Preserved Sheet Carina Of Hallonq

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Those who nurture egirls court disaster
May 6, 2019
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Basic Information
Full Name
Carina Marisa Rosales.
35, initially infected at the age of 19. Appears 19-ish due to Shilot Traits.
Date of Birth
12th January, 272 A.C.
Half-Varran | Daen Ailor.
uwu nya nya.
Preferred Weapon
Varied unarmed styles, though enjoys the use of a pair of caestus when able.

Skill Information
Total Points: 35 (-10 Vampirism)
+20 Unarmed Combat | +10 Racial, +10 Inv.
+15 Athletic Training | +10 Racial, +5 Inv.
+5 Food & Drink Science | +5 Inv.
+5 Literary Arts | +5 Inv.
+18 Linguistic Knowledge | Vampire Mutation

Body Shape

Body Stat: 35.
Body Build: Ripped
Body Fat: Moderate.


Daendroque | Parental Tongue
Zcorr | Parental Tongue
Common | Passively Learned
Etosian | Linguistics (Mutation)
d'Ithanie | Linguistics (Mutation)
Skodje | Linguistics (Mutation)

Special Traits/Spells/Mutations

Blood Curse: Vampirism
Shilot Bloodline:

Iskarit Gift | 1st Mutation
Tongues of Mortals | 2nd Mutation
Drawl Thickening | 3rd Mutation
Feeding Delight | 4th Mutation
Rotating Crops | 5th Mutation

Visual Information
Eye Color
Hair Color
Dark Auburn
Hair Style
Skin Color
Blouse, pants, and a bandana. Carina keeps it simple.
How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
Carina may put on a tough facade for the sake of those around her, but all the same she's just as liable to break as any other. This isn't to say she'll abandon everything, though surely knows well enough when to reassess her odds and cut her losses short. Insurmountable odds aside, her composure usually dwindles to naught but cowardice. She's as likely to run from danger as she is to stand and fight, though usually in such situations of fear she wouldn't mind, and wouldn't be too out of place in sacrificing those around her, if it meant she'd survive whatever plagued her so.

How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
Stress is something Carina lives and breathes. She handles it awfully well and doesn't shy away from it. To her, it's part and parcel of her less than desirable lifestyle, though habitual behaviours become clearly apparent. When suffering from stress beyond the day-to-day swathes, the Half-Varran becomes akin to a twitching mess of a person, doing whatever they may need to calm themselves, be it chewing of the nails or brushing their hands through their hair in coping. Though this does also commonly include self-destructive behaviours, akin to binging or excess of whatever she may find.

How would your character express feeling Happy?
Carina isn't much for showing her emotions as openly as her friends. She finds that a smile or a nod of approval shows well enough how she's feeling for most, though isn't entirely opposed to the idea of showing more, just that it's much more likely in closed circles rather than publicly.

How does your character view Law and Authorities?
Safe to say, Carina is by far and wide, largely against the authorities and their arguably stupid laws. She's as like to break them as she is to respect them, though. However her own experiences with them tend lead to more trouble, which in turn is liable to cause Carina to break even more laws, in vengeance. Is it any surprise that she despises them?

How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
Being a mutt herself, Carina despises prejudice against herself and those akin to her. However, she holds some people's races against them anyway in hypocrisy purely because she finds how they look as horrid or different. She sets a double standard when it comes to race, and only really applies it to those who diametrically oppose her.

How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
Carina thinks religion is for fools, but she doesn't stop herself from using it against others when it's useful to. She doesn't much like it partially due to Vampirism and partially because all religious figures despise her for her mutt heritage despite it being entirely out of her control.

How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
Carina is utterly amazed by magic and arcane things. It makes her feel like the world still has a few surprises in store and that there's still hope to fix whatever comes.

How does your character feel towards their family?
Family life wasn't the absolute best for Carina, so she chooses to instead focus on her friends as family. She is loyal to a fault for them, and would do most anything to protect them. She may actually be possessive of them as well and often tries to convince them to share in her sanguine curse, a gift, she calls it.

What is your character's biggest insecurity?
Having styled herself as a protector to those she holds near and dear, understandably, her biggest insecurities lie in her ability to actually follow through with such a thing; a constant ringing within her head echoing a question she's asked herself many times. What if she's not strong enough to protect her friends, especially after gaining their trust in said matter?

What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
Carina's versatility is quite possibly her pride jewel in life, for the challenges she has faced, the many jobs and roles she's fulfilled over the year, though is secondary when compared to her other feats. Her survival, her spirit to live on, forged from the years spent in the slums of Hallonq, amongst the bloodshed and gangster feuds. Though tantamount, if only spurred by her blood-curse, is her pride over vampirism itself.

