Preserved Sheet Camelia Di Ventimiglia

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had fun once. made a PPT about it.
Aug 19, 2013
Reaction score
the Netherlands

The flower of twenty miles
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  • Birthright name: Oriana Edvige Giuseppina di Cefalù
  • Given name: Camelia Eloisa di Ventimiglia
    • Meaning of names:
      • Camelia - Adoptive mother's favorite flower
      • Eloisa - Name of adoptive grandmother
      • di Ventimiglia - Of twenty miles; also another coastal town in Montania
    • Nicknames:
      • Cam, Leah, Red, Shorty, Freak, Dice-girl
    • Alias: Dice
  • Date of birth: April 9th, 280 AC
    • Age: 26
    • Zodiac sign: Aries
  • Gender: Female
    • Sexuality: Still figurin' it out
  • Race: Ailor
    • Culture: Dressolini
    • Hometown: Cefalù, Montania
    • Religion: Sancellist Unionism
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Total Points: 26

  • +10 Musical Arts (Dressolini Culture Boost)
    • Flute and fiddle. Prefers flute but excels more at the fiddle. She is a competent singer.
  • +10 Siege Combat Skill (Points)
    • Primarily tinkers with smaller machinery and explosives, though her precision could use some work.
  • +1 Threads Arts (Points)
    • Able to sew up small to medium sized rips and make minor changes to outfits.
  • +2 Visual Arts (Points)
    • Doodles on occasion and leans towards being an amateur in the field.
  • +5 Throwing Combat Skill (Points)
    • Most experienced with throwing daggers. She is able to defend herself, but is no expert.
  • +5 Finecraft Arts (Points)
    • Interested in Qadiriq clockwork and is most familiar in that field of expertise.
  • +3 Animal Care Sciences (Points)
    • Experienced in teaching domesticated animals some tricks.
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Body Shape

  • Slim Body Shape
    • Physical stat. = 15 (Throwing Combat Skill, Siege Combat Skill)
  • Below Average Body Fat

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  • Dressalo | Taught in childhood | 10/10
  • Common | Learned in teenage years | 8/10

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Special Traits
  • Silven: Divine Bond
  • Silven: Weaving Sight

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  • Eye color: Bright silver with a blue limbus
  • Hair color: Ginger
  • Hair style: Ponytail
  • Skin color: Slightly tanned with freckles peppered across her cheeks
  • Clothing: Loose-fitting, earthen-colored clothing with a brown longcoat
  • Height: 148 cm / 4'10''
  • Day-to-day inventory:
    • Slightly tattered leather bag
      • Thirty regals precisely
      • Charcoal pen
      • Needle & thread - needle is dull
      • The occasional iron scrap picked up from the streets
      • Empty map
      • Lantern with candle, but nothing to light it with
      • Hair elastics
    • Artie
    • Piece of bread for Artie
    • Expressly three iron throwing daggers - if she loses one, she tends to buy another as soon as possible
    • Red-tinted burgundy goggles
    • Dice necklace
    • Pair of fingerless leather gloves

