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Calling Of The Oathsworn


Mar 3, 2017
Reaction score
Regalian Empire
Roleplay Guilds
House Norinn


Attention Citizens of Regalia, Loiree, Pays Sud, Vixhall, and Ithania.

In these dire times, we all have a duty as citizens of our Empire, to aid her in the darkest of hours.

I, Ser Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire, The Stallion of the Order of Bloodcast, call upon those willing to take up arms to defend our Empire's glory. With the suspicions of the Dread Empire rising, and the Synod raising alarm in our very own city, having intentions of replacing our State Council, we must act.

Do we wish to see another Lo or Anahera storm our Crown City? Such tyrants should never be allowed to reign over our Regalian people.

More specifically, I call upon those that have proven themselves loyal by Oath and Blade. I call upon loyal Knights of Ithania and Regalia, that seek to preserve what our ancestors before us had bled and died for.

And already these knights have answered. For the glory of House de Letoirneau, the Sovereignty of Ithania, and the Regalian Empire.

From the Order of Matrais

Madame Elaine Beaumont.
Madame Attenais Javienne.
Madame Yuliette Linde.

From the Order of Bloodcast

Ser William Seidel.
Ser Phillipe du Langelier.
Madame Freya Aveline.

From the Order of the Lion Pelt

Ser Lambert.

These Knights have already committed themselves to serve the Empire, as well as myself. We have come together to ensure the safety and well being of her Citizens.

Together we form the Assembly of the Oathsworn.
Signed, Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire
@Momalor @ParisaPax @Nidakk @Nationalizm @ContestedSnow @VirtualStardust @R_O_B_E_rt
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"This honorless dog expects Ithanians to side with their public enemy. Amusing."
"Yes. Because battling against a force that is beyond their very control within magical and logical regions- is a smart idea. Gather men who believe they can defeat this with a raise of their weapons. Do not get me wrong, it is a nice idea. But with recent events and common knowledge, this is hardly something to be considered."
Spoke the Arcane Minister. Shaking her head at the plea.
A simple note was pinned under the original
"To those Bloodcasts, Matrais and Lion Pelt wishing to serve, I direct you to your Knightly captain. Elric Norwood, Yvette Viduggla and Knight Commander Wulfram Kehlen, respectively. Spirit bless."
A notice would be posted atop the original bulletin.

y decree of the Regalian State Minister of War & Defense, all those who have so aptly titled themselves "The Oathsworn" are required to submit themselves for a thorough evaluation to ensure they have no intention to undermine the State Governance. Until such a time, these individuals are recognized solely as an armed militia. Should they submit to and successfully undergo the evaluation, the organization's standing may be reevaluated thereafter.

In the meantime, the Ithanian head of this "guild" is to send a letter to my desk with a copy of those who have joined under this unsanctioned organization's banner as well as a detailed explanation as to why they feel, as citizens enlisted in neither military nor guard, it necessary to intervene where greater forces are already hard at work. Failure to do so will result in severe consequences for all involved, including debarment from their respective orders for failure to uphold their code's tenants of honesty. A reply is expected within the next twenty four hours.

Wulfram Ernst Kehlen
Knight-Commander of the Realm
Sovereign Protector of Dragenthal
Regalian Minister of War & Defense