Preserved Sheet Carthas Francois Delacroix Norrvakt

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Das Wump
Dec 14, 2015
Reaction score
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"By Any Means Necessary"

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Basic Information (Required)

Full Name: Carthas Francois Delacroix Norrvakt

Age: 39

Gender: Agender

Race: Ithanian Ailor; Citoye

Main Ambition: To serve his father's house and to create chaos within order.

Special Permission: None

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Skill Information (Optional)

School of Blackmark
Level: Warrior

Source: Six years training with the Ironwolf Legion across the three Skags.

School of Biology: Discipline of Medicine

Level: Scholar

Eight years studying at the Medical Academy of Ithania.

Ten years applied at various institutions including work at the Medical Academy of Ithania, the Edelweiss Order, and Medical Academy of Regalia.

Light decay in skill due to lack of maintaining practice. Knowledge is a majority in tact.

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Visual Information (Required)

Eye Colour: A deep, bright Blue.

Hair Colour: A dark shade of Brown, almost Black in appearance.

Hair Style: Bald, cleanly shaven sides with a low fade down from the top of the scalp.

Skin Colour: A fair, even Pink tone.

Clothing: Modified Imperial Style with layered Black silks and short capped shoulders.

Height: 5'10"

Body Build: Strongman

Weapon of Choice:
-Primary: Mace
-Secondary: Morningstar or various blunt weapons
-Tertiary: Brass Knuckles or other boxing additives

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Personality and Abilities (Required)

Paragraph I: Perception

In rumor, Carthas is viewed as a deceitful one. Quite clever and intelligent. In actual conversation and personal interactions, this clever nature becomes more apparent. Carthas always seems to be able to sway conversations away from negativities directed at himself. The intelligence of the Ithanian is apparent in his actions and speech. Seemingly sympathetic and cordial, Carthas thrives in the realm of social conversation and manipulation. He may appear in a great manner of ways to the unknowing stranger, but even then one thing can be discerned; The ex d'Eluise is a dangerous one.

Paragraph II: Internal Feelings

Carthas feels a drive for power and control within himself. However, he still struggles with controlling how he feels himself. There is a struggle which exists within Carthas as he is uncertain of his gender and sexuality or rather lack thereof. In that sense he feels as though he has no purpose in the world and has taken drastic actions because of this. Despite this Carthas has a great deal of confidence in his abilities. Despite his consistent fallings in and out of power he has always managed to survive and come back stronger from each downfall. As a result, the Ithanian feels there is some greater purpose for him to achieve, whether it come from the Imperial Spirit or some other form of deity. Only time may tell what this true purpose is.

Paragraph III: Actions

There is very little difference between the way Carthas treats his friends and family. To him they are one and the same. The one who he considers his only friend, Einarr Norrvakt, is now his adoptive father. For Einarr and the d'Eluise family, Carthas would die for them all. Carthas is more sympathetic to his kin than all others. To strangers and even allies Carthas creates this illusion of kindness and camaraderie, but it is all a ploy for the benefit of the Ithanian. However, his actions and rhetoric is still the same to all individuals. There is no true difference between friends and strangers. Family is given honour, and very few gain respect.

Paragraph IV: Morality

The morality of Carthas Norrvakt is a clouded one. He would see the deaths of thousands if it benefitted anyone whom he cares for, himself above all. His only true moral compass is his faith, but outside of that, the Ithanian has no moral code. Instead he creates the illusion of morality in the general sense of law and order to mask his lack of moral code. Power is king and any means are taken to obtain it. No matter the cost. No matter the consequence.

Paragraph V: Worldview

Carthas Norrvakt has a complicated relationship with the world. While being a devout Unionist he has done things contradictory to the teachings. Most notably is his decision to self castrate. Despite this, Carthas would do most anything to further the Great Way and the Unionist cause, though he will go against the will of the clergy as they are simply men who are corruptible. Only the Imperial Spirit is the true Unionist vessel. In terms of nobility and commoners there is seldom a difference. He has existed within both spheres in his lifetime. Regardless of the circumstance, power is power. A commoner may wield more power than a noble and vise versa. People often confuse power with privilege which the Norrvakt hopes to rectify before his inevitable death.

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The Norrvakt is exceedingly intelligent. This is both in an educational sense as well as a social sense. He has well over eighteen years of medical education and practice, six years of combat experience and at the same time living within social court settings. All of these have given the Norrvakt the training to be well knowledged in many scenarios. This is paired well with his natural intelligence. It is quite the useful tool to have at one's disposal.