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  • Perceived by others
    • Upon first meeting Camelia, one would first and foremostly be reminded of a teen. Not only her childlike appearance reinforces this, but also her enthusiastic and immature tendencies give it away. The Silven can be very impudent and nosy when she'd like to be, though also pleasurable company and can be fairly talkative when one gets her to chatter about her interests and ideas. Camelia likes to make friends but prefers to stay within her own tribe of people, being most comfortable with those who are on her own wavelength. Though she can be a major chatterbox when she'd like to be, Camelia is sometimes taken for a bit aloof character as she likes to go on about herself and cares little for the problems and feelings of others. It simply is a bit monotonous to her and isn't one to even pretend to be interested. She makes it clear whenever something isn't to her liking. Camelia is not entirely aware she has an inclination to be a tad unsympathetic and simply passes it off as being honest. She also tends to have a rather bored look plastered on her face during group conversations, unless it is something she explicitly finds intriguing to listen to. This, however, is only when she is comfortable within the group of people she is currently with. If this is not the case, she is oddly quiet. She is a very unconventional yet creative type, living off of the thrill of adrenaline. When working in groups, she prefers to have a well-defined role and to be managed effectively and given methodical tasks and clear goals, otherwise, she is likely to not finish them due to her disorganized nature.
  • Psyche
    • Camelia has a rich inner fantasy and thus her mind tends to wander off and her time is spent in her delusions. Her imagination can, however, work to amplify her fears and insecurities. One example of this is her peculiar jitters around the average Ailor. In fear of being prosecuted, punished, or worse, Camelia grows distant and likes to remove herself from the situation as quickly as possible. Constantly in fear of being found out as a Silven and being given a beating, she can be a bit paranoid and is seen looking around her more than participating in the conversation whenever she feels off about the current company. Her tendency towards chaos can generate difficult and challenging situations, which she is unable to handle the responsibility of, which can, in turn, amplify her emotional fragility and leads to frequent emotional outbursts. She longs to be seen as a capable and independent person, which reflects in her actions. Impulsivity and crass actions are a good example of this.
  • Loved ones
    • The Silven is a surprisingly kind soul towards the friends she considers to be family. Longing to be loved and wanted despite her silver eyes, Camelia is affectionate and a good friend as much as her morality allows her. That is to say that she will only act for loved ones should it not disadvantage her too greatly. That said, she is not a reliable person, even towards allies. Furthermore, she tends to be a moderately closed off and distant person at first and takes a little while to open up.
  • Morality
    • Camelia bears little allegiance towards proper morals. She has no true ill intentions but also has no qualms if others are involved in her doings and are harmed in the line of fire. She can be properly described as a Chaotic Neutral and has especially little compassion for mundane Ailor, who have been the most hostile towards her kind. Those that have done her wrong will receive the same treatment, should it come to it. She does what benefits her most first and foremost, but the odd kind act towards a close friend is not unheard of, either. Camelia does not respect authority out of morals, but rather to avoid imprisonment or other consequences.

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Loved 100-90%
  • Name: Paola di Ventimiglia
    • Relation: Adoptive mother
    • Status: Alive
Adored 89-80%
  • Eloisa XI
    • Relation: Childhood pet
    • Status: Deceased
  • Arturo VI 'Artie'
    • Relation: Pet
    • Status: Alive
  • Umar Hussain
    • Relation: Mentor and father-figure
    • Status: Alive
Friends 79-70%
  • Name: Leonora di Vecellio
    • Relation: Friend
    • Status: Alive
Liked 69-60%
  • TBA
Neutral 59-40%
  • Name: Charlie Perrin
    • Relation: Acquaintance
    • Status: Alive
Disliked 39-30%
  • TBA
Hated 29-20%
  • Name: Graziano di Cefalù
    • Relation: Biological father
    • Status: Alive
  • Name: Leonarda di Cefalù née di Corleone
    • Relation: Biological mother
    • Status: Deceased
Despised 19-0%
  • TBA
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Life Story

Young Oriana was born in the vibrant and particularly sunny autumn of 280 AC. Being eagerly expected by a wealthy baronial family in a Dressolini coastal town, she was planned to be given the name Oriana upon her birth. It wasn't her bright red tufts of hair that shocked the Baroness so much as was the discovery of the infamous bright silver irises. In fear of being suspected of adultery and witchcraft, the Baroness, in a moment of panic and frustration, had one of the servants dispose of Oriana along the side of a street in the slums of town.
As the infant cried for her life, she was found by a middle-aged commoner. Being unable to sire children of her own and being past a fertile age, the woman took the child under her hood. Discrimination was of no matter as Paola would simply have the child wear eye coverage. She was named Camelia, after Paola's favored flower. Unbeknownst to Camelia, the servant had informed the baron of her biological mother's doing and was indeed accused of infidelity by her husband. Her subsequent death was rendered 'an accident' and her body was burnt upon burial. The Cloth of the Weavess she wore was burnt to a crisp.
Neither Camelia nor Paola would know of the Silven's heritage or source of her silver eyes.

