Preserved Sheet | Caitir ‍of Bhacstair |

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Ashen Wun

Rare image of High Lord Wolnir
Jul 25, 2016
Reaction score

Basic Information
  • Full Name:
    • Trìonga Nic Bhacstair
  • Used Name:
    • Caitir Bhacstair
  • Age:
    • 19 l
  • Gender:
    • Female
  • Race:
    • Highland Ceardian Ailor
  • Sexuality:
    • Bisexual
Skill Information

Total Proficiency Points: 19 - 10 (Learned Lecgaen) = 9 Points Available
School: Lecgaen
  • 15 Unarmed Wrestling (+10 School of Lecgaen +5 from Highlander Bonus)
    • If given the opportunity, Caitir - a proficient young Strynger - will happily get up close and personal with her opponents, aiming to throw, trip and slam them to the ground through an array of skillful techniques. Caitir has a lot of pride in her culture, and views wrestling and Lecgaen as integral parts of her as a person. As a result, she takes great offence to those who would belittle or even question the style.
  • 10 Unarmed Fighting (+10 School of Lecgaen)
    • Given her size, one would assume Caitir proves little threat as a striker. However, as most short boxers do, Caitir makes up for her lack of reach through sheer aggression. Her striking style focuses almost entirely on 'rush-down' strategies, where she seeks to quickly close the distance with explosive footwork. Through her blitz of punches, kicks, knees and elbows, Caitir remains respectfully cautious of counters, and throws her attacks in such a way that every strike doubles as a slip, constantly moving off-centre.
  • 10 Acrobatics (+10 School of Lecgaen)
    • Caitir is a conditioned fighter, and possesses the body to prove it. She is flexible, agile, and physically fit; capable of running, leaping, and climbing far more skilfully than the average commoner. In combat, her acrobatic nature helps Caitir both in speed and stamina. It should also be mentioned that Caitir has oddly flexible arms, something she discovered during Lecgaen sparring, as many opponents would find her incredibly difficult to submit through arm-related locks. To offset this however, the opposite is true of her legs, and she succumbs quickly to the pain of leg-focused submissions.
  • 4 Short Shield (+4 from Proficiency Points)
    • It is rare to find Caitir without her Targe - a strong wooden round-shield with a sharp metal rim, adorned with vicious spikes for bashing and impalement alike. Whilst not proficient enough to have access to any fancy techniques, Caitir still enjoys the sheer simplicity of smashing and bashing with this offensive style of shield.
  • 15 Spiked Flail (+10 from Agricultural Background, +5 from Proficiency Points)
    • In Caitir's family, the girls were not to mull around uselessly as father worked. Instead, from as young as she can remember, Caitir was helping out around her family's various farms in the highlands. When she decided to follow her cousin Mánus back to Regalia, he recommended - rather than attempting to learn how to use a weapon neither of them had any understanding of - she instead focus on weaponizing her knowledge surrounding flails. As a result, Caitir favours the Spiked Flail when forced to draw a weapon, and aims to entangle her opponent's weapon so she may engage with her shield and Lecgaen techniques.

Total Culture Points: 19

  • 10 Smithing (+10 from Proficiency Points)
    • Caitir's knowledge surrounding Smithing focuses almost entirely on the refinement and upkeep of already existing items. Whilst the techniques required to forge a new blade are not unknown or beyond her, Caitir prefers to work on improving and repairing, rather than creating. She learned most of what she knows in this area through a friend she met at the School of Lecgaen, who was the son of a smith.
  • 7 Instrumental Music (+7 from Proficiency Points)
    • Caitir - as patriotic as ever - made sure to set aside time to learn how to play the Goat Bellow - an incredibly loud ear-piercing set of bagpipes. At the same time, she also learned how to play drums to compliment fellow Goat Bellow players.
  • 2 Horticulture (+2 from Proficiency Points)
    • It has been a long time since Caitir worked on a farm. Still, she remembers some facts surrounding the upkeep and care of plants she learned during her childhood. Though she prefers the exotic over the mundane, and considers her favourite plant to be the cactus - a small prickly plant she had never seen before a few years ago.

