Preserved Sheet Cassius Monataigu

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Dec 28, 2013
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the cursed village of DARGAVS
Qadir Sultanate
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Cassius.jpg newcreate-1 4.48.51 PM.png upload_2014-11-24_16-53-48.png



Basic Information
  • Cassius Monataigu is a 34 year old male Ailor. His full name is Cassius Feliu Pascual Cabeza Ignaci de Monataigu. However, sometimes he is referred to as Cass.
  • Cassius was born to Francesca (née Amador) Monataigu and Esteve Monataigu on February first in the year 269 AC in Bésalu, a town located in northern Daendroc. He is a part of the Daendroque-Catala subculture.
  • The main goal in Cass's life is to become successful in business as a carpenter, as well as to raise Arabella the best he can, providing her with an education and preparing for her to become an adult when the time comes.
-=Visual Information=-
Body Description
  • Standing at approximately six feet tall and weighing 173 pounds, he possesses an average build. Cassius has a significant amount of muscle resting on his arms, due to his training in sword fights. His legs consist of mostly body fat, but some muscle is there, too.
  • Cassius has an average amount of body hair, however it's not so obvious on his arms or his legs, due to him usually wearing long sleeved shirts and long pants. Cassius shaves whenever he feels it to be necessary, or when he has gotten too hairy in his opinion. Usually this takes place about once a month.
Head Description
  • Cassius has a round face, with a defined, slightly pointed chin and a sturdy jaw line. He has chocolate brown eyes that are somewhat almond shaped. The man usually wears a smirk or a broad grin, as if he'd just heard something hilarious.
  • Cassius's skintone is of a somewhat light tan, due to his Daendroque heritage. His skin is a little bit darker than that of his other family members, due to him getting a lot of sun exposure because of his career in carpentry.
  • The man has dark brown hair that is fairly short and is usually quite easy to style to his liking. His sideburns are subtle yet still noticeable.
Clothing and Accessories
  • Cassius can often be seen wearing a purple shirt, with white buttons going down the center. He'll leave the top two or so buttons open most of the time, with the exception of when the weather's very cold. His shirt has dark grey sleeves, which he tends to leave rolled up to a little above his wrists.
  • Cotton pants are most commonly worn, and they may go down to his ankles in the warmer months, and down to his feet in the colder ones. He usually wears a pair of cotton shoes with a sole made of woven rope, which is in fact quite common for people to wear in the town of Bésalu.

Behavior Information
Personality Traits

Cassius, overall, is a mostly good person with a handful of problems that have been left unsolved for who knows how long.

The man is charming and charismatic, a natural performer. He's comfortable enough with his sexuality to flirt with practically anyone (of a reasonable age). But it's not exactly him trying to pick anyone up; hearing Cass say anything remotely provocative is a rarity. Over the years, he's found that many are enamored by his smooth talking and sophisticated company. In his time as a bartender at the Golden Willow, dozens of people, intoxicated or not, have poured their hearts out to him. And Cass tries to really, truly listen and offer advice while simultaneously serving other customers.

As one gets to know him better, they'll find that Cass is indeed progressive. He holds women in high regard, denouncing the concept that they are mere trophies and decorations. Back when he was married, both Cass and Gwenour had jobs of their own. If anything, Cass spent more time with his daughter due to the lenient working hours. He defies societal norms and expectations of males by cooking and helping around the house, too.

Nearly all the time, Cass is very spontaneous and energetic. If he's calm, it almost certainly means he is high. If this were the present day, any professional psychiatrist would diagnose him with ADHD. The man can hardly sit still, often acts on impulse, and has trouble staying focused on most things; his mind races and the world cannot keep up. He initially resorted to opium and other substances to slow himself down enough to be at the same pace as his surroundings, as well as a way to calm down. As a result of his extreme susceptibility to addiction, the drugs that once were intended to be used responsibility turned to something Cass craves constantly. This has consequently resulted in him being very forgetful, to the extent of Cass not even remembering whole nights due to him being totally wasted. While he knows he's hooked on opium especially, it'd be much too big of a hassle to fight it, right? After all, he's incredibly lazy.