Hoping to give the young Silven the life Paola never had herself, Camelia grew up loved by her adoptive mother and mildly spoiled in her early years as much as Paola's earnings would allow her.
Her adoptive mother, however, was tasked with keeping the Silven's eyes a secret from the town- the price she had to pay to have a child of her own. Camelia stayed true to her Silven nature; being a very wild and energetic bundle of joy who wanted to make the most out of life. Paola moved to the outskirts of town to minimize the amount of time Camelia was seen in public. Even then, she was made to wear tinted glasses to be passed off as losing her vision. Therefore, Camelia rarely interacted with other children her age and lost vital socialization skills. This is the reason she sometimes comes off as rude and uncaring, while she simply doesn't know any better.
As per tradition, Dressolini children were taught in the musical arts. Paola began young with her teachings. The flute was the first instrument Camelia learned to play and until this day, remains a favourite. The other instrument, a fiddle, was taught a few years after and Camelia turned out to be a natural virtuoso.
Singing, music making, doodling, tailoring, anything with a sliver of creativity needed, Camelia would try to get her grubby hands on. She was a true chaotic, trying things left and right. Yet apathy for life began to grow from the crooks of her heart whenever there was nothing to occupy herself with.

On her twelfth autumn, Camelia acquired her first Silven Muter- Divine Bond. This went virtually unnoticed until her early adulthood.
Ironically enough, Camelia's mother owned a well-running tailor shop and attempted to push the child into the same craft as herself. Camelia dabbled in tailoring and weaving for a solid one and a half years until ultimately putting it aside to pursue other interests. To give young Camelia someone to spend time with while her adoptive mother was away, Paola gifted her a pet dog whom she later called Eloisa XI. Eloisa followed the Silven around, almost quite literally, like a lost puppy. Camelia became extremely attached to the mutt, something that was happily reciprocated by the canine. She was quite fond of teaching her dog tricks and going on walks with her, who in return aided Camelia in various tasks and let her vent about her worries and troubles. Needless to say, Eloisa was a good listener. Despite being a mere enthusiastic pet, she taught the Silven the skills to train an animal effectively and Camelia still does so with pleasure.
Although Eloisa was a wonderful companion, she was still just a dog and no replacement for a friend. Combined with the sudden want to leave her hometown and urge to wander around, Camelia left for Rivellia at the age of fifteen with Eloisa in tow.
The inherent resentment virtually everyone held towards the Silven once she stepped out into public came as a big shock. She was treated with hatred and shunned from social groups. She was oftentimes shoved, verbally assaulted and given minor beatings. What really threw Camelia over the edge, however, was a group of adolescent young Ailor taking the beating on Eloisa, who fervently tried to defend her. The teens grabbed the Silven by the arms, after which kicking and screaming teenage Camelia watched as the Ailor took the life of her companion. With this, she promptly fell into a depression. With no money to live off of anymore and slowly becoming emaciated, Camelia found herself once more at Death's doorstep, welcoming him with open arms. For the second time in her life, a kind soul fished her off the streets to nurture her back to life, as it were. The formerly upbeat Silven saw no purpose in living and sat near motionlessly beside Umar Hussain, an elderly Qadir, who was strangely compassionate towards the grief-stricken and bullied teen. After multiple months of getting to know him, Camelia slowly opened up to her first friend. Resentment by the majority of the population was no joke and it took a big toll on her.

