Calling All Artists!


The True Queen of Nerds
Jul 26, 2014
Reaction score
Kakariko Village; Eldin Providence
Hello my fellow artsy folk!

I am in need of a bit of assistance.

My newest baby Dimitri Vernay is in a bit of a fashion bind.
;- ;

Do you think you can help him out a bit? He's looking for something along the lines of this:
  • An easy to put together, but formal like everyday attire.
  • Of the colors Cyan, grey, and gold, but not too flashy.
  • Preferably something with a coat to go with, or maybe just a cape like shoulder cover.
  • It must fit well, Dimitri would rather not have something that seems to be a tad too big, or uncomfortable from such.

A little bit about Dimi:
  • He comes from a very financially stable family; they do own land as well as a profitable ore refinery.
  • He's tall and fit; 6'2" and 190lbs respectively.
  • He has a short temper, and is rather stubborn.
You can find his full personality & such here!

Please keep in mind that this is a CONTEST!

I will pick THREE different outfits/clothing designs from
those submitted

The contest will conclude Friday February 6th at 10pm.

The rewards are:
300 regals
A special doodle from me
A surprise!

Thanks in mega advance!