  • Common
  • A little bit of Vash she learned from a cross-training Graklak Orc


Visual Information
  • Eye Colour: Fern blue
  • Hair Colour: Dark ginger brown
  • Skin Colour: Pale tan
  • Hairstyle: Shoulder length braids
  • Clothing: Simple common attire
  • Height: Five foot
  • Body Build: Muscular



  • Perceived by others:
    • Despite her best efforts, Caitir often comes across as rude and hostile, even when she doesn't mean to. Her attempts at jokes and banter regularly come out far harsher than she intends them to, leading to situations she finds incredibly uncomfortable. She is blatantly a tomboy, and appears very loyal and patriotic to her people. She openly loves her Highland culture, which can lead to those of more pompous cultures perceiving her as barbaric.
  • Feel on the inside:
    • On the inside, Caitir is far from the most confident of people. She has slight social anxiety, and often finds it difficult to find the right things to say, especially when meeting new people. She tends to worry about how others perceive her, and wishes she could be more sure of herself. Caitir heavily prefers playful banter and laid back situations over more serious ones, and possesses a curiosity of the world around her, wishing to learn and see more of Aloria.
  • Towards her friends and kin:
    • Many of Caitir's anxieties disappear, or at least lessen greatly, when around those she regards as true friends. To those she would call Mae, Bro or Dude, Caitir lets her guard down, though can still act hostile and cheeky. The main difference as most know she's simply joking and pulling their legs. She is loyal and protective, and would quickly jump in to defend them.
  • Morality:
    • When it comes to morality, Caitir could be considered neutral, with a lean towards good. She believes in doing the right thing and acting against evil, though is far from a paragon of justice. She holds few prejudices against others, as is typical of Highland culture, and has very low zeal, viewing minorities and their faiths as normal and respectable. Except pompous Ithanians.
  • Kin:


Life Story

The Past

Caitir was born into a relatively large Ailor family living up in Gallovia. There were no complications, and Caitir found herself the fourth born girl to her growing family. In truth, her father - Eòghalan - had always wanted a son, and was fairly disappointed to have yet another daughter.

Practically all of the Bhacstair family were farmers, rather than hunters or herders, and Caitir was to be no different. As a youth, Caitir helped out around her family's farm, and was encouraged by her father to pursue masculine endeavours, such as wrestling. Rather than finding this push to be overbearing or obnoxious, Caitir was actually happy to set herself apart from her more feminine sisters, and - to her father's delight - was even asking about joining the School of Lecgaen as soon as she was old enough.

It wasn't long before Caitir's father got in contact with his Strynger nephew, Mánus, and asked him to help ensure her a place at the school. By the end of the year, Caitir was to begin learning at the school, with Mánus checking in on her from time to time to make sure she was doing okay. She faced some sexism due to straying from the common role of females in highland culture, though no discrimination serious enough to cause her to ever consider leaving. She was quick to retort with with her own banter in turn, and made a fair few friends throughout the years. She even won a few competitions here and there.

The Present

It wasn't long ago that Mánus - who had travelled to Regalia - returned for a seminar at Gallovia's Lecgaen school. Caitir had actually been looking for an excuse to finally leave her home town and see more of the world, and whilst her family were apprehensive about letting her leave, they agreed to allow her to travel with Mánus back to Regalia, under the promise that Mánus would continue to teach her, and hopefully help get her some work experience as a squire or guard.

Now, Caitir arrives in Regalia, living with her cousin, both eager and a little scared to see what the city so far from home may hold for her.

With help from @Gwyndo
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Reserved for updates and stuff

  • 01/08/2018
    • Some changes made to proficiency points as per request, highlighted in blue
  • 02/08/2018
    • Blue highlights changed back to black
    • Added family tree under "kin" in Personality section
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  • Skill Information:
    • The spiked flail bonus is only given to those who were raised on a farm and place at least one point in it. Either add a minimum of one point, or remove this.

Make the above edit and tag me once done!
@Ashen Wun
I'm a huge fan of how you did your proficiencies!