might be completely wrong, that's just the way I read the things on it. And again, If I missed something please let me know.

Also, I'm sorry this reply took so long, I've been in RP the whole time, working on this in the background. I apologize for the delay, and again thank you so much for your time!

EDIT: ALSO!!! I forgot to cover what you said about her spirit familiar. Because she failed the Trial of Estel, would it be possible for her spirit familiar to just be, slightly inconsistent with it's form? If not, we'll just keep it at the wolverine it is
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Please make the following edits and tag me when complete.
slightly inconsistent with it's form?
This isn't possible with how the ability is written. Please keep its form stable as a wolverine.
Most of the time this only requires at most two attempts
This is because failures in the trial are caused by distraction from the trial itself some way. If a Cielothar fails they will be met with concern, as said in the wiki article. If they fail more than once, the Cielothar would make sure they have been well provided for before their second attempt. They wouldn't be banished for being unable to pass in the trial. However, and I'm satisfied with the rewrite as it stands.
(18 to sorcery, 3 to linguistics)
Please include this in its own section beneath Hobby Proficiencies named Point Buy instead.
plants wilting beneath their steps and their skin now equipped with brambles to ward off threats
This is fine, but note that neither of these grant any benefits and are purely aesthetic in nature.
Please make the following edits and tag me when complete.

This isn't possible with how the ability is written. Please keep its form stable as a wolverine.

This is because failures in the trial are caused by distraction from the trial itself some way. If a Cielothar fails they will be met with concern, as said in the wiki article. If they fail more than once, the Cielothar would make sure they have been well provided for before their second attempt. They wouldn't be banished for being unable to pass in the trial. However, and I'm satisfied with the rewrite as it stands.

Please include this in its own section beneath Hobby Proficiencies named Point Buy instead.

This is fine, but note that neither of these grant any benefits and are purely aesthetic in nature.

Just woke up and made the changes, which are again highlighted in red to make it a little easier for you

I also figured it was purely aesthetic but I added a disclaimer just to be extra safe.

And once again thank you much for being so speedy with your review and being patient with my slow self. Your help and your work is greatly appreciated!! <3

Okay so three things have changed already
  • Cati was cured within two hours of playing her, my fault lol.
  • I switched out Light Mend 2 with Light Mend 1. I missed some pretty key details with that, this is pretty much the only time I'll change any spells. Cati is not the type of person to heal others, and Light Mend 2 can only be used to heal others
  • I've decided to rid Cati of Axe Combat, pouring all of the proficiencies spent on it into Fist Combat. A character focused entirely on Fist Combat and magic sounds a lot more fun, for everybody, considering it's more unique (and far riskier) than using a weapon
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Please remove the racial boost here, as racial boosts only apply on points invested, not hobby points. My mistake for not seeing this sooner. Once that's corrected, tag me again and you'll be all good!

Just changed two things!

  • Replaced Magic Bolt 1 with Element Control 4, since with the new change bolts are no longer a spell and are more of a proficiency, and I'd rather just scrap having a ranged spell altogether to focus on close quarters fist-combat. Forces me to be riskier and smarter in fights, because I realized I started to form a bad habit of keeping distance and just shooting bolts at people.
  • Replaced Power Curse 3 with Element Control 5 to further encourage close-quarters combat
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With this change, you'll need to update to the new template! Please tag me when these changes are made. I'll provide a review when this is complete.
Changed! Let me know how it is; I feel like I missed something

Also! Swapped True Path 1 with Flux Shift 6. If I'm overhauling my character, might as well go all out with it. These changes will be final, and I won't ask to swap anything else unless there is another ability/proficiency overhaul. But, if these are too many changes, I'll switch it back to True Path 1. Just let me know, and, as always, tysm for your time! <3
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@BiBiBirdie hey, just sending this in in case the notification thingy in my last message didn't work, I have a long history myself of bad luck with notifications not coming through. Thank you again for your time and patience with me through making this character <3
Please place this entire section into a spoiler.
Had an affair with the void Arken of Gluttony
Remove this. It is not possible to have a backstory that mentions meeting with an Arken or other powerful entities without a special permission for their backstory.
Please lower this investment to 15 at most if you wish to keep the current sorcery point spread.
Proficiency Information
Please include your Physical Stat here.
Appearance Information
Please follow the template fully with this section and reformat this information.
Please place this entire section into a spoiler.

Remove this. It is not possible to have a backstory that mentions meeting with an Arken or other powerful entities without a special permission for their backstory.

Please lower this investment to 15 at most if you wish to keep the current sorcery point spread.

Please include your Physical Stat here.

Please follow the template fully with this section and reformat this information.

All the changes have been made, and consider the Void Arken affair voided for now. I'm keeping it grayed instead of deleting it until I can either get or be denied the special permissions for it (consider it in a "purgatory" status for now). If it's accepted I'll return it to black text. If it's rejected I'll delete it from the sheet entirely.
I believe you missed lowering this to 15 in your changes. Apologies that I missed this earlier.
That's okay! It's my bad for forgetting to do so. Is there anything I'm restricted from diverting the 4 proficiency points into, or can I spend it on anything?
Thank you! But, for the things I can divert my 4 points into, I know it can't be Fist Combat, I'm assuming it can't be for sorcery. Could it be for engineering, heavy ranged combat or roguery? Of course no more than 4 points will be spent but either option would provide Cati with a single additional, mundane ability