Preserved Sheet Caoimhe Ahearna

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Iadrik Linsdottir
Oct 12, 2016
Reaction score
United States of America
Roleplay Guilds
The Hidden Dragon






Kalandra - The Waiting Game
Ain't No Rest For The Wicked - Cage The Elephant
Virkelighetens Etterklang - Kalandra



Full Name
Caoimhe Cait Ahearna
Caoimhe, Caoi, Rose Petal, Redhead, Red
29 years old


"Not everything can hold purpose and we cannot
always remember the importance of patience."

~{ Cait Ahearna }~





Proficiencies (29 from age + 5 = 34 points)
▪️ +10 Literary Arts (from Points)
▪️ +8 Pagan Ritualism (from Points)
▪️ +6 Bodycare Training (from Points)
▪️ +5 Sailing Knowledge (from Points -Cap 25-)
▪️ +5 Linguistics (from Points -Cap 25-)
Body Stat (3 Bodycare + 5 Sailing = 8 Body Points)
▪️ Toned Body Shape
▪️ Average Body Fat
Languages (Common + 2 Parents + 5 Ling. = 4 Languages)
▪️ Common (Default)
▪️ Claith (Default, father)
▪️ D'Ithanie (Default, mother)
▪️ Etosian (Learned)
▪️ Old Makdth (Pagan Ritualism)
▪️ Will of Faith

▪️ Corban the shepphard is a dog that Caoimhe adopted when she lived in Etosil. He was the first and last animal she has ever decided to keep as a pet, considering how close their bond became and how dedicated to one another they were. He passed on at the age of six when a trip to go hunting with a few friends went poorly.
▪️ Those of the Old Faiths can gain so called Will Spirits. A Will Spirit is created when a believer of these faiths has a pet of any kind (usually the size of a domestic dog, no larger), they have a strong emotional bond with this pet, and this pet dies, it comes back to life as a Will Spirit. This Will Spirit is essentially a ghost of the old pet, keeping their personality and appearance, though appearing see-through and ghostly. They can appear when called by their owner, or when their owner is in need and must remain in their owner's eyesight or else they vanish. They can fight for their owner, or with their owner, though take only a few hits before dissolving, needing a few hours to recover before they can re-appear. The Will Spirit is also incapable of carrying or transporting objects via teleportation. If the Spirit is holding an item and disappears, the item will simply fall to the floor. These Will Spirits can also be called out to play with their owner. It is as such not uncommon to see Will Spirits wandering around Old Gods settlements far away from the prying eyes of Unionist Missionaries. Those who never have a pet in life never have a Will Spirit manifest. Will Spirits are only made once, so only the first pet that an old believer has an emotional connection with will turn into a Will Spirit after death. No other animals become Will Spirits.
▪️ Pagan Ritualism
▪️ Caoimhe can write/read/speak/understand Old Makdth, the ritualistic Pagan Language.
▪️ Caoimhe can use Old Makdth Script to create ritualistic scriptures, tomes, tattoos and engravings that light up with a turqoise glow when another Old Makdth Ritualistic ability is used nearby, or with the snap of a finger from a Ritualist.

▪️ She can use natural paint dust (ochre for example), weaving it through the air and applying it to walls to form animal, plant and myth based cave-painting-like depictions on any wall or floor or ceiling surface. Furthermore, they can also animate them (for example, cause a horse that was painted to gallop in place).
▪️ Caoi can enter an ethereal ghost-like state, becoming see-through, solid turqoise in color and with white solid glowing eyes. While in this state, the Character is unable to attack or be attacked, and can move through walls but only float at a sluggish half-walk-speed pace, and as soon as they re-form into physical form, they cannot re-enter the ethereal state for another 24 hours. In the ghost-like state, they cannot hear anything or speak anything. This ability cannot be used in Prison or in the Palace.
▪️ She
can summon ghostly appearances of any person's deceased loved ones, but these apparitions only appear waist up and are stagnant/un-moving, they cannot be animated in any way or say anything, and stare out straight forward.
▪️ The ritualist can speak in the voice of a deceased loved one of another person, as long as they are within emote distance of the target.
▪️ Caoimhe can activate the Sense of the Dead, which causes them to be followed by the faint whispers and muttering of the dead, random dead souls speaking unfinished tales, unfinished business and lives not lived.
▪️ Ahearna can perform Spirit banishment on NPC poltergeists and ghostly infestations of non-Possession nature on buildings or objects.
▪️ She can turn into a turqoise ghostly Bobcat with white glowing eyes and move as if this animal, while speaking as if humanoid. They can stay in this state for as long as they want, or until they are physically hurt.



