Carlit0o Skins For You


Partnered Streamer Pog
Nov 2, 2016
Reaction score


Woah. Well would you look at that? Yes. I skin, and I have been skinning for a while. Countless noblewoman dresses, over a handful of armors and other video game themed attires. I have a very wide range of skins I am capable of making.

So before I get into the nitty gritty I have some light rules.

I'm typically chill with anything you come up with, however the more intricate of a request that is asked for I'll have a harder time with and may take longer. I reserve the right to outright decline a commission. Please be open and honest when you receive updates and the completed skin so that I can ensure you're happy with the end product. Minor edits and recolors are free with the skin. Alternative versions, i.e Hood on/off for example are free as well. I will not edit someone else's artwork and do not want my artwork edited by another artist.

My fee is 5 USD flat. If you feel like giving more I cannot stop you, but five per skin it is.

Examples of my work,
Please ignore a lot of the heads, most are typically from LotC and the designs from there don't seem to fit the norm here. Lots of old stuff and new stuff.

Carl's Skin Gallery

Request Example

Reference(s): (pictures, a character art, I typically work best when you provide me a clear example to visually work off of rather than a written description)
Description: (This can include color alterations from the reference, skintones, other details you want to have included)
Alex or Steve:
Discord Contact:
Extra info: (Anything else you wish to include)

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MCname: FireFan96
Description: Focus more on the first image with the Tricorne for overall design. The second image is just for alternate ideas in case you need some additional design inspiration.
Alex or Steve: Steve
Discord Contact: You have it
Extra info: No, but you should make that gif your pfp.
MCname: Lizmun
Description: Basically go for a rogue cultist vibe. Light armor mixed with concealing cloth, a hood, and a mask. Blacks, grays, and browns, please. Maybe leave some space so I can add a few rune designs that I cannot describe to you well enough
Alex or Steve: alex pls
Discord Contact: you have it my friend
Extra info: i love you
MCname: Masque_Rade
Description: Just an outfit, very faded colors. Alchemist robes with a satchel strung around the shoulder if possible.
Alex or Steve: Steve
Discord Contact: DeadJoke#8671
Extra info: please be gentle
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MCname: FireFan96

Description: Blue uniform is the main outfit to skin. I don't know if you would want to take this as 2 commissions or 1, but the armor is there to be added to the uniform if you were to make 2 skins. I'd want the head of the knight used on the skin as well. Feel free to play around with it, as the hair style is the main part I focused on when choosing.
Alex or Steve: Steve
Discord Contact: You have it
Extra info: Nice pfp. Wonder who told you to set it.
Queue as of now:
Lizmun - finishing touches
Dedjok next
Firefan afterwards

I'm gone till Monday on vacation and left my laptop at home so I can try to relax! Apologies for the timing. I hope this will not interfere with anything.
MCname: Canaanite
Reference(s): Will provide via discord
Description: Again will provide via discord
Alex or Steve: Steve
Discord Contact: You have it
Extra info: Commissioning for two skins
MCname: Darovash
Reference(s): See Here!
Description: Velheimer Staargir dressed in black robes, yet no hood to show off the bald and scarred head/features of the Staargir - (Excerpt from Velheim's Regional Customs and Traditions) Staargir specifically look frightening since their lips are cut off as well as the soft tissue of their nose, while their eyelids are darkened with charcoal dust. Their face is often also littered in scars, lines drawn with knives to resemble Oldt Fayth runes to allow them to hear the gods. Finally, they blacken their teeth with charcoal paste also, cutting all hair and dressing head to toe in black.
Alex or Steve: Steve
Discord Contact: Kuma#0667
Extra info: Love the polar bear cub gif, very adorable.
hey everyone sorry for disappearing been at Mecha-con for the past few days! I return home Thursday the 1st! once again I apologize immensely!
MCname: Sujitation
Description: ^^
Alex or Steve: Steve
Discord Contact: Suji#2155
Extra info: 2x1 eyes preferred, and hair is platinum blonde
MCname: MasterMordax

Description: A form of casual clothing with a mix of lighter armor pieces, somewhat like spartan attire, coloured in more warmer tones!
Alex or Steve: Steve
Discord Contact: Master#8755
Extra info: Loving the skins!
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Home now, the factory is reopening

@FireFan96 Porting over what I started from my laptop on the trip didn't work out correctly, though it'll be done soon

@Darovash Like it, will see what I can do

@Sujitation Texturing is going to be fun for this one, I'll see what I can do

@MasterMordax Thank you, you're also now on the list

Anyone not mentioned either got their commission while I was on break or are in the process of being shaded
MCname: Nesstro

Description: The face area I want to be a mask and I'd like to keep the red and black coloring on it.
Alex or Steve: Alex
Discord Contact: Nesstro#7392
Extra info: 2x1 eyes preferred and I was wondering if I could have two versions of this skin, one having a fancier mask in comparison to the other one.
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MCname: Betel_
This outfit basically please.
Description: Please have her skin tone be decently tanner than the normal yellow undertoned Sihai (but her tann-ness can still have a yellow undertone) I would call the color a dark daendroque tan. Her eyes are a neutral brown color and her hair is black, long, and straight, could you have it be a long ponytail in the back with some longer pieces in the front? With a red ponytail too? Could you also skin on a red headband that goes across the forehead that has some gold colored details on it? Having it be 2 pixels thick and go all the way around and tie in the back. She is a Huai War Dynasty also by the way!
Alex or Steve: Alex
Discord Contact: Betel#9445
Extra info: 2x1 eyes plox. Also, I was wondering if I could have two versions of this skin. One with the same outfit as above, and one that is sleeveless (so without the white undershirt) with full arm tattoos up both arms that are black/grayscale or maybe slightly navy in color of loong dragons, waves, and clouds. I could throw in an extra $2 for this. Thank you! : D
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MCname: Mid_exe
Description: Instead of red could I get dark blues around it, the mask with crimson red eyes aswell.
Alex or Steve: Alex
Discord Contact: Mid#3585
Extra info: Have mercy on my soul and i'll give you a depresso espresso?
I'm sorry to announce, but didn't want to admit to myself I'm pretty burnt out on skinning. I have to focus on my Lore 3 project before I have to go back to college too! So I'm really sorry for everyone that has been waiting, and created a request. This thread will get bumped in the future when things improve for me.