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Played Character Cassava Yoven

This character is actively played.


Jul 8, 2019
Reaction score
Cassava Yoven

Race / Culture: Maraya (Vaulter)
Age: 29
Gender / Pronouns: He/Him (Male)
Occult: N/A

Created in 'One More Multiverse' online character creator

Core Concept

Cassava is a recently-awoken Vaulter Maraya trying to reclaim his 'lost self'. The final days of the Bright War and his time in the Vault changed him in ways that he struggles to recover from, to such an extent that he may no longer be able to go back to being the same person. Cassava is a Maraya trying to figure out who he is in the 'New World' that he's awoken into.

Is Cassava a Scientist?
His technical knowledge from the Meraic age is now scattered, with most of it bordering on useless. The Meraic technology which underpinned everything he created is gone. Now, without the crutch of the many great Meraic minds who came before him, even his best work still has a "junkyard" aesthetic.

Is Cassava a Soldier?
Ever since the final days of the Bright War, Cassava has lost his nerve; his levelheadedness replaced by physical shaking and sheer panic. He struggles to focus when in danger, even when sparring.

Is Cassava an Orator?
Words were never Cassava's strength, but they have become a weakness. Quite easily riled, Cassava isn't good at showing restraint. He is a terrible liar, and lets his emotions get the best of him far too easily. Not only are these bad traits for an orator, these qualities have already strained a few relationships.


Height: 6'1
Skin Color: Pale green
Hair Color: Burgundy
Eye Color: Hazel

Cassava_Doll-min.webp •☽────✧˖°˖☆˖°˖✧────☾• Physical Description •☽────✧˖°˖☆˖°˖✧────☾•
Cassava has light green skin, though much of it is discolored due to permanent burn scars across his body. His red hair is almost permanently frizzy, curling around the base of two short horns that protrude from his forehead. Like most Maraya, Cassava's ears are long and pointed with small earlobes which flap in the wind. Additionally, as a result of experimentation in the Meraic Era, Cassava was born with a slender tail.

•☽────✧˖°˖☆˖°˖✧────☾• Clothing Description •☽────✧˖°˖☆˖°˖✧────☾•
Wrapped around the base of one ear is a metal earpiece with tiny embedded golden-hued crystals (the size of an ear piercing). Cassava often wears two layers; a larger dark blue toga underneath and a smaller slightly-faded yellow shawl on top. The toga trails down to his boots, and is kept in place by a leather strap gilded with gold. The shawl is placed across his shoulders and wraps around the neck.

Steel bands loop around Cassava's arms above the elbows, below which his arms are left exposed. These bands connect to thin tubes that draw and store golden-tinted chrysalis from the glands on his palms.


Attack Stat: Intelligence
Defense Stat: Constitution

•☽────✧˖°˖☆˖°˖✧────☾• Strength: 2 •☽────✧˖°˖☆˖°˖✧────☾•


•☽────✧˖°˖☆˖°˖✧────☾• Constitution: 5 •☽────✧˖°˖☆˖°˖✧────☾•
  • Shielding
    • Shield Deflect (Counter Technique) : Melee
      • To delay an enemy, use this ability as a reaction to an enemy within Range making an Attack. Immediately Stagger their action, and gain +1 Defense Stat (breaks cap up to 9) for the next two Attacks made against the user only. Shield Deflect has a 2 Hour Cooldown.
    • Shield Taunt (Instant Technique) : 2 Blocks
      • To force an enemy to focus on you, apply the Warned Status to all enemies within Range. While Warned, the enemy must either choose to spend their next turn attacking you, or suffer the Marked Status. If a target cannot reasonably attack the user, then Shield Taunt fails. Shield Taunt does not Stack, and has a 1 hour cooldown.
    • Shield Wall (Instant Technique) : Self
      • The user holds up their defenses, protecting themselves and any character within a 3x3 block area behind them. While active, the user can't perform Basic Attacks, but gains a new action that replaces their Attack. As a reaction to an ally within Shield Wall being targeted by an Attack Emote, the user can use this action to grant them +5 to the minimum result of their defense roll, and if they fail the defense roll, reduce any -HP damage by half (rounded up, minimum 0). If the triggering Basic Attack is a Ranged Emote Attack, this action does not consume the user's action, and they can use it again on a different attack in the same turn. Shield Wall can be held for a maximum of 20 minutes, and once ended has a 1 Hour Cooldown.
    • Shield Block [FREE] (Counter Technique) : Self
      • In order to last longer in melee combat, use this Ability reactively to instantly reduce Damage from a single Melee Attack by -2, which can be to 0. This does not consume an Action. Shield Block has a 30 Minute Cooldown.

