Can You Imagine?


King of the Silencio Empire
Apr 4, 2013
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I just had a rather scary thought..... Can you imagine how fast armour would be destroyed if god apples where still enabled? Combined with armour damage from axes, the resistance would have destroyed armour really quickly if you fought against a high MCMMO player.

If you have any other thoughts like this, this is the place to post them! I basicly got really bored after an exam and started imagining things about the past and present combined, I'd love to hear any more others have.
I just had a rather scary thought..... Can you imagine how fast armour would be destroyed if god apples where still enabled? Combined with armour damage from axes, the resistance would have destroyed armour really quickly if you fought against a high MCMMO player.

If you have any other thoughts like this, this is the place to post them! I basicly got really bored after an exam and started imagining things about the past and present combined, I'd love to hear any more others have.
Imagine the first raid when the defenders spam blindness potions.
It'll be beautiful.
Imagine blindness plus night vision. Your entire screen goes black. Good luck defending with anything.
blindness only makes your render distance lower. It doesn't actually make you get the blindness effect.
Have one guy with swiftness pots spam blindness potions and have another guy with high archery just wreck house.
Imagine spamming the enemy with blindless pots, slow pots, and then using invisibility pots on yourself... they wouldn't even know what's hitting them anymore. Throw in some god apples and you have the ultimate battle: A bunch of indestructible people swinging their axes at thin air because no one can see the enemy.
Imagine spamming the enemy with blindless pots, slow pots, and then using invisibility pots on yourself... they wouldn't even know what's hitting them anymore. Throw in some god apples and you have the ultimate battle: A bunch of indestructible people swinging their axes at thin air because no one can see the enemy.
Don't start making invisibility pots or you will get a very mad facial expression after finding out you just wasted all the resources.
I think blindness pots need to be edited to only last for a few seconds so it's like a smoke bomb.
Imagine if mobe grif was on... TIME TO CREATE THE ARMAGEDON CANNON hihihihihihi >>=3
Imagine bringing unbreaking 3 diamond armor x3
Plus 10 Gapples
Plus God sword
Forever lasting armor and a huge fricking annoyance.