Eye Color
Light Blue
Hair Color
Hair Style
Down or braided, extremely curly
Skin Color
Fine clothing, dresses, or trousers and a tunic.


Position In Regalia
Caoimhe traveled to the Holy City from Etosil when she was twenty-five, but she ended up extending the vacation to four long years. She often grew far too overcome by the horrible events that often occur in the city and found herself traveling back and forth from Etosil to Regalia whenever she could handle it. The Ériunin loves the massive city, but it can be vastly overwhelming at times. She currently lives in one of the two owned family homes and works at the Hidden Dragon for leisure enjoyment, considering that she doesn't need the money. Her Grandfather Lugh Ahearna covers her costs with his merchant and trade business.
Born as a twin in the depths of Ériu-Innis, Caoimhe was loved dearly by her father, Devaughn, and her mother, Cait. She was adventurous the moment she could crawl and her dear twin, Neall, was always at her side, stuck to the girl like glue. Days were calm and quiet for her and her four siblings, but it couldn't last. Cait fell ill during one of the harshest winters the family had experienced; Maoliosa, the youngest sibling, followed. They passed on within the same week and devastated Devaughn, who could no longer care for the rest of the children on his own. He sent Caoimhe and Neall to live with his brother, Cearul, on the furthest coast of the island. The duo learned of the Old Gods and Pagan Ritualism. They sailed with their Uncle and fought the tides of change in their lives with all they had. Caoimhe grew tired of the same, repetitive lifestyle. She departed by way of ship and left Ériu-Innis for the first in all her life.
Secondary Ambitions
It isn't every day that Caoimhe can find inspiration in the same, dreary world around her. She loves to travel and it will always be a part of her life. If Caoi could manage to visit every region on Aloria, she would feel content at last, or perhaps that's what she believes. The more people she meets and the more time the Ériunin has to heal her old wounds, the further she falls in love with the world and the possibilities around her. She sometimes longs for Sanguinism once more, just for the longevity it could provide her with. After all, the most precious thing to Caoimhe is the life she is gifted with by her Gods. Every lasting moment is fleeting to her and each memory is on constant repeat, reminding her of how many years have come to pass.



Niches and tiny scars are only visible in Caoimhe's face the closer you view her, but freckles cover her skin in most places, framing her vibrant blues. She doesn't apply much makeup other than lipstick for special occasions. Caoimhe's features are drawn sharp, save her softly shaped lips and rounded nose. She may carry many of the colors of Ériunin people, but her structure takes strongly after Cait Ahearna, an Ithanian woman.
Caoi's form has very slight definition due to the upkeep she continues even now for her physicality, but most of her flesh is soft and rounded. While she is in good health, she does carry a slight amount of extra weight that emphasizes her feminine form. Scars line her back and left her skin in absolute tatters. She bears other marks here and there, but not nearly as harsh as those on her shoulders and back.
Dependent on the day and how Caoimhe is feeling, she will don fine clothing, regal dresses, and impressive jewelry. On lazy, colder days, however, she will often choose furs or trousers and a tunic.



As an artist and a woman of pure emotion, Caoimhe can sometimes allow herself to be caught up or overreact. This can cause tension in relationships, resentment for things that should be forgiven, and even violence in cases where it could have easily been avoided. She is a proud individual, an Ériunin through and through.



▪️ Chews her lip when she's focused or in thought.
▪️ Talks in her sleep.
▪️ Chews potato skins while she cooks.
▪️ Cooks all sorts of potatoes, stews, and soups very well.
▪️ Loves anything to do with creativity, especially music and art.
▪️ Can do hair very well, considering that she has slways done people's hair for them.

