Preserved Sheet Caoimhe Elair Howlester

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Jun 24, 2015
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New York






Full Name: Caoimhe Elair Howlester.
[ Pronounced Qu-ee-va E-lai-r How-lest-er. ]
[ Typically called by the nickname Ki or Ki Ki. ]
Aged: Twenty-six spring cycles.
[ Born April 4th, 282 A.C. ]
Gender: Female.
Race: Purebred Lexxon Ailor.
[ Highland Ceardian. ]
Originates from Gallovia. ]
Sexuality: Heteroflexible.


Quality of Life: Her position in Regalia is rather good considering she comes from a high noble family. Despite this, at the moment she currently lacks any titles for herself. Although she does hope to change this in due time, wanting nothing more than to establish herself in the city.
Residence in Regalia: She's been in Regalia for a handful of months, although she has already warmed up rather quickly, thriving within the big city. She lives alongside her kin in the Howlester estate.
Occupation: Despite her short time in Regalia, she's earned herself a spot in the Vigilant Shield as a recruit. While it most certainly isn't the highest or best position out there, she loved and appreciated it nonetheless. However, at the opening of her business- the Dove's Sanctuary- she found herself far too busy to properly upkeep activity within the organization. So, with a heavy heart, she left the shield in order to focus solely on her spa and work as a medic.
Birth: She was born to Muriel and Theodric Howlester as their first child, her younger brother following her not too long afterward. Despite the very small age difference, she loves to call herself the eldest, telling him that he must respect his elders.
Astrological Sign: Caoimhe was born under the constellation of the Aries sign alongside her twin brother.
Upbringing: The Ailor was born and raised in Gallovia where she had a generally happy and prosperous childhood. Due to the wealth in her family, she was pampered and never had to struggle to get the bare basics. Even with this, she did struggle with the constant absence of her father. It's quite likely that if she hadn't had such a wonderful and loving family she would've found herself far more lonely.
Direct Familiar Line: Helping the loneliness a tad, she does indeed have one sibling, a twin brother by the name of Phaden. The duo is currently the only children of Theodric and Muriel. She's unsure if they plan on having any more children, but if they did, she certainly wouldn't mind it.
Distant Familiar Line: She has quite the large and tight-knight family both back home and in Regalia. She has three different lines of cousins, all of which she loves to bits.
Main Ambition: To contribute to her family and uphold their honor the best she can. In other words, she wants to make her family proud, and in doing so hopefully, make a name for herself.
Side Ambitions: To better her medical skills in hopes of being able to help as many people as possible, as she refuses to let anyone die or suffer on her watch.



If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they're yours; if they don't they never were.
Skill Information
Total Proficiency Points: 31 (Twenty-six points to spend from age.)
+15 Medical Sciences | +15 from points
Caoimhe first and foremost is a medic. Having trained in medicine since her years as a young teenager she finds great satisfaction and pleasure within the practice. She cherishes getting to aid those who are ill or injured, knowing that she helps them to feel better boosts her confidence and outlook on life.
10 Keyboard Instrument | +10 from talent points
A rather concealed proficiency of the woman is her expertise when it comes to playing the piano. She seldom does as much within the company of others, except if for an event held by the Court or peerage. It's a guilty pleasure of hers that she relishes.
+10 Dancing Arts | +10 from hobby points
To the surprise of few, from a young age Caoimhe was taught basic etiquette, including dancing. From cultural to ballroom, she knows quite a few dance styles, and is fairly skilled in each. As such, she's a rather proficient dancer and will most certainly never embarrass herself out on the floor.
+5 Fist Combat | +5 from points
Unarmed combat is a skill that she learned from her father. The two would often wrestle in their free time together, this being quite the bonding activity for the duo.
+5 Sword Combat | +5 from points
Sword combat, on the other hand, is a skill she learned out of necessity. Following the build up of numerous incidents which left her feeling vulnerable, she took to learning how to handle a sword. With the aid of her family's royal guards, she's begun the practice and honing of such a skill, which she's vowed to only ever use in friendly matches or when absolutely necessary, if she were to find herself without a guard.
+3 Arcanology | +3 from points
Proficient in all things medicine, she took the time to study the affliction of Werebeasts and Sanguines and how to cure as much.This was borne from a desire to aid those harmed by the wretched creatures, alongside a yearning to try and understand these horrid creatures better. Alas, she still fails.
+3 Linguistic Science | +3 from points
The Howlester is able to speak another language thanks to the tutoring and extensive education that she received as a child. With the aid of linguistic scholars and a friend of hers, she's now fluent in a language other than common.
Bodily Information
Physical Stat: 3 Unarmed Combat + (10 Dancing Arts × .5) = 8 Total
Body Shape: Average.
Body Fat: Moderate.
Nutrition: Poor, only having the bare minimum.

Lingual Information
ommon | Fluent
‣ Her native tongue is Common. Having grown up in Gallovia she speaks common fluently, albeit a slightly different version. While she is understandable, she does use terminology that would be considered foreign the typical common speaker.
Leutz-Vixe | Fluent
‣ Her secondary tongue, to the surprise of many, is Leutz-Vixe. She doesn't use the tongue all that often as despite her fluency she still feels far more comfortable using Common. The young woman became fluent in the language thanks to tutoring.



Justice cannot be for one side alone, but must be for both.
Eye Color: A deep prussian blue, with the pupil rimmed in an amber brown accompanied by a forest green limbus.
Hair Color: A dark pecan brown with chestnut influences.
Hairstyle: The young Howlester's hair is cut so that when laying freely it reaches down below her waist in length; often held this back in a curly ponytail or bun via a golden bow, with her bangs neatly pulled back most of the time.
Skin Color: A slightly tanned pink, the occasional freckle sprinkled in here and there.
Clothing: She generally can be seen sporting soft and silken dresses with many frills and intricate golden details, more often than not in her house colors. Said dresses tend to be rather modest, aiming to cover up just about every inch of skin, generally accompanied by grey gloves.
Height: 5 feet and 4 inches || 162.50 centimetres.


Facial Features: The young lady has quite pronounced features. Alongside many of her kin, she sports rather gaunt cheekbones. Despite the wide and happy smile she's usually seen displaying, her eyes are dull in comparison to the rest of her. While they do shine with optimism and hope, they have bags and are dark around the edges. She worries frequently and it shows. These eyes of hers are somewhat thin and long, with a dip in the outermost corners. She has a rather powerful yet smoothen nose. Her lips are plump yet small, often found broken by a smile. Her forehead can fit about three or four fingers, depending upon the person and their size.
Notable Features: Caoimhe, sadly, isn't free of any scarring. She has quite the large and jagged scar spanning from one cheek to the other, reaching across her nose. Alongside this, she has three diagonal scars reaching across the length of her collarbone. Although, these scars of hers aren't typically seen as they're more often than not covered up with fabric or makeup. She does also have a birthmark, otherwise known as an "angel kiss" on her arm. This birthmark along with a few freckles here and there are the only natural blemishes found on her skin.
Demeanor: The woman is a rather cheerful individual. She's often bursting with energy, and it most certainly shows. She smiles often and is likely going to be seen moving all about in place.
Hair Description: This young Gallovian has somewhat average hair. Her hair is a dark pecan brown in coloration. This once long and wavy hair of hers is was most often it was pulled back in a braid wrapped bubble ponytail among other fun and somewhat odd styles. She enjoys being able to express herself this way and is often trying out new and out-there ideas just for the fun of it. Although for more formal occasions she'll simply put her hair in a low ponytail or bun. While most of this does hold true, it's somewhat less-so nowadays. Her hair has been cut from its once long waist length to underarm length. She did so as a gesture of sorts in order to support her brother, and yet still conform to social norms. It's more than long enough to be pulled back into a curly mess of a ponytail, which it usually is, more often than not held back by a golden bow.
Body Description: As most Ailor, she is quite pale, this pale skin of hers flushed with rosy pink-toned pigments. Her build is that of a curvaceous one as she has a well-built form with curves. She has above-average levels of fat although, this fat is more so positioned in elegance. Generally, in areas in which are seen to be attractive, these being her bust, hips, and upper arms. She stands at about 5 feet and 5 inches, otherwise known as 165.10 centimetres tall.
Fashion Sense: She's often found dolled up in her house colours of gold, purple and black. More often than not these dresses tend to be intricate and fine in make, generally found with little to no imperfections. With said dresses, she wears gloves, generally grey in coloration, ranging from an extremely light grey that's nearly white to an extremely dark grey that's nearly black. While she does enjoy wearing these dresses, she would far prefer wearing pants any day.
Accessories: She has significantly more jewelry than when she first arrived in Regalia. Having been spoiled by friends and family, she now has a shiny new pair of diamond earrings and a diamond necklace. Alongside these, she still wears the same old ring around her pinky finger to match with her twin brother as well as a choker.
Prized Possessions: This choker of her is something she holds rather near to her, metaphorically and physically. She always has it on her person no matter the circumstance, albeit sometimes it is hidden during formal events, instead clasped around her wrist. It's rather simple in design, and yet it means so much to her. It was a gift from her father that she received at age seven after his return to her. Given that her name means "gentle, beautiful, precious", her father decided to gift her a necklace just as beautiful as her. This necklace of hers is a gemstone handcrafted into the shape of a butterfly. The ring she wears around her pinky finger is that of a promise ring of sorts. This ring is decorated with a single gemstone in the middle, one which is purple in coloration and ringed in gold. This, unlike the other, is never hidden. This too was a gift. The siblings received this as a gift from their mother. They're found wearing them constantly, only further solidifying their bond with each other.
Vocal Cords: The Ailor has a somewhat surprising voice given her looks. She has a voice naturally rather deep in pitch. This voice of hers is unlikely to experience stuttering in the usual form, as she stutters, but only when she's speaking too fast. Which, in thanks to her bursts of energy, occurs quite frequently. Her tone of voice is generally rather informal and playful as she isn't one for following a strict tradition. Her accent, if you can even call it that, isn't too complex or out of the ordinary, being that of a plain Regalian one for the most part. Her Highlander accent tends to come creeping out if she gets upset or drunken, finding no point in suppressing it at these points.



