Candlelight Watch

The clinic had grown silent except for the soft whimpering coming from one of the cots. The noise was muffled, but slowly the whimpering halted altogether as another noise took it's place, that noise being soft humming. Seraphina sat, holding her daughter's smaller hand in both of hers. Her own fingers were laced together as she held the smaller woman's hand.

Esther was finally asleep after much soothing and reassuring that the older Avanthar would not be going anywhere and would remain by her side for the rest of the night. Sadly it was a disturbed sleep as she thrashed and whimpered for many moments before curling up into a ball, clasping tightly to the hands of her mother.

That was nearly two hours ago, and only now had she calmed down. It had helped when Sera began to softly speak to her daughter in their native tongue, making her promises and telling her stories of her youth. Particularly ones that included her best friend, Endrai and how the two of them had once tried to tame a horse. It ended up with both of them being very bruised, but laughing. She also told her about how proud she was of her. How strong she was. And then, she spoke about pride again, specifically about how proud she was to call Esther hers.

The humming seemed to help as well. The tune she hummed could only be described as some sort lullaby. It had calmed Esther's whimpering and Sera decided to keep up the humming, observing her daughter sleep.

"I never wanted this for jou. I never wanted for jou or… Anyone to be hurt like this. I… Oh Esther…" Her words were choked out and she pressed her forehead against Esther's hand that she held. Her thumbs rubbed over her daughter's palm. Hot tears rolled down her face and she swiped at them with the back of her hand.

"I'll protect jou. Even if it kills mi. I'll protect jou." She spoke these words very softly and laid her head down upon the cot. Sera closed her eyes briefly, going back to her humming and holding her hand tightly.

Despite her resting eyes, the Avanthar did not sleep that evening or the morning that followed. She held firmly to her daughter's hand and kept a candle burning to chase away the darkness that Esther feared so much. And truthfully, Seraphina had to agree. What lay within the darkness scared her the most, but she knew that within her heart, she would fight whatever was plaguing her daughter. One way or another, she would make up for her failures. She would protect those she loved, even if it killed her.
[CENTER]✦[I]Walnut/Wal[/I]✦ ✦[I]They/Them[/I]✦ ✦[I]Before you ask, my favorite vine is: "Hi my name is Chelsey, what's your favorite dinner food?" [/I]✦[/CENTER]
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The clinic had grown silent except for the soft whimpering coming from one of the cots. The noise was muffled, but slowly the whimpering halted altogether as another noise took it's place, that noise being soft humming. Seraphina sat, holding her daughter's smaller hand in both of hers. Her own fingers were laced together as she held the smaller woman's hand.

Esther was finally asleep after much soothing and reassuring that the older Avanthar would not be going anywhere and would remain by her side for the rest of the night. Sadly it was a disturbed sleep as she thrashed and whimpered for many moments before curling up into a ball, clasping tightly to the hands of her mother.

That was nearly two hours ago, and only now had she calmed down. It had helped when Sera began to softly speak to her daughter in their native tongue, making her promises and telling her stories of her youth. Particularly ones that included her best friend, Endrai and how the two of them had once tried to tame a horse. It ended up with both of them being very bruised, but laughing. She also told her about how proud she was of her. How strong she was. And then, she spoke about pride again, specifically about how proud she was to call Esther hers.

The humming seemed to help as well. The tune she hummed could only be described as some sort lullaby. It had calmed Esther's whimpering and Sera decided to keep up the humming, observing her daughter sleep.

"I never wanted this for jou. I never wanted for jou or… Anyone to be hurt like this. I… Oh Esther…" Her words were choked out and she pressed her forehead against Esther's hand that she held. Her thumbs rubbed over her daughter's palm. Hot tears rolled down her face and she swiped at them with the back of her hand.

"I'll protect jou. Even if it kills mi. I'll protect jou." She spoke these words very softly and laid her head down upon the cot. Sera closed her eyes briefly, going back to her humming and holding her hand tightly.

Despite her resting eyes, the Avanthar did not sleep that evening or the morning that followed. She held firmly to her daughter's hand and kept a candle burning to chase away the darkness that Esther feared so much. And truthfully, Seraphina had to agree. What lay within the darkness scared her the most, but she knew that within her heart, she would fight whatever was plaguing her daughter. One way or another, she would make up for her failures. She would protect those she loved, even if it killed her.