  • Tanking
    • Tank Rally (Instant Technique) : 7 Blocks
      • The user rallies the battlefield around them, granting all allies +1 Attack Stat. Also, grant a +1 Attack Stat (breaks cap up to 11) when Allies make an Opportunity Attack roll, for that roll only. Tank Rally does not Stack, lasts for up to 30 Minutes, and has a 2 Hour Cooldown once ended.
    • Tank Switch (Instant Technique) : Melee
      • As a reaction to an enemy within Range Attacking an Ally, instantly Stagger the Attack. For the next turn only, if the Target attacks anyone other than the user, apply the Brittle Status Effect to them. Tank Switch does not use an Action. Tank Switch has a 1 Hour cooldown.
•☽────✧˖°˖☆˖°˖✧────☾•Intelligence: 5 •☽────✧˖°˖☆˖°˖✧────☾•
  • Tech
    • Tech Auto (Instant Technique) : Self
      • To increase reliability, the user raises the minimum result on Attack rolls to 5 for the next 3 turns. During this time, the user's damage from Attack rolls are reduced to 1 HP. Once ended, Tech Auto goes on a 30 minute cooldown.
    • Tech Assimilate [Free -> Maraya] (Counter Technique) : Self
      • To protect the user from harm, the user sets their maximum HP to 2 and gains 6 Block Tokens which exceed the limit. For the duration of this ability, any instances of 1HP damage caused by other characters is reduced to 0, unless that damage was already reduced by another source, and the user cannot benefit from HP threshold mechanics while active. If the user were to take -1HP damage, it does not ignore Block Tokens, and instead breaks a Block Token. Tech Assimilate ends when the last Block Token is Broken, and has a 2 Hour Cooldown.
    • Tech Charge (Instant Technique) : Emote Range
      • To empower an ally, grant a character within range +2 (breaks cap up to 11/9) to either their Attack or Defense for the next 30 minutes. For as long as Tech Charge is active, the user takes -2 from Attack or Defense (can go into negatives), depending on what was chosen. Tech Charge does not stack, and once ended, goes on a 1 Hour Cooldown.
    • Tech Exchange (Movement Technique) : 10 Blocks
      • To reposition an ally, target an ally within range to trade positions with them. This movement can be used through other characters, does not trigger Opportunity Attacks, but the user is given the Trapped Status Effect for the next turn. Tech Exchange has a 1 hour cooldown.
    • Tech Resist (Instant Technique) : Self
      • To specialize against a specific attack, choose either Melee, or Ranged and Deadeye. For the next 30 minutes, the user takes 1 HP less damage from the chosen attack type (never to 0), but deals 1HP less damage on their Attacks. Once ended, Tech Resist goes on a 2 hour cooldown.

  • Adapt
    • Wardrobe Pack
•☽────✧˖°˖☆˖°˖✧────☾• Wisdom: 2 •☽────✧˖°˖☆˖°˖✧────☾•
  • Chem
    • Chem Hyperfocus [Free -> Maraya] (Instant Technique) : Self
      • To become good at one thing only, choose Attack Stat or Defense Stat. Raise the chosen Stat by +2 (breaks cap up to 11 or 9), and lower the other stat by -3 (can go into minus). This effect remains active until the end of Combat. This Ability does not use an Action. This Ability cannot be re-used until the effect has ended.
•☽────✧˖°˖☆˖°˖✧────☾• Dexterity: 2 •☽────✧˖°˖☆˖°˖✧────☾•


•☽────✧˖°˖☆˖°˖✧────☾• Faith: 0 •☽────✧˖°˖☆˖°˖✧────☾•

•☽────✧˖°˖☆˖°˖✧────☾• Magic:
0 •☽────✧˖°˖☆˖°˖✧────☾•

  • Maraya have small Ichor glands on their hands, which are capable of producing Chrysalis that they can shape into Crystals of any shape or size.
  • Maraya can also make music with these Chrysalis Crystals, as they can resonate based on tunes, and produce music autonomously.
  • Maraya come from an Ancient world. They can read certain Event hints that may not be obvious to other Races (inquire with DM/Event Hoster for opportunities).
  • Maraya can (out of combat) remotely hijack Tech (including Automata) to follow their commands and instructions instead, due to their historical superiority.
  • Maraya can (if they can reach melee distance safely) hack into Dragon Sites/Entities and alter their routines to unlock additional functions (consult Event Dm's).