It is not titles that honor men, but men that honor titles.
‣ Caoimhe is a Lawful Good in her entirety. With a very strict code of morals and compassion in her heart, she seeks to oust those committing the atrocities of this world. The woman has a strong sense of honor and duty, wanting nothing more than to contribute positively to the world around her, and to hopefully make her family proud in doing so.
Personality Type
‣ This particular Howlester is a giver, a ENFJ. The woman is a people pleaser. She's fixated on enjoying the company of others and rendering the same service unto others. Regardless of background, she offers a judgment free viewpoint to most. That is to say, while she is willing to converse with anyone and everyone, she has a reputation to uphold. As such, she's limited to engaging with upperclass Ailor solely. Regardless, she can find herself connecting with others quite well. When it comes to decision making, she tends to rely on her gut, favoring intuition and emotions over logic and facts. Caoimhe is often found zoning out, living off her own world, crafted masterfully by her imagination. With her head in the clouds, taking a vacation, she fantasizes about the future, and what could be, rather than what is.
‣ A strong believer within her religion- Unionism- Caoimhe has a rather close relationship with it. The particular sect she follows is that of Rathunassianism, a sect stemming from her homeland. Even as a child she was a firm follower in its creeds, so much so that it shaped her identity. A quite pious young lady, those around her know her to be immensely devout, leading her to clock in at a 9 out of 10 when it comes to faith.
How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
‣ Answer
How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
‣ Answer
How would your character express feeling Happy?
‣ Answer
How does your character view Law and Authorities?
‣ Answer
How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
‣ Answer
How does your character feel about Religion for themselves and other faiths?
‣ Answer
How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
‣ Answer
How does your character feel towards their family?
‣ Answer
What is your character's biggest insecurity?
‣ Answer, You may answer more than one
What is your character the proudest of about themselves?
‣ Answer, You may answer more than one
What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
‣ Answer, You may answer more than one
What is your character's biggest fear?
‣ Answer, You may answer more than one

Strangers Opinion: First Paragraph
‣ The runt of a Howlester is rather commonly perceived as harmless as a result of her gentle and polite mannerisms. To assume such, would be rather correct in her case. Although initially somewhat awkward and hesitant around strangers, she rather quickly warms up after having conversed with them for a bit. While her uneasy and shy nature may lead some to believe she's an introvert, this is nowhere near the truth. Being an extrovert through and through she thrives off of social interaction, generally preferring to be around others rather than alone, something that shows when speaking with even the lowest of people. Her desire and love for socialization often show through her bubbly demeanor and willingness to talk about any topic in order to upkeep conversation. Her initial hesitance stems from her worries about coming off in the best way possible. She desires nothing more than to be seen in a good light and respected as an individual rather than just another noblewoman. It's because of this that it can be difficult to pinpoint a strangers view of her as it varies so often from person to person. This itself is the result of a frequent tweaking of her personality in order to best fit the conversationalist. Yet, one impression seems to carry over no matter who you ask- she's a woman of unyielding kindness. Even their first encounter with her it becomes apparent what an exultant and altruistic person she is. Endeavoring to make those around her comfortable she's willing to bend over backward in order to make them happy. The main outputting trait of hers is her eccentricity. She's prone to outbursts of extreme energy and happiness, especially when in a high energy situation. Though, with time, these outbursts have been suppressed to a point of barely showing. Now that she's managed to get these under control, they consist of quick and breathless speaking alongside much fidgeting, a far less intense version of what they once were.

Innermost Feelings: Second Paragraph
‣ The young Gallovian holds quite a bit of worry and doubt within her. She's haunted by intrusive thoughts and nagging voices telling her that one day she's going to crack under the pressure of the world she lives in and ruin everything. This is likely her biggest fear- disappointing her family, and moreover, her father. Caoimhe idolizes her father, even as an adult. The woman looks up to and respects the war hero with her all. Being that he wasn't around all that much for a good while, she feels as if she must be with perfect daughter in order to make him stay. She wants nothing more in life than to make them proud and to uphold the family name well. To be the failure of a Howlester that ran the family name into the ground is her worst nightmare. She would prefer death over such shame and ridicule. She wants to be able to prosper and to have those around her do so as well. It's because of this that she holds herself to a rather high standard. As a result of these high expectations for herself, she takes her mistakes to heart and is often quite hard on herself for even minor slip-ups. When taking this into account, it's easy to see why she has such low confidence. While she is rather proud of certain aspects of herself, she lacks the confidence to see herself as a good or meaningful person overall. As, in her mind, the bad outweighs the good by a long shot. Though this doesn't stop her from appreciating her roots and family. Despite being a mixing pot of emotions, Caoimhe is never one to cry. She never has been, and likely never will be. Simply put, she isn't one to sit and wallow in her feelings. She acts in order to prevent them from coming into reality.

Actions towards loved ones: Third Paragraph
‣ When within the comfort of her home and while around her family and dear friends she feels as if she can truly be herself, leading her to be far less reserved. Letting go of formalities and the intricacies of etiquette while still maintaining the utmost basics as to still act befittingly as to a noblewoman. A lot of her suppressed energy comes out once behind closed doors, being quite the loud and expressive individual, one in which is certainly not shy to showcasing her excitement openly. Anyone can tell that this teddy bear of a girl deeply and truly cares for her loved ones, wishing nothing but the best for them. However, given her extremely clingy nature she can unintentionally drive away those close to her, which- ironically- only fuels this behavior more so. Subsequently, her happiness and state of mind have a rather direct link to the happiness of those around her. Caoimhe thrives when her loved ones do, finding great joy and satisfaction in their success. Though, this also holds true when those around her are doing poorly. as she takes it as a personal failure, believing she's not doing or being enough for them. In general, she gets attached rather easily to those around her. Once she's begun to care for someone and they've displayed that same care, she latches on with her all might and refuses to ever let go. Part of this stems from her fear of isolation and abandonment, leading her to make somewhat rash decisions when it comes to her friends. The woman is heavily dependant on others and it shows. While she is firm in her belief that she must surround herself with good people, this doesn't necessarily always mean that they treat her well. Those to not treat her well receive the same compassion and attention as everyone else, as she can't bring herself to cut them off. In this aspect, one can compare her to a clueless puppy, returning back home no matter what.

Morality: Fourth Paragraph
‣ Caoimhe has a quite strong sense of what she deems to be right and wrong that's left her with a rather unwavering set of morals throughout the years. From a young age, the woman was taught the importance of discipline and self-restraint. These values, having been instilled deeply within her, tend to guide her decisions and thoughts. It's because of this that she has an inclination to lean towards the more lawful side of things. The lawful good has deeply-rooted credences when it comes to etiquette and the law, always aiming to stay within the terms of both to the best of her ability. Following this duo of rules and regulations to a T, she routinely studies them in order to assure her faithfulness to both. Due to her fidelity in regards to the law, it's no surprise that she holds a deep respect for those in authoritarian positions. Frequently offering discounts at her spa to guards, she endeavors to support those who support the vulnerable and poor. These type of people are the ones that she more often than not looks up to, finding inspiration in their charitability and selflessness as she too desires to be a positive influence on the world. This being why she chose the path of a medic. She takes great pleasure within being able to soothe the pain of the sick and injured she, personally, wishes to inflict no harm on others as a pacifist. While she does not look down upon others for taking up a sword, she will discourage needless aggression and violence, acting as a mediator in times of conflict. If coming across one who repeatedly goes out of their way to do such due to corruption festering within, she will react with the mind of a reformer. Being that she's quite the optimist and sees the best in people she aims to bring out she thinks they can be. If she could she'd pick just about anyone- or any animal- off of the street and bring it home to care for them.

Belief Systems: Fifth Paragraph
‣ The Highlander believes quite strongly within her chosen religion, Unionism. She's known to be quite the pious young woman, having been a firm believer within the fundamentals of Unionism for as long as she can remember. Thanks to the education she received in her childhood, she's rather well-versed on the Creeds and their interpretations as outlined by the Synod. The young woman is bubbling with pride when it comes to her religion, finding great joy in it. Through Unionism she's been able to give her life meaning, reminding herself of this meaning on the darkest of days and using it as motivation to keep pushing on. Her understanding and beliefs in regards to her religion are the key factors that shaped who she is as a person. The woman's faith in her Emperor and the Great Way molded her outlook on life. As such, she tends to upkeep a rather positive and can-do attitude about life, believing that everything will eventually work itself out. She sees the world as a beautiful place populated by inherently good people. She naturally sees the best in everyone, although that isn't to say she's naive in regards to their negative qualities. Contrary to her past views, she's managed to draw a fine line between believing in people and automatically trusting them. She's now able to send boundaries between herself and strangers, keeping a distance as to avoid any further incidents. In regards to the gap between commoners and nobility, she sees no issues with this, believing that simply some are higher in life than others. However, that isn't to say she's snobbish in regards to commoners, quite the opposite. Those in respectable jobs and of lawful conduct find themselves being treated rather well, as Caoimhe sees no issues in conversing with such people. By this point she's been able to establish a handful of close relations with those not of nobility, leading her to come to the realization of just how well off she truly is. This has given her a renewed sense of appreciation for her kin and place in the world.




