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Calling On The Ambitious ( Slums Notice )


Me an the bois at 3 am lookin for BEANS!
May 17, 2016
Reaction score

A notice would have found its way to the notice boards of The Dark Lady Emporium and The Corpse in the Gutter, bearing the Beggar's Sigil. It was hand written, clear and very legible. Below the main message would be a shorter, more summed up version in slightly crude Modern Elven:

For all with ambition. For infamy. For wealth. Or for food.

The Telikos Beggars are calling for men and women, ailor and nelfin, any and all of ability and skill, to join our ranks. The pay is good, and reflective of the work you put in. Any may rise through the ranks, based solely on skill and dedication. You will be clothed warmly if need be, and fed plentifully, and the drinks and company aren't half bad either.

Other gangs rise and fall, lacking the longevity of our own. Ambition is a sharp blade- honed and powerful, but often used without caution, and that leads to criminal elements stabbing themselves in the face more often than not. Under the Beggar, you shall flex your ambition, tempered by keen leaders, ensuring prosperity and glory, and a good many fewer accidental self-stabbings.

So join, for food, for coin, for infamy.

@ A A Beggar Sigil.png
~ Cadent, The Beggar
The man would walk past the note, and narrow his eyes.
'It is rather silly to call yourself a beggar if you promise wealth? Hm? Maybe I will find you out, but a mere gang doesn't interest me to take on.'
"Maybe he calls himself the beggar, 'cuz he shares all the wealth with the others. Sounds good, if ya ask me." She muttered.
Dunfeld eyed the notice "So, they want to recruit the already begging people o' the slums? To go work, for, the self proclaimed Mr. Beggar? Bah! let them come... If they do get this promised wealth.. I can swindle 'em out of even more coin!" he chuckled as he sold a young sewer urchin a 'magical' feather...