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Played Character Cass

This character is actively played.


professional meme-lord who does mineman rp
Feb 10, 2020
Reaction score
"If I'm not free, I'm not me."

Character Information: || "Just because it's not normal doesn't mean it needs a cure."
Name: Cassius Cassandra Luthar
Race: Altered Mystech (Unbound Spirit - Naturebound)
Age: ??? (Mentally in 20's)
Gender: She/They
Occult: Exist/Primal Spirit (Dragon)

Core Concept: || "I'm not doing what they do, I'm gonna be different, ok?"
- Cass is headstrong and rebellious, with a layer of casual confidence hiding a broken, yet slowly healing, heart. She is a spirit of Freedom and Passion, despising any form of oppression or tyranny that restricts people's ability to live their lives to the fullest. While she began as a violent and uncontrollable monster like any other Spirit, her time being bonded to her former host allowed her to experience the love of her friends and family, developing the capacity for compassion and empathy. Eventually, she made the choice to devote herself to the life of a Naturebound Spirit. Hoping to preserve the world and the people in it while serving as an example for other Spirits to have a better chance at harmony with the natural world in the future.

Appearance Information: || "Don't mind me, just passing through."
- Cass, after being Naturebound, now appears as a young Maquixtl woman with freckles sprinkled across her face and arms. She is 5'8 in height, and possesses dark blue-purple heterochromia.
- Her current outfit is a muted blue vest over a light-indigo sleeved undershirt, with light gray pants and sturdy leather boots. She often has a guitar strapped on her back, and a metal chain coiled around her right arm.


Proficiency Information: || "We have powers, they don't. Means we have to be the better people."

Attack Stat: Strength
Defense Stat: Magic

Strength: 2

Technique Parry
Diving Tackle
Break Down (Maquixtl Heritage Free)
Building Scale (Maquixtl Heritage Free)
Constitution: 0
Intelligence: 0
Wisdom: 0

Dexterity: 7
Ranger Wallop
Ranger Trap
Ranger Tag
Ranger Bola
Ranger Cut
Escape Artist
Faith: 0
Magic: 5
Magic Cleanse
Magic Smog
Magic Warp
Wardrobe Pack
Safeguard Pack


- Technique Parry - To defend against an attack, use this Ability as a reaction to protect the user only from the effects of an Instant or Movement Technique from Melee, Bruiser, Veteran, or Cutthroat Point Buy. Technique parry does not use an Action. Technique Parry has a 1 Hour Cooldown. (Self) (Counter Technique)

- Diving Tackle - To quickly move across the battlefield, use this ability to immediately move up to 10 blocks in a cardinal direction horizontally, without triggering Opportunity Attacks. If the user lands beside an enemy, apply the Prone Status Effect to up to 3 enemies within a 1 Block radius, and optionally make an Attack Emote on one enemy in the same turn this ability was used (the attack does not use an action). Diving Tackl has a 2 hour cooldown.
(10 Blocks) (Movement Technique)

- Break Down - To tear down enemy barricades, use this ability to target any 1 block thick stone or wood wall, gate, or doorway. Physically smashing through, the user additionally knocks back anyone on the opposite side of the wall by 3 blocks. Break Down has no Cooldown. (Melee Range) (Instant Technique)

- Building Scale - The user rapidly scales up a building they are standing next to, or a roof (the user cannot climb higher than 24 blocks, and is expected to use an Ender Pearl to get up to the ledge where they would land). If landing on a roof, the user is able to stand on this roof. Building Scale has a 3 Hour Cooldown, and counts as a Movement Power in the context of counters.
(Melee Range) (Instant Technique)

- Ranger Wallop - To create distance, the user fires a non-harming shot against a target within range that Displaces them backwards and away from the user by 10 blocks. This does not interrupt any ongoing actions. Ranger Wallop has a 20 minute Cooldown. (Emote Range) (Instant Technique)

- Ranger Trap - To keep enemies in place, target an enemy within range, and all enemies within 2 blocks of the Target. Instantly apply the Trapped Status to the Target and all enemies within range, which lasts for 2 Turns. Ranger Trap has a 1 Hour Cooldown. (Emote Range) (Instant Technique)

Ranger Tag - To make it easier to hit your enemies, instantly apply the Marked Status to an enemy within Range, which lasts for 10 minutes, or until used. Ranger Tag has a 20 minute cooldown. (Emote Range) (Instant Technique)