...And although thus short, we shorten many ways,
Living so little while we are alive;
In eating, drinking, sleeping, vain delight,
So unawares comes on a perpetual night,
And puts all pleasures vain unto eternal flight.
[ Birds ]
Caoimhe absolutely adores these creatures. She finds birds to be fascinating and often enjoys going birdwatching with her other half, Phaden. The mascot for their spa is a bird by the name of Marvin, a bird that with time, has become a part of the family. Or at least, he's a Howlester in her eyes.
[ Tea ]
The Howlester is known by her loved ones to have somewhat of an obsession with tea, insisting on having some whenever she's out and about. She'll drink it no matter the time of day nor the flavor, being that she isn't too picky when it comes to tea. Although, that isn't to say she doesn't have preferences, such as chai or lavender.
[ Reading ]
A pastime that her brother introduced her to, she's become rather fond of taking the time to sit down and read a good work of literature. Be it plays, poems, or novels she finds appreciation in all. Her love for reading spurred the creation of the Fallen Feather Literature Club, an organization that she runs with fellow bookworms Phaden and Adeline.




Fear keeps us focused on the past or worried about the future.
If we can acknowledge our fear, we can realize that right now we are okay.
[ Failure ]
Caoimhe is deathly afraid of failing. She couldn't possibly imagine a world where she fails or disappoints her family. She wants the best for her kin and is keen on keeping it so that she isn't an embarrassment. She wants nothing more in life than to make her family proud to call her their own. It's because of her fear of failure that she's constantly motivated to be the best version of herself.
[ Marriage ]
With her father being gone so often, her mother was one to occasionally express doubts about her marriage. While not all that often, they certainly stuck into the young and impressionable girls head. Despite her mother going back on her words, she's still unable to view marriage in a negative light. While she won't resist marriage, she's most certainly not looking forward to getting married.
[ Storms ]
Ever since childhood she's been deathly afraid of storms. Thanks to the meddling of her teasing cousin she got it into her head that thunder signifies a big scary man running over to kidnap her. Even as a grown woman she holds onto this fear, despite knowing how irrational it is. While she no longer believes that a storm is the result of some child-hungry giant, she can't help but feel uneasy and jumpy at the sound of thunder.


Dear Father, I may find a prince one day. But you will always be my king.


At the time being, Caoimhe fears to get romantically involved in favor to live a simpler life. As such she desires to stay single for as long as possible, that is, until life or Rodderick have other plans.


Muriel Howlester- "Mama! Phaden cut my hair and pushed me down the stairs- AGAIN!"
Her lovely and dearest mother. Oddly enough, despite her father's absence, the two never really grew to be too close. She's more of a distant friend to her than a mother as their relationship is completely devoid of that mother-child bond.

Theodric Howlester- "Daddy, you don't need to yell at them, I'm fine, really!"
Her absence of a father. She's most certainly a daddy's girl, even with him going off to war constantly. She not only loves him but also respects him. She only hopes that one day the gap between them will be filled.

Phaden Howlester- "Phady, you need to stop being an absolute goober."
The weaker twin, or so they jest. While still rather strong, she's certainly more of a fighter than her younger brother. The two joke that their roles must've been reversed. Even with his rough edges and odd loves, such as fish, she loves her brother with her all. However, that doesn't mean they don't fight from time to time or pull pranks on each other. Nonetheless, the two love and cherish one another. She considers this man is her closest friend and dear brother. In opening a business together they hit a few rough patches, though they've gotten through these with a bit of determination. Due to his worsening mental state, she's doing the best she can to support him.

Ania Howlester- "I promise, I know every one by heart!"
The Lord Commander of the Vigilants, and her family. She respects the Void out of this woman and was overjoyed at the praise she received from her after passing her entrance exam with flying colors. Caoimhe hopes that one day she too will be respected like Ania.

Celianna Howlester- "I don't understand why you're like this Celianna."
The terrifying. This woman gets away with quite a bit, and it's easy to see the favoritism when a conflict arises. Caoimhe isn't usually bothered by this sort of thing, but, Celianna really just manages to get under her skin. Cao feels as if she's near constantly throwing her power in Caoimhe's face, insulting her and excluding her at every chance she gets, causing the Gallovian to fall into a bit of a depression. The woman makes her feel extremely insecure and even worthless at times. Albeit, it doesn't help that Caoimhe often internalizes things and takes even the littlest of insults to heart. It's likely that in her head, Celianna is a lot worse than she is in reality.

Genevieve Howlester- "That's... quite the outfit Gene!"
Mixed feelings. Caoimhe used to find herself aligning with the woman a lot and enjoying the time she spent. But, after recent family dramas, she's found her view on Gene warping. After Genevive refused to defend her against insults she felt rather betrayed. She feels as if she'll never quite be a priority to the woman and worries that she's a burden to her. However, she loves her cousin and those wonderful outfits of hers nonetheless.

Rodderick Howlester- "You... you can't do that! ...Can you?"
Her harsh, yet loving cousin of a patriarch. The man is absolutely filled to the brim with compassion. She is amazed at how carefree and humorous he can be, for a man with so much power and so many responsibilities. She enjoys spending time with the man and witnessing his chaotic nature at work. Albeit, she has mixed feelings when it comes to his treatment of Phaden, her twin. Caoimhe can see and understand how and why he acts the way he does, yet, she doesn't agree with it all. Sometimes Rodderick can go a bit too far in her eyes, similar to Aldwyn. While generally carrying a playful and joking manner around the man, she still respects him endlessly and is willing to show that respect when due, as no matter how crude and fun he can be at times, she still does respect him quite a bit. As he put it, he is after all the reason she gets to wear those fancy dresses of hers.

Katriane Howlester- "Woah! Can you teach me how to do that!?"
The kind. One of her favorite Howlesters, no doubt. She respects the woman quite a bit due to her seemingly unwavering patience and compassion. Despite her limited encounters with the woman, she enjoys each and every one of them.

Aldwyn Howlester- "Shoo Aldewayne!"
Uncertainty. The young woman has found herself feeling unsure about this man. He crosses lines with ease, not caring for personal boundaries or respect whatsoever. In all honesty, she finds him somewhat creepy and aims to stay as far away as possible. She doesn't quite know why, but she can never find herself at ease when around the man.

House Howlester- "D'aweee, I missed you guys!"
Yet to make too much of an impact. While she does love them dearly, those not listed just haven't sunk with her quite yet, although they may with time.

Shirina Davenport- "My favorite guard, ehehe!~"
Someone she trusts greatly and considers family. Shirina is a person near and dear to her heart and one of the few people outside her blood that she's willing to consider family. While initially someone she mildly enjoyed the presence of, she now actively seeks her out. She enjoys their long talks and being able to vent to her about drama in order to get an unbiased opinion- usually.

Eeoric Boerefijn- "Be careful sweetie!"
Snakelet hatchling. This Slizzar has made a profound impact on the Ailor. Much like Selane, their relationship began with hesitance, distance, and caution. This, of course, due to his race. Even nowadays, she finds herself confused and unsure of her feelings towards the race as a whole. Nonetheless, over time, his kind nature drew Caoimhe in. She feels a sense of duty, love, and motherly affection towards the creature. She wants to continue to protect and teach him, teach him how to do good in the world, teach him how to be a faithful Unionist, and perhaps even more important, a good person. Much to her pride and happiness, the boy- so far- has shown himself to be a kind young man, even going as far as to debate with non-Unionists as to her blindness.


Selane Rote- "Selane! I missed you!"
The black sheep. While Caoimhe has had a handful of negative encounters with the Rote's, it appears Selane is an outlier, being that the two were childhood friends, often spending long nights writing letters to one another. This sweet and young redhead has wormed her way into the Howlesters heart with ease. Although the Gallovian may have originally been wary and suspicious of the woman, these feelings quickly faded as she interacted with her. The woman has found herself developing a strong and close bond with her, against her initial preconceptions and against the odds. She appreciates this young woman and all she stands for, often being found alongside the redhead with an even younger Slizzar.

Leufred Reginar- "Oh Spirit- you're a Hallowblood?!"
While initially solely an idol to her, she's grown to see him as a close friend now. Though, that doesn't stop her from looking up to him. She's comfortable in confiding in him for moral and religious advice and is rather thankful given that he came to her aid following her recent kidnapping and his willingness to listen to her silly issues. As their friendship continues to develop she's come to see him as an older brother figure of sorts. She absolutely loves to be around him and wants the best for him in order to see him happy.

Julius Peirgarten- "Lord Beargarten, would you like to grab tea?"
Shield sweetie. The Howlester isn't too sure how she feels of her former trainer exactly, but what she does know is that she enjoys him as a person and enjoys being around him. She respects his genuine and honor-bound morality, not to even mention his experience defending the empire. As such, she's more than willing to defend him when others speak out negatively against him. However, she found herself questioning her thoughts and experiences after the whole marriage fiasco and was rather bitter towards him for a good while afterward. She felt betrayed and tossed aside, especially angry. However, after being there to comfort and support her these feelings faded away for the most part. While still somewhat doubtful, she feels closer to him than ever.


Joseph Soryn-Grimm- "It's about time I found you! Come now, it's your turn to buy the tea!"
These two met shortly after her arrival to Regalia, this kind commoner being one of her first friends. Upon hearing of his situation she lent a hand his way, leading to his employment as a house guard under her family. She adores spending time with him and always enjoys her times with him. She wants nothing more than to see this wonderful friend of hers happy- and in makeup! It seems she'll never stop bugging him about that.

Elliot Cooke- "Oh- Elliot! How are you doing today?"
Favorite employee. She, unlike her brother, quite enjoys the company of this kind-hearted Isldar. She even goes out of her way to be extra nice to him out of a sense of sympathy for how rude everyone is to him, though that's not to say that it's fake. She truly does enjoy him. She's found herself warming up to him even more so with his willingness and compassion shown during times of distress emotionally. As she and her twin grew to fight more often, Elliot was often seen comforting the two and acting as a middleman, which only fueled her distrust and dissatisfaction with her brother for continuing to treat the Nelfin poorly.

