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Played Character Cassias | Knight Of The Depths

This character is actively played.


arf :3
Nov 6, 2020
Reaction score



  • Cassias was born to a Fin'ullen family living within Solleria whose parents stood as the most recent additions of a lineage of Imperialist-Fin'ullen Viridians. Their upbringing followed newfound tradition of their family: being staunchly loyal to the Emperor, staunchly loyal to duty, and breaking away from their Daen roots.
  • Cassias soon followed their parents' path, joining in the ranks of the Viridians when they became of age. They excelled, a natural fit from a lifetime of preparation.
  • For decades to come, the Fin'ullen remained steadfast in their duties to the Order and the Empire. This came to a crashing halt on one fateful deployment to root out a coven of particularly rabid sanguine. The operation was disastrous. An ambush caught the transport ship off guard, and though the initial surprise gave the attackers the upper hand, the Viridians made a stoic stand until the ship suffered a massive breach, slowly sending it to the depths. During the confusion, Cassias found himself terribly scarred and thrown overboard, left to drift to the ocean floor. The chaos had not gone unnoticed, though. A pair of eyes from Morrlond's depths laid themselves upon a dying Cassias and offered an exchange for their life. They accepted.
  • As years went by, Cassias forsook their order in part due to the whisperings of their newfound demonic friend. All that their life had come to was the fault of an Order that promised greatness and glory, but instead only provided death and chaos. Whether it was the demon of the depths or their own mind that came to this conclusion remains to be seen, but soon enough, the Fin'ullen sought a new path in life, one to find worthiness in restoring order where he had caused chaos. They threw in their lot with the Argentum Order, looking to become a stalwart defender of those they so wrongfully had persecuted, while embracing true freedom and power.
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Hey @ChapterDeath, I swapped out Regen Pack for Feral pack. Castlevania has me wanting c l a w s

I also forgot to add my specials, so those are there now
Hey there @ChapterDeath, alterations made to Cassias as a result of ticket explanations. Voided being a vampire to instead being a vampiric brood, tweaked motivations and goals, tweaked some points
Updated for Argentum order. Some point shuffles after experiencing the kit a bit.
updated for racial traits, switched from magic main combat stat to strength