Preserved Sheet Cassandra A Benett

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The Local Chav
Jun 6, 2014
Reaction score
England is my city
The Spanish Inqusition
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Cassandra Aveline Benett.
  • Age: 144
  • Gender: Female.
  • Race: Ithanian Ailor.
  • Affliction: An Alais Bloodline Sanguine.
  • Preferred Weapon: Charisma and Deception before a dagger.
Skill Information
Total Points: 20 years uninfected, 124 years infected. (144-20/100x25=31+20=51) totaling to 51 points.

  • +10 to the Burgling Rogue Skill.
  • +10 to the Conning Rogue Skill.
  • +10 to the Bodycare Training Skill.
  • +8 to the Stealth Rogue Skill.
  • +5 to the Visual Arts Skill.
  • +5 to the Food and Drink Science Skill
  • +3 to the Fast Blade Combat Skill.
Body Shape
  • Physical Stat: 10 Bodycare (10/2=5) + 3 Fast Blade x Total Athletic Points (N/A) = 7 Physical Stat.
  • Body Shape: Toned.
  • Body Fat: Average.
  • Ithanian, taught by her mother and father.
    • Cassandra can speak fluently and extensively, while also being able to write it in cursive.
  • Common, taught through her exposure to Dorkarth slaves.
    • Cassandra can speak fluently, though she can confuse words and their meanings while writing.
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • Cassandra is an Alais Bloodline Vampire, who was gifted with these mutations:
  • Crimson Aging.
  • Crimson Reflection.
  • Crimson Dressage.
  • Crimson Guiding.
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Emerald Green.
  • Hair Color: Brown, turning black.
  • Hair Style: French twist or top knot.
  • Skin Color: White.
  • Clothing: Dresses, uniforms. Whatever keeps her unnoticed.
  • Height: 5'4"

Personality and Abilities
  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Lawfully Evil, Cassandra has a vendetta against the Dorkarth slavers through past experience and wants to slowly poison Regalia into a war with the rogue nation. She has come from a dark place, and respects the values and motives of those associated with her to achieve her goal - but the goal still remains an assured risk of life for all involved.
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • A Mix between ESTP-A (Entrepreneur) and ISFJ-A (Defender.) Due to her vampirism, she has moments of pure ruthlessness without any fear of the consequences that may befall under her, but she does consider those who aid her coven in some respect - creating a protective circle for those who shared the same for her.
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • She was formerly Unionist, but after being abandoned by her so-called god. She doesn't believe in any religion, giving her a good 0 on the scale.
Life Story

Cassandra was born on October the 4th, 164 AC to a loving couple named Janie and Laurell Benett on a farmhouse deep in the Ithanian countryside. Raised to care for livestock and their fields filled with produce, she was lucky in being brought into an honest family where she grew up with a dog named Baxter and a horse to her own named Jeremiah; she was loving life from an early age. The sun rose day by day, and new adventures were made wondering through the countryside taking in the sights, as Cass enjoyed the outdoors. Days became years, and years became a decade before she left her more sheltered life to inspect the wonders of towns nearby with her father to pursue trade deals where she made many friends her age, but most importantly, a guy named Hunston who would later become her husband.

Life was swell until she was eighteen, having made a relationship with Hunston from an early age until a stray bandit posse found the occupation and attempted to cease any control over it. After nearly beating their father to death and trying to drag herself and her mother away to god only knows where, She was saved by a small group of villagers who heard the commotion from the road ahead and intervened, but this scared the fear of god into her. The reality of death had never been an actual fact, which leads her into an obscure fear of death that affected her day to day. After a year, she sought to secure her legacy and eventually got married to Hunston which gave birth to a daughter named Caitlyn before she was 19. Time went by until she was swayed by a roaming trader from Jorrhildr named Chinto.