Carthas has the ability to notice things that would otherwise be overlooked. Say changes in character or a different atmosphere surrounding an individual or location. Even the subtlest detail may be taken into account in some form or another. Some my call it obsession or insanity, but Carthas' careful observations serve him greatly. He will frequently bring these up in one on one conversations, part of his tactics to sway others to his beliefs and reasoning. While this trait once was of benefit for medicinal practice it has since been applied to combat scenarios while in the Ironwolf Legion. In fact, it even contributed in his heresy trial.

Efficient Combatant

Carthas has nineteen years of applied medical knowledge paired with his training in the School of Blackmark in the Ironwolf Legion. This means that when applying this knowledge the Norrvakt knows where the weakest parts of an opponent are and where to apply the most damage to end a conflict in the most efficient manner. He has the knowledge to save lives but also the knowledge to end them at the same time.

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Psychotic Episodes

The psychotic episodes of which Carthas deals with are extensive. In their most recent iterations, Carthas has personified Nicolas d'Eluise within a glass jar containing an unknown object. The causes of such episodes stemmed from his frustrations and confusions with his gender and sexuality. Though some of these episodes were created from the trauma of his self castration and having to cope with living as such.

Alcohol tolerance

Carthas has a significantly low tolerance level for alcohol consumption. After a single glass he begins to open up. With each drink the hidden inner thoughts and opinions of the Ithanian begin to show up one by one. Confessions of past sins hidden away, radical ideologies, anything and everything that is hidden away within the mind of Carthas Norrvakt begins to be spoken as he drinks. He acknowledges this weakness and can be damaging if the wrong information is spoken.

Physical Damages

The physical impairments which face Carthas are numerous and the causes of which are many. The most dominant of these are the fact that he possesses practically no feeling in his left hand. He has been known to engage in violent self-destructive outbursts, but paired with the training of the Ironwolf Legion across the three Skags, Carthas has fully damaged his hand beyond repair. He still possesses some feeling in the tips but the vast majority of the fingers and hand itself are numb fully, his pinky is numb, knuckle to tip.

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Life Story (Required)

Early Years: Nicolas Francois d'Eluise is born. His father dies during his childhood. He has a relatively happy early life, though lacked any parental figurehead. Most of his days were spent in court education.

Adolescence: Nicolas initially was to begin his training as a Viridian Knight. A horseback riding injury results in a fractured leg and inability to attend. During recovery the d'Eluise male studies in Biology and changes his course of actions. Once healed he begins his attendance at the Medical Academy of Ithania. Nicolas excels in his practice, though realizes his agender qualities as well as lacking a sexual interest. Minor discovery of self begins, with little results.

Adult: Nicolas finishes his studies at the Medical Academy of Ithania and begins his practice there. At this time he becomes more frustrated and confused as he struggles with his gender and lack of true sexuality. Nicolas takes frequent leave to brothels, it is possible many bastards are birthed during this period. Eventually his brother Marcus discovers him in bed with a male companion. He is beaten viciously and labelled a homosexual. Following this Nicolas begins a relationship and inevitably marries a woman by the name of Eloise.

Crown Isle: When the family reaches the Crown Isle Nicolas begins to open up once again and plays with his gender once again. He has determined that his sexuality does not pertain to traditional intimacies. To most he is viewed as a homosexual but it is ignored by the peerage due to his Ithanian heritage and it is overlooked by his family due to his marriage to Eloise. Eventually though his sister comes to take notice.

Madeleine d'Eluise, Nicolas' sister, forms the Edelweiss Order and the d'Eluise male joins without question and serves a humble practice. When ownership is transferred to Cecile Ravenstad, Nicolas leaves the Order due to their liberal uses of Alchemy. He transfers to the Medical Academy of Regalia.

Rothberg Post: Following events at Rothberg, Nicolas decides upon castrating himself. He has fabricated many stories for the reason and developed a heavy drug addiction leading up to the act causing the entire event to be hazy. Nicolas immediately returns to Ithania to adjust to living as a eunuch. He transfers back to the Medical Academy of Ithania.

Delacroix: Nicolas returns to the Crown Isle once again, transferring back to the Medical Academy of Regalia. He enlists with the Bluesteel Order under the command of Einarr Norrvakt. Eventually Nicolas is disowned as Madeleine discovers his diary, detailing his self castration. Nicolas d'Eluise becomes Nicolas Delacroix. When he is removed from the Bluesteel Order following a change in structure, Nicolas seeks to become the steward of House Norrvakt. Einarr accepts the request. When the government is restructured Nicolas applies and becomes a Logistics Reichsrat Consul.

