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Calling In The Cavalry


repairing the gens
Staff member
Jun 5, 2016
Reaction score
Korok Forest
Messages herald from the Summer Palace one swift morning on the fifteenth of June, spreading everywhere where tangible for couriers to distribute.
URGENT: Missing Persons
Peers and people,

Your Imperial Hostess of the Summer Palace and her husband are missing. Countess and Count Peirgarten have not returned home in a minimum of twelve hours. The latter has been absent for longer than forty-eight hours as of this morning.

I do not make direct demands to the greater public when it can be helped. However, today my hand is forced.

My ask is simple: Bring our family back to the Summer Palace and you will be rewarded.

This missive is only for would-be saviors. If the captors wanted their ransom, they would have sent their demands in by now. To them I promise only one thing: Harm one hair on either of their heads and your defeat will be a due reckoning.

Gather your arms, saviors. Tonight we ride.

Yvea Peirgarten, Lady of Lorhaus