Chinto slowly swayed her mind, and took advantage of her still present fear of the oncoming fate of death before he eventually offered a "cure." Vampirism, which she eagerly took as she fell under his charismatic chains. Hunston became aware and argued the fact that he thought she was cheating, to which she lied and lied before eventually leaving in the night to seek refuge in Jorrhildr and the promised lands of Dorkarth; leaving her child, husband, and former life behind. They arrived to later be found by a slaver patrol, to be brought back into service with the despicable nation. Cassandra was put in collaboration with others to keep slaves alive for transportation and storage, while Chinto continued looking for artifacts lost in the Great Vampire Wars. Almost two decades had passed, and Cassandra was 40 looking not a day over 20 before her old lover Hunston had found their way into enslavement.

Memories reawoke and guilt slowly manifested before she eventually attempted to break with little success, causing a horrific execution of Hunston and the imprisonment of Cassandra for almost a century. She was starved of blood, kept on the bare minimum and exposed to all sorts of horrendous torture in an effort to study the effects of hardship on the immortal. Then, to her fortune, the bone horror crisis brought chaos to the hold where a group of slaves used it to their advantage to hold a prison break. She was broken free by an old hunter, who was aware of her affliction and still acquired her help despite her almost starving to death and turning feral as they prepared an ambush and dropped the cellblock on their countermeasure. Escaping to Jorrhildr against all odds, seeing the resurrected constructs of monsters seen centuries ago, they managed to survive through the ordeal to escape once again before she was exiled for her affliction at the mercy of the old hunter, who spared her from death from the others.

Returning to Ithania, to find her old farmhouse a relic, burnt to the ground likely after her betrayal. She spent the past couple years moving across Ithania with Dorkarth slavers in hot pursuit eager to eliminate what knowledge she knows about the complex and systems they have. Having to learn quickly from a heated start, and understanding to trust nobody. She now finds herself in Regalia, seeking some end to her hunt. The nobility are always eager to make some money and fame, and all she has to do is convince them of the treasures inside Dorkarth and the infamy of destruction that would pursue.

A Liars Book of Details

Please meta me, I dare you.
Cassandra has to lie to keep her existence in Regalia a secret from some undesirables, here they are:

The Information Specialist,
Name: Courtney Legionnaire
Age: 23, born April the 2nd.
Ethnicity: Ithanian heritage, Regalian raised.
Crimson Reflection: Dark red hair, green eyes.
Personality: Cheerful, encouraging and a careless flirt with a bit of opium addiction mixed in.
Fake Profession: Legitimate lockpick under Legionnaire Picks, or Security Analyst for South West Trade Co.
Fake History: Courtney was an orphan from birth, being left to fend for herself against the bad neighborhoods of Regalia. Encouraged into committing crimes against the emperor's best wishes, she became a reputable thief and lockpick before she left for Ithania half a decade ago in hopes of finding her family. As she returns, she is attempting to make her business legitimate and try to garner trade with the nobles of Regalia.

A Wolf in Sheeps Clothing,
Name: Georgina LeMatt
Age: 21, born September the 6th.
Ethnicity: Daenroquen heritage, Ithania raised.
Crimson Reflection: Ash blonde hair, blue eyes & tanned skin.
Personality: Wise, careful and sentimental. She portrays a peacekeeper.
Fake Profession: Misguided Unionist who seeks afflicted to be restored.
Fake History: Georgina was the daughter of two Daen migrants in Ithania, who worked low paying jobs to supply for her until she could. Georgina learned fast and studied numerous housekeeping skills, making her a desirable maid for nobility. After learning the good word of Unionism, Georgina now spends her time preaching to sanguines and werebeasts for their impurity and the desire for their resolution.

An Accident Waiting to Happen,
Name: Ioanna Jean-Luc Spitera
Age: 24, born August the 5th.
Ethnicity: Qadir, raised in Ithania.
Crimson Reflection: Black hair, brown skin and brown eyes.
Personality: An audacious, free spirit intent on making riches.
Fake Profession: A Spy for those who acquire her price.
Fake History: Ioanna was a huntress for slaves for the Dorkarth capital, before she antagonized the desprinces with conspiracy to overthrow the establishment. After a harrowing fight for life across Aloria, she finds herself in Regalia seeking to make a bit of cash before she moves to the next place.

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