Carlotta Dei Veleno

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by YouDontKnowJack, Mar 2, 2018.

  1. YouDontKnowJack

    YouDontKnowJack quarantining

    Aug 19, 2016
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    Basic Information (Required)
    Full Name: Carlotta dei Veleno
    Age: 24
    Gender: Female
    Race: Dressolini Ailor
    Main Ambition: To achieve great success in the music industry and be recognized for her skill.

    Basic Information (Expansion)
    Position in Regalia: Carlotta lives in a nice home in Regalia and has a pretty standard position there with no real influence or power. She is higher up in the music industry, as she’s only 24 but is a talented expert-level composer and songwriter, something that comes as a shock to many.
    Upbringing: Like all of the dei Veleno children, Carlotta was raised by strict and rather overbearing parents. She also stayed at home for much longer before moving to Regalia compared to her siblings, not leaving until after the end of the Bone Horror Crisis.
    Secondary Ambitions: Carlotta also hopes to one day win the Montania fencing tournament, though music takes a much higher priority than this.

    Skill Information (24 Points)
    +11 Thin Blades (+11 from Proficiency Points)
    +7 Commerce (+7 from Proficiency Points)
    +6 Diplomacy (+6 from Proficiency Points)

    +14 Instrumental Music (+10 from Dressolini Bonus, +4 from Cultural Points)
    +20 Music Theory (+20 from Cultural Points)

    Visual Information (Required)
    Eye Color: Emerald Green
    Hair Color: Chocolate brown
    Hair Style: Shoulder length, wavy
    Skin Color: Slightly pale peach
    Clothing: While a Dressolini style blue and white dress is most common for her, in a more active situation like a fencing tournament, she tends to wear white pants with a blue top over that.
    Height: 5’4”
    Body Build: Athletic
    Weapon of Choice: Dressolini Spadi

    Visual Information (Expansion)
    Facial Features: Carlotta inherited some of the typical traits for Dressolini females, meaning larger eyes (though not unnaturally so) and elegant and almost elf-like facial structure, but also some from her mother’s side, namely her fairer skin than the rest of her more tan family.
    Body: Carlotta does her best to maintain a slimmer athletic build, both for fencing and aesthetic purposes.
    Fashion and Accessories: Carlotta tends to look for any reason she can to wear extra jewelry, as she has a sizable collection of rings, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings in a cabinet in her home.
    Voice: Typical of her culture, Carlotta speaks with often superfluous language, often being unable to find a more descriptive word in Common. Her voice is on the softer side with almost no notable Regalian accent.

    Personality (Required)
    First Paragraph: Carlotta is seen as an always upbeat person, and tends to have a smile on her face and a positive attitude in most casual situations. People see her as a sweet and well-meaning girl, although in some cases she may come on a little strong. She obviously cares much about her reputation and others’ opinions of her, so she avoids taking sides in any confrontation or disagreement unless she has to. This causes her to be seen as a bit too passive, though not many usually point it out to her, so she hasn't given it much thought. She also tends to surround herself with positive people whenever possible, as people who are discouraging or complain frequently have a visibly negative effect on her.

    Second Paragraph: Inside, Carlotta feels like she has a lot to live up to and is afraid of letting everyone down. She has big aspirations, that’s certain, but one of her main worries is that something will stop her from achieving them. She has confidence in her music, likely due to the encouragement she gets from most she surrounds herself with. Carlotta deals with a great deal of worry when playing a new song the first time or listening to someone else play something she wrote the first time, but after a couple of times playing around others, she is able to relax about it. She also is a bit of a perfectionist and tends to be overly critical of herself, but other’s approval or encouragement is extremely impactful on her. The attitude of other people towards her actions can essentially make or break her opinion on herself.

    Third Paragraph: Around her family and close friends, Carlotta mainly has two distinct sides. In light conversation and general socializing, she tends to be lighthearted and playful, always bringing a cheer to those who choose to spend their time with her. However, she falls at about the opposite end of the spectrum from this when something uncomfortable or serious comes up, in which case she becomes more grounded and blunt, but is careful to speak in such a way she conveys her message while making her good intentions clear. For example, if she sees someone she cares about going towards a bad path, she is not afraid to try to correct them.

    Fourth Paragraph: Carlotta’s insecurity and strong investment in how other people view her leads her to avoid any and all crime or unsavory activities. She’s never had much interaction with criminals to gain any sympathy for them, so she tends to look at the criminal and the crime as one and the same, so to speak. Having grown up relatively affluent causes her to not give much care to the circumstances that influence evil behavior, so much as the behavior itself, although this has started to fade as she ages and begins to realize things aren’t so black and white.

    Personality and Abilities (Expansion)
    Carlotta tends to collect necklaces and pendants especially, though also likes other types of jewelry.
    Carlotta has an affinity for animals, particularly of the small and/or fuzzy sort. She has a pet Daendroque Weasel, named Ronald, which she received as a gift from her father while they were in the area.

    The Void
    As common with her family, Carlotta despises things that are seen as from the Void, Exist, or other dark magic. This applies to things like Shendar, Saivalthar, Sanguines, and more “villainous” sorts of mages. Losing her father to the Bone Horrors was what began this, but the trouble with the Arlen in Regalia has only furthered it.

    Life Story (Required)
    •Born early winter 282 AC in Veleno, Montania.
    •Took to music at an early age, studying piano briefly before moving to Violin.
    •Spent a lot of time alone as a child due to sickness and rigorous studying, along with some of her siblings leaving at a young age for various Schools. She was the youngest and the only one who didn’t leave to pursue education or otherwise, meaning she spent more time with her parents than any of the four had.
    •After seeing her brothers go into combat schools, a young Carlotta wanted to follow in their footsteps, but going to a Combat school would force her to abandon Music, at least temporarily. This along with her smaller size caused her to take up Dressolini fencing.
    •In 303, she and her older brother Aronne spent a brief time traveling with their father and learning about commerce and how to effectively manage a business. She took more to the numbers side of things, while Aronne was more of a people person, but together they worked well and became good friends while on the trip.
    •After her father’s death by the Bone Horrors in late 304 AC, the four now-adults moved back home to sort out inheritance and take care of their mother, who’d had a stroke at the news of Emilio’s death.
    •Moved to Regalia at the beginning of 305 AC after getting accepted into a more permanent position in an orchestra, having before only travelled and played here and there instead of for an organized group.
    •In between concerts and practices, she co-owns the dei Veleno restaurant on Industrial Road, and occasionally performs there alone or with her siblings.
    #1 YouDontKnowJack, Mar 2, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2018
  2. Mooffins

    Mooffins ancient gay Supremium

    May 26, 2015
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    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  3. Mooffins

    Mooffins ancient gay Supremium

    May 26, 2015
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    While putting your own spin on things is fine, you should edit this to follow the template. When it comes to the required sections, it's generally best to stick close to the template.

    • Eye Color: (single color specified)
    • Hair Color: (single color specified)
    • Hair Style: (Simple name description)
    • Skin Color: (Simple color description)
    • Clothing: (Simple style description)
    • Height: (Size in either feet and inches or cm)
    • Body Build: (Use:
    • Weapon of Choice: (If mage, what is the type and subschool of magic, and ability level?)

    What about any confidences? How does she feel about her own abilities? Is she sure of herself, despite her worries and anxieties? Or do they cause her to be far less confident in herself? Things to think about.

    Makes changes in purple and @ me when done. @Koajack
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  4. YouDontKnowJack

    YouDontKnowJack quarantining

    Aug 19, 2016
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  5. Mooffins

    Mooffins ancient gay Supremium

    May 26, 2015
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    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1

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