Ernesta von Rahm- "Lovely to see you again Lady von Rahm."
Silken Glove Sweetheart. Ernesta is a rather recently made friend of hers, growing closer thanks to their shared interest in etiquette and books. She gets along quite nicely with the young lady and would have no gripes about getting to know her better.


Jason van Der Veer- "Sorry? Say that again... but slower."
The strange nobleman. While she does like him as a person, she's rather awkward and nervous around him due to some comments made in regards to her beauty and lack of a courtship partner, feeling somewhat weird around him. He has somewhat odd mannerisms that she's struggling to get used to and has grown somewhat annoyed that he always seems to rush off in the middle of a conversation. However, that doesn't mean she doesn't care for him or feel bad upon seeing him suffer.

Anastasie de Letoirneau (du Polignac)- "She's... lost. She's got to be.. I don't know what's happened."
Compassionate commoner turned nobility. After meeting via a club, the two found themselves bonding over drinks and long conversations. With time, she's grown to see Ana as a friend of hers, one in which she thoroughly enjoys spending time with. The two have fluctuated in and out when it comes to closeness, although at the moment Caoimhe thinks the two to be rather distant. While the Howlester was once willing to defend Ana no matter what due to her connection to the woman, she is unable to do as much now. Finding it difficult to trust in her or her words she's faltered in her faith in the woman. Being easily influenced by those around her, she no longer knows what to think of her, as her absence has left her unable to defend herself to Caoimhe.

Adeline de Letoirneau (Celyreos)- "My my, you're married now Addie?"

Gay for me? It's quite the odd relationship, but it's certainly one of mutual respect. They've had some fun times chatting and drinking alongside each other, and have, what Caoimhe believes to be a budding friendship, especially with the founding of their book club. She hopes they may grow to be close as they have some shared experiences. However. with the recent happenings, she's been unable to grow closer, or even be seen around the woman. Though, she does hope that she can escape whatever this all is.

Rosseau de Letoirneau (Alaire)- "Rosseau- are you alright?"
Gentle homosexual. The two met on somewhat odd terms and continue to do so. He only seems to be falling deeper into a downward spiral of despair and darkness. As he and his life continue to get into worse conditions she did her best to be there for the knight but has been left utterly confused at his behavior. She isn't too sure what to do with or how she sees him anymore, especially after his branding as a heretic and walk of shame.

Dianna Ulia Vain- "Wait- no-- don't touch that!"
Little one. This Shenath has been recently employed under her watch. They're sweet and somewhat naive, and after talking for them for a bit, Caoimhe found herself wishing to do all she could to protect her, almost like one would of their own child. Thus, she has become a bit worried as of late, due to the Kathar's disappearance from the workplace. She sometimes wonders if she's doing alright or not, though, with her absence, she's lost most of her connection with the girl, even if it was slight, to begin with.

Rhett ( Naajy Shamuon)- "Hello again Rhett! Here for lessons?"
Lovely young man. Caoimhe sees this kind Slizzar to be a rather delightful buddy of hers. She was for a while giving him lessons on Unionism and it's fundamentals. Since then, he's stopped showing up and she hasn't seen him around Regalia at all. As such, she's grown to be rather concerned and hopes that her little pal is doing alright, one day desiring to introduce him to Eeoric.


Katrina C'Aelrith- "...Oh, okay."
Isldar? While once holding a friendly relation with the Magus, it's nearly faded due to all of the rumors and things she's heard, particularly from her family, people in which she trusts more than anything. From the supposed crimes to extreme harlotry, respect and recognition for the woman are fading, as is her patience.

Xia Myung- "A harlot that squeezes the life out of those around her, draining them of their dignity."
Snake. Since day one she had an off feeling about this Ch'i. She never trusted her, and likely never will. She's been quite horrid and only used her brother, one of the people she cares about most in this world. If she had her way, the woman would be locked up in a jail cell for an eternity for using and abusing him emotionally. Though, that is to say, Caoimhe doesn't necessarily dislike her or her as a person, rather, her actions. Thus earning her a neutral, albeit slightly bitter, relation with the Gallovian.

Nicholas von Ruvencratz- "Do you even care for others? Or is it money you care for Nick?"
Him. The two have quite the strained relationship, although she doesn't necessarily hate him, if anything, she pities him. Thanks to him, she found that she had grown to be far too trusting, and in doing so was completely dumbfounded to see his true self. While able to sit and chat with him with relative ease and in a civil manner, she prefers to keep her distance when able. Thankfully, he hasn't been seen in quite some time. This, of course, has allowed the man to fade from her memory, and given her a lot of time to reflect on the many, many mistakes she made with him. Shes used her experiences with the t'hot to learn and grow as a person.


Eleanore von Rahm- "Phady- I don't think she has good intentions- Roddy agrees she's toxic!"
Burning distrust. Caoimhe has a deeply rooted disdain for the woman and all she stands for. She doesn't trust her in the slightest and believes that she can see through this von Rahm's facade with ease, whether or not she's right is up for interpretation. Though, Rodderick feels the same, so she must be right. But one thing is for sure, she despises standing or even being around this woman. This woman the one and the only person who can be considered as being disliked in Caoimhe's eyes. She's usually a rather upbeat and cheerful woman, forgiving others with ease. But that cannot be said with Eleanore as Caoimhe first and foremost trusts her gut feeling. And her gut feeling is most certainly telling her the woman is malevolent.



I think it's my adventure, my trip, my journey, and I guess my attitude is, let the chips fall where they may.
The life of this young woman began back in 282, on a crisply cool and beautiful night in early April. There, a woman by the name of Muriel was about to give birth to her first child. Just as the day shifted to the next, a young baby girl came into existence, a girl in which would come to be Caoimhe Elair Howlester. While their first child, she was most certainly not their last, as she was followed by her built-in best friend, her twin brother Phaden.

From then on out, the young girl was raised in a tight-knit family, showered left and right with love and affection. She quickly grew to be close to those within her family, even finding herself feeling a sibling-like bond with a few of them although no matter what she held the closest bond with her brother. Despite this closeness, her father sempt to be often out of the picture. Being that Caoimhe was born at a bit of an odd time, with her father still receiving his schooling he often dipped in and out of her life, a factor that'd remain constant for quite a bit. She practically grew up without a father for the first few years in her early childhood from what she can remember. While being around for the initial first two years of her life, he also missed quite a bit with having been gone from age two to age seven. During this time in her life, he was off at the Chrysant War, leaving the twins alone with their mother, creating a gap between the siblings and their father.

During this time she began to learn and develop. Naturally, she was also quite the curious young soul, constantly asking questions and engaging in debates. Much to the annoyance of those around her, it sempt she always had twenty questions to ask. Nevertheless, she was granted an education to put that mind of hers to work. She was educated on how to read, write, and speak in Leutz-Vixe, a request of hers as she wished to learn the language of her pen-pal Selane. Alongside this, she was taught the fundamentals of Unionism, having them drilled into her. The young Howlester excelled at her studies and quickly grew fascinated by the world around her. She began studying history in particular and quite enjoyed learning about how different people reacted and survived in the face of adversity. She eventually took a particular interest in medicine, and the next thing her family knew, she was frequently bringing it up at the dinner table. She also began longing for a father as she read of grand families and generals. While it may have taken a while, eventually, she got just what she wanted.

When her father returned, she initially didn't recognize him. She was cold and dismissive, brushing him off as some stranger. Even after it was confirmed by multiple sources she remained distant, fearing that if and when she got too close, he'd up and leave again. Although over time, she began to believe he may just love her. And with this realization of hers, that once icy facade began to melt. The next thing she knew, she had grown quite attached. In this time she finally began to receive the attention and love from a male figure in her life that she so craved. The two became nearly inseparable, the young girl being found clinging to her father for dear life. It stayed this way for the next four years, that is until the Ranger Crisis broke out. He once again had to leave. Caoimhe refused to let him go, but despite her best efforts, he left anyway. Even despite this refusal and anger, she never once shed a tear. She was a strong young girl, one in which never broke into tears when inconvenienced or injured, always just shaking it off and pushing onwards. A skill of hers that she'd apply to the constant absence of her father, simply brushing it off and bottling all of those negative feelings up.

It's right after this leave of his when the young Howlester found herself interested in the finer skills of caring for others. While still keeping in mind her previous goals and fascinations she decided to pursue what interested her most, the School of Medicine. Via this school she was able to help people protect and save in the ways she saw to be most valuable. Including surgery, medicine and helping those to recover from injuries, which she'd eventually get into years later at her spa. It's through this she was able to get away from her issues and in doing so refine her skills. Although she may have initially struggled to focus and take a grasp on the techniques, she quickly found herself engulfed in this aspect of her life. It was in this training in which she was able to hide from her problems and family, and just focus on herself. It's in this safe place of tutoring hers that she'd invest quite a bit of her life into.

While he came back relatively quickly in comparison to the last time he left, she still felt abandoned. Upon his arrival, she took back up this coldness, but once more, it was short-lived. Thankfully, he ended up staying for a while after that. As she continued her training and education the two continued to grow closer, bonding over even the small things in life. Although, there eventually came a time in which he had to leave again. A few months after she had met the age of eighteen, he once more left for battle to partake in the First Songaskian War. He was away for a handful of months, only to return June of the next year. At this point, the young woman began to forgive her father for leaving, no longer seeing it as abandonment, rather a dutiful honor. She finally began to respect her father. Even after he dipped out one last time to defend Galloy during the Bone Horror crisis, she was able to forgive him, even thank him.

