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The Fashion Knight
Feb 19, 2019
Reaction score
Basic Information

  • Full Name: Caelolyrn Panoukla
  • Age: 68
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Saivale Kathar: Former Isldar
  • Sexuality: Find Out IC
  • Preferred Weapon: Run

Skill Information

60 points 10 Hobby

  • +4 Magical Knowledge
    • Dimenthism
  • +3 Society Knowledge
    • Ailor Culture
  • +6 Linguistics Knowledge
  • +10 Musical Arts (Hobby Points)
  • +10 Dancing Arts
  • +15 Athletic Training
  • +10 Bodycare Training
  • +4 Sorcery
  • +8 Void Ritualism
Body Shape

  • +5 (Dancing Arts) +8 ( Athletics) +5 (Bodycare) = 18
  • Athletic Body Shape
  • Low Body Fat

  • Common (Free)
  • Daendroqin (Cultural)
  • Sulavey Elven (Parent Tongue)
  • Modern Altalar (Lingustics)
  • Kather Elven (Lingustics)

Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
Dread Rebirth
Sire of Secrets

Whimsy Sorcery
  • Paper Flash
  • Glitterdewoo
  • E'xd'ella's Mask: Mageblooded
  • Wardrobe of Feeling: Mageblooded
Arcane Sorcery
  • Opulent Orchestra: Mageblooded
  • Dazzling Display: Mageblooded
Vampire Gift: Mivver Bloodline (Inactive)
  • Malevolent Disguising
  • Malevolent Illuvication
  • Malevolent Hexicanum
  • Malevolent Disruption
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Cyan
  • Hair Color: White but often dyed bright colours
  • Hair Style: Long and braided
  • Skin Color: Frost White
  • Clothing: Clown Attire
  • Height: 6'2

Personality and Abilities

The Core List
  • Character Alignment
    • True Neutral
  • Character Personality Type
    • The Adventurer
  • Character's Religion
o Void Cultism: Anu, The Hubris Scorned (8/10)​

Life Story


  • Caelolyrn was born in the Daendroqin city of Hallonq to Isldarian refugees who fled from their hold after being exposed as worshipers of the Dread Dragon along with their fellow cult members.
  • His Father being formerly of the Pillar of the Dead, taught the child the arts of his people, the youth flourishing into an Artist spirit quickly. And, with this, a Zeal for their patron Dragon grew.
  • As the youth grew into his teens, he would explore other avenues of culture and arts, picking up the local language and delving into their culture, becoming highly free-spirited.
  • With Caelolyrn grew into his teenage years so too did his individualism and streak for getting into trouble with local youth syndicates and hoodlums. His mother, a former Wind Watcher stepped in, teaching him his most loved form of Art, Violence. With each lesson, the Teen grew fond of the blunt force of the humble Cudgel.
Early Adulthood
  • These skills drew Caelolyrn further into the darker corners of the criminal element of the city, earning a name for himself amongst smaller gangs as a decent fighter by all means but one that had a way of dancing around foes.
  • Once word of this reached his parents it would create a festering fissure between them, as his father only saw a rebellious youth making a mockery of the cultural arts passed down to him. The mother, however, seeing him as adapting to the land they found themselves in as she had as becoming a syndicate enforcer.
  • After months of arguing with his Father, he stormed out of the shanty they called a home amongst the rabble. Soon drifting from couch to couch as he fell in with different gangs over the years to survive. Picking out more skills across time.
  • As he grew to fit his reputation as a battlefield dancer he strove to hon it to a point, picking up a few tricks of Sorcery to combined with his Dragon gifted abilities to show truly dazzling and dangerous show to those that fought him.
  • In time he found himself, bored of constant fighting, delved further into the hedonism the City offered, losing himself to the various Void Cults and vices it offered. Soon joining a Coven of Sanguine and fully embracing the life of the hunter even if it left his performances lacking most of their flare.
  • These wayward years did not last, as he found himself captured and cured by a band of Sellswords hired to purge the Coven for growing too powerful. Soon after he found himself in the Dragon's embrace again and upon visiting the slum he was raised in, found out that his mother had perished in one of the many gang wars that plagued the city. His Father soon after becoming intoxicated with a Shenath and leaving the city with her years ago.

Later Adulthood
  • Seeing nothing worth staying in the City for, the wayward Isldar joined up with a host of travelling Carnies, venturing the roads of Daen with them and aiding in putting on daring performances with his skills and magic. In the meantime, subtly spreading his ideals to those around him and the patrons of the various Cites he visited with the Troupe. This life of excitement soon bringing him back to his life of self-indulgence and crime, getting involved I everything from Smuggling to Bar Brawls. All with enough time to evade the law and being on the road again before any were the wiser.
  • In one of these cites, he spotted a peculiar Kathar whilst locked in a brawl in a run-down Tavern, what stuck him even more was her use of his tongue and the similar features. After the fight was over and guards lost the duo talked and laughed the night away as they discovered their common blood
  • The two soon got engrossed in the culture of the showman while equally feeding their lust for the life of crime, both soon finding themselves landed back in his home-city. Using the streets, he once called home as a bastion to spread not only the tents of worship and their ideology. This did not last as their sanctuary of Anarchy was besieged by a coalition of gangs brought together to end their schemes. So, the Siblings were once again separated and in hiding.
  • Caelolyrn found himself once again on the road, traveling this time as a solo act, becoming a street performer offering shows to commoners and nobles alike in the Cites, Al while planting the seeds on Anarchy as he went. Never forgetting the Chequered Manifesto.
  • Then the Bone Horror Crisis struck. The Isldar barely surviving it by the skin of his teeth and weight of his Cudgel. During these harrowing months, he gathered a small following of the desperate who found comfort in the Isldars preaching of Rikkira being their saviour. By the time the dusted had settled and the crisis ended, he had to himself a new Troupe. One he took back to dear Hallonq to carve out a piece of the City once more.

  • Caelolyrn was somewhat successful in claiming the streets for his own, his hardened band of fighters despoiling the poor parts for themselves and gaining new members, all whilst making sure to pay homage to The Asaltadors.
  • Till he found his Sister on his door once more, upon hearing of her apparitions for the Holy City he and some of his most loyal followers left with her to see these dreams come true.
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the man radiates Kyle energy
@Caelamus "Soul-Dragon Ritualism Skill is only learnable by those who follow the Dragon Dogma/Dragon Faiths (but not Isldar who follow Frisit," The wiki says the only ones that can't are Frisit Zeal, if this has changed fair enough and the page needs updates to reflect it.
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@Caelamus "Soul-Dragon Ritualism Skill is only learnable by those who follow the Dragon Dogma/Dragon Faiths (but not Isldar who follow Frisit," The wiki says the only ones that can't are Frisit Zeal, if this has changed fair enough and the page needs updates to reflect it.
"Frisit loyal Isldar cannot use it because their version of Soul Essence stewarding is a perversion of Soul-Dragon Ritualistic beliefs"
This is a belief of all Isldar regardless of Zeal, yes, it does require an update but the ritualism itself was written a bit prior to the Isldar update before all of the new Isldar zeals came out. To follow the beliefs utilized by the ritualism, the Isldar would lose their zeal. They already have dragon based abilities as is.
@Caelamus Need a review with the return of dread currption and the prof updates. Reverted to Kathar and updated the racials accordiningly and added new profs as a whole and Void Cultism as his faith due to all the ic devolpments.