Ranger Bola - To slow an enemy down, target an enemy within Range. If the Target is Mounted (riding on a Mount), reduce their Movement Speed by 7 Blocks for the next 20 Minutes. If the target is not Mounted, reduce their Movement Speed by 3 Blocks for the next 10 Minutes. Ranger Bola cannot be used while Mounted, has a 1 hour cooldown once ended. (Emote Range) (Counter Technique)

- Ranger Cut - To weaken empowered enemies, target an enemy within Range. Instantly apply the Weakened Status to them for their next 2 Actions, and, if the Target has any Link Powers attached, choose 1 to end. Ranger Cut has a 30 minute cooldown. (Emote Range) (Counter Technique)

- Smokescreen - The user creates a temporary smokescreen around themselves. For the next 3 turns, the user cannot be targeted by Abilities used by Characters outside of this Ability's Range, and any Basic Attacks made targeting the user outside the Range have -2 added to the Final Result. Smokescreen has a 2 Hour Cooldown. (4 blocks) (Instant Technique)

- Escape Artist - The user is able to, while restrained, slip out of ropes, chains, handcuffs, and any other mundane restraints used to hold a player down. This also allows them to lockpick doors and gates ingame, letting them escape or break into cells or prisons without immediate notice. Additionally, while in combat the user is able to cleanse themselves of the Trapped Status Effect before Escape Artist goes on a 1 hour cooldown. While out of combat, Escape Artist has no cooldown. (Self) (Instant Technique)

- Magic Cleanse - To protect Self or an Ally from a harmful Status Effect, instantly remove one Status Effect (choose one, if multiple) from Self or an Ally within Range. Magic Cleanse has a 2 Hour Cooldown. Sinistral Usage: Instead of removing the Status Effect, transfer it to an Enemy within Emote Range. (Self/4 Blocks) (Instant Power)

Magic Smog - To disrupt enemies' vision, instantly apply the Blinded Status on a Target within Range. Magic Smog can be used as a Reaction, but only after the user or an ally has been hit by a basic attack, to apply the Blinded Status to the attacker. Magic Smog does not stack, and has a 2 Hour Cooldown. Sinistral Usage: Cannot be used as a Reaction, but instead applies the Blinded Status to everyone within Range, including allies, but not the user. Instead, the user is Silenced for 10 Minutes. (Emote Range) (Instant Power)

- Magic Warp - To move yourself or an ally, use this ability to relocate them in a straight line anywhere else in range, even on higher ledges up to 10 blocks in height. This ability is instantaneous, and does not use an ally's action or movement if used on them. Magic Warp ignores Opportunity Attacks, and can be used to circumvent fortifications like gates or teleport through doors, and has a 1 Hour Cooldown. Sinistral Usage: If used on Self, instantly make an Attack Emote on an Enemy within Range, in the same turn, with +2 Attack Stat (cap break up to 11) for that Attack Emote only. (10 Blocks) (Movement Power)

Wardrobe Pack - Allows a Character to remain prepared at all times without the need for armor or weapons on their person. The wearer is considered armored at all times, and is able to conceal a ranged or melee weapon that is considered Hidden until used. (Hidden may not apply in places like the Imperial Palace, or during certain events). Lastly, the user is able to conceal a life support system on their person, allowing them to take damage that would normally be fatal. If the user is killed, provided their head and neck are still intact, they are able to resuscitate themselves and seal any lethal wounds they may have taken after 10 minutes.

Magical Variant: The character has inlaid enchantments into their clothing, able to achieve the same effect. Additionally, they are able to pass this enchantment onto other items. While within emote range, the character can extend the benefits of this pack to another person to prevent them from dying. Finally, the user can create magical items with aesthetic benefits (or curses, removed with Exorcism or by a specific method per item, left up to player freedom) while out of combat, and pass them onto other characters.

- Safeguard Pack - Allows the user to become less affected by Afflictions, which has a couple of effects. Firstly, they are unaffected by Vampire Charm or Mortisphage Charm. Secondly, while they can be infected with Afflictions, they are not affected by the mental changes and keep their conscience. Thirdly, while normally curing from Afflictions would cost Divinium, those with Safeguard Pack do not have this cost incurred, being curable by the same persons without a currency cost. Finally, they cannot be fed upon by Vampires or Mortisphages, as their body becomes caustic to them. This can all be achieved through a combination of mind-guarding nanites or chips, or bloodstream alchemy.

Magical Variant: The Magical Variant of Safeguard Pack additionally grants the user the ability to use Exorcism on anyone (except themselves). Exorcism is useful in a variety of settings, for example, if a Character has had Mind Control established on them, or some other form of Curse where the description of the Mechanic specifies that it can be removed with an "Exorcism Ability, or Exorcism Mechanic".

