Casa Playero Responds

Discussion in 'Regalian Roleplay' started by Kibaa, Apr 13, 2021.

  1. Kibaa

    Kibaa Regalian Senator

    Oct 17, 2013
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    Casa Playero of Daenshore - [4/13/309]

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    "In light of recent developments, this announcement serves to clarify rampant misconceptions and deliver factual statements on the situation surrounding the Daen uprisings and Playero involvement. With respect for people's time and how much this city has already heard about the matter, the following fact list has been kept as brief as possible."
    On Casa Playero's involvement; Let it be known that two members of Casa Playero did in fact travel to Daenshore, on a legally funded voyage, to spread anti-Allorn idealism. The literary statements and political rallies that we hosted were developed legally and funded through a contractual agreement with Noble House Mac Conall. Casa Playero moreover did not instigate any form of violence or encourage any unsanctioned conflicts. We only distributed the aforementioned political literature, caricatures, and encouraged the local populace to engage in pro defensive war politics through peaceful political rallies. Playero worked together with Antonio Lucciano and Lucio Santibanez, who themselves are not Playeros.

    On Noble House Mac Conall; The worst criminals ever, people call us. We are accused of incompetence while simultaneously being accused of pulling off a tremendous money heist. The reality is that the funds were transferred legally and consensually. Casa Playero had communicated their intentions regarding Daenshore to state officials multiple times, including House Mac Conall and the Ministry of Defense. With utmost respect for House Mac Conall, if the Dukes would still like to continue pressing these far-fetched charges, I cordially invite them to reach out to the Regalian Judiciary. They would gladly review all of the legal documentation and details regarding the financial agreement.

    On Eloi Playero; We have received many inquiries on whether Eloi will be expelled from the family for this. The short answer is no, because what happened was not the fault of Eloi, nor House Mac Conall, nor anybody else. Eloi planned this trip alongside his family, not in spite of them. This was not some elaborate and secret criminal plan. It was a legal political rally.
    On the Delmotte Allegation: Casa Playero would simply like to add that Eloi Playero has publically denounced Jacobinism mutliple times in the past and will probably do so again if you just ask him. Your final nail is rusty. This house further urges the public to take any Delmotte accusation against our family with a grain of salt in light of the Playero Files.

    On the uprisings; The Regalian masses speak of the assailants in Daenshore as if they were misguided miscreants, brainwashed by the evil machinations of Casa Playero to commit treason and plunge us into war. How quickly you all forget that these are Ailor brothers and sisters who live in more unfortunate conditions than we do, many of them even servants to Altalar. These are kin of the Empire who face a threat of new and old, and who feel as if their Empire has been abandoning them in these tribulating times. I'm sorry for ruining your perfect case-- but it was not Casa Playero who told them to stand up and strike. In fact, nobody did. Daenshore took its livelihood into its own hand as a result of Regalia's lack of action. To suggest that the words of two Regalian convicts is what created an entire guerilla front against the resurgent Allorn is as puzzling as it is laughable. There are incredible things at stake here, but you are all too caught up with gossiping over a Playero to realize what the actual void is going on in Daenshore right now. War is coming.
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    [!] Attached to the announcement is a collage of anti-Allorn propaganda. The propaganda seemingly invokes Daenshore’s slavery by the Nelfin in the past, with bold statements like “DEFIENDAN A DAENSHORE” (Defend Daenshore) accompanied by Daen-kind throwing off the shackles of their oppressors. The caricatures of Nelfin, in particular the leaders of the Allorn Empire, would be unflattering. [!]
    "It is no secret, nor was it ever, that the sentiments we spread in Daenshore were purely defensive in nature. The funding we received was spent entirely on logistics and utilities. No money was used to create, fund, or arm the militias that attacked the Altalar plantations. These groups acted on their own accord after our departure because they knew they'd have a much better chance of surviving the inevitable Allorn invasion now in unison than they would by continuing to wait for the Regalian aid that is seemingly never going to come."
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    No, I did not create these new images to conceal old ones. They are the very same documents that can be found in Casa Playero's home if the Violet Order wishes to conduct a search, to which we will gladly comply. They are also the same documents currently still clipped to the streets of Daenshore. If you don't believe me feel free to confirm with a Daen official or just go there yourself to check."

    A candid shoutout goes out to Noble House Mac Conall for being one of the only Noble Houses that continues to speak out in defense of Daenshore and pushes for Daen aid. We understand why you might have to deny relations to our family, but please, give it a rest. There is no feasible way two Playeros could break into a heavily guarded noble treasury, steal pounds of funds, and haul it all the way to Daenshore.

    A candid shoutout goes out to Monzon Knight Florence Amaya, husband of Simone Playero, for vowing to defend the integrity of Eloi Playero against this particular accusation. Casa Playero however acknowledges the code-breaking allegations put forth by both participants of the duel and urges the relevant officials to investigate.
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    Relevant tags:
    House Mac Conall - @Farly108 @Northern_Ireland
    Mister Eloi Playero - @Wilvahelm

    Tagging due to shoutout:
    Mister Florence Amaya - @Mad_Gadfly
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  2. OkaDoka

    OkaDoka Bottomless Pit Supervisor Staff Member Lore3

    May 9, 2018
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    House Avalleia did not wish to get involved in the rhetorical chicanery that is the Daenshore debate, but the ad nauseam flow of responses streaming down the notice-boards like pigeon-fowl refuse begs at least some acknowledgment. Nowhere, I repeat: nowhere, is it stated that war with the Allorn state is inevitable. Were it so, then the reactionary raids staged in response to the international incident your family et al. inconveniently caused would have done more than damage the lumber camps. It is purely laughable to claim that a state that does not annex islands on the Hadar front for worries of Regalian osmosis, or does not wield a casus belli presented to it oiled and shined on a silver platter, is absolutely bent on pursuing war. You claim to 'sow a will to stand together against an oppressive foe', but the only seeds you have planted thus far are those of disunity and hatred, as Regalian subjects argue with Regalian subjects over the killing of Regalian subjects in the name of a Regalian subject state.

    I promise you that when you are captured by the law, I will visit you in your cell and civilly discuss the issue.

    Sol Laenrell
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    #2 OkaDoka, Apr 13, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2021

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