▪️ Cares for sick animals when she finds them abandoned and then rehomes them.
▪️ Loves affection.

▪️ Overseasoned foods and overly sweet treats.
▪️ When people pull on her hair.



60 regals
Wooden Comb
Small, plain dagger
Silver ring with emerald gems, matching long silver chain with emerald designs.
Gold and silver earrings.









Option Two: The Core List
Neutral Good
Old Gods (8/10)


Born - Age 12
▪️ Caoi lived in Ériu-Innis growing up. Unfortunately, her mother, Cait Ahearna, passed on due to illness at the child's age of five years old. The youngest sister of the siblings, Maoliosa, passed on due to the same disease not long after. Her father was unable to raise all four children on his own, especially with winters growing colder and more barren; He sent Caoimhe and her twin brother, Neall, to live with their Uncle Cearul Ahearna in an older Clan.
▪️ They were raised on the coast, learning to sail and being taught the ways of the Old Gods. Despite their uncle's harsh discipline and inability to relax on most views, Caoimhe was an open-minded individual and constantly, unstoppably curious. Her independence was inevitable. The girl began learning of Pagan Ritualism and the unspoken laws of Old Gods worship, thanks to Cearul's dutiful tutoring.

Age 13 - Age 18
▪️ As an Ériunin, food was bland and days were cold for the young Claith. Worship, sailing, and daily chores were becoming a continuous flow for Caoimhe's dreary, grey days. She watched ships come and go, some merchant vessels and others owned by those of the islands. Things became far too quiet for the young lady. She wrote a letter to her family and left it on the table, crept out during the night and arrived at the largest docking town on the island. Purchasing passage to Ithania aboard a merchant's ship, Caoimhe made it to her mother's homeland and found Cait's side of the family. She lived with them for a full five years and learned well how to care for her looks and body during that time. It was difficult for the wandering soul to stay put, and Cait's family eventually halted their efforts to convince Caoimhe to stop spending so much money on travel. The girl reminded them far too much of her mother. She went everywhere she could to visit and learn of other cultures, places, and people.
▪️ Her Grandfather Lugh was a man of stoic nature and harsh actions, someone far more strict and angry than Cearul. He took Caoimhe under his wing during the time she spent in Ithania, but many violent encounters occurred with the old man that she would rather leave far from her memory. He was a bitter, drunken retired Naval soldier. When Caoimhe wrote at last to her twin, Neall, he made his way immediately to meet her in Ithania. They didn't spend more than a few more months there before the duo packed up and migrated to Etosil.

Age 18 - Age 24
▪️ Caoimhe grew into an adult and provided for herself in Etosil, where she thrived around constant learning, creativity, and sociable environments. The young woman took quickly to Literary Arts and spent the majority of her time learning to speak and write Etosian, just so that she could publish novels of her own. She made countless friends and met people she would one day call family, found her favorite places and developed real connections with the people of Etosil. As a youthful creator, Caoimhe had found somewhere she felt completely at home.

Age 25 - Age 29
▪️ Arriving in Regalia was exhilarating for the blooming young woman. She met all sorts of new people, engaged in organizations and communities that were both positive and deadly, and wrote always of her life and interactions. Caoimhe fell in love with the Holy City's ever-changing atmosphere. Still, as events began to hit her in the face and damage her mental state, she traveled between Regalia and Etosil regularly, living most of her days out in the Etosian capital and writing stories.
▪️ Most recently, Caoi has matured enough that she understands how to handle the mountains and valleys of life. She has returned to Regalia with the intent to remain there as her forever home; To set up her life, be married, and place her mark on people of the city.

Last edited:
To whoever reviews my application,
I apologize for the lack of "spoiler" use. I played with it for nearly an hour but it would not stop duplicating itself or something, so I ended up deleting all of them and leaving it alone. I hope the sheet isn't too difficult to read. Thank you!
@ParisaPax Please include your Will of Faith as well as Pagan Ritualism abilities in a section.
Outside of that, everything seems to be in order, outside of the Spoilers. Your application is approved, but please put in spoilers when you have the opportunity.