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= Canal Walk Apartment Requires Another Tenant! =


p l a t i n u m   l i z a r d
Oct 26, 2013
Reaction score
There would be a note written in Deandroque, plastered onto the wooden board in front of the Willow.

" Kicked out of your house and need a place to stay? The building on Canal Walk 10 now looking for a new tenant (one)! Large space, with a single window! Wonderful neighbors, - free, usable kitchen and bath! Glorious view of the water and docks! Visit now! Message the Landlord, Vicente, only eighty regals a month! First come first serve!

Vincente is not responsible for any lost items or injuries that may happen on visit. "

Really short notice, isn't it?

To apply to this tenant building ( of which I still need to make a map for ), just send Vicente, a letter. He's not actually played but eh. We're Deandroque based but if your character can speak the language, you can still apply as well. The rent is completely IC, since I'll still be paying for it OOCly.

( @RaineTheElf @Blue_E , thanks for helping with the decorations. )
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Dear Vicente,

Greetings, I'm writing to you about your opportunity to live in your apartment. Since I'm pretty new to regalia, I decided to take up on this offer. Thank you.

~ Caithel Úllothel
Dear Vicente,

Greetings, I'm writing to you about your opportunity to live in your apartment. Since I'm pretty new to regalia, I decided to take up on this offer. Thank you.

~ Caithel Úllothel

And miss Caithel gets a reply back.

To Miss Caithel;
Thank you for your letter, for you have been chosen to take a stay here! Arrive when you want, just meet me by the entrance and I will show you your room.​