  • Women: He has a tendency to jokingly flirt with someone, generally just to see their reaction to it. If a woman actually thinks Cassius is trying to get somewhere, he'll let them know that it was all a joke, and that he means no harm whatsoever.
  • Practical Jokes: Cassius gets a lot of amusement from pulling practical jokes on people, seeing it as a hilarious thing to witness. The expressions of the unsuspecting passerby are priceless. It can appear to be rather disrespectful, Cassius means no harm, and if he were to have a joke pulled on him, would not be offended at all. Sometimes people don't understand that, though.
  • Magic: Despite him rarely ever showing it, Cassius has always been intrigued by the concept of magic. The man wants to know more about it and learn how it works. He won't learn how to use it, though, because it's illegal in Regalia, and Cassius will never break the law intentionally.
  • The Outdoors and Nature: Due to his heavy exposure to working outdoors, Cassius has come to love nature. He likes spending time in the forest whenever he can, and has lingered there in the past, against his mother's wishes. Perhaps it's the only place where he can truly be free, and live without judgement.
  • Dancing: It's always been one of his favorite pastimes.
  • Power:
  • Nobility: This doesn't apply to everyone in nobility, just the rude ones who look at commoners with contempt and disgust. It's not their fault they aren't as fortunate as the rich. And all those perks? Oh, please. Those are incredibly annoying. It isn't just that, though. The man is somewhat jealous of everything they have, but he'll never, ever admit it. Cassius is someone of the upper class, yet in Regalia, he's still a commoner like mostly everyone else. Even though Cassius doesn't stereotype all of nobility as bad, he's had his fair share of bad interactions to know that he should probably not approach one unless absolutely necessary.
  • Religion: After all his unanswered prayers, religion has left a bad taste in the man's mouth, particularly Unionism, despite his upbringing. Cassius thinks it's stupid to worship the Emperors. They're just people with titles, after all. And riches. Praying isn't going to get you anywhere, either. Hard work will.
  • Being Told What to Do:


Abilities and Disabilities
  • Lying: A well practiced and frequently used skill of his, lying is something Cassius has a knack for. He's not particularly proud of it, though. It's kept the man alive in situations where most would be dead. It's given Cassius things for the rather small price of regret. Perhaps it's worth it. Perhaps it's a victimless crime, because the majority of people he lies to are completely unaware of it.
  • Combat (particularly swords): Cassius has become very good at using swords, with lots of training, practice, and experience. He has never given up, and his tenacity has brought him far. The man has the ability to defend himself with the many techniques he has up his sleeve, so any instigator of fights should watch out when he's around!
  • Bravery: If Cassius is afraid, he will not let fear become an obstacle to accomplishing a goal. He finds bravery to be linked to his pride, so any sign of cowardice is dishonorable. Instead of being afraid of something that hasn't come up yet, the man will try to find a solution for it. Showing fear is showing weakness, and Cassius cannot be seen as weak.
Apathy: Cassius tends to show an obvious lack of interest towards many situations, even if he's not actually all that bored. It can be interpreted as that because he has a significantly short attention span. It's often offensive to those he's with, and it's a huge embarrassment if someone lets Cassius know about his apparent lethargy.

Low Self Esteem
: He unintentionally puts himself down regardless of how well he is actually faring. The man hides this by attempting to maintain a very extroverted and slightly arrogant attitude. When someone first meets Cassius, it'll be very difficult to tell that he has a low self esteem, but once they get to know hem better, they'll inevitably find out. His appearance is one of the things that matter most to Cassius, and it can blind him from what he should actually focus on, such as family.

: It's incredibly difficult for Cassius to forgive those who have ever hurt him, so he usually holds grudges. It takes a long, long time to let go of a bad event that happened in the past, and he latches onto the memory. Sometimes the man takes years to forget about the situations, even if the other person is sorry for what they've done to him. He's not sensitive. He's not offended easily, but when the man is, forgiveness doesn't come very quickly.

Respiratory Issues
: A problem that has plagued him since early childhood, episodes of extreme difficulty with breathing may occur at any time. However, there are certain things that would trigger it, such as strenuous exercise, anxiety, smoke and even some animal fur. Cassius is somewhat aware of the triggers, and finds it difficult to function in everyday life due to the limited activities he can safely do, without any risks. He's always known that he shouldn't sword fight, due to it possibly causing an "attack," yet he is drawn to it anyway, and disregards the logical thoughts that go through his mind most of the time. Usually there are signs of a coming attack, where Cassius would start to pant, and breathe less frequently and more irregularly, but he's aware of the signs, so he'd leave the scene before anything too severe happens. Cassius tends to be able to avoid the episodes, but sometimes he's too late for that.




-=Life Story=-

to be redone

Oh. Lookey here. It's a Pokemon test taken in Cassius' perspective.
Last edited:
I am reviewing this character!

  • I notice you haven't included any -physical- weaknesses. So, to balance your 4 strengths, I would add one, maybe two pysical weaknesses. Perhaps he has a badly injured left leg, or some such.
  • Make that edit, and I'll happily approve this character! And tag me when you're done @GoldenCoconuts

Pffff, why are you so good at character apps?

Its brill~
Idk if this is coincidence, buuuuut. See spoiler. c:

Top notch, lad. I'm stealing some of the life story if that's okay with you.
  • Cassius is the one who cooks for his family, not Gwenour. Though he's definitely not a stay at home dad, it tends to be him reading Arabella a bedtime story.