Right after finishing her training she was yanked out of her comfortable life there and dragged to Regalia alongside her father. Here he expected and encouraged her to try and support their family and contribute to their new home. For the first few weeks, she's simply tried her best to integrate into Regalia. In doing so she quickly took to looking for her purpose and ended up joining the Vigilant Shield as a recruit and trainee, hoping to aid with her medical knowledge while slowly learning about combat, slowly breaking her oath of no harm as well. Alongside gaining this position, she also opened a business with her brother, a spa hybrid of sorts. It's here that she continued to make new friends and strengthen existing bonds, as well as earn a living.

These peaceful and calm times did not last too long, as a few months in of her being in Regalia the Vampire Crisis hit. Being in the Vigilant Shield, she helped to push the crowds of sanguines back and out of the city, helping to keep them held within the confines of the slums. In doing so, there eventually came a day where she found herself face to face with a Varghul while trying to tend to an injured guardsman. In her struggle to fend back the monstrous beast she ended up taking a hit, gaining herself multiple bruises, a broken arm, and a large, jagged scratch spanning across her face and over her nose. While she is fully recovered from the small encounter, she has quite the scar left over. After this she gave up trying any sort of combat for a good while, restoring her oath. Alongside this, she went back to her preferred line of work- at the spa.

After being sought out by a stranger outside her spa, the woman woke up tied and blindfolded in the forest, being bled via the wrist. While rather hastily let go, she still was full of fear and doubt for a good while, only recovering after months of support from friends. It's afterward she began to call her views into question and began to pick up self-defense lessons once again, finding great value in them. Aside from the training, she led a rather simple and uneventful life for the most part. However, in late December she's called to a house to tend to a little boy. Upon entering she finds him horribly beaten and ill. Despite her best efforts, she watches him wither away prior to passing. This had quite a profound impact on her as it was the first patient she had lost. Yet, instead of getting upset at herself and the world, she uses this as motivation to better herself as a doctor. Feeling determined and refreshed, she has a new outlook on life as a whole, even with a handful of friends leaving Regalia, she's learned to forget and forgive- to move on.
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  1. You still have one normal proficiency point and eleven cultural proficiency points to spend. Allocate these.
  2. Under body build, please specify whether her build is curvaceous or athletic, can't have both.
  3. The life story doesn't quite make sense to me; if she was interested, fascinated even by battle command and strategy, why did she opt for what is essentially duelist training? This needs to be explained in at the very least a few sentences.
Make the above edits in RED and tag me when done.
EDITS: @Walrusaur_
  1. I wasn't aware that you had to spend all of your points, as on the wiki under the proficiency levels section the following ( it stated
    Proficiency points do not have to be spent. You can intentionally spend less to make an underpowered character.
    Thus, if you should allow me to do so, I'd prefer to keep her points as is.
  2. I believe it was a misunderstanding, I was simply trying to add a bit of detail by saying what her untampered and natural build would be. Nevertheless, I removed it.
  3. Aimed to explain her choices better through this line : She ultimately went for this school despite her previousfascinations because she knew that she herself couldn't handle it, and thus she settled.
In response:
  1. You're the first person I've seen who is willingly forgoing proficiency points, so props to you and my apologies for jumping the gun.
  2. If you wish to keep that detail included, feel free to add it in the expansion section of the sheet.
As it stands however, this sheet is approved!
EDITS: @Walrusaur_
A full re-review will indeed be required. The many, many edits were marked in this purple.
The changes made were:

  1. Her name,
  2. Her age,
  3. Her proficiency points (slightly),
  4. Her appearance,
  5. Her personality,
  6. Her life story.
Last edited:
A full re-review will not be required, simply putting this here so that the edits made are known.
The changes made were:
  1. Added mention of a twin brother.
  2. Added to basic information and visual information expansions
    1. Moved the main ambition to the basic information expansion as well.
  3. Added to life story.
  4. Added to relationships.
  5. Added sexuality section.
  6. Removed weapon of choice.
A full re-review will not be required, simply putting this here so that the edits are made known. Said edits were made in this pink.
The changes made were:
  1. Added +9 of the body care proficiency, as I found it to be fitting, given her new business.
  2. Added to and changed her hair due to recent events.
  3. Added to life story.
  4. Added to relationships.
A full re-review will not be required, simply putting this here so that the edits made are known.
The changes made were:
  1. Added Alt-Regalian under languages.
  2. Added aesthetics.
EDITS: @Walrusaur_
A re-review will indeed be required. The edits were marked in this red below.
The changes made were to the age, proficiency points, apperance and life story.

‣ Name: Caoimhe Elair Howlester.
‣ [ Pronounced Quw-ee-va E-lai-r How-lest-er. ]
‣ [ Typically goes by Cao. ]
‣ Aged: Twenty four spring cycles.
‣ [ Born March 4th, 282 A.C. ]
‣ Gender: Female.
‣ Race: Purebred Ailor.

‣ [ Highland Ceardian. ]
‣ [ Originates from Galloy. ]
‣ Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Skill Information
Total Proficiency Points: Fourteen after schooling.
‣ +20 Mace [+10 from School of Battlemed, +10 from points]
‣ +11 Surgery [+10 from School of Battlemed, +1 from points]
‣ +10 Small Shield [+10 from School of Battlemed]
‣ +5 Unarmed Wrestling [+5 from being Highlander Ailor]
‣ +1 Medicine [+1 from points]
‣ +1 Military Theory [+1 from points]
‣ +1 Post-Cataclysm History [+1 from points]

Cultural Information
Total Culture Points: Twenty-four.
‣ +11 Bodycare [+11 from points]
‣ +10 Stage Performance [+10 from points]
‣ +3 Dancing [+3 from points]

Lingual Information
‣ Alt-Regalian [Basic commands, not fluent]
‣ Common [Native tongue, fluent]

Visual Information
‣ Eye Color: A deep prussian blue, with the pupil rimmed in an amber brown accompanied by a forest green limbus.
‣ Hair Color: A dark pecan brown with chestnut influences.
‣ Hairstyle: The young Howlester's hair is cut so that when laying freely it reaches down below her collarbone in length; often held this back in a curly ponytail or bun via a golden bow, with her bangs neatly pulled back most of the time.
‣ Skin Color: A slightly tanned pink, the occasional freckle sprinkled in here and there.
‣ Clothing: She generally can be seen sporting soft and silken dresses with many frills and intricate details, more often than not in her house colors. Said dresses tend to be rather modest, aiming to cover up just about every inch of skin, generally accompanied by dark grey gloves.

‣ Height: 5 feet and 5 inches || 165.10 centimetres.
‣ Body Build: Through training and refinement, she has gained herself an athletic build.
Life Story

‣ The life of this young woman began back in 282, on a crisply cool and beautiful night in early March. There, a woman by the name of Muriel was about to give birth to her first child. Just as the day shifted to the next, a young baby girl came into existence, a girl in which would come to be Caoimhe Elair Howlester. While their first child, she was most certainly not their last, as she was followed by her built-in best friend, her twin brother Phaden.

‣ From then on out, the young girl was raised in a tight-knit family, showered left and right with love and affection. She quickly grew to be close to those within her family, even finding herself feeling a sibling-like bond with a few of them although no matter what she held the closest bond with her brother. Despite this closeness, her father sempt to be often out of the picture. Being that Caoimhe was born at a bit of an odd time, with her father still receiving his schooling he often dipped in and out of her life, a factor that'd remain constant for quite a bit. She practically grew up without a father for the first few years in her early childhood from what she can remember. While being around for the initial first two years of her life, he also missed quite a bit with having been gone from age two to age seven. During this time in her life, he was off at the Chrysant War, leaving the twins alone with their mother, creating a gap between the siblings and their father.

‣ During this time she began to learn and develop. Naturally, she was also quite the curious young soul, constantly asking questions and engaging in debates. Much to the annoyance of those around her, it sempt she always had twenty questions to ask. Nevertheless, she was granted an education to put that mind of hers to work. She was educated on how to read, write alongside being taught the fundamentals of Unionism. The young Howlester excelled at her studies and quickly grew fascinated by the world around her. She began studying history in particular and quite enjoyed learning about how different people reacted in the face of adversity. She eventually took a particular interest in battle strategy, and the next thing her family knew, she was frequently bringing it up at the dinner table. She also began longing for a father as she read of grand families and generals. While it may have taken a while, eventually, she got just what she wanted.

‣ When her father returned, she initially didn't recognize him. She was cold and dismissive, brushing him off as some stranger. Even after it was confirmed by multiple sources she remained distant, fearing that if and when she got too close, he'd up and leave again. Although over time, she began to believe he may just love her. And with this realization of hers, that once icy facade began to melt. The next thing she knew, she had grown quite attached. In this time she finally began to receive the attention and love from a male figure in her life that she so craved. The two became nearly inseparable, the young girl being found clinging to her father for dear life. It stayed this way for the next four years, that is, until the Ranger Crisis broke out. He once again had to leave. Caoimhe refused to let him go, but despite her best efforts, he left anyways. Even despite this refusal and anger, she never once shed a tear. She was a strong young girl, one in which never broke into tears when inconvenienced or injured, always just shaking it off and pushing onwards. A skill of hers that she'd apply to the constant absence of her father, simply brushing it off and bottling all of those negative feelings up.

‣ It's right after this leave of his when the young Howlester found herself interested in the finer skills of combat. While still keeping in mind her previous goals and fascinations she decided to pursue what interested her most, the School of Battlemed. Via this school, she was able to help people in the two ways she saw to be most valuable, medically and protection through combat. Through this, she was able to get away from her issues and in doing so refine her skills. Although she may have initially struggled to focus and take a grasp on the techniques, she quickly found herself engulfed in this aspect of her life. It was in this training in which she was able to hide from her problems and family, and just focus on herself. It's in this safe place of tutoring that she'd invest quite a bit of her life into.

