Preserved Sheet Cassandra Valkys

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Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • Full name: Cassandra Zahra Valkys
  • Race: Ithanian Ailor
  • Age: 30
  • Birthday: November 4th
  • Sex: Female
  • Gender: Doesn't care
  • Sexuality: Pansexual
  • Eye color: A grey blue
Core Concept
  • Cassandra practices unionism close enough to pray every morning and night, however she does not mention her religion or enforce it on others when it isn't asked for.
  • Cassandra is a hard worker, often appearing unfeeling, however she will always go out of her way to provide medical services for free and necessities for those who are less fortunate.
  • Strength: 3
    • Heavy Pack
    • Warrior Pack
    • Fisticuffs Pack
  • Constitution: 3
    • Resilience Pack
    • Brute Force Pack
    • Thread Craft Pack
  • Wisdom: 4
    • Affliction Wisdom Pack
    • Dimenthist Wisdom Pack
    • Medical Pack (Medical Patent, Life Creator Patent)
    • Tussling Pack (Body Chem Patent, Servo-golem Patent)
  • Dexterity: 1
    • Parkour Pack
  • Magic: 0
  • Charisma: 3
    • West Linguist Pack
    • Pet Husbandry Pack
    • Stupid Luck Pack
  • Common
  • West Linguist Pack (Linguistics)
Appearance Information
  • Cassandra has long black hair, dressing in a black outfit with a corset tight on the outside of it. She stands at 6'1 and usually has a neutral expression, which is usually taken for her being mean looking.
  • Cassandra was born as the youngest of five daughters to her mother, Valerie, and her mother's Homme de Coeur. She was raised by her Sucré-Mère, as is custom in her culture, and was treated with the same level of respect as her other sisters despite being the youngest. After her birth, two ravens appeared in her crib as her Familiars, and have stayed with her since. When she was young, she was taller than most of the children in her area, which led to a lot of bullying in her youth.
  • When she was 13 she took a liking to medicine, beginning to study wherever she could. With enough pestering she managed to become an apprentice beneath their village doctor, learning from her. When she turned 18 she took up engineering and various other things such as resilience as a hobby, doing so on her limited free time. She got herself a job at their local tavern, as a cook. Though after a particularly nasty bar fight she decided to take up unarmed combat as a means of self-defense, having to use improvised weapons from time to time, though favoring a butcher knife.
  • At 23 she took up needlework, as she had to sew rips or tears in her clothing from the particularly common bar fights she had to separate. She took up circus art as a hobby, though she used it to earn some extra tips through entertaining customers. She began selling her engineering, working as a doctor, and doing labor work to make some extra money, saving up to leave Ithania for good. A good couple months after her 28th birthday she realized she finally had enough, packed up, and got on the first boat to Regalia, where she could pursue a new life.
  • After she arrived at Regalia she found herself in a romantic relationship, taking up a job bartendering in an underground fight club. This led her to encounters with many afflicted and various odd looking individuals. Her curiosity struck, and in her new found amount of free time outside of her job once her and her partner had broken up, it led her to further research into the afflictions and various other topics.
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Core Concept
  • Cassandra practices her religion close enough to pray every morning and night, however she does not mention her religion or enforce it on others when it isn't asked for.
Make sure to mention what religion in particular she practices, even if she keeps it hidden. Otherwise, looking good.

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