Norrvakt: Nicolas serves as steward to House Norrvakt for two months during the leave of Einarr who returns as Eadric following a campaign in the North. When the Black Hand is formed the Delacroix wishes to join and resigns from the Logistics Reichsrat. However, the Principal Secretary lures him to the White Tower for a heresy trial. Nicolas pleas guilty and is sentenced to serve in all of the Empires wars until he dies. Immediately he seeks out Eadric Norrvakt and makes a request to be adopted by the Northerner. Eadric accepts the request and Carthas Norrvakt is reborn. Eadric advises Nicolas, now Carthas, to train in the School of Blackmark with the Ironwolf Legion.

Blackmark: Carthas Norrvakt returns, now trained in the School of Blackmark. His employment with any medical institution is voided permanently. His body suffered greatly during the training. In a matter of time he is named Legate of the Ironwolf Legion. He now serves the House Norrvakt as a member and in his own interests. The heretic, the eunuch, the mercenary. Carthas Norrvakt.

In a moment of time following the rise of Charles Montagaard as Undercrown, Carthas begins his first war campaign in Farah'deen with much success. He returns to the Crown Isle with a mix of emotions from old and new family as he maintains his orders within the Legion. On the twentieth day of the sixth month of the three hundred and fifth year Carthas Norrvakt reaches his end. By the orders of Captain Einarr Norrvakt, the Blackmark attempts to free Einarr as well as Wolfgang Drache from the Bastion Guard only to fail in an unmatched fight. After being stabbed repeatedly he is brought to the Bastion and executed for crimes of treachery and rioting. His body was hung off the Bastion walls.

RIP Nicolas d'Eluise
RIP Nicolas Delacroix
RIP Carthas Norrvakt

Uncle, Brother, Son

Next of Kin: Unknown

Played on and off 2015-2017

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Log Notes:

5/28/17- Initial Submission of App
5/30/17- Change all mentioning's of Eadric to Einarr where appropriate due to the name changing back. Minor grammar edits.
6/6/17- Name fixed on sheet from Renee to Delacroix. Character main theme added.
6/15/17- Special Permission removed to reflect a military focused lifestyle.
6/20/17- Life Story concluded due to character death.
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@MantaRey given that you were the last reviewer for the previous app I give you first dibs should you wish.
"All members who engage in medical teachings are not permitted to engage in any military education whatsoever. The premise is that all medical personnel agrees to an oath of no harming, and to take moral objection to military conduct."
Probably best to remove the medical education.
Well aware. He was a surgeon for half of his life before he was subject to the School of Blackmark. He violated his oath per his sentencing by the Church of Unionism to fight in wars. The medical education is a huge part of the character and due to the expanse of it's existence in his life, entirely necessary, but I appreciate the input.
Here is my review:
Alcohol tolerance

Despite his Ithanian heritage, Carthas has a significantly low alcohol tolerance. A glass of wine is more than enough to send him into a daze, any more so and he probably won't recall any events that will transpire following it. It is an unfortunate weakness given his existence in Ithanian heritage.
I don't find this to be a significant weakness to keep on his list. Therefore, you can simply remove it.

Just let me know when you do this and you should be good to go! @Wumpatron
Here is my review:

I don't find this to be a significant weakness to keep on his list. Therefore, you can simply remove it.

Just let me know when you do this and you should be good to go! @Wumpatron
If I may I would like to strengthen it as alcohol is very common place in RP. This was just copied from the old one and I hadn't looked over it much since it's first iteration. This is actually a weakness that has showed up quite a bit and I enjoy playing out the progression in RP
@MantaRey I made my edit in blue. I hope that the change is acceptable as I would like to keep this weakness given that it can be played out easily.
After reading through it, I deem the fleshed out point acceptable. Re-approved.
Changes: The Special Permission of Expert in the School of Biology has been removed and the skill level dropped to Scholar. This is to focus on the higher combat focus for the current arch of the character. Not tagging reviewer due to it not effecting the sheet.
Carthas Norrvakt is now dead. All lore stories set to be added to the first comment to keep the entire life story of Carthas Norrvakt in one place. It has been fun playing him.
Heron Norravkt shall live on. The Spirit forever holding him in his arms.