‣ While he came back relatively quickly in comparison to the last time he left, she still felt abandoned. Upon his arrival, she took back up this coldness, but once more, it was short-lived. Thankfully, he ended up staying for a while after that. As she continued her training and education the two continued to grow closer, bonding over even the small things in life. Although, there eventually came a time again in which he had to leave. A few months after she had met the age of eighteen, he once more left for battle to partake in the First Songaskian War. He was away for a handful of months, only to return June of the next year. At this point, the young woman began to forgive her father for leaving, no longer seeing it as abandonment, rather a dutiful honor. She finally began to respect her father. Even after he dipped out one last time to defend Galloy during the Bone Horror crisis, she was able to forgive him, even thank him.

‣ Right after finishing her training she was yanked out of her comfortable life there and dragged to Regalia alongside her father. Here he expected and encouraged her to try and support their family and contribute to their new home. For the first few weeks, she's simply tried her best to integrate into Regalia. In doing so she quickly took to looking for her purpose and ended up joining the Vigilant Shield as a recruit. After spending a bit of time within the order she's now an official guard. Alongside gaining this position, she's also opened a rather successful business with her brother, which continues to grow and gain support with each coming day. Here she continues to make new friends and strengthen existing bonds, as well as earn a living.

‣ These peaceful and calm times did not last too long, as a few months in of her being in Regalia the Vampire Crisis hit. Being in the Vigilant Shield, she helped to push the crowds of sanguines back and out of the city, helping to keep them held within the confines of the slums. In doing so, there eventually came a day where she found herself face to face with a Varghul while trying to tend to an injured guardsman. In her struggle to fend back the monstrous beast she ended up taking a hit, gaining herself multiple bruises and a large, jagged scratch spanning across her face and over her nose. While she is fully recovered from the small encounter, she has quite the scar left over.
Last edited:
EDITS: @Walrusaur_
A re-review will indeed be required. The edits were marked in this teal below.
The changes made were to her proficiency points, body build, personality, and life story due to a change of schools. Non related, I decided to add two languages she now knows and added to her relationships. I swear this is the last time I change her school.
Skill Information
Total Proficiency Points: Fourteen after schooling.
‣ +20 Medicine [+10 from School of Medicine, +10 from Oath of no Harm]
‣ +12 Surgery [+10 from School of Medicine, +2 from points]
‣ +8 Alchemy [+8 from points]
‣ +2 Post-Cataclysm History [+2 from points]
‣ +2 Pre-Cataclysm History [+2 from points]

Cultural Information
Total Culture Points: Twenty-four.
‣ +20 Bodycare [+20 from points]
‣ +13 Horticulture [+10 from School of Medicine, +3 from points]
‣ +5 Sculpting [+5 from Imperial culture]
‣ +1 Stage Performance [+1 from points]

Lingual Information
‣ Alt-Regalian [Learned language, mostly fluent]
‣ D'Ithanie [Learned language, fluent]

‣ Common [Native tongue, fluent]

Visual Information
‣ Eye Color: A deep prussian blue, with the pupil rimmed in an amber brown accompanied by a forest green limbus.
‣ Hair Color: A dark pecan brown with chestnut influences.
‣ Hairstyle: The young Howlester's hair is cut so that when laying freely it reaches down below her collarbone in length; often held this back in a curly ponytail or bun via a golden bow, with her bangs neatly pulled back most of the time.
‣ Skin Color: A slightly tanned pink, the occasional freckle sprinkled in here and there.
‣ Clothing: She generally can be seen sporting soft and silken dresses with many frills and intricate details, more often than not in her house colors. Said dresses tend to be rather modest, aiming to cover up just about every inch of skin, generally accompanied by dark grey gloves.
‣ Height: 5 feet and 5 inches || 165.10 centimetres.
‣ Body Build:

Strangers Opinion: First Paragraph

‣ Although initially a bit awkward and hesitant, the young woman quickly warms up to those around her after conversing with them. It's hard to pinpoint a strangers view of her as it varies from person to person since she tweaks her personality to best fit whomever she's speaking to at the time. Though from person to person, something that tends to carry over is her extreme kindness and recklessness, something she's tried to tone down but is unable to keep under wraps at times. Even from the first meeting, anyone can tell this teddy bear of a girl is quite open and accepting and latches onto those around her quite tightly. Alongside this, she's quite the loud and expressive individual, one in which is certainly not shy to showcasing her excitement and emotions openly. She's prone to outbursts of extreme energy and happiness, generally preferring to be around others rather than alone, something that shows when speaking with even the lowest of people. These outbursts are generally followed by quick and breathless speaking alongside much fidgeting.

Innermost Feelings: Second Paragraph
‣ The young Gallovian has quite a bit of worry and doubt within her. Perhaps one of the things to haunt her the most is the pressure of being the 'perfect' daughter. She doesn't want to be some failure that puts her father to shame, she wants to prosper and to help those around her as well. Somehow the young woman has gotten it into her head that she ruins all that she touches. Caoimhe worries that she's going to end up messing up big time and run the family name straight into the mud. Being that she's so engulfed in history, she worries quite a bit about her own history. She often ponders what she'll be known for, trying to keep that in mind as she goes about her life, aiming to serve the Holy empire well. These insecurities of hers have only been fueled thanks to recent events. Between all of her friendships going horribly wrong and the treatment of some of her family members towards her has led her into a deep depression. Confidence-wise, she is rather lacking. While she does believes there are some good things about herself, in her mind, the bad tends to outweigh the good. She most certainly holds herself to a high standard, far higher than anyone else in all of Aloria. As a result, she takes her mistakes to heart, and is quite hard on herself for any signs of weakness, one such weakness being excessive emotion. Just about the only time she gets emotional is when drunken or arguing with her brother, thus why she tries to avoid both at all costs. In turn, she tends to bottle everything up, valuing just about everything over her own wants and needs. As such, she refuses to acknowledge the pain she's going through emotionally.

Actions towards loved ones: Third Paragraph
‣ She's rather bubbly and warm around those she loves and is far less reserved. Once she's begun to care for someone she latches on with her all, refusing to ever let go. In this aspect, one can compare her to a sick and lost little puppy, coming back to its abuser no matter what. This is due to her extreme dependence on others and loyalty as she believes that if she doesn't she's being a horrible person. She warms up to others relatively quick and is hasty to deem them a friend. She's unbearably over trusting and overflowing with compassion that she often times has difficulty expressing. She loves her friends and family and would do anything for them. Subsequently, her happiness and state of mind tend to have a rather direct link between the happiness of those around her. The woman thrives when her loved ones do in thanks to this deep bond she feels with others as an extrovert. A connection in which also holds true to when those around her are doing poorly as she takes it as a personal failure, believing she's not doing or being enough for them. This extremely clingy and irritatingly joyous Howlester tends to drive away those close to her with the way she acts. Which ironically, only fuels this behavior more so.

Morality: Fourth Paragraph
‣ Caoimhe has quite the strict and unwavering set of morals, most closely aligning her with that of a lawful good. She believes very strongly in the law and those in authoritarian positions, having an immediate trust towards anyone willing to take on leading. She follows the law to a tee and frequently makes sure to keep herself updated with any changes. Alongside this, she believes strongly in pacifism and is a pacifist herself. She only believes in defending oneself when being attacked. Although, even then her first instinct is to flee. Should she come across the corruption and evil doings of others, she will do one of two things. One, report them to the authorities immediately, or two, in some cases, try to reform them herself. While the second option isn't likely to work, she still hopes for the best in people, and she hopes they too can see the Great Way. In this way, she desires to be a positive influence on others, hoping to be the one to guide them through such a journey, even if it is somewhat unrealistic.

Belief Systems: Fifth Paragraph
‣ The Highlander believes quite strongly within Unionism and optimism, believing that both are the key to happiness and prosperity in life. She's seen her religion as a tether to something greater than herself, one that she wouldn't let go of even if the Emperor himself told her to. In regards to the gap between commoners and nobility, she is rather ignorant. It's hard for her to completely fathom that not everyone is as well off as she and that a lot of people don't have the opportunities she does. Even with this ignorance of how the world truly is, she most certainly does appreciate her forefathers for bringing her where she is.

Life Story
‣ The life of this young woman began back in 282, on a crisply cool and beautiful night in early March. There, a woman by the name of Muriel was about to give birth to her first child. Just as the day shifted to the next, a young baby girl came into existence, a girl in which would come to be Caoimhe Elair Howlester. While their first child, she was most certainly not their last, as she was followed by her built-in best friend, her twin brother Phaden.

‣ From then on out, the young girl was raised in a tight-knit family, showered left and right with love and affection. She quickly grew to be close to those within her family, even finding herself feeling a sibling-like bond with a few of them although no matter what she held the closest bond with her brother. Despite this closeness, her father sempt to be often out of the picture. Being that Caoimhe was born at a bit of an odd time, with her father still receiving his schooling he often dipped in and out of her life, a factor that'd remain constant for quite a bit. She practically grew up without a father for the first few years in her early childhood from what she can remember. While being around for the initial first two years of her life, he also missed quite a bit with having been gone from age two to age seven. During this time in her life, he was off at the Chrysant War, leaving the twins alone with their mother, creating a gap between the siblings and their father.

‣ During this time she began to learn and develop. Naturally, she was also quite the curious young soul, constantly asking questions and engaging in debates. Much to the annoyance of those around her, it sempt she always had twenty questions to ask. Nevertheless, she was granted an education to put that mind of hers to work. She was educated on how to read, write alongside being taught the fundamentals of Unionism.
Alongside this she was tutored in d'Ithanie and Alt-Regalian, two langauges in which her parents believed may one day be useful. The young Howlester excelled at her studies and quickly grew fascinated by the world around her. She began studying history in particular and quite enjoyed learning about how different people reacted and survived in the face of adversity. She eventually took a particular interest in medicine, and the next thing her family knew, she was frequently bringing it up at the dinner table. She also began longing for a father as she read of grand families and generals. While it may have taken a while, eventually, she got just what she wanted.

