Camel Doth Art!

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Grumpy Artist
Jun 11, 2013
Reaction score
I don't even know anymore.
~Introduction!~ (No Idk how to make go in the middle and not spazz)
So I know I've made few of these in the past, but none of them ever seemed appealing, Due to me only just starting to get used to using a tablet and stuff, Now the old program I used Was Pretty bad.. But i got a new one and all I can say is; I LOVE IT. But Yeah recently I've noticed How much I have improved over the year and decided that I would make another Art thread, Most of my Drawings are headshots though because I don't mix well with full body portraits. Now a lot of you might think "Oh you do Traditional art.." NOPE! It's all Digital This Paint tool just has a tool that makes it look like an actual pencil has been drawing it :O.

~To De Arts!~
So when I'm drawing a Bulk of Chars I normally make a Quick picture that looks like this;

Then of Which I proceed to do these;
This is Crah

THis is Orchid

The Infamous Spish!

M'im! With colour!
People who might wanna see this @Terence29 @Eliza_Nightly @celticwitch (She believed in me!) @Everyoneelseiforgottomentionuhm
I was really scared to post this, so I hope you like it.
Oooh snazzy stuff there Cam. Knew you could do it! I'm looking forward to seeing some more art from you in the near future!

So what program and tablet are you using nowadays? I can give some quick tips and pointers if you want? I'm happy to help ^_^
Oooh snazzy stuff there Cam. Knew you could do it! I'm looking forward to seeing some more art from you in the near future!

So what program and tablet are you using nowadays? I can give some quick tips and pointers if you want? I'm happy to help ^_^
I use Mypaint and Wacom intuos, Also THis is how I draw animals
Because I cannot draw real animals.. ._.
So these are the chars I'll be working on!
Wow guys I feel like I've Achieved a Medal.
I Mean like Normally when I make threads like these no one cares, But you all seem to like it. This makes me have a sense of pride again!
Also I feel like Arting 100% more now, Because I was really scared to post this.
hfjskxjsk I adore the M'im one! I really wanna see more of her. Lovely art on this thread!~
So I might be making small Comic strips called "The Adventures of Demon beth and NekoMelon"
POTATOESAUR! (Not very good, plzduneatme)
The way you draw necks are really weird XD ohwell!
Hmmm alibhe, or Artyom or Ravar or lacey or Najwa or Kiska.... how much for all?
And now I realize I lost all my drawings on my comp. :(
And I have a lot of chars
M'im the Reindeer.png.png Well since Tomorrow is Christmas, I thought "Why not?"
you wanted to see more of m'im? @MumbleBear
Bethaclause.png It's Beth as Santa clause! But Y'know she hates my guts now and won't lemme take any other pictures -_- plzdontburnmebeef.
I've improved so much since I've opened this thread woah. But ye this is a new char I'm working on, He's a Grulin cross florae. Also I've been using Mineanimator Lately and made this
So I finished Rein's Headshot. Rein.png This took ages but it's worth it!
Obsessed with drawing Rein now..
Not Trying to be an Attention Wh***
Lately I've been getting no Feedback, Not even Ratings, So I don't know if you guys like My art or not, and I find it Crucial to have Critics Otherwise I have no idea if I'm headed in the right track. I know most artists Say "It's my own art I think it looks good" But I'm not most artists, I wanna do what the people want, Because I honestly Don't Like my own art style yet I can't draw any other way effectively.
On a side note;
I'm not going to be doing digital art for a while so it may be a while before I get the scanner so I can scan my traditional art (Which is hella better than my Digital art ._.) Which I will trace and shade I guess maybe. Wait does that still count as digital art? O-o. I should stop I'm starting to ramble XD
Camel! This is awesome. I couldn't imagine myself doing this digital type art. Keep up the awesomeness!
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