Calling All Turalls


Jul 16, 2012
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Viva La Republic!
Hey. I'm writing my Elros app and want to flesh out his relationship with other Turalls. I figure if all active Turall bladesmen (must have attended school, sorry scummy freelancers) fill out this app and tag us, we can keep tabs on who went to school and what relationships they'd have, to give us some rp stuff to do.

Character Name: Elros
Years/Age attended: Started around 295 AC, visits frequently
Character Sheet:
Character Name: Leonzio Vauclain
Years/Age attended:
  • Started in 285 AC at age 13
    • Due to arriving at such a young age he was forced to spend an extra year getting his body into the right shape for the training.
    • He was scrawny and shy up until about age 15.
  • Reached warrior level in 293 AC at age 21
  • Left briefly for a week only to return to take up a mentoring position.
  • He tended to be a more lenient and supportive teacher but was still strict and pushed his students.
  • Left once more to join in the Elven war.
  • Returned to the school again to further his teaching before finally leaving in 304 AC.
  • He still makes frequent visits to the school.
Character Sheet:
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Character Name: Cedric Kade
Years/Age attended:
  • Started 285 AC at the age of 15
  • Reached warrior 291 AC at age 21
  • 2 years of external combat training / not frequently at the school.
  • Started teaching in 293 AC upon return
    • Taught particularly in the fields of physical prowess and endurance, widely known as being a harsh and critical teacher who gave no reprieve or mercy for failure, but was generally in a good mood and jovial with students.
  • Slowed down teaching at 303 AC, coming mostly for lectures and performances due to Regalian business.
  • Stopped coming altogether upon ascenscion to the throne in 305 AC.
Character Sheet: None. CS redacted to avoid metagaming in politics.

@Timisc perhaps re-specify how those years were used so other characters can get a good understanding of how to see the character.
Character Name: Nicolo Celso.
Years/Age attended:

  • Started at 289 A.C.
  • Reached warrior 293 A.C.
  • Continued studying until 304 A.C. (15 years in the school) at which point he left and came to Regalia after briefly visiting his family in Montania.
  • Nico was known to be a very hardworking and determined student, perhaps a try hard by some.
  • Makes trips back to the school, having been there once since he graduated.
  • Began tutoring privately as a second source of income, most notably teaching Sigurna Wodenstaff. He began tutoring sessions about a month into his time in Regalia.
Character Sheet:
Character Name: Lucas de Escrebano
Years/Age attended:
  • Started at 296 A.C
  • Lucas was seen as a naturally talented fighter
  • Reached warrior at 302 A.C and graduated.
  • Started privately tutoring different people at 303 A.C
  • Lucas frequently visits the school, learning from other teachers.
Character Sheet:
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Character Name: Séamus Tuathall
Years/Age attended:
  • Started at 289 A.C.
  • A very eager student.
  • Graduated Expert (Upon App Approval) 305 A.C.
  • Plans to mentor those willing.
  • Casually visits the school.
Character Sheet: WiP