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Played Character Calder

This character is actively played.


plant hoarder
Dec 5, 2017
Reaction score

Character Information​
Full Name: Calderoc Galeocerdo Cuviier Bel-Saal Alloren-Mos'Sashala
Heritage / Culture: Fin'ullen
Age: 130
Gender / Pronouns: Male, He/Him
Religion: Morrland
Occult: Dymolov Sanguine​

Appearance Information​
Eye Color: Red [Blue when uninfected]
Skin Color: Tan
Hair: Black
Height: 6'5"
Body Type: Bulky
Vampiric Transformation: Calder's vampiric form borrows from gargoyle imagery, seen in passing once upon a time. Blue-grey skin, large wings, a long whip-like tail, exaggerated, sweeping horns, and the pattern shown in his normal form far more dramatic. While in this form, his muzzle remains, but gains a slightly elongated snout with fossilised shark teeth fused together.​

Skill Information​
Fin'ullen Mechanics
Hidden Scourge
Long Living
Sanguine Bargain
Mind Suggestion
Vampire Transformation
Cinder Hearted
Free Walker​


– Calder's exact age, birth place, and childhood are all a distant haze. There was happiness, a broad, caring community. Foggy memories tangled with extended brink-of-death hallucinations lead to uncertainty in the real truth. All he remembers, all he knows, is the gnawing hunger he awoke to in a sea of red, and a trinket he had pulled from a net.
– Retrieved by strangers after what they claimed had been ship battle gone wrong, Calder was immediately forcefully muzzled and thrown in a cage after having bitten the fingers off of one of the men.
– Calder is subjected to extended periods of time without food post infection, with the hopes that the desperation of needing food will motivate his obedience. This has the desired effect, to a degree, but the prolonged starved state results in a persistent hunger that requires Calder to remain permanently muzzled and caged.
– Decades pass in a delirious, starved state, hovering on the edge of outright ferality, only to be brought back from the brink of madness. Calder is transported to various covens across the world, rented out as a vicious guard dog. Various vampires take pity on his state, none brave enough to sever his collar.
– Another coven is a frequent customer, leaving Calder to travel between Mos'Sashala and Dorkarth. During his stints in Dorkarth, Calder is faced with one just like him - caged, used for others' gains. A bond forms with Lirelithe Skarvund, the daughter of a minor Desprince, and with it, a violent, obsessive need to protect her. Their acquaintance, and budding bond, leads to the falling out between covens, when Calder escapes his bonds and attempts to murder Desprice Skarvund. He's promptly shipped back to his own coven, where he is hidden away as punishment, to be forgotten and presumably starve to death.
– A consistent source of both kindness and torment presents itself years later in the form of Davac, whom Calder grows to be fiercely protective and possessive of with each passing interaction. Kindness in the form of meals sneaked between bars and behind muzzles, torture in the form of it is never enough to sate the clawing hunger that has made itself home in the pit of his stomach.
– Calder breaks free from his cage one night in a feral rage. There is blood in the water. A great deal of it. And he is starved. The blood is unfamiliar, but it doesn't matter. The scent leads him to… Davac. Davac and… there is no blood lust, no starvation, no need so strong that it overrides one's own sense of self-preservation. If they stay, they die. Davac cannot die.
– With little more than a direction picked at random, Calder shadows Davac across the oceans, never far behind.​

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: 7
Defense Stat: 3​

Strength – 7​
Knockback Sweep
Wounded Ego
Diving Tackle
Shrug Off
Weapon Throw​
Heavy Throw
Steady Body​
Constitution – 3​
Rage Counter​
Intelligence – 1​
Wardrobe Pack​
Wisdom – 0
Dexterity – 3​
Sharp Reflexes
Close Save
Dirty Fighter​
Faith – 0
Magic – 0
Charisma – 1​
Undisclosed Presence​
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