Archived Cardinals

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High Council member of The Algorian Empire
Jul 17, 2012
Reaction score
Background, in the midst of a rising vampire population the various human populations began creating alters of light to stay human, but a lack of counter to the growing vampire numbers has caused rising tension in the remaining human populations, tensions lead to action, and a select number have risen to fight the great infection under a blessing given from the alters of light



Immunity to starving

Ability to bless water (create sparkling potions not needing to touch a lapis block, maybe a bless command, or just drinking a water bottle changes it to a sparkling what ever is easier to program)

A % chance equal to infection % of curing a vampire


Sustenance is needed but only bread can be consumed

Every 48 hours you need to sacrifice 1 cow so 2 beef is needed but should be in your hand when right clicking on a lapis

If the sacrifice is not made within a further 24 hours the blessing ends
Also in the 24 hour period nausea and slowness are present

If infected nausea and slowness continue till cured
Infection completion results in the loss of the blessing

How to become a cardinal

Have a 1 in 4 chance of successful blessing, it should be difficult to become one

An alter of light is required to become a blessed human

Tree sapling, 16 eggs, 2 beef, 4 wool 2 blocks of emerald ( sacrificial things )

Optional extras

When hitting with wood against a vampire chance to set on fire

When hit unarmed by a vampire a chance to be set on fire

The clash of vampire and cardinal means only an fire resistant potion can put out the fire, meaning water doesn't work

Adding a limit to the number of cardinals, for example for every ten vamps = 1 cardinal
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
i like some of it, but yea kinda OP. not really a race either but im not sure where else you would put it
sacrificing cows? so the good guys need to kill living creatures to keep their power?
Within many sects and such they use sacrifices to appease there gods, there are no defined gods but there is good and evil

sacrificing cows? so the good guys need to kill living creatures to keep their power?

It is meant to be an addition to the vampire plugin like a balance of sorts, to decrease there population or used to manipulate there population by the server

i like some of it, but yea kinda OP. not really a race either but im not sure where else you would put it
i would like to say that in RL there was a religious group called the cardinals... they could be OP, but i like the limiting factors as a balancer.
sacrificing cows? so the good guys need to kill living creatures to keep their power?
He is not good he does what has to be done to fight the infection. Also in many cults and such in history sacrifice animals to bring good so it's not quite as evil minded as you think
If you guys notice this race is only effective once so ever against vampires. If not used against vampires then all you have is disadvantages. Not to mention a balancing race/sub race against vampires would be nice in massivecraft. Also to prevent a faction from all turning cardinal to fight a battle against a vampire only faction you have the limit. So cardinals in factions would be specialized jobs, like Yanar being doctors.
Besides that I agree with those who say it is's a concept.
This has been consideret, but rejected do to lack of time/motivation/need.
Moved this to suggestions, it's not really a race (as you state on your own).
Thanks for moving it :)

Besides that I agree with those who say it is's a concept.
This has been consideret, but rejected do to lack of time/motivation/need.
Moved this to suggestions, it's not really a race (as you state on your own).
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