What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
Beside the simple prospects of legends forged, what drives Carina moreso is her rampant, unchecked ambition. Ambition to rise above her position at the apparent bottom of the chain, to forge a name and reputation for herself and her close-held friends. Elsewise, her day-to-day is a simple thing, Coin, at its basest. Her desire and greed for material wealth being the motivator for the most of her actions, when she isn't quite serving her own whims.

What is your character's biggest fear?
Whilst she obviously wishes to keep her head relatively low, for fear of having it lopped from her shoulders. What she truly despises, or more accurately fears is a lack of notoriety. To burn out and fade from life without leaving behind a trace of herself, however faint it may be. To leave the world without out at least some amount of legend to her name is her darkest fear, something that keeps her restless at times, for whilst she may fear death and the likes, those are something that most fear, where her own notoriety is of a more personal nature.

Life Story
Born of a working Daenwoman and a Varran in an illicit and less than scrupulous location in some quiet red-lit corner of Hallonq, Carina found her name drawn from her grandmother, though was brought into a life undeserving of most, her childhood spent in poverty and the chaos of the gang-run city-state. Truthfully, little Carina didn't see much of her father, though he was far from entirely absent from her life. A naive youth let loose upon the bloodstained streets of the grimy city, it was unsurprising that she came to accept violence as a fact of life as so.

By the time she had come to her adolescence, Carina had fallen in with one of the larger gangs warring over territory; her own ambition saw her vye against even her fellow gangsters for recognition and reward alike. Said ambition did not go unnoticed by other elements at play amongst the webs of the cities violent network, as soon she found herself working odd-jobs for a reclusive figure on the side, a figure who claimed only to be a tool for herself to see her will through. Curious, but not entirely foolish as to think the fellow trustworthy, the halfling kept them at arms length, though did continue to work for both sides.

A moderate amount of time later, with Carina now officially an adult by measure, she found herself privy to knowledge on her shadow kept employer, namely that the figure she'd served was a sanguine. Undeterred, though slightly unnerved, Carina found herself continuing to work under the sanguine, the coin too good to resist. Luck would have it eventually, as the halfling soon chanced upon something of great import to her vampiric employer amongst her own gang. Having earned their favour, Carina soon was brought into the sanguine's inner circle, and later still offered a choice of power.
Officially becoming a sanguine under guidance of those she served, and sated with the blood of the Shilot she'd served, it only made sense that she herself would become one. Days turned to weeks, and weeks to years as the Half-Varran now turned sanguine honed her new abilities and soon turned herself to other prospects, breaking from the fledgling coven as a whole. Of course, leaving had consequences. Carina's head was put on a bounty and she knew that she had to leave.
The Halfling soon set upon travelling as far and as wide as she could, to evade the grasp of her pursuers, spending several years amongst a few cultures of the world, with some time spent amongst the Velheim of the North, and later still the Ithanians somewhat closer to home. Her wanderlust was unguided as it were, simply walking wherever she found herself wanting. Soon enough, she landed amongst the Etosians, with whom she spent several years. Though as with all things, her stay soon came to an end.
It was her trip to Regalia that she met Luisa, who took pity on Carina. They were of similar age and looked quite similar, so a bond of kinship formed. Of course, Carina hadn't told Luisa the entire truth. She came under the guise of a woman who needed donations of blood and that the sun made her rather ill. Luisa obviously didn't understand, but she went along with it and offered her own blood to keep Carina fed the entire trip.
The two continued to bond, as Carina fed her tales and dreams weaved about opportunities on the horizon to the fellow halfling. Upon arrival, the two became fast friends and stuck through thick and thin and even got jobs together. To this day, Carina looks forwards to her prospects in an entirely new realm, freed from old debts and fears in her hometown. Starting from the bottom, and with her own share of licks, her ambition unsated the Half-Varran bides her time to strike opportunity.
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  • In the first question, rather than describing how Carina reacts specifically to a threat by another being and determining whether it will win, elaborate on how she directly responds when experiencing the emotion of fear.
  • In the second question, stray away from describing how she reacts to others experiencing stress, and elaborate more on what she does to deal with it herself.
Make your changes in blue and tag me when you've finished.

  • In the first question, rather than describing how Carina reacts specifically to a threat by another being and determining whether it will win, elaborate on how she directly responds when experiencing the emotion of fear.
  • In the second question, stray away from describing how she reacts to others experiencing stress, and elaborate more on what she does to deal with it herself.
Make your changes in blue and tag me when you've finished.