For the next few years, Camelia worked beside Hussain as he taught her the basics of his craft and former mercenary life to help with earning coin. How to defend herself, tinker with small machinery and build explosives were all skills given to her by Hussain. The life returned to her eyes and so did her vibrant character. Since Eloisa's death affected her very much, Camelia was given a new pet: a Common Rat named Arturo.
At the age of 23, Camelia acquired her second Muter: Weaving Sight. This is when Camelia starting experiencing with her acquired muters and began growing more adept at them. While she remained in Rivellia, she oftentimes visited her adoptive mother due to her close bond with her. Yet, she had no desire to return to her hometown just yet. Rather, Camelia desired to see the much adored Crown Isle, for which she saved up and set sail to in the winter of 307 AC. During her travels, she came across a fellow Dressolini who happened to be heading in the same direction as the Silven. The two quickly became friends.

[Letter addressed to Paola di Ventimiglia in the autumn of 307 AC, written in neat handwriting, notably not Camelia's, as she cannot even read or write.]
Ciao mamma,
Spero che tu stia facendo bene. Rivellia ha trattato me molto bene e sono molto felice qui. Hussain prende buona cura di me, quindi non devi preoccuparti tanto. Ho deciso di prendere un traghetto per le Corona Isola, perché voglio provare la mia fortuna c'e si spera di trovare un amico che mi insegnerà le cose che non lo so ancora. Sarò l'assunzione di Arturo con me e Io vi insegnerà lui a rotolare, ma non posso garantire il successo. Lui, sta facendo troppo, meraviglioso. Mi manchi molto. Faccio io, veramente. Sarà venuta a visitare qualche tempo per assaggiare il tuo stufato nuovamente. Spero che sei ancora felice in Montania, anche senza tua figlia ci. Vorrei scrivere di più una volta ho arrivare.
Tanto amore, Camelia.
[No letters have been written since then.]
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Sup! I'll be claiming this application for staff review, expect a review shortly.
My review:

Personality and Abilities

  • In the first paragraph, you describe Camelia as pleasurable company that can be talkative with an enthusiastic nature about her. However, later on in her life story it is mentioned that she lacks in the department of social skills and often can be perceived as uncaring. These two statements contradict each other and I'd like you to pick one or the other, or blend them to be more fluid. If she is possibly a socially awkward chatter box, does her sheltered/anti-social character traits begin to show through in anyway due to her unfortunate upbringing? Does she have any nervous tendencies when in a group setting?A sentence or two to explain this would be fantastic.
  • In the second paragraph, I noticed that you mentioned that Camelia has fears that can be exaggerated by her wild imagination and I feel like it wasn't well explained. I'd like you to expand on this statement by giving more insight to these character developing fears. Did such anxieties come from the Ailors who mistreated and harassed her? Has Camelia formed trust issues due to being beaten and pushed around due to her being a Silven? Please expand on these areas by a few sentences.
Other than those expansions, the application looks amazing! Tag me when you're finished and make the changes in purple.
Thanks for pointing that out. All changes are marked in a pastel purple. I also made some minor changes that don't fundamentally alter her character, but are worth mentioning. The reason for this is that I changed my mind after posting the application but didn't want to alter it without informing you. Here's the list:
  • Nicknames
  • Meaning of names
  • Sexuality. A bit useless but fun to add nonetheless
  • Day-to-day inventory [subject to change, but always reasonable and balanced]
  • Sentence at the end of her life story [the letter] where it's mentioned she's illiterate
  • Mention and friendship with Leonora
  • Religion, but this is not mentioned in her life story as she is your average follower and prays thrice a day, but doesn't attend mass
  • Hometown
  • Theme song
  • Specified where expertise lies in the skills section and added a song she's familiar with
  • Her height
  • Date of her birthday. Not to age her up quicker, but I like the idea of her personality aligning with a zodiac sign [Personal preference]
  • The layout of the 'relationships' section
  • Removed a sentence in the life story that said she was impulsive in public as I added in her personality section that she's a bit paranoid when not at ease with her current company
Do tell me if there's anything I missed or that should be changed! @Katiesc
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