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Played Character Caleya

This character is actively played.


Apr 28, 2021
Reaction score
Character Information

Name: Caleya Ursaal

Race: Life Isldar

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Occult: Hunter Archon

Core Concept

A former soldier from Ellador who is rather loyal, especially to Aurora, and has a high value on being honest while also being secretive when it comes to personal matters. Caleya also still has a rather harsh view on things like outsiders trespassing into the Isldar wastes

Appearance information

Caleya stands at about 6,8ft tall with white hair, lavender colored eyes, and pale skin. Her hair is often tied into a low bun, and she is often seen with a calm, but stern look on her face, rarely only smiling for special occasions like seeing family.

Proficiencies 14/14

  • Strength: 5

    • Technique Parry Pack

    • Knockback Sweep Pack

    • Building Scale Pack

    • Force Toss Pack

    • Bruiser Slam Pack
  • Constitution: 4
    • Rage Counter Pack

    • Debuff Endurance Pack
  • Arcane: 0 (Draconic Magic)

    • Radiant Relocate (Free Isldar Racial)
  • Wisdom: 0

  • Dexterity: 5

    • Marking shot

    • Dye Shot

    • Shearing Shot

    • Volley Assist

    • Disguise pack

    • Soft Landing (Free Isldar Racial)
  • Faith: 0


Sulvaley (Native Language)

Common (Learned Language)

Life Story

Caleya was born to Aryaan and Isra Ursaal as a Hunter Archon, she would specifically be from one of the Moon Vaults, which would get her the nickname vaulter from time to time. When she was around eight years old, she began training with her parents and other family members in the use of a bow and a sword. Though she would also read books and sing as the latter being a part of some traditions she needed to learn, and the former being something she enjoyed though Caleya would not get much time to read as much of her time was spent training with her parents.

Years later at around twenty years old she would join the military group of her hold working as a part of a patrol unit which would operate around the border between the Isldar Wastes and Dorkarth this being due to her nature as a Hunter Archon, though they would on occasion be sent to patrol around the Dwarven lands and the coast to make keep potential Ailor and Dwarven trespassers out. The first year would be rather peaceful for the most part however seeing that at the time very few active threats entered the Wastes. But that would soon change when the Isldar Civil War broke out and Caleya soon found she need to pick a side and after a short time she would pick to side with the rebels who believed in following the dragons.

Carleya would soon realize how terrible a war like this was and saw brother fighting brother and daughter fighting mother. To also make matters worse is that some of the soon to be Bene Rexit she fought were people she knew and felt like they had betrayed her and rest of the Isldar as a whole. Which, after her share of battles and seeing some of those she fought with replaced by another, grew a hatred of those she viewed as traitors. When peace came though she would honor the treaty and did not seek out fights with the Bene Rexit but instead focused on Dorkarth. But after a while she felt she should leave Ellador for a time and resigned. Soon after preparing to a trip to Regalia deciding to go to the Regalia since the Regalian Empire aided the Bene Vixit during the war.

Plot Hooks

  • Caleya has served three years in a Isldarian patrol unit both before and after the war as well as follows Aurora. She has a dislike a of afflicted with a specific distaste towards vampire due to having having seen them and past experiences. Caleya considers all of those who are Aurora's enemies and considers them as her's as well she views any of those who are Aurora's allies as her allies though they would still have to earn some of her trust. She has anger towards the Bene Rexit do both how she views them as traitors and her time in the Civil War.

  • Caleya is a new arrival to Regalia and still doesn't know much about the it other than it being the capital of the empire and it being Regulus' territory. She has only recently learned common and there will be words she will not understand as well she doesn't know how to write in common either. She doesn't know much about the customs of the city or organizations in it like the knights for example. She doesn't know what noble houses are and she will seem confused by them. She has yet to learn all of Regalian Law and only knows some of the laws by assumption. Caleya also has very little knowledge of other cultures and peoples.