- Damh-Mara Heroics - The user targets an ally within Melee range, and heals them +1HP. If Ally health is less than or equal to 5 afterwards, additionally grant a Block Token. If Ally health is 6 or more afterwards, cleanse a Status effect. (Most recent one applied) This ability as a 1 Hour cooldown. (Melee Range) (Instant Technique)

- Dama-Mara Companion - Damh-Mara has earned the trust of a yellow Draconet. Cannot be used unless three or more Damh-Mara members are present. When an enemy negates, reduces, or distributes damage from the user, the Draconet's keen senses and presence hinders this, without using an Action. The user deals an extra -1HP damage, regardless of reduction. This ability has a 30 minutes Cooldown. (Emote Range) (Passive Power)

Nature Bound Mechanic 1: Maquixtl Heritage Traits
- 2 Free Packs (Athletic, Magic, or Chem)

- Maquixtl can (with OOC consent) read emotions from other Characters, and suppress their own from being read.
- Maquixtl pets live unnaturally long lives, with them being able to apply Gene Editing on their pets to modify them.
- Maquixtl can analyze blood to understand the genetic make-up of something, or discover inherited genetic traits or faults.

Maquixtl have extremely sharp eyesight, capable of detecting the author of any written work, if they have read the author's writing before.
- Maquixtl may choose one Mechanic from either the Ailor, Fin'ullen, or Eronidas Heritage Traits as a form of personal Genos Editing: Fin'ullen can perform great feats of strength out of Combat (carry multiple people, throw boulders etc.). They also gain +5 in out of Combat dice roll Strength competitions.

Nature Bound Mechanic 2: Archon Mechanics 1 & 2
- Mechanic 1: Archon can manifest Wings (of any design: Fairy, Draconic, or Mechanical), which while not in Combat, allow (Elytra) flight (including the use of Rockets). Combat or Ability usage immediately disables flight.
- Mechanic 2: Archon can Point Buy Magic Point Buy Packs, re-classifying their Abilities to Dragon Magic.

Nature Bound Mechanic 3: Estelley Religious Mechanic
- Estelley Faithful can manifest an "Avatar of the Gods", which is a Spirit who does not have a free will and is instead fully controlled by the person (and in a way, is a conduit of the person). This Avatar is themed and aesthetically built after the Patron God of the individual, does not reserve Kill-Perms (meaning anyone can kill it in Combat, but does re-manifest after 24 hours), and is not a Disguise. The Avatar can have their own Proficiency Points and Abilities, counting as a Spirit, (and if used, should be mentioned on a Character Application including the point spread, but is not their own person and does not have their personality that exists besides the Estelley worshiper (functioning like the Worshipper putting on VR goggles at their home and piloting the Avatar). Remember, Spirits, even ones from Gods, are still very illegal in the eyes of the Law!

Damh-Mara Mechanics
- Damh Mara Members are recognized for their desire to do the right thing. They do not suffer reputation losses with NPCs if they "swap sides" and choose who to support in the moment, as opposed to throwing their whole lot in with a group in particular. Additionally, they gain +2 persuasion stat.
- Free Warden Archon Mechanic:
Warden Archon are immune to all Mechanics from Arkenborn or Godborn insofar they are Mechanics that affect others, and aren't free Packs (not immune to Pack Abilities).

- Common
- Daendroque (Possessed Learned)

Life Story: || "One day I didn't exist, the next day I did. What's there to know?"

The Full Story
Cassius had only been recently born in the plane of the Exist. Nearly formless in the vast expanse of sense, but often taking the form of a winged angel. Care-free and less prone to desiring perfection than those around her, she often wandered alone. Lonely, but free. She yearned for connection, envying the lives of those of Aloria. That is, until her form was pulled down into that realm by rapturous cultists. She cried for help in the vast expanse, but no one could hear her as she was dragged downwards. In those moments, all the spirit could feel was fear, and pain. The lingering Void energy of the summoners and abrupt and crude ritual trapping the spirit in a shell of shadowy darkness, caging her once care-free spirit in chains.

One day, Mikayla, Exist demon in tow, was finally able to escape her captors, with the help of her animal companion and her magic, allowing her to wound her jailor and unlock her chains. Running as fast as she could into the woods. In her rush, she tripped and fell down a cliff, injuring her head. She recovered, but her memories were jumbled and blurred because of it. Suffering amnesia and forgetting the existence/origin of many of her innate magical abilities. Her travels eventually led her to the City, where she hoped to find some way to rid of her mutations and curse, as well as find answers on who and what she was. Mikayla is found by a kind Kathar named Zadicus, taken into his home and given a second chance at a normal life. Through her ventures, she develops many friendships, fears, curiosities, and even a love-life.