‣ When her father returned, she initially didn't recognize him. She was cold and dismissive, brushing him off as some stranger. Even after it was confirmed by multiple sources she remained distant, fearing that if and when she got too close, he'd up and leave again. Although over time, she began to believe he may just love her. And with this realization of hers, that once icy facade began to melt. The next thing she knew, she had grown quite attached. In this time she finally began to receive the attention and love from a male figure in her life that she so craved. The two became nearly inseparable, the young girl being found clinging to her father for dear life. It stayed this way for the next four years, that is until the Ranger Crisis broke out. He once again had to leave. Caoimhe refused to let him go, but despite her best efforts, he left anyway. Even despite this refusal and anger, she never once shed a tear. She was a strong young girl, one in which never broke into tears when inconvenienced or injured, always just shaking it off and pushing onwards. A skill of hers that she'd apply to the constant absence of her father, simply brushing it off and bottling all of those negative feelings up.

‣ It's right after this leave of his when the young Howlester found herself interested in the finer skills of
caring for others. While still keeping in mind her previous goals and fascinations she decided to pursue what interested her most, the School of Medicine. Via this school she was able to help people protect and save in the ways she saw to be most valuable. Including surgery, medicine and helping those to recover from injuries, which she'd eventually get into years later at her spa. It's through this she was able to get away from her issues and in doing so refine her skills. Although she may have initially struggled to focus and take a grasp on the techniques, she quickly found herself engulfed in this aspect of her life. It was in this training in which she was able to hide from her problems and family, and just focus on herself. It's in this safeplace of tutoring hers that she'd invest quite a bit of her life into.

‣ While he came back relatively quickly in comparison to the last time he left, she still felt abandoned. Upon his arrival, she took back up this coldness, but once more, it was short-lived. Thankfully, he ended up staying for a while after that. As she continued her training and education the two continued to grow closer, bonding over even the small things in life. Although, there eventually came a time again in which he had to leave. A few months after she had met the age of eighteen, he once more left for battle to partake in the First Songaskian War. He was away for a handful of months, only to return June of the next year. At this point, the young woman began to forgive her father for leaving, no longer seeing it as abandonment, rather a dutiful honor. She finally began to respect her father. Even after he dipped out one last time to defend Galloy during the Bone Horror crisis, she was able to forgive him, even thank him.

‣ Right after finishing her training she was yanked out of her comfortable life there and dragged to Regalia alongside her father. Here he expected and encouraged her to try and support their family and contribute to their new home. For the first few weeks, she's simply tried her best to integrate into Regalia. In doing so she quickly took to looking for her purpose and ended up joining the Vigilant Shield
as a recruit and trainee, hoping to aid with her medical knowledge while slowly learning about combat, slowly breaking her oath of no harm as well. Alongside gaining this position, she also opened a business with her brother, a spa hybrid of sorts. It's here that she continued to make new friends and strengthen existing bonds, as well as earn a living.

These peaceful and calm times did not last too long, as a few months in of her being in Regalia the Vampire Crisis hit. Being in the Vigilant Shield, she helped to push the crowds of sanguines back and out of the city, helping to keep them held within the confines of the slums. In doing so, there eventually came a day where she found herself face to face with a Varghul while trying to tend to an injured guardsman. In her struggle to fend back the monstrous beast she ended up taking a hit, gaining herself multiple bruises and a large, jagged scratch spanning across her face and over her nose. While she is fully recovered from the small encounter, she has quite the scar left over. After this she's completely given up trying any sort of combat for a good while, restoring her oath. Alongside this, she went back to her preferred line of work-at the spa.
@Staff Roleplay No edits made, just added art and shuffled about some aesthetics, an approved tag restoration would be highly appreciated. Please and thank you in advance!
EDITS: The edits were marked in this pink below.
The changes made were to proficiency points, languages, height, personality paragraphs, relationships, and life story. As such, the tag was changed to needs reviewer due to the previous one leaving staff.

Skill Information
Total Proficiency Points: Twenty four points to spend from age.
‣ +12 Medical Sciences [+12 from points]
‣ +10 Unarmed Combat Skill [+10 Highland Ceardian culture]
‣ +5 Alchemical Sciences [+5 from points]
‣ +4 Bodycare Training [+4 from points]

‣ +2 Blades Combat [+2 from points]
‣ +1 Athletic Training [+1 from points]
Bodily Shape Information
‣ Physical Stat:
2 Blades Combat + 1x2 Athletic Training = 4 Physical Stat
‣ Body Shape: Average.
‣ Body Fat: Moderate.

‣ Nutrition: Poor, only having the bare minimum.
Lingual Information
‣ Common [Native tongue, fluent]