Plot Hooks
For each Plot Hook, one of Cassava's interests/activities/habits are briefly explained. This is followed by several ways this could be used to create past events or interact with him.
  • Cassava is trying to regain what he feels he has lost in himself. To that aim, he will almost never turn down any of the opportunities below:
    • Does your character enjoy sparring or are they interested in mentoring? Cassava often spends time near the Regalian arena, training. He is also on the lookout for mentors to teach him new ways of fighting.
    • Is your character knowledgeable, or do they own a library? Cassava spends his time on projects; either building projects or research projects. He is likely to ask you many questions and/or attempt to read an absurd number of books in your collection.
    • Is your character a public speaker or writer? Cassava has a passing interest in the spoken/written word, and tries his best to befriend anyone like this so he may learn from them.
•☽────✧˖°˖☆˖°˖✧────☾• •☽────✧˖°˖☆˖°˖✧────☾•
  • Cassava has an interest in post-Meraic history, though especially interstellar objects. He has the goal of creating a personal collection. obsession with buying strange or vintage objects, though has little idea of the actual worth of such items.
    • Looking to pawn off a historical object (real or fake)? Cassava may be that interested party, or he may be the person naive enough to fall for the con.
    • Currently studying a strange object/subject? Cassava may approach you inquiring, and offer any help he can as long as he gets to share in the discoveries.
    • Have your own collection of historical objects or art? Cassava may inquire to see these objects, though he may be quite critical if these objects are not stored securely.

    •☽────✧˖°˖☆˖°˖✧────☾• •☽────✧˖°˖☆˖°˖✧────☾•
  • While Cassava's time is often taken up with other projects, one of his ongoing projects is building small animal-like automatons that latch onto his body. Additionally, he creates larger head-sized automatons which are designed to look like Steamtech fashion items.
    • Practitioner in Steamtech or looking to learn about Crystaltech? Cassava may approach you to learn more than the aesthetics of Steamtech, or may agree to teach you the basics of Crystaltech.
    • Do you care for or know a lot about insects/reptiles? Cassava may approach you to learn more about the actual animals that he sculpts his autonoma after.
    • Looking to acquire Crystaltech creations? While Cassava is far from the best tinkerer, he is happy to create the occasional object for a friend. [Providing a possible in-fiction reason for anyone wanting to change the flavor of some abilities to be more tech-based without learning the craft]

    •☽────✧˖°˖☆˖°˖✧────☾• •☽────✧˖°˖☆˖°˖✧────☾•
  • Cassava struggles to control his emotions, both positive and negative. He gets himself involved in other's problems; he's going to worry about them anyway, so why not try and help?
    • Has Cassava previously stepped over the line in something he's said? This could serve to create a somewhat antagonistic relationship or fuel a grudge you hold.
    • Do you need someone to listen to your story or to help out? Cassava wouldn't think too much about approaching a stranger and offering to help them if they can.
    • Maybe you know Cassava as that strange humming Maraya you've seen occasionally? Cassava has a reflexive habit to hum, as a means of working through his emotions in a non-offensive way. This is quite noticeable and could mark him as intriguing or annoying.

    •☽────✧˖°˖☆˖°˖✧────☾• •☽────✧˖°˖☆˖°˖✧────☾•
  • Cassava is trying his best to appreciate the wonders that this new world has to offer. To relax, Cassava often climbs to the rooftops to watch the sky above or the city below. He stays in these spots for hours, and is always interested in finding a new view.
    • Do you often take a specific route somewhere? You might have seen Cassava absentmindedly watching from above.
    • Are you a guard or responsible for enforcement? Cassava might have perched on unstable parts of buildings before, or caused concern amongst those passing through.
    • Are you planning an expedition to somewhere colorful and bright? Cassava may offer to join these excursions, assuming there's at least one fantastic view involved.
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Change Log:
(So people can track what changed in the last and previous changes - will edit this post rather than making new posts in future)

02/01/2024: Updated the entire proficiency set for multiple reasons:
- To match the extensive set of proficiency changes made in late 2023.
- To better reflect Cassava's actual skills, as I've played him in actual RP.
- To reflect a few of his changing tactics after the last week or so of RP. Some of these abilities will be built up to through actual time and RP, but putting them here now instead of incrementally making changes.

xx/0x/2024: Didn't track the date for this. Added screenshots (art by CoolHumanTempast, art from online character creator) and changed the format of the character sheet to be slightly more pretty.

31/03/2024: Updated character sheet to better track character development in future. Reworded appearance details to be less wordy. Added several new bullet points to 'Plot Hooks' section, reworded several of the bullet points. Most importantly, rewrote the core concept to "Is Cassava a Scientist/Soldier/Orator?". Will likely update this core concept over time as Cassava develops through RP.
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