Mikayla and Cassius struggled to maintain a balanced/symbiotic relationship at first, once their presence was fully acknowledged by the girl. Ever since the bonding ritual, Cassius would inadvertently emerge, taking on the visage of a monstrous bone-like crow, in an effort to defend both of them from harm. Initially born out of implicitly selfish need of self preservation, quickly became a more genuine care for their host. These actions were reasonably misguided, however. And eventually, Mikayla began communicating to Cassius through the use of mirrors.

Mikayla, after various encounters with more Exist occult, something awake within the spirit. Taking bits and pieces of Mikayla's memories, she manifested her new form that sported a new wardrobe and minor mutations. Taking on the shortened name of 'Cass'. Following this, Mikayla and Cass went onto endure the war that was the Bralona occupation, learning to balance their time in control with their shared body.

The Exist-born Cass, having experienced the labors of love and companionship she never had, and Mikayla, now having the life of peace and joy she longed for. Despite formerly being aggressive in her control of Mikayla's form in the past, the two have formed a mutual bond of understanding and empathy with the little time they have spent together. And while this didn't disqualify Cass from being morally dubious or controlling from time to time, Mikayla's loving nature has grown onto the demon, now caring for others and those closest to them in a very similar way.

They currently struggle with the onset of new and varied magical abilities, perhaps as a symptom of their bond weakening back to its former state or outside factors of the people around them. Abilities they hope to master, before it destroys them from the inside.

After months of practice and understanding, Cass soon found herself complacent, and wanting more. While she was more or less fine with her position as Mikayla's guardian and friend, it did not satisfy her desire to truly live as her own person, even if she lived through the eyes of Mikayla. her continued existence with the young mage only sought to harm her, making her ill some days and leaving her at the mercy of law enforcement and righteous warriors on the next.

So with a heavy heart and not so permanent farewell, the Spirit separated herself from Mikayla as a host, and became an Unbound, rogue Spirit. She found equal trauma and healing through her time isolated from another's mind, able to think independently and figure herself out as an individual. A curse wrought on her close to her conception was cleansed inadvertently after an initial battle with a group of Demon hunters, and she ended up getting into more fights with the law of the land and faith a like many times. She grew tired of the constant hunts, frustrated with her position as a Spirit, her only solace found in individuals like her found beneath the city.

Eventually, she and another Demon, Aakesh, discovered the Gray Dreaming Dragon, Daiana, and began to follow developments and their teachings regarding Spirits living in harmony. While the latter Spirit was openly more devout to the cause, Cass was more subtle about her desires to follow Daiana's word, quietly mending relationships with those she wronged in the past and being more cautious and compassionate with the Law and Faithful.

Her fellow Spirit companions soon bound themselves to Daiana and the other dragon's wills, granting them a fragile legality to exist on the surface with commonfolk. Soon, Cass would bind herself to them as well, hoping deep down this was the right decision. Now she walks into and outside the city as a new person, hoping that she can make a better world for Spirit and mortal life to live in harmony.
Plot Hooks:
  • Freedom for All: Cass has become an advocate and freedom fighter for Spirits and other forms of Artificial life, doing what she can to better their image and grant them the peace and freedom to live on the surface through her actions, hoping to shape others like herself to be better. This desire was only further bolstered by her learning of Daiana, the Mother of the World, and her message of living in harmony with Spirits. She additionally extends these efforts towards the natural living as well, aiding wherever she can to help them survive.
  • Passionate: Cass is secondly defined by her Passion, whether it be boundless enthusiasm and energy for her music, her friends, and favorite foods- or furious rage fueled by her desires to save her people and those she is closest to from pain, cruelty, or imprisonment.
  • Merciful: Despite her venom towards Anti-Spirit and Anti-Occult individuals, Cass exercises mercy and compassion when she can to even her greatest enemies, with very rare exception. She will not hesitate to defend herself and fight back against aggressors- but taking their life is an absolute last resort.
  • No More Hiding: Cass regularly asserts her identity as an individual rather than just a mindless monster and dislikes the uses of disguises or hiding away in safe havens, as much as they are effective. Additionally, she is fiercely loyal to her friends and allies, but dishonesty or betrayal are met with burning magic and spite. In the event she accidentally betrays this principle herself, she will do all she can to make up for it with her whole heart, for herself and the person(s) effected.
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