‣ Leutz-Vixe [Currently being tutored, knows simple words and phrases, not fluent]
Visual Information
‣ Eye Color: A deep prussian blue, with the pupil rimmed in an amber brown accompanied by a forest green limbus.
‣ Hair Color: A dark pecan brown with chestnut influences.
‣ Hairstyle: The young Howlester's hair is cut so that when laying freely it reaches down below her waist in length; often held this back in a curly ponytail or bun via a golden bow, with her bangs neatly pulled back most of the time.
‣ Skin Color: A slightly tanned pink, the occasional freckle sprinkled in here and there.
‣ Clothing: She generally can be seen sporting soft and silken dresses with many frills and intricate details, more often than not in her house colors. Said dresses tend to be rather modest, aiming to cover up just about every inch of skin, generally accompanied by dark grey gloves.
‣ Height: 5 feet and
4 inches || 162.50 centimetres.
Personality and Views
Strangers Opinion: First Paragraph
Although initially a bit awkward and hesitant, perhaps even somewhat anxious and uneasy. Nonetheless, the young woman quickly warms up to those around her after conversing with them for a bit. It's hard to pinpoint a strangers view of her as it varies from person to person since she tweaks her personality to best fit whomever she's speaking to at the time. Though from person to person, something that tends to carry over is her extreme kindness and recklessness, something she's tried to tone down but is unable to keep under wraps at times. Even from the first meeting, anyone can tell this teddy bear of a girl is quite open and accepting and latches onto those around her quite tightly. Alongside this, she's quite the loud and expressive individual, one in which is certainly not shy to showcasing her excitement and emotions openly. She's prone to outbursts of extreme energy and happiness, generally preferring to be around others rather than alone, something that shows when speaking with even the lowest of people. These outbursts are generally followed by quick and breathless speaking alongside much fidgeting.
Innermost Feelings: Second Paragraph
‣ The young Gallovian has quite a bit of worry and doubt within her. Perhaps one of the things to haunt her the most is the pressure of being the 'perfect' daughter. She doesn't want to be some failure that puts her father to shame, she wants to prosper and to help those around her as well. Somehow the young woman has gotten it into her head that she ruins all that she touches. Caoimhe worries that she's going to end up messing up big time and run the family name straight into the mud. Being that she's so engulfed in history, she worries quite a bit about her own history. She often ponders what she'll be known for, trying to keep that in mind as she goes about her life, aiming to serve the Holy empire well. These insecurities of hers have only been fueled thanks to recent events.
Between a handful of her friendships going horribly wrong and the treatment of some of her family members towards her has led her into a depression. Confidence-wise, she is rather lacking. While she does believes there are some good things about herself, in her mind, the bad tends to outweigh the good. She most certainly holds herself to a high standard, far higher than anyone else in all of Aloria. As a result, she takes her mistakes to heart, and is quite hard on herself for any signs of weakness, one such weakness being excessive emotion. Just about the only time she gets publicly emotional is when drunken or arguing with her brother, thus why she tries to avoid both at all costs. In turn, she tends to bottle everything up, valuing just about everything over her own wants and needs. However, thanks to the aid of her friends over the past few months, she's begun to talk through her emotional pain.
Actions towards loved ones: Third Paragraph
She's rather bubbly and warm around those she loves and is far less reserved in regards to etiquette. Once she's begun to care for someone she latches on with her all, refusing to ever let go. In this aspect, one can compare her to a sick and lost little puppy, coming back to its abuser no matter what. This is due to her extreme dependence on others and loyalty as she believes that if she doesn't she's being a horrible person. She warms up to others relatively quick and is hasty to deem them a friend. She's unbearably over trusting and overflowing with compassion that she often times has difficulty expressing. She loves her friends and family and would do anything for them. Subsequently, her happiness and state of mind tend to have a rather direct link between the happiness of those around her. The woman thrives when her loved ones do in thanks to this deep bond she feels with others as an extrovert. A connection in which also holds true to when those around her are doing poorly as she takes it as a personal failure, believing she's not doing or being enough for them. This extremely clingy and irritatingly joyous Howlester tends to drive away those close to her with the way she acts. Which ironically, only fuels this behavior more so.
Morality: Fourth Paragraph
‣ Caoimhe has quite the strict and unwavering set of morals, most closely aligning her with that of a lawful good. She believes very strongly in the law and those in authoritarian positions, having an immediate trust towards anyone willing to take on leading. She follows the law to a tee and frequently makes sure to keep herself updated with any changes. Alongside this, she believes strongly in pacifism and is a pacifist herself. She only believes in defending oneself when being attacked. Although, even then her first instinct is to flee. Should she come across the corruption and evil doings of others, she will do one of two things. One, report them to the authorities immediately, or two, in some cases, try to reform them herself. While the second option isn't likely to work, she still hopes for the best in people, and she hopes they too can see the Great Way. In this way, she desires to be a positive influence on others, hoping to be the one to guide them through such a journey, even if it is somewhat unrealistic.
Belief Systems: Fifth Paragraph
‣ The Highlander believes quite strongly within Unionism and optimism, believing that both are the key to happiness and prosperity in life. She tries to remain rather positive, choosing to see the good in everyone and trust far too easily, leading to various issues arising. Despite this, she's been unable to abandon her ways. Also near and dear to her is her religion. Caoimhe has seen her religion as a tether to something greater than herself, one that she wouldn't let go of even if the Emperor himself told her to. In regards to the gap between commoners and nobility, she was once rather ignorant. However, after developing friendships with those not of nobility, she's come to realize just how well off she truly is. It's because of this that she feels somewhat guilty and as if she doesn't deserve all which she has. Even with these feelings of not deserving her place, she most certainly does appreciate her kin for bringing her where she is.
Life Story
‣ The life of this young woman began back in 282, on a crisply cool and beautiful night in early March. There, a woman by the name of Muriel was about to give birth to her first child. Just as the day shifted to the next, a young baby girl came into existence, a girl in which would come to be Caoimhe Elair Howlester. While their first child, she was most certainly not their last, as she was followed by her built-in best friend, her twin brother Phaden.
‣ From then on out, the young girl was raised in a tight-knit family, showered left and right with love and affection. She quickly grew to be close to those within her family, even finding herself feeling a sibling-like bond with a few of them although no matter what she held the closest bond with her brother. Despite this closeness, her father sempt to be often out of the picture. Being that Caoimhe was born at a bit of an odd time, with her father still receiving his schooling he often dipped in and out of her life, a factor that'd remain constant for quite a bit. She practically grew up without a father for the first few years in her early childhood from what she can remember. While being around for the initial first two years of her life, he also missed quite a bit with having been gone from age two to age seven. During this time in her life, he was off at the Chrysant War, leaving the twins alone with their mother, creating a gap between the siblings and their father.
‣ During this time she began to learn and develop. Naturally, she was also quite the curious young soul, constantly asking questions and engaging in debates. Much to the annoyance of those around her, it sempt she always had twenty questions to ask. Nevertheless, she was granted an education to put that mind of hers to work. She was educated on how to read, write alongside being taught the fundamentals of Unionism. The young Howlester excelled at her studies and quickly grew fascinated by the world around her. She began studying history in particular and quite enjoyed learning about how different people reacted and survived in the face of adversity. She eventually took a particular interest in medicine, and the next thing her family knew, she was frequently bringing it up at the dinner table. She also began longing for a father as she read of grand families and generals. While it may have taken a while, eventually, she got just what she wanted.
‣ When her father returned, she initially didn't recognize him. She was cold and dismissive, brushing him off as some stranger. Even after it was confirmed by multiple sources she remained distant, fearing that if and when she got too close, he'd up and leave again. Although over time, she began to believe he may just love her. And with this realization of hers, that once icy facade began to melt. The next thing she knew, she had grown quite attached. In this time she finally began to receive the attention and love from a male figure in her life that she so craved. The two became nearly inseparable, the young girl being found clinging to her father for dear life. It stayed this way for the next four years, that is until the Ranger Crisis broke out. He once again had to leave. Caoimhe refused to let him go, but despite her best efforts, he left anyway. Even despite this refusal and anger, she never once shed a tear. She was a strong young girl, one in which never broke into tears when inconvenienced or injured, always just shaking it off and pushing onwards. A skill of hers that she'd apply to the constant absence of her father, simply brushing it off and bottling all of those negative feelings up.
‣ It's right after this leave of his when the young Howlester found herself interested in the finer skills of caring for others. While still keeping in mind her previous goals and fascinations she decided to pursue what interested her most, the School of Medicine. Via this school she was able to help people protect and save in the ways she saw to be most valuable. Including surgery, medicine and helping those to recover from injuries, which she'd eventually get into years later at her spa. It's through this she was able to get away from her issues and in doing so refine her skills. Although she may have initially struggled to focus and take a grasp on the techniques, she quickly found herself engulfed in this aspect of her life. It was in this training in which she was able to hide from her problems and family, and just focus on herself. It's in this safe place of tutoring hers that she'd invest quite a bit of her life into.
‣ While he came back relatively quickly in comparison to the last time he left, she still felt abandoned. Upon his arrival, she took back up this coldness, but once more, it was short-lived. Thankfully, he ended up staying for a while after that. As she continued her training and education the two continued to grow closer, bonding over even the small things in life. Although, there eventually came a time again in which he had to leave. A few months after she had met the age of eighteen, he once more left for battle to partake in the First Songaskian War. He was away for a handful of months, only to return June of the next year. At this point, the young woman began to forgive her father for leaving, no longer seeing it as abandonment, rather a dutiful honor. She finally began to respect her father. Even after he dipped out one last time to defend Galloy during the Bone Horror crisis, she was able to forgive him, even thank him.
Recent Developments
‣ Right after finishing her training she was yanked out of her comfortable life there and dragged to Regalia alongside her father. Here he expected and encouraged her to try and support their family and contribute to their new home. For the first few weeks, she's simply tried her best to integrate into Regalia. In doing so she quickly took to looking for her purpose and ended up joining the Vigilant Shield as a recruit and trainee, hoping to aid with her medical knowledge while slowly learning about combat, slowly breaking her oath of no harm as well. Alongside gaining this position, she also opened a business with her brother, a spa hybrid of sorts. It's here that she continued to make new friends and strengthen existing bonds, as well as earn a living.
‣ These peaceful and calm times did not last too long, as a few months in of her being in Regalia the Vampire Crisis hit. Being in the Vigilant Shield, she helped to push the crowds of sanguines back and out of the city, helping to keep them held within the confines of the slums. In doing so, there eventually came a day where she found herself face to face with a Varghul while trying to tend to an injured guardsman. In her struggle to fend back the monstrous beast she ended up taking a hit, gaining herself multiple bruises, a broken arm, and a large, jagged scratch spanning across her face and over her nose
. While she is fully recovered from the small encounter, she has quite the scar left over. After this she gave up trying any sort of combat for a good while, restoring her oath. Alongside this, she went back to her preferred line of work- at the spa.
‣ After being sought out by a stranger outside her spa, the woman woke up tied and blindfolded in the forest, being bled via the wrist. While rather hastily let go, she still was full of fear and doubt. It's afterward she began to call her views into question and began to pick up self-defense lessons from allies of hers.
Last edited:
EDITS: @Caelamus
Me again, hi hi! Sorry for the re-review so soon, but Caoimhe has been aged up four years! This resulted in me shuffling around the points a bit and re-adding Leutz-Vixe as a language. The edits have been made below in this oh so lovely shade of pink.
‣ Aged: Twenty-eight spring cycles.
‣ [ Born March 4th, 278 A.C. ]
‣ Gender: Female.
‣ Race: Purebred Ailor.
‣ Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Skill Information
Total Proficiency Points:
Twenty-eight points to spend from age.
‣ +12 Medical Sciences [+12 from points]
‣ +10 Unarmed Combat Skill [+10 Highland Ceardian culture]

‣ +6 Linguistics Knowledge [+6 from points]
‣ +4 Alchemical Sciences [+4 from points]
‣ +3 Bodycare Training [+3 from points]

‣ +2 Blades Combat [+2 from points]
‣ +1 Athletic Training [+1 from points]
Bodily Shape Information
‣ Physical Stat: 2 Blades Combat + 1x2 Athletic Training = 4 Physical Stat
‣ Body Shape: Average.
‣ Body Fat: Moderate.
‣ Nutrition: Poor, only having the bare minimum.
Lingual Information
‣ Common [Native tongue, fluent]

‣ Leutz-Vixe [Secondary tongue from tutoring, fluent]
Life Story
The life of this young woman began back in 278, on a crisply cool and beautiful night in early March. There, a woman by the name of Muriel was about to give birth to her first child. Just as the day shifted to the next, a young baby girl came into existence, a girl in which would come to be Caoimhe Elair Howlester. While their first child, she was most certainly not their last, as she was followed by her built-in best friend, her twin brother Phaden.
From then on out, the young girl was raised in a tight-knit family, showered left and right with love and affection. She quickly grew to be close to those within her family, even finding herself feeling a sibling-like bond with a few of them although no matter what she held the closest bond with her brother. Despite this closeness, her father sempt to be often out of the picture. Being that Caoimhe was born at a bit of an odd time, with her father still receiving his schooling he often dipped in and out of her life, a factor that'd remain constant for quite a bit. She practically grew up without a father for the first few years in her early childhood from what she can remember. While being around for the initial first two years of her life, he also missed quite a bit with having been gone from age two to age seven. During this time in her life, he was off at the Chrysant War, leaving the twins alone with their mother, creating a gap between the siblings and their father.
During this time she began to learn and develop. Naturally, she was also quite the curious young soul, constantly asking questions and engaging in debates. Much to the annoyance of those around her, it sempt she always had twenty questions to ask. Nevertheless, she was granted an education to put that mind of hers to work. She was educated on how to read, write, and speak in Leutz-Vixe, a request of hers as she wished to learn the language of her pen-pal Selina. Alongside this, she was taught the fundamentals of Unionism, having them drilled into her. The young Howlester excelled at her studies and quickly grew fascinated by the world around her. She began studying history in particular and quite enjoyed learning about how different people reacted and survived in the face of adversity. She eventually took a particular interest in medicine, and the next thing her family knew, she was frequently bringing it up at the dinner table. She also began longing for a father as she read of grand families and generals. While it may have taken a while, eventually, she got just what she wanted.
EDITS: @Caelamus
Yet again, more updates- this time to the whole application. I decided to rewrite her to be more faithful to her as a character and her original concept, hopefully, these should be the last edits for a while!
The edits are as follows:

  1. Shifted around proficiency points.
  2. Expanded upon proficiency points and languages,
  3. Added to and updated all expansions (+ relationships!).
  4. Entirely redid the personality paragraphs.
  5. Updated the life story and shifted some things around.
EDITS: @Katiesc
Edited to adjust for a few proficiency updates over the months! These were the only things touched within the app.