Preserved Sheet Carlo Thorner

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Tomato Cat
Jan 6, 2021
Reaction score
The Garden
Character Information
  • Full Name: Carlo Thorner
  • Race: Ailor (Anglian Culture)
  • Age: 22
  • Gender: Male
  • Eye Color: Brown
Core Concept
  • Carlo is a friendly aesthete who loves a good adventure and the small things in life. A carpenter by trade, Carlo grew up in the theater, designing sets, sewing costumes, and painting actors. Carlo quietly rejects organized religion and social norms, generally doing what he pleases while trying not to step on people's toes.
Common (Free)
East-Anglian (Native)
Empire Linguist Pack (Language Point Buy)

Appearance Information
  • Carlo is a sturdy young man standing at 5' 10''. He has beige skin, black hair, dark brown eyes, and a clean-shaven face. When resting, his mouth is fixed in a slight smirk and he often looks like he's staring at something in the distance. On special occasions, he uses Morphing Alchemy to change his physical appearance, adding designs to his face and body and altering his hair length and color.
Life Story
  • Carlo was born to Albar and Lora Thorner in the Anglian region of Door-Inner. Growing up, he would spend most of his time with Lora, his dog Wafels, and his grandparents, who ran a potions shop in the city. Carlo was educated at home by his mother, learning languages, music, and painting. Lora, a former actor, instilled a love of theater in Carlo, taking him to shows and having him participate in amateur plays. In between rehearsals, Carlo would help his grandparents around their shop, much to Albar's displeasure, who preferred he spend his time helping him at his carpentry business.
  • As Carlo grew older, he began working for his father at his shop. Though Albar was a tough and unforgiving employer, he molded Carlo into a skilled carpenter. A soldier in his youth, Albar also taught his son how to wield axes, spears, and shields in combat, though Carlo was never fond of violence. At this time, Carlo also began to lead a double life, sneaking out at night to participate in politically charged theater productions, an escape from his somewhat conservative upbringing.
  • In his adulthood, he became more involved in the underground theater scene in Dorinn, working behind the scenes as a set builder, makeup artist, and costume designer, and occasionally playing minor stage roles. As the plays he worked on became racier, Carlo disguised himself when performing, assuming alter-egos of various genders and personalities. He also became skilled at fleeing angry audience members, sneaking out of venues and jumping from rooftop to rooftop. However, Carlo's double life came to an end when his mother found a costume he was working on in his room.
  • After a confrontation with his parents, Carlo realized he needed to forge his own path away from the expectations of his family. Hoping to make a fresh start in a new city, he joined his cousin Lieven in Regalia days after his 22nd birthday.

Made using Artbreeder
Last edited:
@Yurs Hi! Just realized I made a mistake on my initial app and had a proficiency point left over. I added the extra point to my Constitution stat.
@Caelamus Hi! I added Light Shielding Pack and edited my Life Story to account for it. Also changed some aesthetic details. Let me know what you think!
@Caelamus Hello! Since Stealth isn't a thing anymore, I removed it from my app and replaced it with the Stupid Luck Pack. I also replaced Short Blades Pack with Polearm Pack and edited my Life Story to reflect that.
@Caelamus So sorry for the double ping! I just realized Ailor Familiar kind of makes Pet Husbandry redundant, so I decided to add Obstructive Alchemy instead.