Preserved Sheet Catarina Schneider | Specter Of Büchner

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May 11, 2019
Reaction score
Basic Information
Full Name: Catarina Leichentuch Schneider
Age: 22 (At Death)
Gender: Female
Race: Carnvaal Ailor
Sexuality: Affection

Skill Information
Total Points:27 (22 age +5)
+5 Alchemy Sciences
+6 Linguistic Sciences
+5 Cooking Arts
+10 Mixology Arts (5 Core+5 Carnvaal)
+2 Dagger Combat
+4 Dexterous Rogue Skill
+10 Theater Arts (Hobby Points)
+5 Stealth Rogue Skill (Talent Points)
+5 Vocal Singing (Talent Points)

Body Shape
Physical Stat: 2 (2 Dagger Combat)
Body Shape:Average
Body Fat: Average

Alt-Regalisch (Mother Language)
Burdigalic (Father Language)
Modern Altalar (Linguistics Studies)
D'Ithanie (Linguistics Studies)

Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
Echo Shade
Banshee Shade
Memory Feeding
Remember Death

Visual Information
During Life and in Default Form
Eye Color: Forest Brown
Hair Color: Pale Brown
Hair Style: Well kept often held in a braid coiled on her head.
Skin Color: Regalisch Cream Pale
Clothing: A peasant's attempt at a cadarwald dress, usually in blue or green
Height: 5' 8''


Allignment: Neutral
Personality Type: The Campaigner
Religion: In Life: Unionist (5/10) In Death: Ambivalent

Life Story
Born in 286 A.C. Catarina Schneider was raised in a dual-cultured household with a Burdigalic father and New Regalian mother in Büchner. She was always infatuated with her father's tales of knightly chivalry and terrifying beasts, this would ultimately lead her to picking up some very modest skills with a dagger during a phase when she briefly considered becoming some sort of knight during her younger years. Catarina's mother instilled many talents in her such as her aptitude for cooking and hosting which were learned through imitation and the occasional lesson. When enrolling in a local school the girl quickly found herself hopping between subjects, never quite able to settle on any one. She did excel in her literary classes and even eventually picked up D'Ithanie and some workable Modern Altalar from reading various dramas, her obsession with fiction and drama remaining ever present in her life. The only thing which did not quite fit into her life was talent for theft, a devious activity which gave her a rush she pursued for much of her schooling. While throughout her years she was given the occasional scolding for any instances of theft this came to a head at age 18. During a routine visit to the headmaster's office, Catarina made a particularly poor judgement opting to swipe an expensive-looking item which happened to be a pen cherished by the headmaster's long-dead wife which had been kept for sentimental reasons. While this gave her a momentary rush, only about a half hour later the headmaster stormed into the bakery where she was apprenticing and demanded she return it, familiar with her theft-prone tendencies by now. When she went outside the building with the man and proceeded down the street she continued to play dumb, pretending she had no idea what he was talking about. Just as the man through Catarina to the ground in his rage, a knight appeared. Astride his horse the Viridian demanded the man make himself scarce, pushing himself off his horse and helping Catarina up from her place on the ground. After this moment, the woman grew totally infatuated with the aristocratic man named Heinrich Acwulf (at the time 20). Every day after her work, lessons, and apprenticeships she would find her way to him, often giving token assistance in caring for his steed or singing to the man, something he had once said he enjoyed. This went on for years, Catarina eventually earning a job in the town's tavern and using her freetime to study alchemical mixtures, not that different from cocktails and an attempt to make herself more useful to her knight. As she spent her years, contented by fantasies as the lover of some great knight, not entirely undeserved as even the coldest observer could have seen the great degree of affection with which Heinrich treated her. While he may have began their relationship simply as an extension of his knightly duties and vows, the frequent chaste kiss on the cheek or remarkably open conversation certainly indicated it had evolved into more. This would all come crashing down when at the age of 22, Catarina discovered that Heinrich had been promised to marry a Calemberger aristocratic woman in the coming two weeks. In her spell of denial and failed attempts to contact Heinrich, something which could ultimately be pinned on his willful attempts to shut himself up after the public announcement and ignore her existence in his life. This storm of grief, disbelief, frustration, and rage came to a head the night of Heinrich's wedding when storming into the venue in some deranged attempt to object to or stop the ceremony, soaked by the rain, Heinrich yelled and screamed at the reverend to stop, proclaiming that they were stealing her love. Her ramblings were quickly stopped when Catarina was grabbed by two male relatives present at the affair who began hauling her out of the building. In a moment of the greatest heartbreak, Heinrich's expression which had been one of shock and disbelief morphed into a more stony thing, denying he even knew the woman to his bride and turning his eyes away from Catarina as she was dragged out into the rain. With this heartrending image in her mind, Catarina was flung down a hill surrounding the venue by her captors, her soaked dress and unmoving mind allowing her to tumble down the hill with any register of what was happening happening far too late to stop her from colliding with the slippery rocks on the bank of the now rain-bloated river. Their knocked unconscious the woman drowned with her face in the rushing torrent, consumed by sorrow and rage for her love scorned. Her soul did as any normal one would do attempting to enter the Bintaar only for it to be denied entry a memory of her lovers cold face anchoring her to the world, the years of love betrayed and unmet dreams pulling her deformed soul back to earth where it used the energies of the unnatural Ordial plane to make itself into a deformed imitation of a person, shaped around the jagged and broken emotions of Catarina's death. Re-appearing on the brook , Catarina stalked away from the spot on the river in Buchner. Filled with a wailing grief for some sort of returned affection she fled to many cities throughout Calemberg and Waldmark, greedily grasping at the memories she could find there to try to make up for the dreams she had lost. Soon after Catarina would be found in the City of Calemberg when its cathedrals collapsed, being driven from the despair there to the city of Regalia, having heard of its diverse population and unpredictable events. There, that would be the place she could finally find the memories that were just right to make up for hers that never came.
Hello @KK134 apologies for the delay. All in all the Life Story sums up why they are what they are and there's enough background to understand the person they were before. So nice work, approved.